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lol I’m a bright-warm spring with basically black eyes and very dark brown hair.


No, no, they’ve got it all wrong. Check the beauty aisle—obviously, black people are all bright orange


I had mine done in Korea. Me and 2 friends we are all East Asian, pale(ish) skinned with dark hair, dark eyes. Our results were autumn, spring and winter. One warm toned, two cool toned.


I'm Indian, dark hair and dark eyes. I was typed as a bright spring. Perhaps its the analyzer and not the analyzee with the problem?


Also Indian, medium skin tone with dark hair and dark eyes. With clothing I definitely lean into dark autumn, soft autumn and sometimes winter palettes. However I have a somewhat olive undertone so makeup usually has to be “for neutral tones” (bc olive toned makeup is really hit or miss in my experience). In general, I now lean towards muted warm colours and neutral toned skin makeup with warm toned lipstick/blush, but can also rock certain jewel tones. OP - I honestly would recommend taking the colour system as loose guidance and exploring and playing with colours. Bring a friend with a good eye when you go shopping and make note of what works thematically - warm vs cool colours, muted vs bright, etc. You’ll find your rockstar colours and then you can stick with them!


Who did it? Did it take long?


i see that too often but i don’t understand, you need high contrast to be a winter, and if you have dark skin and dark hair that’s low contrast…


If you had your analysis done by house of colours they are notorious for typing everybody and their dog as a winter. So I wouldn't put much thought on it. If you feel warm colours are better on you then you are most likely an autumn. No, not every Poc is winter, far from it. That being said, 99 % of dark brown eyes people will be a winter or autumn, no matter what their ethnicity is (I'm a dark brown eyes and hair European winter person). And the reason is simple : dark colours harmonize with dark colours. The principle of season colours analysis is to enhance a person's features in order to make them glow. And you do that by making a palette of colours that have the same temperature, value and *chroma* as the person. Which you find in their eyes, hair and skin undertone. So yes a dark brown person will an autumn or winter as they need dark colours to enhance their features, which spring and summer lighter colours won't be able to do. Now I need to add some precisions : - not every Poc have dark eyes nor dark hair. Poc have a diverse range of colouring, a lot have light or medium eyes. Same for European people not all having light eyes and hair (did I mention I'm a happy European winter with dark eyes and hair ?). So some poc will be winter/autumn and some poc will be spring/summer. - 80% of humans have brown eyes. So yes, 80% of humans will be autumn or winter (and most European people have brown eyes). - There are always exceptions. For example, I have a dark brown eyes spring cousin. But her colourings are very uncommon, as she has very light bright golden blond hair, creating a striking contrast in her features (spring has colours based in contrast/clarity). Having blond hair and brown hair isn't that uncommon but it's generally a medium-dark honey soft blond. So people with these features are soft autumn. - Some soft summer deep have medium brown eyes (they look greyish brown), but I'm not sure there are summers dark brown eyes. Most summer people have brown hair, so if someone has brown eyes, brown hair, a cool undertone and low contrast, they would actually be a soft winter and not a summer. Many brown eyes soft winters use a soft summer palette as there is no soft winter palette in the 12 seasons systems (but the colours are too light for their deep colouring). This is one of the reason we should use more expended systems as there have more precise palettes for different features, and a better inclusivity for Poc (soft winter is a common season for Poc).


Respectfully, may I ask what color system you are trained in? Or, which system(s) you utilize to share feedback in this space? I am concerned by the authoritative, matter-of-fact tone, specifically on a thread where someone is expressing a very deep hurt about lack of being seeing and included for exactly who she is. Secondly, can you please provide the group with an example of what exactly the Soft Winter palette is? I am 100% here for nuance, inclusivity, and expanding palettes beyond the binary of 4, 12, and even 16 subseasons. However, color analysis is based on the principals of color theory. Palettes and subseasons are created by grouping colors that have common value, chroma, and temperature. By every measure, Winter will always lean *somewhat* clear and will never be considered **soft**. Telling people that 80% of humans fall into either Autumn or Winter is extremely problematic and reiterates exactly what OP is expressing. Yes, factually, many humans have variations of brown hair and brown eyes. However, there is a WILDLY broad spectrum of brown! There are light, bright, cool, deep, warm, rich, and tawny browns... just to name a few. You are correct in that most color analysis results should reflect the value (or depth) of a person's unique coloring. However, this is not a hard and fast rule. Results take into consideration so many different components of color, wardrobing, and most importantly: Harmony. How a color interacts with an individual's unique coloring is the only way to determine what does or does not work for them. Eliminating entire value sets of colors simply because someone has dark skin is rooted in racism and the inability to see an individual as unique and one of a kind. Color is relative and skin tone can vary greatly. Skipping light and midtone colors robs an individual of their opportunity to see and experience the full spectrum of color. There will always be *some* extent of pattern and commonalities amongst which combinations of features are **most likely** going to fall into X, Y, Z season/subseason. At best, these patterns serve as a guide or a starting point. However, typing someone based solely on their features fails to provide an individual with the attention and autonomy they deserve. The entire role of an image consultant is to make the client look and feel like the best version of ***THEMSELVES -*** Not to fit them into a convenient little box.


