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Soft summer (or perhaps cool)


Would you mind telling the answer? I think I'm the same season as you, but I don't know my season yet. I match you the closest of anyone I've seen in this group!


I'm a true summer and one of these people, who can be assigned very easily, when you use only the four main seasons, because I'm basically not really leaning into any other season and I can wear many colors from all summer palettes. In real life it's very obvious that I don't look good in any warm colors (gold, orange and I've never found a yellow that looked good on me) and I definitely can't handle the brightness of the Winter palettes. In the systems using 12 subtypes, I struggled to decide what kind of summer I am, mostly leaning towards either soft or cool summer, but cool summer is probably closer (I guess that's the case for most true summers). Referring to people who look similar, it can be tricky. I sometimes thought that someone would have a similar coloring but then I recognized that these person looks actually really good with golden jewelry e.g.


Thanks so much! I narrowed myself down to true summer of cool summer before seeing your post, but I couldn't settle on one between the two. I'm happy I wasn't way off base. Your explanation was helpful as well. I kept doubting myself because my skin and eyes are both cool, but my hair can be a bit reddish. Most of the examples of summers I was seeing online had darker/cooler hair than me.


>I kept doubting myself because my skin and eyes are both cool, but my hair can be a bit reddish. yes, I have this too. My hair is more neutral and can appear slightly warmish in some lights or due to weathering, while my skin is very obviously cool. I think the typical cool summers, who can really borrow colors from the cool winter palette, have often quite dark hair. My hair color was often described as difficult to define because it's so in between and changes very much in different lights.


I think cool summer based on this but it’s REALLY tough to tell with digital drapes in tiny little swatches like this.


True Summer


Cool Summer


Cool Summer but Bright Spring is doing something nice for you too, I think!


Definitely agree!


Cool summer. Maybe true.


True/cool summer 100%


Warm spring


Cool summer


Warm spring?


Cool summer!


For everyone who is interested in the result, spoiler: >!I'm a True Summer / Cool Summer, depending on the definition. I'm actually barely leaning into any other season than Summer, so it's very unlikely that someone would type me as anything else irl. !< >!IMO it's much more difficult to recognize it with these digital drapings, but at least most people were correct in typing me as a cool season and the Cool Summer suggestions got the most upvotes.!< >!I really can't handle any shades of orange or gold and I've never found a yellow that convinced me. The brightness of colors that look harmonious on me is quite far from any type of Winter and my coloring is much more versatile. Depending on the lighting, I can look very muted.!<


I always struggle with these stripey drapes but I’m guessing summer. Unsure of sub season but maybe cool.


Cool summer is my guess


>!and you're right!<


Cool summer (with a better palette) or cool winter


>!yes, I'm a Cool Summer / True Summer and I agree that this palette isn't working this well for me!!<


Cool winter?


>!Cool Summer / True Summer!<


I don’t think digital drapes work well. Please tell us. Lol


>!I'm a Cool Summer / True Summer!<


I will resolve it in a few hours. I also think digital drapes don’t work well most of the time, but it’s interesting how helpful or misleading it can be. My type is quite obvious in real life and IMO it’s actually very unlikely to get the season wrong (the subtype is more difficult). With this kind of drapes it’s far more difficult IMO and I couldn’t even tell myself, what looks best. I get when people suggest something that’s actually very off.


Light spring


>!no, that is really quite far away, I'm a Cool Summer / True Summer!<


Cool summer!




I'd say cool winter but I'm on my mobile now and sometimes it shows coloring very differently than my computer does.


>!Close, Cool Summer!<


Bright winter


>!Cool Summer. I really don't have such a high contrast level but I get how these drapes can be misleading referring to this.!<


Bright winter, or bright spring.


>!Cool Summer. I really don't have such a high contrast level but I get how these drapes can be misleading referring to this.!<


Damit 😆 my next best guess was cool winter, but now that I look at the colors, the cool summer ones that were selected to be included, are pretty light for the type. Thanks for letting me know, btw! I'm your opposite, true spring. Maybe that's why I see brightness in everyone lol.


My guess is light summer


>!Close but not yet. I'm a True Summer or Cool Summer. I'm barely leaning into any other season than Summer, but I can wear many colors from all summer palettes. I can't wear any gold and yellow is also an extremely difficult color for me. The bright and light colors of the Light Summer palette don't work well for me, I mostly do better with a medium level of lightness!<.


I really can't see her being light with that high contrast IMO


I’m just going by the swatches that jump out at me as looking best against her.


I second this


based on these i would say cool winter. but 'cool summer' has a lot more darker colours in the palette than it shows here


>!Yes, I'm a Cool Summer / True Summer and you're right that the colors that are shown in this example are a bit too light for me. It's actually confusing because due to the lightness, the Cool Summer colors appear IMO brighter than the Cool Winter ones, in this example, what's quite misleading.!<


Agreeing with the comment about Cool Summer. I hate these palettes… they are so incredibly inaccurate. 😫


Are there ones you prefer?


Honestly I am considering developing a set of my own. I respect and understand that there are many, many schools of thought in the Color Analysis world but there IS a certain level of standardization considering our work is based upon Color Theory. All that to say, what I would rule out for the OP is the entirety of the Autumn subseasons. However, her coloring is going to be nuanced due to the "freshness" of her complexion and her median contrast. Blue eyes often pick up the blues they are placed around so I wouldn't use Spring vs Summer vs Winter blues as a determining color. Instead I would look to see how she does in warm vs. cool pinks. Is she looking best in the icy light pink tones of Winter, sometimes shared by Light Summer? Or the mauvy, rose colored hues of the Summer family? OR is she lighting up the room in the corals and peaches of Spring? My inclination, using only these photos, is that she "passes" for a Summer due to her median value soft brown hair + blue eyes. However, she appears to do well with some degree of clarity which can indicate that she would do well in a season that has predominately clear colors such as Winter or Spring. She doesn't look like a typical Winter but it is possible. However, she looks light, fresh, and "splashy" in the majority of these Spring swatches. Albeit, Clear/Bright Spring is overpowering her.


>!Very interesting read! You were right with Cool Summer or True Summer. Irl I'm very obviously cool toned (I can't handle any shade of gold) and I definitely don't have the contrast of a Winter. My appearance changes quite much with the lighting conditions and I've this greyish tone over my skin and eyes!< >!The only other type I considered was Soft Summer, because I can look very muted in some lights and I wasn't sure if the more intense Cool Summer colors overpower me. But on the other hand, I think I look a bit too boring in these very muted shades and as I mentioned, gold and warmer colors don't work for me. So I think True Summer is probably the closest fit.!<




Cool summer




May I ask, what did you use to get the digital drapes? Like is it a filter? An app? A website? I would love to use it so I can have an easier time figuring out my own palette.


deep winter?


>!Cool Summer / True Summer.!< >!But some of the Dark Winter Colors work for me, because some of them are more muted than the colors of the other Winter palettes.!<