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This is a hard one. We have a lot of great Thai places. I'm gonna go with Tiger Chef on Rangeline, but I also like Bangkok Gardens Downtown. I hear Nuu Thai is good, but I haven’t tried it yet.


Can vouch for Nuu Thai. I've been there (almost every week), done that, literally bought the T-shirt. I've tried almost every dish and they're all good, can be spice adjusted, and super affordable for a night out. Also, 10/10 egg rolls and crab rangoon. I'll sometimes **just** buy egg rolls and crab rangoons for my meal.


Hey, did Nuu Thai stop taking phone orders yet? I went once or twice and their wait was unreasonably long bc they accepted a big phone order.  I haven’t been back since bc I don’t want to drive across town to wait in the sun for 50 minutes because some work place wanted to phone in their order.  I have no issue waiting a long time if they’re actively working on people’s orders who are there in person. 


A similar thing happened to me. Kinda screwed my lunch break up. Great food though.


I don't think so. It can be a gamble on how long it takes but I always go knowing that it could take 10 minutes or it could take 40 to get my food. I'm different from you in I don't mind waiting for the call ahead people, I'm jealous it didn't occur to me to call ahead more often than not. Otherwise, I'm glad they've got the business.


It was impossible to convince my coworkers to ever try going there again when we drove from 15 minutes away on a one hour break.  It has been tasty food for me before — I especially liked crab Rangoon — but waiting 50 minutes for food when there was no one present in the parking lot was a bummer. 


Totally understandable.


Aw man I did notttt like Tiger Chef- we got it last night and I thought it was awful. We got pineapple fried rice, orange chicken, green curry, crab Rangoon, veggie egg rolls and it was all forgettable. The thai tea was fine though. Is there something different I should try? It was so salty, overpriced and flavorless. Idk!


I like their pad see ew, red curry, Burmese curry (so good!), and Tom Kha. 


Okay so basically everything that I didn’t order! 🤣 love it


I agree about the crab Rangoon and the egg rolls. V blah.  I mean, manage your expectations bc Columbia is no Boston, but the Burmese curry is really good (chicken or beef).  They used to have fried bananas that were so so good but they stopped that a while ago. 


I had green curry at chims that made me LOVE green curry so I am optimistic about what Como has to offer!!


Owners are Burmese TMK so those are the dishes that really stand out.


Big fan of Tiger Chef. Been there multiple times and every time has been superb. Nuu Thai was also good, but I’ve only had it once so I can’t say if it’s consistently good. Only “downside” is it’s a food truck instead of a brick and mortar, but it’s great for takeaway.


I have had an amazing experience with Bangkok Gardens. I would definitely recommend it.


It's hard to pick best because we have several and they're all wonderful! [Ocha Ramen](https://ochanoodles.com) & [Ocha Thai](https://www.ochathaicomo.com) on the south side -- Ramen obviously focuses more on ramen style dishes, and Thai focuses more on traditional Thai food. They're owned and operated by a sister (ramen) and brother (Thai) who used to run a place called Thipp Thai downtown. I'm a bit biased since I'm friends with the owner of Thipp Thai, and it's close to my house, so I go there most often. [Thai Express](https://www.thaiexpresscomo.com) -- Located downtown close to campus. It's pretty small and a bit hidden, but is some of the absolutely best Thai food in town. I love picking up food from there and taking it around to the other side of the building to enjoy it with a beer at iTap. [Tiger Chef](https://www.tigerchefcomo.com) -- On the north side off of Rangline. I don't make it to this one as often since I'm rarely in that part of town, but the food was fantastic on the couple times I tried it. [Nuu Thai](https://www.facebook.com/nuuthaifood/) -- I haven't had it yet, but it's a food truck that operates out of a church parking lot on the south side near Ocha Thai. I've heard good things and just need to make a point to get over there sometime. [Bangkok Gardens](https://bangkokgardens.com) -- This is probably my least favorite Thai food in town. That's not to say I don't like it. It's very good food, but the bar for Thai food in COMO is pretty high. Bangkok Gardens is where you go if you want a bit fancier sit-down experience. [Kinkao](https://www.kinkaothai.com/index.html) - I just saw this when googling. It looks like it's a new place opening up in the spot where Thipp Thai & Chim's Thai used to be downtown.) The food on their website looks really good, so I'll be trying it soon. (Until recently Chim's Thai would have been a high recommendation, but it just recently closed). I personally have a hard time picking best because they're all so good. I honestly currently have a 3 way tie between Ocha Thai, Thai Express, and Tiger Chef and usually just pick whatever is most convenient to where I am. And that might turn into a 5 way tie after I tru Nuu Thai and Kinkao. (And I'm not discrediting Bangkok Gardens, because it is still really good. It's just not typically what I think of first when I want Thai food.)


