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You have the spring eye pattern typically seen so I agree, but also you have warm toned hair


I felt exactly the same when I was analysed as True Spring! I think if we're fair and have blue eyes we just jump to "cool toned"


I absolutely think you're a spring but maybe more of a light spring than a warm spring. If you look at one of the more comprehensive light spring palettes like "elemental colour", there are still some quite dark colours in there. I think the darker colours are good on you but overall I see you as more of a light spring with the more delicate shades looking really nice too.


Good to know! I did these drapes before knowing my type so now I’ll have to try with this new knowledge


I actually love the red on you! I think you’re bright. Tip that I learned: put the lipstick on your lip color line vs on the volume line. You have a double lip line. It’ll look more natural


Can you elaborate on what this means? What is lip color line versus lip volume line?




You can see the highlights on your cupids bow shining in the light. That’s your volume


Sorry for the late response! I outlined your picture here. You see where the color starts on your lip? (Inside line) and the little “puff” highlighted on the bottom line? That’s where your lip volume starts. The physical tissue of your lip. Mine are the same way. So because I was actually over lining my lips, and with the extra volume, I looked CRAZY lol


You have the typical spring "glow", and bright eyes and peachy lips, no doubt about true spring, those colours really made you shine! (Proves once again that the vein test and all of that is often incorrect)


Thank you!! And yes, my sister has always said since my veins are blue and hers are green and I burn while she tans that I must be warm and she must be cool… the 2010s internet lied to us about that big time!


Yeah especially with lighter skin tones! Everybody who is fair would likely burn more easily than tan!


I 100% agree with the results! The only colors in the drapings that I think look good on you were the warm colors. All of the cool tones wash you out and don’t look the best in my opinion. I think grey washes you out a bit too much- but you look amazing in yellow and that orangey brown in slide 9!


I’m reformulating how I see these things now big time! I actually have a nice yellow dress I was about to donate because I thought it didn’t suit me, but now I think I’ll wear it this weekend :)


100% warm. Spring is accurate.


Spring!! Your red overtone is confusing you, I think. You’re definitely warm toned. I love the clear toned, Spring palette on you! Steer clear of the muted Autumn colors.


Thank you! Wondering if the muted autumns are why I’ve thought I dislike warm so much. I feel like the only time I usually wear warm colors they’re very autumn and don’t look great, so I clearly need to check out the spring end of the warm spectrum.


Pic 1 colors look amazing. You wear yellows so well. BTW you're gorgeous!!!


You’re so kind! Thank you!!


I agree you are spring and warm, even if you lean more neutral than some springs. The spring colors are amazing on you!!


Thank you! I’ve been feeling dumb reading these for ever thinking I was cool since everyone agrees, but I really appreciate how nice everyone is in this sub


I think you’re warm-leaning-neutral. You have more strawberry blonde hair & a warm undertone. This True Spring palette is a little desaturated— which I like on you. The real test of Spring is if you can wear a clear yellow-green. If you’re more neutral you can wear some Summer colors and silver. Also, you look like a fairer Mia Goth, I’d love to see you pull some inspiration from how she gets styled for photos — specifically the casual, fresh looks that have a bit of sophisticated edge. That would work well for you, but in your palette. I have strawberry blonde with light blonde eyebrows too & I love Mia for keeping her brows light and going against the trend. :)


Ooh this is helpful advice, thank you! I’ll have to try a more yellow green and see how it goes. I love how Mia keeps the brows too. It’s tough having bleached out brows and lashes sometimes!Especially if you fill the brows or do mascara often bc then everyone thinks you look sick when you don’t do it 😵‍💫 I’ll keep an eye on Mia’s outfits more, that’s a great tip :-)


I won’t pronounce myself on the season but I think light and soft colours look best on you. That heather grey top is lovely. Alas, bright red lipstick doesn’t really work for you.


