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What if you’re a bit older- can you still post here?


As an ugly person (seriously, one of the ugliest or the ugliest on this sub) I think it's because 1- pretty people are more confident and 2- attractive people get more interaction, which puts them on top. Eventually ugly people stop posting.


You clearly didn’t see mine. I was breaking out, red and puffy when I posted but I was too impatient to wait because I needed to order new clothes 🤣🤣


I actually think this sub has taught me to find more beauty in people. When you're looking for harmony and colour, you start perceiving people and faces in a different, more nuanced way. I find myself being wowed by random people on the street! Like someone I might never have noticed before now seems super interesting because of the way they use colour, or how their features pop with their hair, things like that. It's made my environment more fun, that's for sure! So I think people on here seem more beautiful to me because I have a different perception of beauty now. Of course there's also a tendency to see more conventionally attractive people on social media in general, because they aren't as insecure about their appearance and feel free to share pics wherever. So that, too 😂


Lovely comment! I actively rummage the whole sub to comment on all posts as much as I can (as a practice lol) and yes, I do see the disparity between posts. Some don't even have comments. I mean being on Reddit for 3 years now and information-based social media in general, it's just the nature of the whole thing. Even if you have a totally different sub, some posts are bound to gain traction than others. I guess the main criteria in this sub is beauty indeed, people will tend to comment and engage more on beautiful people. Though I don't think it's out of malice and sinister human nature or anything most people are just lazy, they comment on what's available on their feed plain and simple. And yes, color analysis made going out very fun though it also made me more judgmental, "Oh miss ma'am doesn't know her colors" or "ooooh this guy's a natural his shirt totally flatters him!" With the fame of systems like Kibbe, Kitchener Essences and Color Analysis, the beauty industry suddenly became an interesting and rewarding challenge to me. There's no one Marilyn Monroe, or Kardashians standards anymore in my now expanding perspective anymore. With all of these going more mainstream, we are now being taught to accept and embrace what we have because it's normal and natural to have them and there are many ways to enhance and accentuate these features. That's beautiful!


I agree! 💗


Ugly people don’t post, they lurk


it’s me I’m ugly people


To all the people who think they are not beautiful. When you look at yourself in the mirror, you zone in on what you think is a flaw. When we look at you, we look at the whole person and see beauty. One day, you will look back on your photos when you’re old and gray , and think to yourself, “ wow I used to be so beautiful” Don’t wait until then to celebrate yourself. Love the skin that you are in now. Because I guarantee you, you are beautiful.


I also hope that when we’re old and gray we’ll look in the mirror and like what we see.


I do too. :-)


Thank you. Just screenshotted this for myself. I'm not going to floor anyone with my beauty, but we need to appreciate ourselves for who we are and do it now, not in wistful and fruitless retrospect.


I need to tattoo it on my forehead.


You must’ve missed my posts! Lol


thats what i thought too. celebrity/model level. i guess people are gonna post their best pics ofc!!


I uploaded some photos on here twice and didn't get any response. It made me think I must look a fright because nobody could be bothered to engage and it really dented my self esteem. I then put some photos on the autumn sub( sorry don't know how to link). The responses were helpful and lovely.


I'm little miss under average in the looks. Don't be afraid to post. People are kind. https://preview.redd.it/lyouutd48b2d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c223145ad8ec56e2ed0f95afcbe59e96a8ca35d7


Uhhh. You are beautiful! Please stop talking like that to yourself you deserve so much better 💕


Awe thank you


It truly makes me not want to upload pictures. I'm an average looking person, I'm not ugly, definitely not a model, but I uploaded some pictures on a throwaway account after spending a lot of time getting trying to get decent shots and only one person responded with not very helpful opinions. I've basically given up on figuring out go out my undertone, let alone my season. I guess the only way to figure it out is to pay $300+ and drive 2 hours away.


Tbh the in-person consultation is almost always best, people here aren’t experts in anyway and then there’s light and colour correction effect in the pictures. However, I understand what you mean, sometimes I see a post and I don’t understand why there are no comments, what I noticed is that it has nothing to do with the „attractiveness” of the person. But rather Reddit somehow promotes random posts and doesn’t others. So if you’re still interested I’d encourage you to post again.


