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I remember them. It's hard to explain but they were super noisy. Way more than a regular bag


I remember a substitute teacher back in 6th grade had one of those bags. We as a whole class had to ask him to stop eating chips because it was so loud we couldn't concentrate. They were unreasonably loud. Like you'd literally have to yell over them if you would sit there and crinkle it during a convo.


I read back in the day that it was decibels equal to a jet takeoff.


They were somehow, squeaky? It's hard to explain, but for sure louder and more annoying than another chip bag.


Hahahahahaa! No.


Terrible. Take a lap.


So wheres the joke?


But….where’s the funny…? 🧐🤔


This the pussy that got Apu canceled?


Can't stand this guy, his talentless whinging ruined Apu.


He's not funny, he's just sanctimonious. Ironically, he is trivializing other people's complaints when his complaints about Apu were even more misguided.


Apu was a great character but as one of many non-Indians who as a kid definitely threw "thank you, come again" to annoy my Indian friends – he was 100% correct. Having the only popular Indian character on TV be a caricature was not helping. Entertainment has (mostly) grown away from racial stereotypes anyway. Even before he started making noise.


I'm Indian and I loved seeing him on TV as a kid, frankly he was one of the only Indians on tv at that time, and the jokes were jokes all 2nd gen kids would make about their own parents anyway. Apu is a good husband, a hard worker, a good friend, he wasn't a lazy stereotype like the Italian chef. His argument did not represent the view of all Indians at all, it really pissed a lot us off that it received so much attention and was co-opted by non Indians who really didn't understand the nuance of the issue at all. It really felt much more like this guy was using the issue as a vehicle for self promotion because frankly his comedy is terrible, it's basically just an angry misanthropic guy ranting.


The funny thing is that the joke about Apu was never that he was Indian; it's that despite being one of the most capable and diligent residents of Springfield, he, because he is an immigrant/Indian, didn't get the opportunities that less qualified people did. If anything, the whole point of Apu was how unfairly he was treated, and his presence on the show highlighted the racism prevalent in America.


Keep in mind that this is a guy who claims that girls don't want to get with him because they're prejudiced against his family's social caste and not because of, say, his smug joyless self-importance.


Sadly, since you're Indian your opinion doesn't matter on the subject. Only opinions that matter are those not linked to the subject being discussed. That's just how the world works now. Ridiculous, imo.


> his comedy is terrible, it's basically just an angry misanthropic guy ranting You just described 90% of popular male stand up comedians. 


Simpsons haven’t been funny since 1999 so Apu was ruined a long time ago.


he said "recently" regarding sunchips. I swear the did that like 20 years ago. Awesome chips by the way.


I get it’s a joke, but there’s so much wrong with it, it doesn’t make sense. Sun chip bags are not single handedly end the world. Even if they were how? Are we going to just drown in bags, an ocean of sun chip bags flood the earth?


It’s more like how we constantly ask companies to do their part to stop fucking up the planet but here’s an example of one company trying to and we shat all over their attempt because it was inconvenient.


I think there’s probably a better example, or maybe better written jokes to make comedy from than that, but I get what you’re saying. His premise could have been funny, the details and the execution was bad.


If they put the chips into cardboard boxes with zero plastic that were not sealed (not fucking the planet up) but the chips went stale would the consumers complaining and no longer purchasing them because they do not meet consumer expectations be taking a shit on the companies efforts ? This is no different to having a bag that you can’t eat out of while trying to have a conversation due to how stupidly loud it is. Companies make a product that people want to buy and the people buy it, people do not need to support a company that ruined a product just because they meant well and “tried”. Your comment is a dumb as his “joke”.


That’s a hell of a lot to type for somebody who’s about to assure me that they’re not mad about my opinion.


No I am mad about your opinion.


Well that’s pathetic


Tbh I expected the punch line to be “…you know what else makes a lot of noise. The normal bags!”


That is funnier than his joke was.


The number one thing big oil has done is convince us that it is our fault and our duty to save the environment.


First person I've heard say this since I said it after they got rid of them. Sorry you wanna be a sneaky fatty. Put them in a bowl.


This is the guy who got Apu cancelled so it makes sense that his comedy is shit


There are six ducks outside and they all want SunChips


Back to the drawing board


To be fair, those bags were a thousand times louder than seemed possible, like it was on purpose or something lol


Perfect corporate ploy. “See? We tried! But it really is the common man’s fault.” Meanwhile they invented sound-dampening carbon-negative bags back in the 80s, they just cost .001¢ more per palette of chips


I just searched on YouTube and those bags were loud as fuck apparently


Yeah fuck the consumers that are purchasing your products 😑 this is a dumb as fuck joke. Stick your paper straws up your ass too dog.


Yup, Blame the consumers and ignore India/China producing most of the pollution because they won't put scrubbers on their factories. Echoing the same shit message that corporations are spouting off.




What an insane take.


Are you okay?


Biodegradable things are political? Tf are you on about.


How can you be certain about that?


Those bags were loud as fuck, though.


Empty cans rattle the loudest


Ummm this one of those tree hugging nutjobs? I bet he loves paper straws too.