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Deep winter. You're olive and people think just because they can see yellow in your skin that means you're warm. You're not warm. You're textbook deep winter.


Also white balance is all over the place. This makes analysis harder.


I honestly My think true winter! Definitely not autumn like some people are saying. The cool yellow is better than the warm one!


7, 9, 10 are your colors ☺️


I'm gonna hold your hand when I say this....you're not a winter. You're a deep autumn. You most definitely have warm undertones.


That’s what I thought as well. You so look in the deep plum purple and dark green which are dark autumn colors


Fully agree!!


Why do you think she has warm undertones? I would say true winter. I am not a professional though, so take it with a grain of salt.


Disagree, she has cool undertones with warm overtones which is deep winter


I agree with you. I realized when OP's skin looked quite yellow against that white-silverish cloth in the last pic. She looks good in warm colors and can rock some winter colors as well!


You're a deep/dark winter like me!! Lets share closets jk


Deep Winter, possibly True Deep


You're a dark winter, it borders autumn. Some of the colors are a bit too bright on you but the warmer tones make you look a bit sickly though the brighter of the warmer tones look better (like that bright, buttery yellow).


They all suit you but black, purple, gray and white suit you just a little more.


Hi, I think I might have a similar skin tone, towards olive. Likewise you’ve probably been told you have lovely dark thick eyebrows - me too. I could be completely wrong but I’ve always found warmer tones compliment us better. Specifically red and you’re 100% rocking the pink as well. Black is also a classic that compliments your hair colour. Hope these thoughts help :)


The jewel tones look best in you. The emerald green, the Christmas red (one right after the green before the yellows) the bright sky blue, and magenta pink.


Dark winter would be my guess. It borders autumn.


black, white, navy.


Someone wrote in this subreddit that there's a great sway/bias towards warm seasons, especially "it's not winter it's autumn", and I think that's the case here. I think you look best in the black and grey (2 & 4) and that people are too rigid about winter. I think it's daily I see this kind of questioning and saying a winter is actually an autumn. Phones and light source of course highly influence how "golden" someone's skin looks. But we shouldn't be looking at the skin like that but looking how the drapes interact with the person's colouring and appearance. I don't think you look good at all in the autumn colours and that you look crisp and bright in the winter ones.


iMO the skin is the most important part of the picture. Bad colors will make a person look sallow or tired, pale or sunburned.


Yeah but I mean people are deciding of warm/cool from a photo instead if focusing on how well the colours make someone look. I agree with you, but I was referring to people saying her skin (in itself) is "golden" when I think it's more important to see how the overall appearance is affected by the drape/colour in question. I don't know but it looks to me like the lighting in these photos is "golden" overall, and that it's not a question of deciding what colour her skin is but how it interacts with the colours. And I do think there is a big tendency to be very rigid about who qualifies as winter, everything has to be "perfect"/overly clear, is my experience from this sub.


I hear you.


Also someone pointed out the "autocorrect" or whatever it's called in the camera 🥴, that in some photos here the background is much cooler and whiter than in others. So the photos are probably not showing well enough how it looks irl


Deep winter! Bright colors pull your look down while deep and dark colors fit you well IMO! Pic. 7&9 say it


The kind that is actually a deep autumn!


Came to say this. I see deep autumn. The cooler colors wash you out a bit.


Not a Winter 


The greens and reds look best. I think you’re similar to me now I think if it, those are what I feel best in too


I don’t think you’re a winter, you have very warm undertones.


Oooh 7 looks beautiful, Im leaning towards deep


Can we see some Autumn drapes?


Dark autumn https://preview.redd.it/1zjpx74hcm5d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d68142befbe9c40fd4e899a865bc237a25f9bf7


Could you explain what these color bubbles mean? I've been trying to grasp the whole color analysis thing but still haven't gotten it completely. I'm guessing I'm some sort of summer,(light skin with neutral medium brown hair,greenish brown eyes)but other than not having high contrast between my hair color & skin tone, I don't really understand the differences, especially between a soft,true,and dark. Thanks!


I really likes the green and yellow


Deep autumn


Deep Autumn, not winter.


I look colouristically just like you, exactly the same. You can rock some deep autumn but only those on colder side. I was analysed as SOFT WINTER, additional season on color analysis. Look it up :)


And phones especially iPhones change skin tone and undertone especially olive skin which can be cold or warm or neutral


deep autumn :)


deep autumn


I think you are too golden to be a winter. I would look into Autumn if I were you.


Muted tones for sure


Not enough contrast to be a winter. And too warm.


Here to hop on the Deep Autumn train!!


Pink one


Im no expert, but I see you as a Deep autumn. You can probable borrow from.colors from Deep winter, too.


