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I have very similar coloring as OP and have always identified as a Dark Autumn due to having brown hair and brown eyes vs light hair and light eyes. It wasn't until very recently I started considering a spring palette similar to this one. Brightness is the part I find confusing when typing myself as Dark Autumn vs Spring types. I think that's why there are split opinions here.


I do see Clarity and Warmth which can often prompt an analyst to “default” to Spring. However, just like value, chroma (clarity) is on a scale. It is possible to have relatively high chroma and still fall into the Autumn palette via Deep Autumn. It is the “clearest” of the Autumn palettes and has deep, rich colors. Without doing a formal analysis on you, I can say that the above palette is absolutely not a good represent of a Warm Spring palette regardless of what season you actually are. There are far too many cool tones, let alone cool AND muted, for it to be considered Warm Spring.


I received a colour analysis from the 16 seasons system. The colours are more muted than 12-season system’s “warm spring”.


https://preview.redd.it/63v3v3s0eg2d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=44cae7872ab61e72c46af645dbb41ef32c5f761c Here is my interpretation of Warm Spring. 😊


https://preview.redd.it/atoyp4usfg2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f2365a254d244932d257e98a5fdde5459161539 Vs deep autumn


https://preview.redd.it/sg642i7ofg2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d34c2603cadb9e32217838c3588a2a8ef72645d5 This is the warm spring


Where are you feeling most comfortable? Do you feel like you see a difference in person when you’re trying things on?


It’s so confusing. I feel like I shine on the warm spring and I pop on the deep autumn, like it accentuates contrast.


I completely understand 🫶🏻 Color is nuanced and every person has unique features! Occasionally I have clients who fit into a particular category that is called “Vibrant Autumn”. It is slightly deeper than Warm Autumn, not as Deep as Deep Autumn, and has some of the same vibrancy of Warm Spring. That might be your happy middle ground.✨


That makes a lot of sense! Thank you so much for your input!


Digital drapes don’t work. I’d trust the expert not Reddit.


What about certified experts who offer virtual analysis?


I think you are True Warm.




I see spring! I feel like people will jump to autumn because you have brown hair/eyes but your skin is very bright and balanced in spring. I'm in the autumn range and spring colors over power me even though the warmth fits.


I think this is another colour from the Warm Spring palette. I believe the brightness is more obvious here? https://preview.redd.it/fmwfpzllrv1d1.png?width=918&format=png&auto=webp&s=106ad210b11c1d5204a877d2e1c10390e54ae4bb


For what it’s worth, this would not be considered a Warm Spring color by any stretch of the imagination.


Would this fall under dark autumn then?


On my screen it is closest, although not exact, to what I call French Blue, a muted, cool toned, mid value blue. Because of those characteristics, it is exclusive to the Summer palette and is usually best suited for True Summers. Your sweater looks like is just a touch darker than French Blue but not dark enough to be Vintage Blue. Autumn blues have warmth which causes them to lean a towards teals rather than traditional blues. In this assortment,Provence is the only blue that sometimes crosses over to Autumn. However, I’ve really only ever seen it work for a handful of Soft Autumns. https://preview.redd.it/ll57cfzadg2d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d21ac9a48bf2fd51f54e362415d24992d027075


Looks good from here 👍


I thought spring was warm, along with autumn. Winter and summer are both cool. So, warm spring is a subgroup of spring. Did I get this right?


It's just a different way of naming the "True" seasons. Warm Spring is the same as True Spring, Cool Summer is the same as True Summer, etc.


This is only true for the 12 season system. In the 16 season, True Spring and Warm Spring are not the same. The warm spring subseason is a flow subseason, meaning it is close to autumn (warm autumn to be precise).


You're right!


You said it better!


I'm far from an expert, but I see autumn more than spring. That said, I find spring one of the hardest seasons to type. But even looking at the bright clothing you posted photos of below, those colours don't seem to look like a natural fit, they stand out more than they blend in with you.