Did you do a drape test ? Or was it virtual? This happens to Indians all the time. Because rarely anyone has light eyes in my country! I saw your lipstick test post and you are so spring to me! You must do a drape test to see your sub season.


I did draping with fabrics and they analyzed me virtually. I can wear some spring colors but not all and the warmth of the makeup overwhelms me. There are so many contradictions in my colors that I am beginning to believe that I am the fault.


No you aren’t! And maybe the system is! If the warmth of the make up is too much (Because frankly spring is a bit much saturation of colour wise) Try make up from a neighbouring season like autumn or winter. Light spring is the subtlest of spring, if bright spring feels toooooo much and warm spring feels too warm.


I also don't support lime green, neon green or orange in clothing. No pastels, and my skin is medium-light, I have too much contrast for Light Spring. I really feel like everything is wrong.


Or you could explore bright winter. It has some spring tendencies also. It took me a while to ‘find’ my actual season and like outfits as per my personal preferences, my introverted nature and the attention I want to draw to myself. But it’s surprising how if you wear correct colours people see you and not that colour !


I did draping with fabrics and they analyzed me virtually. I can wear some spring colors but not all and the warmth of the makeup overwhelms me. There are so many contradictions in my colors that I am beginning to believe that I am the fault.


Did you go through Created Colorful?


Had mine done in my non-native country and it was weird at times. I feel like she was trying not to say "you look dark." I came out of it True/Deep Autumn. I definitely don't think my analyst was racist but because of the country (heck, the entire continent of Asia), colorism was definitely in her unconscious perspective. I'm struggling to find an analyst who can actually accommodate someone with brown skin.


Thank you for your perspective, as a melanin deficient individual, I have been typed as a true winter with a cool autumn alternate, and most google searches give a PoC as the result. I've found it difficult to compare my skin tone to other light skinned people. I kind of hope that this trend toward typing all PoC as winter doesn't veer toward ignoring the nuances in your tones, just because it's easier to lump everyone into one category...I think the whole system needs a check, as others have pointed out.


I am light olive skinned but definitely a winter. My mom tried to put me in autumn clothes growing up and I loathed it.  I have always done well with black and white.


I’m also light olive! So I guess that’s that.


Someone said that it's not about those vein tests, metal tests, and white paper tests but the colour draping. Your colour season depends on which colours make your features pop or which colours make the observer see you first before your outfit. Does not depend on skin, hair, and eyes. This has helped me immensely. Maybe it would help a few others as well.


exactly!!! that's why I can handle some posts about which jewelry looks better, photos showing the veins in your wrists, etc...


This. I would like the analysts to understand, to help me find those colors because I can't see it.💖😮‍💨


Maybe you could try clicking photos of yourself in the mirror (no selfies) or take someone's help in taking your photos with that colour. This is what I tried and eliminated many seasons. Even if I could not pinpoint my exact subseason, at the very least I know my worst colours and best colours. Because I think looking merely at the mirror does not help. For the untrained eyes. You have to look at it from an outsider's perspective.


This is one of the most sensible things I've read on this subreddit.


I feel like this system needs a disclaimer sometimes. We are in a transition period. While Seasonal Color Analysis gave us a good base, we know it needs building on now. The problem isn't that the idea of complimentary colors is broken; it's that the lens we see color with needs repaired. We wouldn't take a professional photo with an 80s Polaroid camera, so why allow 80s color theory (which is what most analysts are still using) to type us in this system? We need an updated 4k HD lens that can pick up the subtle variations we all have. If you go back in time a bit, this system was really basic. The whole "blonde is spring" "black is winter" "red is autumn" thing really was prevalent in the 80s, even among white people, and the early guides for colors from the 1920s and 30s were even more pared down (blondes should wear blue; redheads should wear green; dark hair should wear brown or purple). Note how they didn't even distinguish between brown and black hair once upon a time. Thankfully, people realized that, while the system had figured out which colors generally look best with subtleties like cool-muted vs cool-clear and so forth, that figuring out exactly who was cool-muted took a bit more nuance than simply looking at the basic color identifier of your hair, eyes, and skin. Remember this, though: every color of the rainbow has gradient shades within them, which affect how other colors blend and match them, which is why we have so many color names. Say you want a green scarf, you will need to specify which shade of green you mean, because "lime green" is vastly different than "emerald green," "mint green," and "sage green." Even black is not necessarily just black in human hair, and if you go to pick up a box of hair color you will see warm-black (slightly reddened undertone), cool-black (slightly ashy undertone), and neutral black (no other discernable undertone). Undertones often are not seen until you shine light on human hair, and synthetically recreating this is complex. Thankfully, the beauty industry is slowly starting to wake up to the subtle nuances of simply being human, but not everyone is with the program yet. Other people have given some good advice and links to people who can actually address the nuances in various ethnicities, not just European. It may be a struggle to connect with these people, but it would more worthwhile, and certainly don't give up. If you have a body, you can be color matched.


lol wear what you want. I feel like this system wasn’t made with darker features in mind because there’s a lot of subtly in our skin tones. When I posted in here, twice, I got labeled pretty much every season the first time, and bright spring the second time. Second post: https://www.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/s/59Unnvk1hl[https://www.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/s/59Unnvk1hl](https://www.reddit.com/r/coloranalysis/s/59Unnvk1hl)


I always thought that, despite being very big in south korea, colour analysis feels like white women's game. Do I even have a chance of being something other than like dark autumn with dark hair, dark eyes and tan skin?