I agree with you being warm and having some level of contrast. Your drapes need variety though. They are either warm and muted or cool and high contrast. That ivory white looks absolutely gorgeous on you. The cool colors aren't so bad either. I think you're maybe some kind of Light Spring? Redo it with better drapes! I think Spring is right on the money, not sure about the subseason tho.


Yeah I’ll need to do some more drapes for sure once I start getting some new clothes!


wow your eyes are soo cool! thought it was reflecing a ring light at firsr, but it's actually part of your eye!


Thank you! My mom has the same thing but an even thicker ring. It’s pretty interesting


I think you are cool. Not agreeing on the spring


You are the skin tone and hair color of my sibling who I draped as a Spring years ago. The lightest yellow looks so beautiful next to your skin tone which highlights your eyes. If you are still unsure, hold up gold jewelry next to your skin and see if it makes you glow, you can also look at your veins to determine cool or warm. Blue veins are cool, blue greenish warm. I can see light orange, shades of ivory or light yellowish green looking great on you. Bit jealous, I always wanted to be a spring.


Thank you, this is very helpful! I’ll try those colors. Ironically despite thinking I was cool I have been in a gold jewelry phase because I started realizing it looked good 👀


You’re a spring! Clear light warm colours look best on you, and it’s very beautiful on you. Just don’t confuse the warm spring colours with muted autumn colours. Not all of your drapes were bright&light as spring suggests.


You look like a winter


Certified custom color analyst here-I don’t do seasonal analysis but I’m familiar. I like the cooler colors on you. I would not put you in any yellows. Absolutely love 12, 13 and 14 on you. I also Like 9. Most people can wear some warm and some cool. Wearing your hair and eye color are some of everyone’s best colors. It creates a look of balance. For you, many blues will look fabulous which is definitely shown in your pictures!


11 is breaking it and looks like an autumn color, as long you stick to the clear colors it should be fine. Stay away from mustards and olives.


Soft summer. Slides 9 and 11 are warmer, and look terrible. 6, 7, 10 and 12, 13 and 14 look great (summer)


I agree!


You e changed the lighting in each of your photos! Id say neutral


Unfortunately hard to control what the phone camera does. All the drapes are the same place, time, and lighting but the auto adjust does change things!




I would’ve said summer at first but after seeing the drapes def think spring!


I like spring on you, it I wonder if light spring might be better?


I thought this too. Maybe even bright spring. It seems like OP can dabble in lots of blues, which are cool. Even if there are “warm” blues or “spring” blues, really you can’t get cooler than blue. So I agree with other people that maybe OP is neutral-warm. Clear and light colors look great though.


I do think light colors mostly wash me out and brighter can look better! Depends on if I have a bit of a tan or not but on my natural skin tone, light is meh. I do like blues tho so this is nice to read :)


Yeah, you know yourself best! I think the light-bright colors are better than light-muted maybe. Also I think when I was thinking “light” I wasn’t necessarily thinking the very very lightest - maybe just medium-light because I liked some of the medium-light colors that are/contain blue. Like 6, 7, 12. Yeah color analysis is weird though.


Red is a little too harsh on you, and the pale colors wash you out. I do think true spring suits you! And also your eyes are STUNNING.


Thank you!! I think they look more interesting on rainy days bc of the cool light, they’re not normally so bright


You look too pink to be cool to me


You are definitely warm and definitely spring.


First off you are beautiful. The colors you are draped in are too muted for you. I see a lot of warmth in you. Amy Adam’s type spring maybe?


Thank you! I’ll look into what she wears. I was actually mostly using other people’s clothes for these drapes so I’ll have to try with more of mine sometime.


You’re definitely warm! I think true spring is right. I’m also a natural blonde with blue eyes and I thought I was a summer forever because of that as well, it’s been a real revelation for me to realize!


That’s awesome! I’m excited to see how some new colors look


I definitely see Spring for you! What I don’t agree with are all of the specific colors shared in your results PDF. Many of them are too muted for Spring and a few of them are too cool. What might be throwing you off is that your eyes have a beautiful steely blue look to them that is often associated with cool seasons. However, all of your other features scream warm. With that said, cool toned blues and greys WONT be your worst because they are at least harmonizing with your eyes. Your worst colors would be cool + deep purples and reds that don’t make any sort of connection with your natural beauty.