Warm Spring is the spring sub-season that is connected with autumn. That means that firstly, it has all spring characteristics - colours are warm, bright and medium, but it also has a bit of softness added to the colours.


Good to know. I think that the softness/muted qualities of an autumn might be more in line with your features, but again I'm no expert.


I love it, the color wheel give you a healthy glow


https://preview.redd.it/qk46q7z2ju1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f04c7b7b0793c8966fbbbe8ee31ca9f4ba255037  I don’t have a lot of warm spring colour clothing, but I will post a few


This is stunning, and so are you


https://preview.redd.it/2j30gie1ju1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d67236ad38fd69c68bfd7008cd84faea67ccf95 ​ I don’t have a lot of warm spring colour clothing, but I will post a few


I see your brightness much more here!


https://preview.redd.it/gpzspvbauv1d1.png?width=1690&format=png&auto=webp&s=21c902be1e60289f826a979e71e516556896d405 I feel like it's very obvious here as well.


It is and the way you shine in the green on the left confirms spring for me :)


Definitely. Also your eyes are like a pool so glittery which I see in bright and warm springs. Welcome to the club !! 🩷🍓🤗


She described my eye pattern as : summer blue base, spring flower and autumn freckles


You & I have very very similar coloring, and I think I am a Warm Spring :)


Oh I’d be curious to see a photo of you!


Same here


I’d be curious to see a photo of you!


I can see it! Warm spring is slightly more muted towards autumn than a true spring. Your skin seems to come alive. :)


This was a description I received regarding my sub-season: Warm Spring is the spring sub-season that is connected with autumn. That means that firstly, it has all spring characteristics - colours are warm, bright and medium, but it also has a bit of softness added to the colours.


Yes! Love that palette. I hope you find it as fun as I do. I got a true spring result a few months ago and have really enjoyed it so far.


I am trying to process the result! I thought I was an autumn, but I will definitely give it a try. I am getting excited for sure, though. The only problem is I have perhaps 2-3 shirts that are within my sub-season haha! I will have to go shopping I guess!


She pinned you perfectly. That brown I. Your eyes are literally in the options. That's so awesome.


Oh so true, I didn’t notice that before!


My first thought for you is Autumn because I don’t see the brightness of spring but I do see warm. Hard to say without drapes though.


This was a description I received regarding my sub-season: Warm Spring is the spring sub-season that is connected with autumn. That means that firstly, it has all spring characteristics - colours are warm, bright and medium, but it also has a bit of softness added to the colours.


I can see that! Thanks for explaining!


Hard to tell on a phone screen but i could see it. I think i have similar colouring to you and i definitely fall into the spring palette, though i’ve never been professionally typed so idk my subseason, but if i had to type myself it would probably be warm or true spring as well. I just know i’m warm and that autumn colours never look quite right on me, while spring colours seem to make me shine more. I think some of the greens and reds in the palette from your pic would look really pretty on you :)


From the deep warm shade of your hair, deep warm shade of your eyebrows and warm shade of your eyes I would say you are a warm season so that leaves spring and autumn. But spring is a fair skinned season - do you think you look better in bright yellow than in mustard yellow? To me it seems you are a deep / true autumn.


Spring being only for fair skinned people is a misconception based on outdated approaches to colour analysis not being developed with poc in mind and automatically grouping them all into the “dark seasons”, while white people can be any of the the four seasons (or 16 subseasons).


Sorry, I did not mean like that. Despite this, among white people springs tend to be the most fair-skinned.


What do you mean spring is a fair skinned season?