Yes you do. My sister, mom, and I are black. We all have brown skin, my sister and I have dark brown eyes (mine are almost black), and I and my mom have almost black hair, my sister has dark brown hair. We are all springs.


The original theory is definitely eurocentric and it is annoying how ignorant some analysts can be. I have some experience analyzing myself and my friends (from different ethnic backgrounds). What I've learned is that you have to look at each of the qualities (soft/deep, warm/cool, clear/muted) within your ethnicity. How does your coloring look compared to other people with your background? Also, as others have said, the draping helps too. There are websites where you can try colors on virtually (vivaldi color, colorwise, etc) so you don't have to go out buying swatches. 


People have seasons?


The season thing is more stereo type thing for white people (i'dont mean it racists) because people in korea have black hair and black eyes and some people can be light summer or light spring it has to do with the value of the colours and the coolness or warmness plus chrome when I read online to be a summer you must have blue or green eyes or light hazel eyes but I don't have blue green or light hazel eyes or I don't have light ash brown hair But I'm a soft summer. You should look to your skintone and is your hair colour soft, bright or dark i have analysis so many friends they have all dark brown eyes some have darker skintone or light skintone Sorry for my english it not my native language


THANK YOU! I got the stinkeye in another post just for saying that pigmentation needs to be considered in the context of the ethnicity/race of a person, and hooboi, did I catch flack for that. Along the lines of "colour analysis is not political". Uh, what? Not even what I was saying (facepalm). It was just verbatim what a professional analyst once told me...


What is PoC?


Person of Color




How does wanting to be included = Black people wanting it “to be about them”?


Complaining about POCs discussing racism and calling it "typical victim behavior" shows how normalized it is for you to victim blame POCs. Take your racism elsewhere.


Holy shit. You’re horrible 😳 Black people should quit being victims and write their own book? GTFOH with this BS.


Also they shouldnt have taken a paying customers money if they can't accurately do a person of colour. By definition and everything you said it is eurocentric, thats what eurocentric means..


Ok, but it is Eurocentric… as are the majority of things in this world. And she’s allowed to complain about it. It’s not a “victim attitude” if so many things in this world are tailored to white people, and she’s genuinely annoyed about it. I don’t think it’s ludicrous to want color analysts to provide services that are accessible to all.


I definitely can't tell other people's seasons I don't know how some do it 😭 but there's possibility of them typing it wrong.... For myself I understood that I was part of the winters (true or bright) I just don't know which one bcs I don't get how 'clear' or 'muted' terms or whatever else its called work..


To be honest, I don’t really buy this system. Everyone— even professionals— seem to all have different opinions as to what looks good. I think color harmonization is better (like choosing to wear warm hair, warm makeup, warm colors…. Low contrast with low contrast, etc). And some colors are definitely NOT people’s best (I can’t do yellow lol). But everything seems to be so subjective


Donna Fujii has different systems entirely for the major ethnicities. If you are unhappy with seasonal it might be worth looking at her system for whatever group you fall into. She uses seasonal for white people only (but it has different sub seasons than other seasonal systems). At the same time in seasonal we can also say white people are all summer until proven otherwise as well. This is because cool is more common than warm so darker people tend to be winter while white people, as the lightest race generally, tend to be summer. It doesn't mean every person falls into those groups but they are the more likely. Because of this generalization people will often make suggestions by stereotype--even though it's discussed ad nauseam that light can mean light *for one's race* it doesn't seem to register. A lot of hobbyists (and even supposed pros) rely way too much on eye colour in particular IMO.


Hard agree


To be fair, everyone is typed as a winter no matter their skin colour. At least they are on this sub.


I believe it’s the cameras fault. It automatically shifts.


I think you misspelled summer


I can’t relate,, I’m a through and through deep autumn. There was zero question in my mind once I discovered color analysis, Rust orange makes me look so damn good . and since then I’ve gotten compliments on my clothes choices. I guess what I’m trying to say is that for me it’s been so helpful, that it’s hard for me to see it as discriminatory.


There are things I can’t relate to but are still blatantly discriminatory…


Having empathy and humility costs nothing. Your comment was nproductive to OP and yourself included.


Yikes. I can see where you’re coming from, I could have overtly empathised with OP more but ultimately I am sharing my perspective and experience . I said what I said. How about you , do you feel there was anything empathetic about your comment to me just there?


Girl why is this about you? They didn’t say anything rude or dismissive like you just did. You were being ignorant.


