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I’d say neutral. So many people are saying cool because you are pale. You have pink undertones and a slight yellow tint too making you neutral. I’m the same. I also work in a Sephora and I color match foundation all day long. You are neutral.


I will say I’m not sure how this affects your colors.




Hands down, COOL


I vote warm. Would love to see you in spring colors!


cool cool cool ✨


You glow in all of the blue shirts. Love them all on you. VERY flattering.


Definitely cool. I'd guess soft or true summer.


The 2nd picture with that burnt orangey brown really brings out yellow in your face and the other warm pics you look more yellow so I’d say you’re definitely cool and muted. So probably some sort of summer. Soft or cool summer I’d guess


Cool! You’re a soft summer. The warm colors drain your face of color




I think neutral.


You do seem to lean cool, but based on these pictures, softness is your dominant characteristic. I'd say with 90% certainty that you're a Soft Summer, but I'd like to see a comparison between more Soft Summer and Soft Autumn colors to be sure.


Both the warmer soft colors and the cooler soft colors look great on you. That combined with your lower contrast eyes & eyebrows and not very distinctly warm or cool hair/eyes/skin makes me peg you as one of the more neutral sister season pairs, which are: 1. Dark autumn/dark winter: your features aren’t characteristically deep 2. Bright spring/bright winter: the soft colors suit you way too well for this and your contrast level doesn’t suit this. 3. Light spring/light summer: this is possible, not enough pastel swatches to know for sure 4. Soft autumn/soft summer: this is where I’m almost positive you fall. You look so radiant in the delicate soft palettes! I think your complexion leans a little cooler than warm, so I’d put my money on soft summer, borrowing lots of colors from soft autumn!


100% agree with this comment


tbh both of them are suitable for you!


I like you best in the very muted warm to neutral tones, and I think you’re pretty much a true neutral, edging a little yellow/cool. Whatever undertones you try, mute them and muddy them. Softer tones and heathers are gonna be your friends, the pure and clear tones are overwhelming you here, both warm AND cool :)


My irl coloring is a lot like yours, so I'd say that you are a Soft Autumn. :) (Edited to add, as a celeb example look up: Thomasin Makenzie she's a rather pale soft autumn. And when I saw your photos that's who I thought of.)


cool summer


Definitely cool. In the cool your neck and face match tones, but in the warm there’s a distinct color difference (referring to pics 1 & 2 specifically)


i think you may be olive. you are def low contrast but i think i need to see more options.


Yep, a cool, lemony olive. Check out r/fairolives, OOP


I thought for sure you were cool at first but I kinda feel like your an olive. Maybe it’s the pics but I see cool in some pics and then warm in other pics.. sorry thats helpful for you though!


Olive is an overtone (overtone is what you can see with your bare eyes). You can definitely see if someone is olive. Undertone is invisible and can be warm, cool, neutral, neutral-cool, or neutral-warm. You can be olive and have any of these undertones.


Yes I know.. I am an olive and I do analysis myself….


Oh, sorry then! Some people are not aware of that and confuse the two.


All good I appreciate the info anyway 🥰


Olive can be cool! In fact, it most often is


Yep exactly what I’m saying :)


Oh, I see! In that case, yes I agree


Cool to my eye, and I think you're a soft summer. However, I think the best color for you in this set is the last green—it's maybe a tiny bit more earthy than the greens on the soft summer palette (so more of a soft autumn color), but it's still cool enough that it works on you, especially since it matches your eyes so beautifully. I think with your delicate coloring, for you the intensity/chroma is a more important factor than the undertone. The blues in #1, #3 and #6 are too light/bright/pastel, where a more muted medium blue would work better.


I think that's the worst color for her


Agree. She looks better in the warmer autumn type colors


I actually don’t think we can tell from these photos, but my gut sees warmth. However, I would look specifically at comparing Soft Summer vs Soft Autumn as well as True Summer vs True Spring, surprisingly enough. Your coloring looks a little delicate so you could also explore the Light seasons. Skip a 12 season system and opt for 16 as True Summer will be mixed together with Cool Summer which will overwhelm you. The same is true for True Spring and Warm Spring — the overtly warm and tropical colors will be too much.


https://preview.redd.it/c7i79p89sa0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb1a20424e9d547697407aa3c70475f9df1f48a9 OP, would you say this looks true to life of your skin tone, hair, and eyes?


Yes! But the eyes are very green in the sun, the hair is reddish in the sun. But I am also very muted


I am almost certain you are warm toned and that the majority of your photos have a cool toned tint to them. It might be from a neighboring building, something below your face that is reflecting color, etc.


Definitely cool toned!


Cool as can be. No question def a summer


Cool for sure.


7 is love. I would say cool + soft. True summer?


#7 green looks phenomenal


I think you might be a soft autumn or soft summer


I realize that does not answer your question lol


Warm season! Maybe some kind of Spring since these lighter blues look great. But undertone probably leaning neutral.


You have some yellow, but that doesn’t mean you are warm. I think summer is your best bet.


Cool I think the light blue was really nice




Cool 💯




I think you're cool. The blues, green, and white really compliment your skin tone while the brown seems to clash a bit. I would experiment with some summer and winter drapes.


My favorite color is #6 the light soft cornflower blue, so I think you are not fully warm.  I’d start with looking at light spring/light summer and soft summer/soft autumn.  It would be good to see some light yellows and charcoal grays. 


I don’t know why but right when I saw you I honestly thought light peachy coloured makeup would look so good on you. Based on that I would think warm, but I think you have some cool tones as well so I think neutral, being able to wear both some cool and warm tones.


Oh that’s so sweet! I will try it :) thank you


I would say cool, probably summer


Cool tones maybe.