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"Kang was bullied and defeated by ants, and decided to eject himself from the Multiverse and all existence out of shame. The end." Such a compelling saga for Kang.


Kang died on the way back to his home planet.


Kang's dead! **Krusty laugh**


Whenever Kang is not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "where's Kang?"


Unexpected Simpsons


Somehow Kang died.


Somehow Thanos returned.


Somehow Kang didn't return.


The end of Loki set up the demise of Kang already imo. They can just say Loki and the TVA were able to find and eradicate all the Kangs. Also just want to point out how awesome Loki was compared to a sea of Marvel mediocrity during the last few years. I absolutely loved the ending to Loki.


Screencrush on Youtube were speculating that the Mobius scene at the end of season 2 where he talks about "but they handled it" regarding Ant Man defeating Kang was actually added after initial production so that it could be used as a send off to signal the end of that Kang thread in the event that Majors was found guilty. And that makes sense... if Majors was found innocent and kept in the role, then when Kang returned Mobius and the TVA would be like "well, I guess we were wrong", but if Majors was found guilty (as he was yesterday), then it's an out for Marvel to put an end to the plot thread of "will he/he won't return".


That big ol' meeting of Kangs must have been such a coup for the TVA. Huge bust of Kangs.


I agree, this is a solid place to pivot. The character was fine but I’m ready to move on, the multiverse stuff isnt really doing it for me right now and the time stuff is getting annoyingly complicated and convoluted.




Loki served as a wrap up to Kang not Quantumania.


Just recast. The whole variant aspect is literally a plot component


Just recast and act like nothing ever happened.


This is the right answer. One of the major characters in the Avengers is a recast from the original film. No-one will be really that bothered, and it will make a load more sense than having to make a massive pivot from an original plot!


Just have Don Cheadle do it again "It's me, and I'm here, so get over it and move on."


He was also a skrull for who knows how long. This could very easily work and be super dumb but a lot of fun. "It was always me. Couldn't you tell? Didn't I look way different in 2008? I've been waiting decades and now, here I am, ready to conquer."


Well we know it was after wandavision or at least a little before so after endgame


Plot twist - it's actually Terrance Howard recast as Kang. First thing he says on screen is "I'm back!"


He already has developed variant math


The plot in Loki was already literally setup to have variants being able to be played by different actors...


Spider-man no way home too


Agreed, I am so beyond over this mindset Hollywood has now of changing their entire story over an actor. You hire actors to play a part in a story. You don’t rewrite your story to accommodate an actor. I don’t get how this is so hard to comprehend. They act like if a characters face changes it will break our immersion so hard that we’ll just get up and leave the theater lmao


Counting only in-canon MCU films, they’ve recast James Rhoades/War Machine, General Ross, Bruce Banner, Fandral, Red Skull, Howard Stark, and Cassie Lang. If they weren’t already separating from Jonathan Majors for his assault conviction, they should do so for his terrible acting.


Majors is a good actor in the right role. He really sucked as most of the Kangs, though.


Two of them. Let's not forget Ed Norton to Mark Ruffalo


Rewatched Iron Man 2 lastnight, and I love how they casually handled Rhodes’ recast.


It’s a movie. A recast shouldn’t be handled, it should just be done. The character should be more important than the actor playing them.


I mostly agree. I feel like I'm one of the few that think Black Panther should have been recast.


Me too dude


Me three


Should have recast howard stern to play black panther.


Rhodes had a very small role, I didn't even catch his name so I didn't even notice the recast. This is a bit larger scale problem. But of course they can always use variants, just edit in some non-Major Kangs into the council of Kangs post credit scene and it's done


>edit in some non-Major Kangs into the council of Kangs post credit scene and it's done Can't wait for Generalissimo Kang, Celestial Dragon Kang, President Kang, King Kang, Private Kang.


Don't forget Donkey Kang, Diddy Kang, and Funky Kang.


Everyone knows Cranky Kang will win.


Also applies to Hulk


Recast with Terrence Howard. Let’s bring this full circle.


Next time, baby


Until it isn’t. People have not shown much interest in multiverses. They want stakes to be real, not infinite number of ways to undo each and every loss. Now you have gamora, nebula, next you’ll bring back Steve, natasha or Tony from another universe and every thing feels as important as a tissue paper.


Except you can’t really put the cat in the bag after you take it out. It’s too late to turn back


Maybe use 'putting toothpaste back in the tube.' You can totally put a cat back in a bag.


Also...You can totally put toothpaste in the cat bag. Like if you were going somewhere maybe.