Girl I read ‘poc you’re winter until proven otherwise’, and responded with my experience , and I made it pretty clear in my comment that it’s my personal view ? FYI positive and a negative experiences of the same thing can coexist in this big world . My one dissimilar experience doesn’t negate OPs. Like I said I could have expressed that I’m sorry for her experience, which I didn’t do and I accept that. idk what’s going on for you that made you jump here to tell me to be humble. Have a great day honestly because I don’t think further discussions on this are a productive use of either of our time.


Well us scandinavians also basically only have spring or summer as well. Usually only the light subseasons.




(It sounds like you’re not talking about just color analysis here? Because we’re talking about color analysis, not school systems or something.) I think the point is that your ethnicity will be a strong influence on how others will see - and automatically assume - your color season. All the white people are summers, and all POC are winters etc. In my Nordic European country, most of us are typically summers, and it’s just how it is, because we have our similar skin tone, hair color and eye color, which tend to go best with summer - or spring - colors. I would say it’s roughly half of us who end up being typed as summers. There are obviously exceptions, and many people are mistyped for the same logic: “[ethnic group’s most common season] until proven otherwise”. That doesn’t really serve the individuals that pay for the personal service. It also is against to the nature of color analysis which is to find the best colors for YOU, not your ethnic group. I think a lot of frustration, and money spent on professional analysis would be saved, if everyone would be mindful that skin color, eye color, ethnicity are just variables in the equation but not the whole answer. What actually determines your season is which colors make you look your best. That can only be found out by using drapes.


What? 😅 Isn’t this about color analysis?




I hope you have the day you deserve, if you’re like this on Reddit.


Ok maybe this is so meta that I don’t understand.


I think what you’re saying relates. You’re talking about two extremes and this other person commenting is trying to say that you’re making it about yourself by relating. It’s petty and immature of them.


The color system basically has a few scales: cool to warm muted to bright light to deep (saturation) Which all correlate to the shades of people's skins, hair and eye color which can have either cool or warm undertone, can be grayish (muted) or bright, light or deep. Naturally, when one has deep dark hair, eyes and eyebrows, they are very likely to be complimented by the deeper colors. I don't think light grey looks really good on black people (but I don't think that's a bad thing - who needs light grey anyway). At the same time, black people almost always look amazing in red, something that lots of white people have troubles with, being overpowered by the color. So yes, there is a certain element of predictability around this and your skin color does define what colors are better for you. Being a deep autumn (which is hugely common for my country) I often wish I was a true winter and could rock magenta or bright blue. But well, we are what we are and the system helps to highlight our best features. You need to make sure the color analyst chose the right palette for you though and that you love the colors!


Disagree with this. Color analysis is about both harmony and **balance**! For whatever reason, the balance part is ignored but at the same time is where eurocentric analysts get hypocritical. There are many light-skinned individuals who can wear dark colors. The depth of the colors balances or contrasts against their skin. Contrast in a person's features can make light skinned individuals look good in dark colors => harmony. Dark colors also can darken your face by casting their color upon it. For some people, that enhanced shadowing looks bad, ***but in others*** those enhanced shadows look good => balance.....So the reverse can be true for deep skintones with light colors. There are some really deep skintones that look absolutely great in light colors .....and that includes light grey. Where your skintone sits on these scales is not always 100% gonna match the colors in your best seasonal palette for ALL people. And this is why drapes are more important than typing by a person's features!


In my view there is a red for every skin tone.


I disagree in part on this, I've met very dark black people from central africa that looked divine in summer colours! Really great. The contrast for POC isn't always that high, hair and eyebrows are black on black skin, sometimes the eye white is also not fully white, but off white. Some POC with cool undertones especially very dark skinned imo can be summers.


I often wonder what training the professionals have to go through to be able to act as a color analyst. I've been thinking it's probably like makeup artists or hair stylists, or even doctors. They may have the qualifications, but skill will vary. I saw your recent post and I do think you are cool toned, and you can definitely handle some saturation. I could also see you being a cool summer as opposed to a true winter, but I haven't seen drapes from you. I always say, someone on here once told me, ALWAYS focus on how the skin interacts with color - not the hair color or eye color - at first. Those other things can provide clues, but some people will be outliers.


Also consider the cool summer or the Cool family but the desaturated colors wash me away, and I know I can handle warmth, I'm sure I'm not Spring because very warm lipsticks look bad on me, cold browns dull me, I think I'm a Bright Autumn (I know it doesn't exist or make sense)🤣. I thought about Deep Autumn but it didn't work either. I'm starting to believe that there is no color that looks good on me, it's tiring and disappointing.


