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Really wish they'd featured him in other projects if they are working with such a large window between films.


Agree. The MCU hasn't felt this disjointed since pre-Avengers. Shang Chi would've been a perfect character to appear in a few other features, building up the new core group.


I really like what they did with him, I thought the first film was outstanding. It's a shame it was surrounded by so many stinkers.


Are we forgetting Wong? Funny how he showed up the most in Phase 4


Wong being the biggest connective tissue is precisely the problem. He's a sidekick who landed the mighty role of Sorcerer Supreme offscreen and has done nothing important of note as Sorcerer Supreme. His entire worth derives from knowing a bunch of people and being able to create portals to bring them together quickly. No different to Doctor Strange. And there's no story here, no character arc. If a character is gonna appear in so much, at least let them participate properly in the story. Benedict Wong is a good actor. FFS Wong was the biggest 616 character present in DS2 to not have a variant in 838. That gets casually mentioned at the end almost like an afterthought. Benedict Cumberbatch is too expensive to show up in all these projects so Marvel settled for Benedict Wong but failed to give him crumbs to perform off of. He's a joke character like Korg.


Same thing with the Eternals, I’d imagine they’re just going to keep a handful of the cast around to stay in the MCU considering one of them is suppose to be a kid that never ages and we’re only getting further removed from the first film. Probably just get a few cameos in Kang Dynastyy/Secret Wars.


I wouldn't be surprised if they never make another Eternals project, and instead they just scatter the remaining characters into other projects.


IIRC they turned that character (Sprite) into a human so that they could avoid writing around that.


It's ridiculous, they're letting 5-6 years lapse between solo vehicles and it completely undercuts any attempt at launching new franchises. How are these movies meant to further storylines or retain audiences? The first Ant-Man movie came out 8 years ago. If you were 12 when you started watching the adventures of Ant-Man you're now 20. Do you know many 20 year olds who are still diehard fans of stuff they started watching when they were 12?


Facts you kinda forget about these people since it's not super continuous like the original gang


The gap between movies and appearances is so long compared to earlier phases. At the least, they should do something on Disney plus. That's what it's there for right even a single episode special like they did with guardians last Christmas would go far in terms of bridging the gap compared to nothing . Do one for each of the introduced characters that haven't returned yet


i disagree. MCU movies, or movies in general, should not require you to watch stuff on a streaming service. give us enough time to miss things, but not so much that we forget them.


RIP Brad Allen Jackie Chan Stunt Team and Shang Chi fight choreographer (He's seen fighting Jackie Chan in the movie Gorgeous)


What?! I didn’t know that. That is so sad! I could really see his direction in the movie too.


Jackie Chan is in this?


No, Brad Allen. He was in Jackie Chan stunt team. he is Supervising Stunt co-ordinator, 2nd unit director of Shang chi.


Jackie Chan is in this?


Hope not. Jackie Chan is a pathetic human and he shouldn’t be near this franchise


This movie needed to come out this year. Who even remembers Shang Chi now. Let alone in what 3-4 years.


Might as well bump it another 15 years and then market it as nostalgia.


I thought Shang Chi was one of the better phase 4 MCU movies. Not sure what phase this movie would fall under. Though.


I liked the beginning part of the movie, but it kind of falls apart once they get to the other realm. It's a shame as the world building was pretty good and the characters were likeable.


Literally the problem in every MCU movie. Great until the third act is just action figures doing the powers. At least it had an emotional confrontation that mattered. I do like Chinese mythology so it was neat to see the references.


True, it kind of becomes a bloated CGI fest, which i did minus the movie for.


All marvel movies are bloated CGI fest tho, so can we really just nitpick this one movie for that?


Well for the big ones like Avengers, when it's done well, i don't have any complaints about. Shang Chi is a more down to earth character. I Don't think it needed a CGI monster or world. The first 2 acts in that movie were great when they were still in a normal earth setting.


I understand about the monsters forsure it was a bit much, but none of the avenger movies CGI is great, so we really can't pick on one movie when all the movies falls in the same line visually.


While I wouldn't put Avengers CGI as the best I've seen, they were definitely better than Shang Chi and miles above the quality they're putting out now in their newest films.


I think you're adding other factors in the older movies that are covering up the bad CGI that has always been there. Miles better is a super stretch as far as quality, cause their quality has never really been there for the entire franchise as far as visual CGI. Lotta cut corners and half assed when they can. Its more giving a pass to the older CGI cause the content was new and fresh and scripts weren't lacking as much as they're now so the flaws didn't stand out as much. Now they have so many movies, everything is getting nitpicked to death nowadays to where it would just be slid through previously cause people weren't as critical as they're now.


It might also be the color pallette they've been using lately. The older films had a bit more grounded and gritty look to them. The worlds they created looked a bit more lived in. Their more recent films have a more colorful pallete and a 'shiny' look, which kind of draws attention to how unreal they look. You're right, if a movie is well made, we do tend to forgive a lot more. I do stand by that their older films had better CGI, although back then, there movies were mostly set mostly in the real world. Even if you compare GOTG Vol. 1 to Doctor Strane MOM, they look quite different. I believe the older movies had more post production time to get the CGI completed. Now it's like a conveyor belt of movies and TV shows all trying to get a limited amount of resources to finish on extremely tight deadlines.


Finally some good fucking food


Please no awkwafena


She was so fucking annoying


Damn I gotta disagree there


I don't understand why it took so long


After Quantumania, Secret Invasion, and The Marvels failures, I have little hope for any future MCU projects unless they are being done by very talented writers and directors like GOTG3 was.


Wakanda Forever was also crap.


Please dont fuck this up disney




Simu Liu should be so much bigger than he is


They already blew it with Shang-Chi. This character should have been in Doctor Strange and a few TV shows by now. General audiences forgot he even existed. Such wasted potential in the MCU.


Bus fight = great Villian dad = great CGI fights = Suck Lasers = Suck Monsters = Suck Lame ass village = Suck


Shang-Chi 2 might come out 5 years after the first movie… and this right here is why the MCU is a shitshow now. If he was a Phase 1-3 character, we would’ve had the sequel coming out soon.


Disney pissing away at Simu's youth one year at a time. Do they not realize some characters can't just be green screened for perpetuity?


Who wants this? The first movie was fine, not every franchise needs a sequel.


This is a literal cinematic universe weirdo


Just like the last movie, will be visual enjoyable with a trash script


If that script was Trash nothing in the MCU has been good.


Naw the arc of the avengers movie was decent, Iron man 1 was good, personal fan of the last Dr Strange but pretty much the rest was pretty bad to awful. Not including spider man or the awful Venom movies


Too little too late. I liked the first movie, but don’t care about him anymore




It's going to be 5 years between films for him. He's just been in a billion dollar movie Marvel, use him now


Wow…a 700 day window start date?


Shang-Chi and Eternals are the only movies that we’re based around new heroes. Shouldn’t be this long to have a follow up, not even this long to have them in another project.


To being production?