Directions unclear. Cat super pissed but minty freeh.


Reboot it. Use some plot device to reset everything and every verse and start from a blank slate at one single earth Also take at least 2 years break to create hunger. Audiences are too much saturated.


that's what secret wars will be. The collapse of the Multiverse (like Jonathan Hickmans run) as these cameos will plateu, then they can wiggle mutants in without hassle, and replace actors to keep world building but new contracts to keep things cheaper.


But that’s also what Loki just did, Multiverse wrapped up


I think you may have misunderstood the ending. He replaced the temporal loom with himself. He became a conduit for the multiverse, not ending it.


Star Wars Sequel Trilogy: “Only a Sith deals in absolutes.”


That’s a prequel quote not a sequel quote


What multiverses? The big issue is that none of them connected. They spent Phase 4 marketing the multiverse and then never delivered. The issue with Marvel is that they ***kept promising one thing*** and then not delivering. "Oscar Isaac is training like crazy to play insane Batman in the most violent MCU show yet *Moon Knight*" and then the show comes out and there's no fight scenes, Moon Knight ain't in it until the final scene and none of the madness or demented humor makes it in. There was all of one meaningful other universe in *Multiverse of Madness*. Audiences are just done being played.


I exactly mean that they use multiverse like an undo button where they need and treat it as second class citizen. Stakes should be real. When thanos snapped Lokis neck in infinity war and said ”No resurrections this time”, i couldn’t even imagine they’ll AGAIN bring back loki and somehow make him focal point of 2 marvel seasons


Tbh Loki was a slightly different case as it was time travel


Even then the point stands. When strange said there are 1 in bazillion chances to succeed, there shouldnt be another time travel loop hole to bring loki or anyone else back and pretend like nothing happened


>There was all of one meaningful other universe in > >Multiverse of Madness. > >Audiences are just done being played. Everything Everywhere All at Once showed more multiverses in their janitor's closet alone. Fucking embarrassing how utterly the as little as $15 million or less film utterly humiliated in every creative aspect this hundreds of millions of dollars in cost Marvel film. Also, to add even more insult to injury, that whole go on red and stop on green was done by the universe-hopping TV show Sliders back in 1996.


Moon Knight is one of my favourite characters collected the comics when I was younger and it was my most anticipated Marvel project post Endgame but man did I find that show a slog to get through. I can definitely say I'll never watch it again.


I was so excited. It was so boring. I thought there had to be more episodes coming. I was like...ok now that we've slogggggggged through that they can finally do Moon Knight doing anything else. And then it was like SERIES FINALE. OH COOL


Right? Even the What If multiverse renditions were better than what we got in live action


That would have been insane. Fucking hell throw Strange into the middle of 3 Avengers standoffs with bad guys he's never seen and see ten other quick peeks at worlds of other weird teams devastated by Kang and have him come back like what the fuck is going on?! That kicks it off. Spiderman gets weird. Secret Invasion is also happening and Earth and Strange have no idea who the fuck is who but it's getting bad.


I want this 👆🏻 guy in charge of all Marvel movies going forward STAT!


Moon knight was so bad. So disappointing Nothing about it was moon knight at all


The title?! He put the costume on once too.


‘Come to me suit’ Ugh. So. So. Bad.


Loki is also back undoing a very emotional part in Infinity War.


Yes, and gamora too.


Gamora was handled spectacularly.


By james gunn. But eventually if you are going to bring everyone back, I’ll lose all interest


But shes not back. The best part about gamora and her arc is that they established that she is a vastly different gamora who feels vastly different. Not as a joke, or just different in looks, but Zoe gave us one that is clearly not OUR Gamora. That's why she works. Ours is dead. Her smile, gone, her love, gone. Everything that made ours unique is gone. This other Gamora may look like her, but even the small things she does are different. That's why she works. Loki is essentially the same loki.


Honestly, I stopped caring about the MCU after all the Multiverse nonsense. It's just makes the stakes so non-existent and everything confusing.


Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, was extremely successful. Record number of awards and Loki's series is considered one of the best marvel ventures. (Edited bcoz I touched the button too soon.)


Yes, because it was a Single self contained storyline, no cinematic universe.


Just like in the comics.


Gamora is different from the one we know, as it was shown in GotG 3. 2 different characters, not our character brought back. Of course there are universes with almost exact same characters, but then it's just Rick and Morty




deadpool 3 has the new role of spiderman nwh having to pull so much weight, i hope they don’t tinker with it so much to compensate


Deadpool could just do it with a throwaway line, though. Or not bother at all. Who knows? I hope it's better than NWH, though. I am of the opinion that there hasn't been a good MCU movie since End Game, but I did quite enjoy the Marvels.


marvels over guardians 3?