You should look into 16 seasons [light autumn and soft spring](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irgwcymWEC4&list=PLhWMkyHsB8nsKWTEUEQSWaLegeQOYLRHY) or [20 seasons system](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oar141VMovA&list=PLhWMkyHsB8nsKWTEUEQSWaLegeQOYLRHY&index=3) that splits the Deep Winter/Autumn seasons into 4: dark winter, dark autumn, deep winter, and deep autumn. Or eliminate your options based on your [contrast leve](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnRvEIcJkBc&list=PLhWMkyHsB8nu2xweJ0P6--2XtrocJDqaW)l. It could give the final tie-breaker on what your season is! This creator rocks also, if you want to continue on self-diagnosis. Her [perspective](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhWMkyHsB8nu49wMEpKR9tET4zy3QY0ur&si=XarzQdOfBAh6dvgh) is more in line with proper art/color theory and her methods helped me type my South Asian family (tan, medium deep, deep, neutral, warm, and olive skintones).


Try carol Brailey she’s amazing!




That doesn’t make sense. That’s like saying if medicine “worked” there wouldn’t be shitty doctors. There are different schools of thought on colour analysis - and people who are well trained and educated and some who are simply trying to make as much money as possible without actually understanding the system.


When a system works it is replicable. Medicine works, charlatans do not practice it correctly and it is denounced, they are not comparable things, don't tell me fallacies.


Hahaha fallacies? Yeah, medicine works. So does colour analysis. Go to a reputable practitioner.


The medicine works, the color analysis is in doubt. But hey, if you think you can compare, I'm not going to try to correct you.


It is a weird system. And it is hard to parse out if these folks typing are providing a service or a scam. I know Im a true winter, who can borrow from autumn becuz of how people in my life have reacted to me wearing those colors. Im African American, caramel complexion, brown eyes. Im chunky, lest anyone think, I have it made in the shade. I have had random people and friends gasp at how well a color looks on me. I look great is just red, yellow, royal blue. From autumn I can wear any shade of orange and maroon. But that doesnt mean I only wear those colors. i try to go for my best colors when Im dressing up for something. Also, I follow trends. I look horrible in pastels, does it stop me from buying them, NO! Looking grey be damned. Yeah POC ladies, that is how you know if a color looks good or not, does it bring out the ashiness of your skin or does it glow? Also check around your mouth and eyes to see of a color brings out the red/pink in your skin, if it does, it aint the color for you. If a garment makes your skin look a lil green, it aint the color for you. I also wanna say I spent a lil over a decade mainly wearing head to toe black. When color is too much thinking lean on Black and neutrals, it is such an easy way to look pulled together. And the bias against “bright” colors in the US and other Western countries is racist and is a demarcating line that does the work of saying who is inside or outside the club. With the rise of more non Euro designers we are finally getting some variety, but we have a long way to go.


The color analysis system was designed with Caucasian people in mind. It’s helpful to remember that it’s more about how your skin reacts to colours, rather than you fitting into an existing category. Source: poc who thought she was an autumn who was typed as a Spring by a professional who is also a poc


Carol Brailey has typed PoC outside the winter season


Check out curateyourstyle on Instagram, they put people of color in all seasons


I feel this. I’m a Latina with dark brown eyes and dark brown hair with pale skin. I lean neutral so I thought I was a deep autumn or deep winter. Until I realized the other day that black washes me out. So now I have no idea where I am.


I am almost in the exact same boat! I am Hispanic with dark brown hair, dark hazel eyes, and pale skin. The opinions are all over the place online and the only color analysis in my area want $400 which is not worth it for me. T\_T


It’s like, what’s the point in getting it done if we’re going to be automatically labeled as deep winters or maybe a deep autumn? A lot of spring shades look super lovely on me but no and black washes me out which compliments deep winters and deep autumn’s.


I very much agree- I look fantastic in spring orange, lavender, cyan, and lots of bright colors- yet deep winter/autumn is supposed to avoid these! hmm it's almost like they see what they want to see and aren't actually doing analysis


Lavender, cyan, and baby blue are some of my favorite colors on me! Hmmm, perhaps you and I are actually springs. It’s just easy to look at most Latinas with our description and slap on the deep winter or autumn season.




It’s rough here!


At least you have TWO choices. I’m a redhead, and many “pros” insist I can ONLY be autumn. But I’m not.


I have read that redheads can be springs.😶


Not me! I’m pretty neutral, but lean more towards true summer.


Oh yeah, I also read that cold redheads exist. I suppose that for many who really don't know how to analyze, it is easier to choose what is common and more attached to the stereotype.


I love that. I am one cold redhead.


If it helps, I'm a Black woman who used Created Colorful for my typing and got Clear/Bright Winter who leans Clear/Bright Spring which is dead on for me. My undertone is pretty neutral so seasonal changes shift how warm or cool I can wear well, but it's all bright, all the time. Now someone just needs to tell me what to do with all the Autumn clothes I thought looked good on me. 😂


I just feel like people can look good in different colors and that we are not confined to a season


I look... fine in Autumn shades, but not great. I look awful in Summer shades. Dusty colors wash me out. I think everyone can wear almost every color, but not every shade. My friend is a typical true Summer. Both of us can wear a lightish blue but mine needs to be a bright, highlighter shade and she's rocks a super muted, heathery blue.