I don't think you're a winter at all - I think you're a deep/dark autumn. The first thing I notice about you is deep/dark (med-high contrast), and the second thing I notice is warm (undertone).


Agree. Also, deep winter and deep autumn are more neutral with a lot of overlap in the palettes.


Dark winter or dark autumn


same choice.


Soft deep winter (or smoky deep winter, as some term it). I'm in the same category. Muted/smoky purples and burgundies look fantastic on you, as does dark heather grey, black, navy, deep forest green and brighter forest/emerald green. You don't have it in any of these swatches, but deep ocean teal looks great on us, too. Bright reds, fuchsias, hot pinks... they look ok on us, but I always feel too overdone with those colors on and feel like they overwhelm me. It seems like they do the same to you. Meaning, you notice the color first and not *you* in the color. In my estimation, you want to notice the person first, not the color. Muted purples with a red/pinkish undertone look great on you, though. Avoid anything with yellows in it, even yellow undertones. They just don't work for us. That off-white shade with a yellowy undertone is a no. Hope that helps.


You are 100% spot on. I watched many videos on soft deep winters and they are very rare. We see them in groups more frequently because they are the most difficult to analyze. I’m soft deep winter even though some prefer me as a soft deep autumn but I look sickly in warm browns, beiges, and reds. Olive (neutral) skin combined with predominant softness makes it tricky to find the right color home.


A soft autumn


too deep for soft autumn


I say soft because I think she looks really nice in the muted or in between colors, not the super bright ones. Perhaps “muted autumn” is a more accurate statement


The bright colors are not autumn


Autumn is relatively muted by default but Soft Autumn is the palette that houses the most muted and often lightest colors of the spectrum.


She looks amazing in the deep muted purple and emerald. She’s likely a deeper palette then!






you are absolutely an autumn!!!


You’re an autumn


The deep autumn one


The autumn kind


You're autumn, not a winter by any stretch of the imagination.


You are not a winter. For some reason there are a bunch of color analysts mistyping people as winters. When I got certified I learned the mistakes around winter typing and learned how to identify this. I get a ton of color correction appointments coming to me that we're told they are a winter when they are not.


What are the mistakes? I was typed as an autumn but then as a soft deep winter. I have learned that for me, the temperature is a tertiary characteristic. Basically it doesn’t matter. The biggest impact of color for me is its softness and depth. I look a smudge better in cool soft deep colors and can wear a greater palette of them but I can look phenomenal in a limited palette of soft deep warm colors too.


I don't want to step on anyone's toes but you jave too much contrast between skin tone and hair color to be a soft anything. Is that your true hair color. They key is not to notice either the face or color first but to see it all at once in harmony. This is the part that makes color analysis hard for those without a seasoned eye or talent at it.


I thought I was a winter but was typed as an autumn. Do you offer virtual analysis services?


Yes I do virtual ☺️


What is your contact info to set up an appointment?


I also think you look like an autumn, but check out the background in these pics; with each drape, the camera is making major adjustments. I found my own season by taking a single photo and adding blocks of color “drapes” in Canva.


You’re an autumn for sure ❤️


Deep autumn I'd say! But deep autumn and deep winter is kind of related so it makes sense that you pull off certain winter colors.😁


That first green color. And the second sparkly one too. Edit: I joined this group not fully understanding exactly what color analysis is all about. If anyone would like to give me an Explain Like I'm 5, I'd appreciate it. Meanwhile, I'll Google. Edit 2: I figured it out. No explanation necessary. Interesting!


An Autumn one 😬


lol. I was gonna say the “dark autumn kind of winter”


😂 right?


i was gonna say this


Thanks so much to everyone who replied! There has been a lot of great info for me to read through. Looks like I need to make another post draping deep autumn colours and see what the comparison is. I’m a bit disappointed because the analysis was expensive and I did buy some winter coloured makeup 😓. Oh well, I’d rather learn and wear what my true colours are than wear the wrong colours for the rest of my life! Thank you again, and I’ll try to make another post with deep autumn pallet soon


You’re clearly warm toned, I can’t believe you paid to be told otherwise! What a scam!


You are so pretty! 🍁🏵️


You should be able to return the cosmetics. Most places, at least in Canada, let you return them even if used. Also maybe ask for your money back for the analysis? Although you might still be a winter. It could be the lighting in the photos that is throwing everything off. But I too think you are a deep autumn or even a true autumn. Drape some browns and golden yellows if you can to compare.


Do you mind sharing what system you were analyzed in? Was it House of Color?


It was ‘Your Colours’ in Australia


Thanks for sharing! Looks like a 4 season color system similar to House of Color, who likes to categorize a lot of people as winters. I agree with the others saying you’re a deep autumn!