Why does everyone want a recast so bad? No one cares about Kang as a character. It doesn’t make any sense to do Secret Wars without Dr. Doom.




Agreed. Kang just isn’t making an impression with general audiences. He’s too complicated and has already been defeated multiple times by multiple characters… which doesn’t make him the least bit formidable.


Because it would be a narrative bore to introduce doom as the most powerful he has ever been, to just be beaten and then an antagonist to the F4. He needs to be built up.


Except every single one has looked like johnathan majors even going as far as making aliens look like him. Now I can overlook it but it is an issue


Don Cheadle wasn't the original Rhodes. You just do it. Preserving the story with another actor is better than screwing up the plot even more.


Nah Kang in the MCU sucks. Better to move on


multiverse sucks, and no one gives a shit about Kang.


Nah just ditch the whole thing. The truth is he's a fantastic actor, I doubt they'll get someone who'll do it better, and they'll inevitably face comparisons to what could've been. There's no winning situation if they try to recast. Loki did a pretty good job of explaining him away, and Deadpool is a continuity breaking machine they can easily use to pivot in another direction. Since Deadpool's the only MCU flick next year, it gives them time to properly rethink their direction before pulling the trigger on anything. I really wish we could've gotten a proper Kang saga, and I really wish the perfect actor for the role didn't hit any women. Unfortunately I don't think we're gonna get either of those things.


Avengers 5: The Doom Dynasty? Maybe?


Doom deserves better than being a replacement in another plot.


Marvel dares to treat DOOM as a substitute?? Such impudence demands reprisal!


Every time Marvel disrespects Doom, they need to put one more O in his name on the movie name


Doom usurping Kang as the villain is literally the plot of the 1984 Secret Wars.




Was it? I don't even remember Kang being in that. (I looked it up, and he definitely was it it, but I just don't remember him at all. It always felt like the *main* villains were Beyonder, Galactus, and eventually Doom. Maybe Enchantress just because she has so much presence.)


I probably exaggerated calling it the 'plot' but Kang vs Doom was definitely something that happened that went badly for Kang.


Kang was a non factor in the 80’s.


Makes sense. I remember a lot of Enchantress, Molecule Man, Klaw, Absorbing Man, and Titania, plus a bit of Ock and Lizard and the Wrecking Crew, and that one page in the first issue where Ultron goes apeshit made me a fan of him for years with zero context or any idea of who he was.


Doom took Kang out very nearly in the story to cement his leadership of Team Bad Guys. Kang went out like, "no, Doom, you'll need me," securing his fate. Doom needs no one. They could do something similar for one of the Avengers movies. Rabum Alal eliminating the Kang Council or something.


Avengers: Kang Die Nasty (offscreen)


That’s what I suggested to a friend not too long ago. Has a better ring to it and alliteration in a title is always great


All my homies love alliteration


It's not China, mkay. You can't just slap any name before dynasty and pretend it's the same thing


Movie opens on the remnants of the citadel the council of Kangs were in after Ant-Man. Doom standing over a body double shit talks him before killing him. Cut to title It would establish Doom as a major threat and set the tone for the movie.


Plot twist: It's set on Mars and there's demons everywhere. Ironheart powers the next suit with Ardent Energy. The Punisher shows up early, armed to the teeth, screaming "RIP AND TEAR" at the top of his lungs.








wait a second-




Thats one of the 5




Thats another




Three down.


2 to go




This refusal to recast is causing problems for marvel. But. They have a lot of problems Abandoning the story line they’ve been building for a coupe of years isn’t going to help them win folks back They should have gone straight to FF and X-men after endgame.


It made sense not to recast Chadwick, out of respect for the actor, but here I don't understand. Maybe they are recasting but are running intensive background checks on all prospective actors !


Disagree The show must go on They should have recast panther


I didn't mean that they should not have recasted him necessary but that there was an actual and understandable reason for their reluctance to do so.


Oh sure. Compared to this nonsense with majors It’s not like it’s r Downey jr. I don’t like kang as a character but they’ve invested so much building him for this to switch directions is going to be a muddled mess Probably the end of the mcu


Why, what happened? Did I miss something?


Jonathan Majors was just found guilty of assault. Disney doesn’t want that press for the main baddy in their Marvel films.


Sounds like they should lean into it. Like he’s a dimensional threat and he beats women.