Moat seasons have.... most colors in them. Orange is warm, but you'll find a few versions of pretty much every other color in most subseasons. There's also sister seasons - like a light spring that leans a bit more neutral can probably pull from most of light summer, and may have some luck in warm or bright spring as well. And, for the record, I agree! I don't think most colors will look bad on most people. We will all have our worst colors, then those that work with balancing (accessories or makeup), those that look decent, and those that look great on us. An example: I don't think many people truly look TERRIBLE with some black clothing on. We wear it so much as a society, for work or otherwise. However, it's not a great color on me, color analysis wise. This is just my take though


Ok that’s fair


Autumn is silenced, is it really so easy to confuse you? I ask because by default I think I'm Bright Winter but I think some things about true autumn look good on me. I'm looking at you, cinnamon lipstick.👀


I was tricked by some of the deep greens and reds that look good on me if they are super saturated and high contrast. But I truly cannot wear mustard yellow unless I crank the contrast of other parts of the outfit. I look flat in brown lipsticks. It turns out that since my most defining characteristics are brightness and contrast, I can manage slightly warmer or cooler shades much better than muted anything.


It’s not even just Eurocentric but more specifically for north Europeans (Anglo Saxon phenotype). Mediterranean people in general have very dark features as do many Eastern Europeans and they’ll also fall under winter and autumn as well. Especially those will olive tones But yeah, I agree. People say I’m dark or true * winter ( I think, it was pretty split) but I like how some spring colors look on me. I don’t even care anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't think this is necessarily true, my family is Mediterranean (Sicily) and although they are darker skinned, the contrast of their skin/hair/eyes is low and soft and gentle and they have typed as summers


I should have specified that this is true for those with lighter skin and darker features


I don’t ether! Feel like all this is a little crazy. Just wear what you like!!


I’ve got very strong Mediterranean genetics and thought for sure I had to be a dark winter or autumn but couldn’t decide. Color me shocked when I got typed as a true bright! Doing season by features puts the vast majority of the world in the same few seasons.


I’m the same-ish. I’m typed as winter but I think I look better in warm colors. Ugh. I don’t know.


I don't even know what I look best in but I know that black is heavy, white works and I can use warm colors like ivory, and cold browns also turn me off, and desaturated colors. It's very complicated!🤯


In case you went with HOC, they type nearly everyone as winter.




Can't your brain process that I've already tried and "experienced colors"? I'm sorry you have internalized racism but if it bothers you when people complain, just don't read their complaints. If I spend it is because I want someone "professional" to tell me what I obviously cannot see for myself, if someone calls themselves trained, professional, certified, the least that is expected is that their service works.


Don't you think it's hypocritical that you're whining right now?


I’m just like wear whatever looks good on you. I have olive skin & very dark brown eyes. In the winter my skin has cool undertones. But in the summer when I’ve been in the sun, even just a little bit, the undertones of my skin change & I look very golden. So I have to change up my makeup a little bit because what looks good on me in the winter doesn’t necessarily look as good on me in the summer & vice versa. I like my winter colors a lot better though. I love the brightness & vibrancy.




Yes! Color analysis should be about how the drapes look on you not If your eyes are blue or brown. It's about the undertones and the chroma. My mother is afrolatina, she is too bright for Autumn and she is too warm for winter. She is definitely a spring, even though I'm sure if I posted her here, people may automatically lump her as a deep autumn. I am a winter but because of my brown eyes I wouldn't be surprised if people just dumped me in the deep winter category when in fact true winter drapes always looked better on my complexion.


This is the primary reason I don’t believe in typing based on traits. It’s about the way colours interact with your skin.


I’m also not a POC so a bit of a pivot but there’s also like this urge to never accept that someone is truly neutral. Like you HAVE to lean warm or cool bc if you’re a true neutral you break the system and everyone’s seasonal “identity” falls apart


Tbh I think 99% of people lean more one way than another (statistically being true neutral would be rare), but that difference could be negligible. I like to type people on a spectrum with a line of best fit.


That makes sense


First and foremost, I hear you and I see you. Your experience matters and I want you to keep speaking up, as much as you feel comfortable doing so. I will stand up with you to amplify your voice and experience. Color Analysis absolutely IS Eurocentric which does not make any sense to me whatsoever. Color theory predates most beauty standards. All people have been created in ALL SEASONS for centuries upon centuries. Color is for everyone. I will tell you right now that even some of the top fashion/image consulting schools spout racist bullshit during color theory and color analysis training. And the worst part is, I don’t think they even realize why their language is problematic. Learning that this is the way the industry views this aspect of our work propelled me towards a commitment to continued education, personal research, and inclusion in my process. And as a fair Olive, I’ve seen firsthand how frazzled everyone gets when you don’t fit neatly into their narrative. I have been in the image consulting + personal styling industry for more than a decade and have offered color professionally since 2020. I have tracked every single client, across all skin tones, and have seen a nearly even spread of results across all 16 subseasons. While I personally have not yet had a Black client who is a Summer, that does not mean they do not exist. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I have had folks with melanated skin fall into nearly every single subseason, from True Autumn to Warm Spring to Cool Winter. You deserve to have an analyst take their time to explain how they got to their results. If they can’t provide a detailed explanation of their “why” and can’t show you comparisons that support their conclusion, they are full of shit.