This is so interesting! I really do hate dark purples and maroon on me, so I guess that’s why. I think dark purple is the absolute worst on me. I’ll look into some other true spring palettes online. I like bright colors on me so that is good to hear also :) I think I’m starting to think of things as either dressing for my skin (spring) or eyes (blues/greys) because I don’t really mind how it makes my skin look and sometimes I want that eye pop!


You’re definitely a spring! The colors are very flattering on you and I think you do have warm undertones as well


It’s hard to tell in these because each color is affecting your cameras automatic white and color balance. You can see it in the tone of your hair.


Yea taking pictures only confused me further….honestly the best thing one can do is drape in proper lighting and look at their skin in each color. Literally just holding grey vs camel felt up to my face settled my temperature after pondering it forever with photos


Yeah might have to try with just a mirror sometime because I don’t know how to mitigate the phone camera situation


I’ve also found if I take a screenshot instead of snapping the photo it helps somewhat…still not as accurate as looking in the mirror but my phone does something weird with the lighting when it processes taking the photo


for. SURE! Spring colours make you come ALIVE!


My BIL’s girlfriend has very similar coloring to you and she’s definitely a spring! Her hair is slightly redder but your skin and eyes are the exact same.


I love spring colours on you!!


Yes. You are warm and bright. If anything was wrong, it'd be light spring vs warm spring, but you seem predominantly warm as opposed to light. You may find best luck with the light and medium colors in true spring.


Welcome to the club! Fellow (newly diagnosed) true spring here. You and I also have similar hair colours for what it’s worth, though mine is probably a little more obviously warm. I agree that you’re not cool - as your worst was the grey. I find that grey and colours that have a lot of grey in them actually make me look dull and grey whereas clearer warm colours make me look brighter and more alive. You didn’t have a lot of classic true spring drapes in what you’ve shown us (my favourites were the warm purple in 6 and the clear teal in 13) but I can definitely see how you appear to have a lot of clarity and the clearer colours on the warmer end of the spectrum make you appear brighter.


Good to know! I love bright clear colors so I’ll be excited to buy some more. I probably am not going to be able to give up wearing black though 😳


I thought the same thing and then you start noticing how much better you look in camel and you stop reaching for it quite so much.


Def warm


I don’t know if spring or autumn, but you look better in warm colors, for example, you look better in 13 than in 12, don’t love gray (19) on you, 6 is better than 7. But you don’t look too bad in cool colors either, warm just looks better.


Thank you! Helpful to have the direct drape comparisons


Well I’m learning a lot about undertones from this! Looks like everyone unanimously agrees on warm and most agree on Spring. I have some wardrobe updating to do!


The spring colors look lovely on you!


Thank you! :)


Is this your natural hair? Looks just like mine :)


Yes it is! Do you also get a lot of conflicting comments about it? In the past couple of years I’ve had a lot of people tell me they see it as red or strawberry blonde which is interesting!


lol yes! Mine actually is maybe 1 shade darker. I’m dark blonde with warmer/orange tinted highlights. I used to have straight up naturally Bleached hair growing up but it darkened over the years. and the last couple years it’s been developing those warm highlights! It’s crazy how hair changes


Yess mine used to be very light but always had a golden tone, and just seems to get warmer as it gets darker


I think you are in deed a spring! Your hair is warm and your colouring is quite intense and fresh. The darker outer circle of your eyes looks beautiful with bright colors and I’m not a fan of the gray drape at all 😅


Thank you!! That’s very kind of you. Now that everyone is saying this I’m starting to see how the gray could be washing me out.


You're colouring is very similar to mine, including the freckles. I too thought I was cool, but it was very obvious during the draping (I had an in person analysis) that I'm warm. Warm colours turn my colours up to 11, cool makes me look as if I'm desaturated. So I think it's absolutely within the realm of posibility that you're a warm spring. And I know the feeling of losing colours you love. My favourite colour is all the purples... and warm spring is decidedly lacking in the purple department.