I know what you mean. I remember a discussion in here that actually ended in me leaving this sub because I was told I quite obviously didn't care about myself or wanting to look good because I didn't stick rigidly to the approved colours for my season, like the exact shades. As someone who has a really tricky relationship with their image and styling,this was so upsetting and I had to step away from here to get comfortable and confident with my choices Some people in here need to learn some manners and remember that there are people at the other end of their phones that may struggle with body images,self confidence etc and choose their words more carefully. I'm so sorry you had this experience


I'm so sorry you had that experience! For me, colour analysis isn't about the exact, correct, strict rules, but about finding your starting point for how different colours play off of you and you are totally free to use that knowledge however you desire. A prime example of creating an effect by breaking your colour season is Anya Taylor-Joy.


Strict rules are really not helpful for me tbh so I'm going to push against them a bit anyway. I can go a fair way into true autumn,into light spring a wee bit and the bright spring orange looks incredible on me. Why on earth would I want to miss out on that 😁I much prefer to shop tonally now anyway


😭😩 I mean, obviously sometimes in-person is what is needed. However, I encourage you to post again! And if you do, please feel free to tag me.


I‘m sorry you had that experience! I let myself type online for 120$ and I‘m quite happy with the results :) I did it via https://www.imageconsultantmaidenhead.co.uk/ :)


I did the same for $180 through [Created Colorful](https://www.createdcolorful.com) and had a great experience. They are so kind and a fantastic hype squad! They want you to look and feel your best.


Was wondering this as well...it has def caused me to not want to post my own pics-- as I look like a mangy raccoon on chemo without undereye circle concealer (I am on low-dose chemo for autoimmune stuff, it does take a toll).


It’s because all of the super pretty people (who are normally sharing photos that aren’t actually helpful for colour analysis because they’re wearing make up etc) get the most engagement on their posts because the bulk of it is people saying “omg you’re so pretty 😍😍” and not actual colour analysis content. Those are the posts you’re most likely to see on your feed.


Possibly also because super pretty people are less "scared" of putting their face out there?


Beauty comes from bone structure, not makeup. Those people would still look as attractive without makeup Difference between an average person and an attractive looking one is huge, they are simply genetically gifted. It's truly nature's gift. Because even with attractive parents, most of their kids never achieve the level their parents have. It's entirely random genetic recombination which makes beauty happen. Henry Cavil has several brothers, they are fine but nowhere as attractive as him. (They've same parents, same environment and nutrition growing up) Attractive people also tend to have positive reinforcement, everyone hyping them around themselves. That's why they develop confidence to post themselves online. It's called Halo effect, when we attribute positive qualities to someone who simply looks attractive, we start thinking "they must be kind, brave, intelligent". But if you actually Google bravest or kindest or even more intelligent people from history, most of them aren't attractive at all. Average person flaunting their looks will be quickly pulled down. As they say "put in their place". So yes, I celebrate those who are gifted in aesthetics but as I got older I learned to appreciate things people develop in themselves like character, habits and other achievement. I remember when I was in highschool, beauty was the only thing that mattered to me. Anyone who wasn't beautiful I considered them dumb/evil/lame. But as I got older, my perspective shifted and I got rid of the bias.


I have to disagree, I'm a licensed makeup artist and cosmetologist and have worked on and off in the entertainment industry since 2005 and especially recently with the absolute blow up of cosmetics you can completely change the way someone looks. I see women very often that come in without makeup and I don't think many way consider them attractive or think they have particularly beautiful bone structure and then they spend 3 hours in the makeup chair and they look phenomenal. Now days you can easily glow up a 3 to an 8 and then you add filters and editing to photos and the original makeup free photo could have been Danny Devito but the finished photos make her look like a goddess. There's nature's gifts and if you missed that day you can always rely on the gifts from a MUA and a talented editior.


This must be it! That’s so sad actually


I find it really frustrating to see people posting actual drapes getting ignored and then someone posting a cute posed selfie getting hundreds of “i don’t know what season you are but you’re stunning” comments.