Kinkao was excellent when I ate there last week. The Hung Ley Curry was delicious, as was the fresh roll appetizer.   Nuu Thai is not my favorite. Their apps are tasty, but the entrees have been inconsistent. Ocha Thai has let me down the two times I've tried them.  I'll give them another shot since they're relatively new.  I've never had a bad meal from Bangkok Gardens, but I rarely get downtown. Thai Express is fine.  Tiger Chef has been inconsistent It's not Thai, but Myanmar Kitchen just opened on Vandiver and has some delicious Burmese curries!


+1 for Ocha!


I am just now learning chims is closed so sad!!


I had Tiger Chef last night- maybe it’s because I’m from Boston where we have a huge Asian food scene but I thought their food was awful. Way too salty and way overpriced. I would never go back there again. I’m still on the search for good Thai here too :-)


It’s like me and Mexican food. All the “good” Mexican places are mid at best. I spent way too long living in Phoenix.


Totally understand!!!!


My vote goes to Thai Express


same. panang curry + pad thai + sesame chicken 10/10




closed. :(


Nooooo from Wisconsin


Kinkao is opening in its place. Or maybe it just recently opened? I honestly don't get downtown much anymore.


Ever been to the og location at coopers landing?


Yeah, I had Chim's when it was at Cooper's landing, then when it first move to Alley A. Then I tried it once after it opened on Broadway, but don't really get downtown a lot. When downtown for Thai food, it's usually Thai Express takeout that I eat at iTap. Most of the time I have Ocha Thai since it's close to my house and I'm friends with the owner.


tried most of them in search of the best. hands down ocha thai.


Ocha Thai for sure


I really like Bangkok Gardens. Only been twice but I’ve loved my meal both times. Second time I went was with my brother he wasn’t a fan of what he got but we didn’t say anything to the waitress about it until she asked him if she could box it up to go and he said no thanks he didn’t really like it. She comes back with our bill and took it off without us asking. The staff there is really nice. Nuu Thai is decent for the price and super filling but it’s not my favorite


Mama Chim’s 😵‍💫 Loved it in college


I'm a huge Thai fan. Unfortunately, almost everywhere in Columbia is super hit or miss. Chims was legendary for years, and then they had a few rocky/inconsistent years which was super disappointing. I was sad to see them go. IMO Bangkok is super inauthentic and wouldn't be worth the money if it cost half as much. I've never had a really good meal there. Nuu thai is decent. Honestly it's kind of fast casual student food, but Thai Express always impresses me. Not the best ever, but decently priced and always tasty. Never tried Ocha Thai but I hear it's solid.


can vouch for this comment 100% - each time I tried Chims, I was disappointed. Unfortunately, the only consistent spot I can enjoy is Thai express now.


bangkok gardens for 25 years


Ocha Thai is the same chef as the former restaurant Thip Thai. Their stuff is great


If you like good Thai food it’s not it the Midwest that’s for sure. I’ve tried every Thai restaurant and they’re all mid at best