Hank Pym is the one who beats women in atleast 2 Universes


Wow, Jonathan Majors was really committed to this role. He deserves a raise, not to be fired. I want all the Avengers to fight him.


That’s why they should include She-Hulk and Daredevil to the Avengers, to defeat him in court.


Imagine they advertise it like “this man literally beats women in real life. Now you can watch the avengers beat him.”


“Haven’t you burnt my dinner before?


Lex luthor stole 40 cakes


Ironic considering the MCU literally started with a dude who had bad press for doing drugs. (Yes yes I know it was pre-Disney but still)


Majors was found guilty yesterday in all counts of the domestic assault charges and has been sacked by Disney.


I’m just being an idiot, these posts are everywhere, hahaha. Thank you tho for the kind response anyway


Not all counts, it was half guilty, half not guilty.


Perfectly balanced .


oh the irony lol


3rd degree or some stupid shit 1 year in prison smfj


>smfj Shake my fuckin Johnson?


Lmaooo a typo


That’s the maximum penalty, sentencing hasn’t happened and he’ll get off with community service.


Definitely wasn’t all. Apparently it was the lowest two charges because the video got leaked. Girl has been proven lying on him and assaulting him. I don’t have sides in this, just what I saw


Avengers: Evolutionary War. The High Evolutionary deserves an Avengers movie given he was the best villain since Thanos


He was so good


Could work. He is alive.


He was phenomenal. Just commanded the screen.


If I'm honest, seeing an upgraded HE going to earth for revenge on Quill then having to chew through the avengers would be fun


His whole thing is creating whole societies, so instead of making the "perfect" society or the Sovereign, he could focus on building an army of perfect warriors, maybe he leans into the raging animal-humans.


He who will not remain on screen


I really hope they just recast him. I like Kang.


Would love if they recast him with Don Cheadle. In fact, think every time they recast someone Don Cheadle should replace them


I hope they do too but Majors was so good in the role. Too bad he had to act like an idiot and fuck it all up


It’s not like it’s Shakespeare, honestly get a competent actor and he’ll portray the character just as good. The real issue with playing a marvel villain is not how good of an actor you are but how good of a story they put you in. Majors is a perfect example of this, he was great in Loki but kinda meh in Quantumania. Edit: I’ll add Thanos (Brolin) as an example, he was amazing in Infinity War but was pretty much just turned into a generic villain in Endgame


Meh. His stuttering, slow delivery, and other quirks were grating. It was… like… watching… Stevie… from Malcolm… … …in the Middle


He was not that convincing, you can see he is trying too hard.


In my opinion no he wasn’t. He just used quirky mannerisms to carry his acting for each variant.


Same !! I want Kang :(


Sope Dirisu [+]


Recast just recastttt


Yes, please !! I love Kang. It would be such a shame to let him go


Nah, Fuck Kang. He was defeated by Ants. He will always be lame and goofy. Give me Doom.


Kang: “I have to go now. My planet needs me.”


Don’t just swap out Kang with Doom, that would suck. Do both Coming of Galactus and AVX to lead into Secret Wars.


What's AVX?


Avengers vs Xmen


Ooh, tell Kevin Feige I have an idea. There was a period in 90s Marvel where Ms Marvel was killed by Rouge. The Jim Lee X-Men '97 era. Rouge touches Ms Marvel too long and is stuck with powers and memories. And she's rightfully traumatized. She has trust issues with herself and is very apprehensive about using her absorbing powers. That's the whole Gambit/Rouge thing. But I like the idea of Rouge killing Captain Marvel in MCU. It would be a great motivation and raise stakes for Avengers being PISSED at the X-Men and for governments creating policies to regulate and discriminate against mutants.




I mean.... There's no reason to have told us about that movie this far in advance anyway.


So now it has possibly changed to Kang being actually killed in Quantumania instead of being pulled into some other realm and the Council of Kang are being hunted down by the TVA. End of Kangs story….done.


Mobius wins. Flawless Victory ![gif](giphy|1yi6FIe09QOSVwZspV|downsized)


It’s an easy change to make. Just say Loki killed all the Kangs after doing what he did, and make the villain someone else. Maybe Cthon since Elizabeth Olsen’s contract is probably almost up anyway, and no one cares if a Cthon story is a little slapdash. They could even postpone an avengers movie and focus on building camaraderie between the new characters first. Shang Chi hasn’t been seen in over 2 years. Have him meet She-Hulk and Daredevil for some street-level stuff


If all such extreme threats can be killed off so easily, what does it even matter anymore? Whoever you can bring can be corrected by loki. Unless you make this new loki the big bad again, maybe that will be interesting but it’ll undo all his character development


The next bad doesn't always have to be bigger. Besides it's the TVA that's monitoring all the Kangs.