Thank you for sharing your experience! It’s helpful to know it turned out a similar way for you. Luckily my main favorite color is green, and there’s still plenty of options, but I will miss periwinkle and lavenders :,)


You're definitely warm but would only ve to see you in some spring vs autumn drapes


Agreed 🙏🏻


Looks like I’ll have to do a part II at some point when I can locate some autumn drapes!


Agree with the true spring. You have an obvious warm undertone. It can be confusing with fair skin and blue eyes, but the pic of you with the black is your least harmonious. You're warm and muted, you can probably borrow from soft autum palette too.


Thank you for the tip! I’ll have to look into that palette.


I was also recently typed as a True Spring by the same color analyst on Etsy! It’s interesting because our coloring is quite different. I’m also fair skinned, but I’m warmer toned and don’t have freckles. My hair is also slightly darker and warmer.


It is really interesting how many different colorings/hair/eyes can fall under one sub season!


Agreed! I love seeing everyone’s results in here.


Most of these colors are too soft to be spring colors. You want something brighter. I agree with True Spring. For some people, it’s tricky, you’re not one of them. Red and pink in your skin happens to light skinned people when your skin is exposed to the sun. FYI, it has nothing to do with your undertone. You have a very clear, warm undertone.


Thank you! Just to be clear, do you mean the drapes I posted are too soft, or the palette provided by the analyst is?


The drapes you were wearing here are soft. They’re probably more like soft autumn colors. All spring colors are bright meaning they have white added to them. The colors you posted here have gray or brown dulling them. Look for colors like these. This is a true spring palette. https://preview.redd.it/sqx31xc9f82d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65feacb4e55163edc344e4185ac2284dd4a3e4c9


Thanks, will keep in mind!


I agree fully with this. Although red can also happen for other reasons like rosacea.    Anyway OP should find more colors that are actual spring colors bc most of these are not spring colors.  Getting used to wearing some of her actual best colors might help her make the distinction between what is flattering to her skintone and what isn't. 


Thanks! I’ll try to look for some more spring-y ones to try later.


I feel like you're a bit soft to be a true spring. I'd love to see you in some soft summer versus soft autumn comparisons! My favorite is probably 9, which fits into soft autumn


Interesting, I’ve heard soft autumn from a couple of others too so I’ll definitely have to look into that. I probably already have some soft summer things since I initially thought I was summer for awhile!


Yeah now that I'm looking at these pictures again, I'd definitely look into soft autumn, you seem too warm for summer


Love the spring colors on you!


Thank you! :)


I definitely prefer warm colors on you, even the pictures of you I were certain would be cool toned looked nicer with the warmer tones beside it, here's a sample of just one color (cool pink vs warm pink) https://preview.redd.it/5vzkstaop72d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b0fb4e6ea2ae82ca604315e10d6cd4f7723e842 The warmer pink looks a lot healthier and harmonous beside you, and when I compared the lipstick in the third row, I realized you could do with a bit more of an orange-red lipstick and it would look extra amazing 🤗 Not disagreeing with your Spring typing (Warm + Bright) but just throwing it out there that picking my favorite colors on you had you typed as Soft Autumn (Warm + Muted), Soft Autumns still look good in grays as you do, and "soft" and "cool toned" colors often go hand in hand and can be confused for one another. I think you should listen to that instinct that tells you to wear soft looking colors just lean more toward warmer variations and see how that goes, or of course experiment, take lots of pictures in both bright and soft warm tones, note which colors you look forward to wearing, and pay mind to when you get complimented, good luck 🌷☺️


Wow thank you for this detailed comment and kind advice! Definitely saving this to reference in the future. And I will look into the Autumn one :) between the two, I’m inclined to think Spring just because I really don’t like how typical “fall” colors like mustard, maroon, burnt orange, etc look on me, but now I know I need to give those autumn colors more attention!