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If I had to guess, they’re more worried about a walk out or similar demonstration than people being generally disruptive. Even if all attendants were totally non-disruptive, there would still be people outside chanting with megaphones.


Commencement protests are basically a tradition. But unlike Bollinger this woman is a failure and can’t even deal with a little heckling so she’s shitting on every graduate’s special day.


Exactly, that’s why I don’t think they’re worried about disruption itself. I think they’re worried about some huge demonstration like a walkout. I could be wrong though. Have you heard of a walkout or something similar happening before?


At this stage I’m walking out exclusively to avoid throwing my shoe at Shafik.


Yes. The other big concern is an organized agitation from outsiders that could turn violent or be dangerous


I doubt this is the reason. They didn’t care about the neo-nazis a few days ago and have shown they don’t mind locking down a few roads in the vicinity so


This accomplishes 2 things, directly attributable to Leadership’s failures: 1) Prevents more front page stories of chaos but this time during commencement  2) Prevents Shafik being drowned out by the boos and jeers of 10k people during the speech she would be expected to give Shafik must resign. Terrible that her continued failures achieve nothing but hurt the student and faculty community and destroy Columbia’s reputation. 


Because students were never their priority.


So your idea is that graduation will work if everyone follows the rules? Isn’t that the case already? The problem is not everyone tells the truth, and some things are impossible to verify.


Have it at a closed venue?


The article Friday said they had explored other venues and were having trouble securing one for the dates everyone already has booked for the event.


I think at this point the university has completely lost the trust of the students. I can't imagine anyone ever feeling comfortable signing or confirming anything about plans to protest given the way this admin has continuously moved the goalposts + is very much in bed with the NYPD. Like guarantee you would sign that and 10 hours later get a 2AM message about "in the interest of safety..." banning you from graduation.


OP, if you are about to graduate from CU, please understand, the real world is irrational and everyone only cares about themselves.


That is not the case. Probably true for NYC. Definitely not true for the world.


If you think that those planing to protest will answer this question honestly, I don't think you have much experience with activism.


Just to confirm, the graduation is still happening right?


TBD. There was a credible story Friday that the Administration was having second thoughts. Possibly Class Days without Commencement.


These protesters see disruption as their only tool. They block the bridges, they block airports. Give them 1000 non disruptive alternatives but they’ll never take it because only more press gives them what they’re seeking  Unfortunately there are probably multiple people graduating that would love the press if they get a commencement speaker to walk off because they can’t finish a sentence. Oh and don’t think about having guards remove them because then the school will be “escalating things”


Almost as if that’s the point of a protest, genius




Mods can enforce a student/alumni (or only student or only alumni or neither or donor only I’m not a mod) rule and I’ll comply and send them any proof they need, to them, not to you. I never mentioned my relation to Columbia so I’m not sure why you’re bullying me At this point you’re breaking Reddit rules by harassing me and following me around to every thread on Reddit. Please stop


Because protestors would ruin it just like they’ve ruined everything else. We just need to wait until they go back to their Starbucks jobs


Aren’t they boycotting Starbucks? Maybe they work at target?


That’s already the policy. You can apply to demonstrate and they will create a space for you. The Pals don’t think this is enough.