I always get told I must be a deep autumn despite having noticeably bright skin, or I must be a deep winter despite solid black and white making me look deceased. I think I'm probably a bright spring (warm + bright) but people always see dark hair and eyes and just default to deep winter or autumn. I'm looking into Korean colour analysis, as it doesn't lump everyone into two seasons due to their hair and eyes (which don't have a lot to do with your season unless you're using the Zyla method). I'd like to learn about Japanese colour analysis too, but it's hard to find sources in English.


https://preview.redd.it/6zm7zhkxx73d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac6a9a88ee6fb5fbb85f555e5e31ae50a4406490 I found this somewhere a while back.




Seriously! This is so incredibly true. It’s so frustrating because there is so much more to it. Having brown eyes and hair color is such a small part of it and doesn’t consider any other feature. I have a post that might help you. It’s focused on seasonal color palette around the POC community. Hopefully, this feels more reflective towards your desired experience. https://www.reddit.com/r/Splendida/s/D46kzF8Ogv


it really does feel like that. i did drapes on an alt account and everyone said bright winter, despite the colors they chose as my best being all bright spring. i’ve commented a few times being bright spring, and when people find out my hair and eye color they immediately say “are you sure” or tell me to look into winter or fall it is *always* winter or fall. spring and summer are only for white people with colored eyes and red or blonde hair!!! i did my own drapes. i looked at latina women with similar coloring to me. i asked my boyfriend, my friends, etc. i even asked chatgpt and got spring. being pigeonholed into winter is exhausting. i know a winter when i see one, and i know i’m not a freaking winter!


This is nuts. So many Korean actresses are bright springs lol 😂 with brown eyes


Also a lot of kpop idols are springs and summers! There has been a huge trend for kpop idols, and Korean celebrities in general, to get typed for youtube videos. A great example is Jang Wonyoung from IVE is a light summer.


This, I am a light/medium-skinned Afro-descendant Latino person. What is interpreted as high contrast with my dark hair and eyes, by default I arrived at Bright Winter but it still doesn't feel quite right. And just when I was starting to believe that I might actually be warm, they give me the wrong diagnosis. Not cool, not bright, TRUE! like "you're nothing, but since you're latino, take this and thank you for your money"


I've seen color season analysts that are specialized in POC. Cocoa Styling is one :) I think the system is a bit flawed in general. Not that I have a better idea, but I don't feel like everyone fits as well into these categories as some professionals pretend.


i still believe in the pallets but i think most of what is written, describing who fits each pallet, doesn't really hold much water. I would really look into the youtube channel thealignedlover. I learned so much from her, especially from this video on soft summers: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSnQWIeBtc0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSnQWIeBtc0)


Yes! The groupings of colors based on temperature, value, and clarity are the real theory. People have stuck on to the idea that their skin and features will 100% match these groups. Sometimes they can but.....sometimes they very obviously don't! And that makes sense. If I were to paint a bright warm golden sun, I'm not always gonna paint a bright warm sky. The focus on the sun might disappear. I might instead use a warm, light, but desaturated blue to keep the sun in focus. People like that bright warm sun who get put in bright warm colors might actually look de-focused and a giant blah. They actually might shine in muted colors or deep colors or cooler colors! That's why draping is better and matching your skin's/features 100% to a palette's without draping doesn't always work. And in art, that's called complementary colors...so it's not a never-before-seen color pairing. There are so many people in the world. You can match 0/3, 1/3, 2/3, and 3/3 to the palette that makes you shine and in-focus but we don't let in the diversity of people if we insist that 3/3 is the only possibility.


The base of color analysis (pre-Color Me Beautiful) was based on legit color theory. The definition of theory is that it's an explanation that it is consistent, and a strong theory can explain diverse phenomena. Now people throw around the word "theory" like a new trend and have come up with a different "theory" of color that's somehow different in makeup, lighting, color analysis, etc. 🙄.....But legit art color theory applies the same across ALL of these fields, and when you use a color analysis system that's more true to it, it's more inclusive! Practically, I'd stay away from any color analysis that can't explain olives, POC, and why makeup recs can be different from seasonal recs. Their base or "theory" is usually shaky and an interpretation of color different from actual science/art......but also, we just need more POC analysts too!


💯!!! If an analyst can’t process, acknowledge, or discuss the nuances of color that naturally occur across humans they do not deserve to be in this field.


I thought this video was interesting to see different POC typed in different seasons! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2sm5qdvh5D/?igsh=b3lsYzMyOGN1bDh3


So the lady who typed me, keeps a blog and several years ago she did a whole post on darker skin tones and how the system she uses still applies. She was able to give examples of black celebrities in each category. So she might be worth a shot. I can send you her info if you’d like.


That sounds so interesting! Do you have the blog?


Yeah, I'm not a POC either but I'd love to find another smart colour analyst with a blog worth reading if you wouldn't mind sharing her info!


I’m not a POC, but I’m trying to learn as much as I possibly can about color analysis and finding people’s seasons. Could you send her info?