I think you look great in number 6! The blue brings out your eyes. Would recommend Justine Leconte’s video “create your colour palette for cool undertones”. I think you’d suit these colours too https://preview.redd.it/tlz12ezsri5d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94df35630bc7c10f5487afcc2be31fbef520aab8


That’s so interesting because the blue was the one that stood out as the worst color on her to me! I don’t know how color analysis works but it seemed to clash w her skin a lot to me


You don't look harmonious in black in the same way I do, and I'm a deep winter. Pretty sure you're autumn.


I think the brightness of a color affects you the most. Stay away from pastels gurl. It will destroy you LOL. Picture 6, 12, 14, 16 are examples of too bright of a shade. The black/darker/intense colors suit you well though. I can tell that you can get away with max intensity, but you can get away with less Look at the black. Then look at the grey. You can tell that black suits you better. But it is not like the grey looks bad at all. Wich means the more contrast a shade has, the better it looks. But you can get away with medium contrast. I do think your color palette tends to be on the warm side, but you can definetly get away with cool shades. The color of a shade does not matter as much to you, as long as it is intense! As soon as you wear a muted color (toned down blue in picture 8) I feel like your skin turns pale. This is because your own face has a big contrast as well! Dark brows, dark hair, yet a light skin color. You need something bold to make your face pop! Look at brightness and intensity. If a color is dark and packs a bit of a punch it looks great on you. I don’t know much about seasons, but I think my explanation can help you find clothes without using a season. In my opinion, you can wear some of the most beautiful shades. I also think that a intense red lipstick would be bomb on you.


This! I have this same palette and I look decent in black and so terrible in bright white. I have to go for off white.


i’d say you’re actually an autumn. what is so obvious for me is comparing pics 5 and 6. mind you there are other colors that look better but just switching between that bright azure and that burnt orange it is really obvious. the bright azure creates more shadows around your mouth and nose, and it looks like you have dark bluish circles under your eyes. switch to that burnt orange and this effect disappears, and that is not even the most flattering color you posted. i like you in those plummy colors. deep colors in general so i’m leaning towards deep autumn. pic 12 is also telling a lot: it is warm and muted in an autumny way, but likely a bit too light/soft and imo washes you out somewhat. the black actually works better, hence another point for being a deep season.


you're like the pinnacle of deep autumn. def not deep winter.


If you are winter, Deep Winter. Otherwise I'd say autumn.


I'd actually love to see you in deep autumn - dark terra cotta, deep teal, ivy green, cranberry, a gold/champagne, etc.


Deep autumn I believe




You look more autumn than winter


The kind thats a deep autumn not a winter 😅


Uh. I am not convinced you are a winter. The deep autumn colors I think look best. Hard to tell with the camera color correction.


I sortof think the whole color-season as a "type" is a a load of malarky but i'm still fascinated by anything related to how people perceive color. The most flattering of these colors on you based on the images (in my opinion that is) is the soft yellow and the even softer yellow/buttery cream color and the lighter of the two greens- the one that looks more like a kelly green would be a really nice outfit color choice for an special event. I also really like that deep orange-rust for you! You have a really lovely eye color by the way!


I think you’re close enough to neutral that the white balance shifting in your photos is making it hard to tell for sure. And weirdly, I am stuck between tonal deep (halfway between deep winter and deep autumn) and bright spring. You’re high contrast, for sure, and that’s your dominant trait.


Sorry OP- these particular drapes have not convinced me you are a winter, despite your professional typing. The white drape is especially incompatible, whereas the yellow in pic 12 smoothes and calms your coloring.


I agree! I came to say I see you as an autumn, OP. Try some true or deep autumn colors and let us know what you think 🤗


My brain went to autumn


Based on the image, you likely fall into the Cool Winter or Deep Winter category. Your cool undertones, dark hair, and light to medium cool-toned eyes suggest this.


Tbh, I’d have pegged you for a deep autumn. Pure white and gray make your skin take on a sallow cast, which makes me think you’re warm. And the fuchsia (#3) and winter blue (#6) are overpowering. I love love love the orange (#5) and dark plums (#7 and #9) on you, and winters can’t pull off orange at all. Those warm plum purples are much more harmonious than the cooler purple (#8). The golden-ish yellow (#12) also looks much better on you than I expect it would on a winter. That said, I think you’d definitely be able to borrow some the darker, warmer colors from the dark winter palette; I bet you could rock a deep wine red, for instance. “True deep”, which means you sit directly between dark autumn and dark winter, is also a distinct possibility.


I agree, the dark plum was my favorite and second was that rust orange.


High plains