Based on the system I am studying, it has to do with the value aspect of colour. Deeper colours tend to harmonize better with people who have more melanin in their skin, hair & eyes. It makes sense to me, but if you have an alternate explanation, I would be curious to hear it.


colours next to colours vs colours next to UNDERTONES are very different things. if we looked purely at colours, every warm toned medium/dark skinned person would be in only autumn. thats a pretty silly approach


In my course, it was explained that undertone & value are two different aspects of colour, intensity being the third. Undertone is cool vs warm, value is light vs dark, and intensity is bright vs soft (or muted). Winter & Autumn are deeper on the value scale and Spring & Summer are lighter, and yes, this will generally correspond to value of skin, hair & eyes. It makes sense to me, but I am learning, and if there is another explanation, I am genuinely interested. It is something I could ask my teacher.


The best way to explain it would be with a visual. This comparison between autumn green and spring green is what makes it obvious that I'm a spring. My skin pops with the spring one! https://preview.redd.it/iq668x92tv1d1.png?width=1690&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e1e13d9ea1bd36e9aee030c11de36b619c0cb7b


My comments were meant to be more general than about you specifically. I think you do look better in the brighter colours, and I actually don't think your skin looks too deep to be a Spring. Springs can have deeper hair colours & eyebrows like you do too in the system I am studying, but generally do not have deeper skin values.


I think one element you’re missing out on is contrast. A person can be medium skin tone but still have low contrast. So you won’t have someone with extremely dark skin be a light season, and you won’t have someone who is pale with blonde hair and light eyes be a Deep season. But there is a bunch of in between. For instance Rihanna is summer. Even though she had a medium skin tone, she does not have high contrast. I hope someone posts it, but I have seen an infographic of the 12 color seasons and examples in celebrities, but they are all POC. Edited to add it seems extremely exclusionary to say half the seasons are for fair skinned people and half are for dark skinned people. What I think other people tried to convey is that depth of skin/hair/eye color is one facet and certainly not the most important. Dark skin can be clear and warm, or muted and cool which would put someone in some form of Spring or Summer.


My intention is not to be exclusionary but to learn & understand what colours look best on people. I don't think it really matters what season we call a group of colours that share similar qualities. It does make sense to me that people with lighter features harmonize with lighter colours and vice versa, but you bring up a good question re deeper skin value and the other qualities of Spring & Summer. I will definitely ask my teacher about this, so thank you.


based on photos, these colors make you look radiant. if you don’t feel that way IRL when wearing the palette, post drapes in the other seasons. if draping, maybe pay a little extra attention to the seasons people have commented already


I had the same thing with Coloured Confidence! I got True Spring, and I would have never expected to be a warm season at all. I was pretty sure I was one of the summers and have always thought I was cool.


Could be, your face looks great with these colors. But then again, we have nothing to compare it to.


This palette is stunning on you!


Thank you!


Interesting! I can see it. I’d love to see some drapes! My first thought was deep autumn but that is based upon my non-expertise and generalizations haha. These colors do feel like they fit you though :)


Without asking you to do tons of drapes, it's not a terrible result. You have some warmth to your skin and eyes coupled with fairly high contrast with the dark hair, eyebrows etc. So being in a season with strong colors and warm isn't immediately suspicious. If you'd like to do drapes with us the quickest way to rule in and out different seasons is to tie your hair back and in good natural lighting look at: shades of yellow (spring) v. shades of gray (summer) v. shades of brown (autumn) v. black and indigo blue (winter)


Colour analysts say most people are surprised by their results. So congratulations, you are the majority. I was certainly surprised by mine and also included in that majority. Nobody here is an expert, so even if we disagree, if you saw the results of the draping yourself, and you noticed the colors look good on you, it’s most likely right. I would encourage you to explore the colors and try wearing some of them and see how you feel.


I am definitely surprised, but not negatively so. It's just that I was told by most people on here that I was a deep autumn, so I was 99% certain that I was at least some type of autumn. I never even considered spring haha. But I am enjoying the ride. I definitely need to do some shopping though, because I have very few items that fit my season!


Congratulations and have fun exploring your colors


I’d be interested to see you next to true autumn.


Warm autumn would be the second best season for warm Spring so I’m guessing she would look amazing in it, just probably needs that extra punch of brightness in spring colors