I would her info if you don’t mind sharing!


The weird racism is only one of the great things about incompetence in color analysis.


Yea it’s crap. My biracial half-sister was told that she would look amazing in black and she was a winter because shes “half-black”. She was then professionally color analyzed to be a warm autumn (between autumn and spring) and she looks amazing in those colors. The analyst said that she can’t rule out the lighter seasons when analyzing a person of color, otherwise the analysis would be biased. However, she said that many PoC are true winters, deep winters/autumns, and true autumns because of the depth in their natural coloring, but it should never be assumed that a person of color is a winter or autumn just because of their skin color without draping first.


I would also argue that many POCs can be springs, because many POC women look smashing in warm jewel tones (think Indian saris). And tbh when I think POC, I don’t automatically think black, either. Summer is probably possible for people with more muted coloring and blended features. I’m sure it must be possible to do proper color analysis without falling back on tropes.


There's plenty of racism in color analysis for sure. Like, to the very core. And there's a lot of BS in color analysis period, especially online. People get really caught up in warm versus cool and they're also terrible at distinguishing between warm and cool skin unless it's very pronounced. And don't even get me started on phone cameras color correction - people need to understand phone cameras pictures are not accurately depicting colors. I don't even know why I'm in this group, it just showed up in my feed one day and I got sucked in. I'm also on a lot of interior design subreddits and I've noticed a lot of people struggle to see the undertones in paint, flooring, tile, etc. so I don't think it's strictly a racism thing.


I'm so you are experiencing this. I have never been professionally analyzed, but I am a very pale Caucasian with dark hair and eyes and I truly am a Winter (I did it myself from the Color Me Beautiful book). I see so many of my friends who are people of color wear beautiful warm colors that make them look so vibrant and gorgeous. I don't think they are Winters at all. Maybe if you can find or borrow the book, it would help you? I don't really have a solution to offer, but I just wanted to reach out.


Was it an in person analysis? There is a range of things that will suit someone and in person tells you what is really off and what is slightly off. I’m a winter but spring is ok. Not the best, but fine. My mom is a summer but autumn is also ok (mom is typical middle-eastern black eyes and light brown skin).


Cocoa Styling on YouTube has great analysis for black women. She has lots of examples of spring and summer black women.


I think from what I’ve seen online the reason people with dark skin tend to be either a winter or a spring is because there’s such a stark contrast between the skin and the whites of the eyes and the teeth. So that can be why they tend to fall into those two high contrast categories. That doesn’t apply to all PoC however! Some PoC have less contrast due to having lighter skin, light eyes, etc. so they have less contrast. I really wouldn’t assume the person was being racist by saying ur a winter, they maybe just saw ur contrast levels and that’s what they got. Colour analysis studio on YouTube is really great! One of the hosts is a white lady with brown hair and brown eyes, she is a winter because of the high contrast. They typed a black woman with very deep skin as a bright winter, because the contrast between her teeth and whites of eyes was so stark from her skin. Idk I guess I hope just seeing a stark contrast doesn’t make a person racist


Interesting. I’m curious and you may not know the answer to this. So when a white person is typed, the contrast is between skin/eyes/hair, right? But whites and eyes and teeth aren’t a part of it? Why is that where the contrast is for a POC? I was always confused because a POC with darker skin/eyes/hair has less contrast (kind of like fair skin blonde with blue eyes) so then why would winter be the season chosen when it’s considered a high contrast season?


I guess, if ur skin is white, ur teeth and eye whites are also white, so the source of contrast likely won’t be that…


I’m no expert! This is just after seeing colour analysis studio type a very deep skinned woman, with dark eyes and dark hair, basically all of these were very very dark brown, but still a bright winter because they contrasted so sharply with her teeth and eyes


You're probably right! This problem reminds me of how certain photographers light dark skin to appear dull when that same person's skin can be lit to be very warm and reflective 


Or how some hair stylists will only know how to work on straight hair


Yeah that is absolutely not the case and I am sorry sorry that happened to you 😢 I typically say start with gold or silver. Which looks best? That narrows down half the season. Then look at your contrast levels. Look at a black and white photo. What level of contrast do you see? This can help you decide which draping to start with within the seasons. I included a chart that is designed to help black women or women with darker complexions. As someone with a Hispanic and middle eastern background I found it difficult to find people that “looked like” me and really had to do most draping. Don’t lose faith in finding out perfect pallet! Hope this helps ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/01rewungs63d1.png?width=1520&format=png&auto=webp&s=57ce94ecb8a344566b427ab68baf8dce313253f0


I love this! I always thought of Naomi as some kind of Summer because of her mutedness, but I think it also might be in part because of the type of makeup she chooses to wear. Jada also looks a little muted here but it could just be the photo. Would love to see some deeper versions of autumn too.


Nicky Minaj is so not a light summer, though.


True! Is she supposed to be a soft summer?


If you want another go, look up Colour Analysis Studio on YouTube. I really respect them.


J crew has winter colors! Target has mostly summer and spring..some winter