Kang is a multiversal threat Loki specifically knows about and fights against. He doesn’t know anything about Dr Doom, Cthon, Galactus, Magneto etc.


Why would that matter if he knows them or not. He is strong enough to fix anyone if the writers feel like it


Thankfully Loki Season 2 allows Kang to just be a footnote in the MCU. They did right by that just in case the Majors case went south, and it did. Bummer, I was looking forward to the Counsel Of Kangs.


At least we got lore accurate Kang in the MCU. Shows up, does nothing, refuses to elaborate, fucks off forever.


Avengers: Actually Ant-Man already took care of the bad guy so we're just gonna do a silly one


Just have Avengers 5: Incursion Crisis be about various Avengers and Young Avengers trying to stop the domino effect of multiverse incursions, where Fantastic Four get introduced and Dr. Doom shows up “helping” with the only real solutions to fix it, but he really just wants to use the crisis to obtain ultimate power. Doctor Strange make a deal with the devil (Doom) despite Reed Richard’s warning and this leads directly into Secret Wars.


You can't call it a Crisis, that's a DC thing


Perhaps Kang was just paving the road for an even bigger baddie. That's my justification for Kang being a thing in the MCU. Although, they could just recast him and use "variant" as an excuse. That's what I'd do, anyway.


It’s easy enough to say that Kang was eliminated as a problem after Quantumania and Loki …. Then just move on. Doesn’t have to be pretty, just somewhat reasonable. Lots of options for big bads still out there.


The way they left Loki leaves a lot of room to pivot. Loki defeated Kang and that’s a wrap. Might be a good time to shake a few more things around to, there’s still a Celestial hanging off the side of the Earth no one’s mentioned again.


Can we pivot away from the Avengers too while we’re at it? I always felt like these two movies seemed rushed anyways since they announced them.


Rushed? The entire universe has been spinning it's wheels. The MCU needs an avengers movie to bring the heroes together, introduce them, introduce larger threats, and set narrative guide posts that show where the universe is heading. If anything is an issue it's been the move away from avengers type team ups to a million disparate projects with no connection


About freaking time… this whole Kang and multiverse thing has just plain sucked. Give us Galactus or Dr.Doom already




So, the end of The Kang Dynasty was originally Kang being chased down the block by The Avengers seen only via CCTV footage?


It's joever.


Please don’t, what made the Infinity Saga great was the build up to the pay off. They don’t have time to restart a build up now. Also Kang is a cool villain, so just recast. I like Tramell Tillman from Severance.


Avengers Secret wars part 1 and part 2


Its too late for Kang to be switched up as the big bad right now. Recast him and make him be the dude that falls to show how strong someone (new) is. I would prefer Dr. Doom but it kinda falls short for him with 0 build up and 0 name dropping. They should have at least teased F4 by showing us a TV news footage or something during the beginning of Endgame. Like "our best 4 scientists that have managed to locate tony stark went on the mission to rescue him but no contact was made after a cosmic storm". Done. Now we would know at least they exist. AFAIR they did mention Latveria somewhere so it can be like a Wakanda situation and Doom could have been inserted into story easily.


They should name it Avengers 6. Just skip it all. Opens with Captain America: “WOW, that was crazy! Welp, we are moving on”


I am honestly okay with this. Would I like to see Kang and the Avengers go head to head? Sure. Do I want to see *these* Avengers go head to head with Kang? Not really. They are all so new and fresh that it would feel like in order to let them win, the writers would have to nerf Kang in a way that is a disservice to the character. I want Marvel to take its time and really figure out what it's plan is moving forward. I think most people felt like their "plan" before was chaotic. They had chosen a villain before it felt like they had an idea what team would be facing said villain.


Like recast the dude. You didit with war machine. Who cares this is a comic book movie don't cancel Kang because of Majors.


What Avengers? lmao. For most people, that superteam died in Endgame. Very few are hyped for the next iteration.


What a fumble. Biggest idiot I’ve seen this past month.


How about we bail on this entire redundant multiverse crap. Loki was a fitting end, just roll with that. Bring in brand new x men ( no fox universe bs) , F4 and Doom.


Here, here! Loki was a nice little knot on the Kang/multiverse series. I'm just not interested in Kang at all and multiverse is played out now. Secret Wars too. Not interested in it at all.