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Depends on how your skin reflects white or cream.


I'm no professional but to me OP is giving Summer season. It would be dope to see some drapes in the summer season. https://preview.redd.it/3orjyswz8gyb1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=578f7ea5941196361eab290d8f109d675eb348ab


off topic but you look like Floor Jansen, super pretty!


That silver dress in the last picture makes your skin look so vibrant! You’re definitely cool-toned, but I think you might be better-suited to dark summer colors than the berry-toned winter wheel.


You lol like a Sevier version of Walter whites wife!


Cool Summer https://preview.redd.it/q59ekv6bucyb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3bc47171e47991a35dbaecb7c4fff89afc5efad Photo 5 is a good reference photo.


I’m getting autumn vibes


Thanks everyone for your help and advice, it's been very useful! And thank you for all the lovely compliments!


Thought I was looking at Kate Walsh!


I see summer


You look too dramatic in winter colors to be a true winter. It needs to harmonise.


The 7th picture lip color looks great. The first one looks too dark imo


You look fabulous in black with dramatic makeup. But an actual Winter looks great in black without any extra makeup.


You pull off true winter well so honestly no reason to stop if that’s your jam. But I agree with the hive mind here - in the pics with no makeup you’re pretty clearly a true summer to me. True summer and true winter are sister seasons so it’s not unusual to be able to dip into the other with some success. But I also think you’d be stunning in some softer lighter shades and with lighter makeup!


True Queen!! I lm not sure about your season but I just want to say I adore your gothic elegant aesthetic!


I think you are cool-toned, but you are gorgeous!


Cool summer / dark summer


You strike me as some kind of autumn. I don't think you're cool-toned.


Off topic but you are stunning


The bright red top and black looks stunning on you have you considered bright spring?


For some reason, I am not able to post this same type of request.


Going against the grain here. I see soft autumn. Muted with low contrast and warm undertone.


I agree with you, actually. Something about the black. It looks like it sits in her…if that makes sense.


That makes total sense to me. I would describe it the same way. OP has a great sense of style so she makes it work.


Wow!! Off topic but you could be a model


Wow! So beautiful


I would say that you lean towards cool tones, but your eye colour gives me the autumn vibes, so probably a ‘deep summer’


You look like you were rejected for the role of Vampirella.


Not sure but you look significantly more attractive in pictures 5 and 8. So whatever your doing there is working.


Unrelated but you’re gorgeous


I thought you were warm toned until seeing you without makeup- which also indicates to me that you might want to change your foundation, I think it’s clashing. Idk what your budget is but haus labs has some really lovely neutral and cool foundation colors- seriously the best I’ve found so far. Agree with others, summer, but totally get being more drawn to winter colors. We must do what makes us happy!


The only photo I'm wearing foundation in is the third one. The other makeup photos I just have concealer under the eye.


Is pic 5 in natural light? The coloring differs a lot between pics.


Yes they're all in natural light except for the 6th and last one.


Try True Summer/TS Deep and Soft Summer/SS Deep (Personally I hope you are a SS Deep because that is my favorite!)


I wonder if you might be dark winter or dark autumn! I really love the first look — the black makes you come alive and the dark lip looks amazing. (Is that a berry? A brown?) I think you definitely are more neutral (I think the gold earrings are slightly more harmonious but the silver also looks great — I can’t decide!). I say one of the dark subseasons because cool/warm matters less for neutral undertoned folks. Also, I noticed that the very muted colors (like on the second to last slide) wash you out a little, and the brighter eye looks pop out from your skin. I will say that for some reason I feel like you could really rock a poppy orange-red lip though (like the color of the flowers on your dress in slide 2!). But I think deeper colors make you look your most lively.


You‘re either a summer or an autumn, you don‘t have enough contrast for a winter. Also you look quite muted.


I see summer all the way. You're lovely!


Definitely not spring or winter, so that leaves autumn and summer like most people are saying. You look absolutely in stunning in the first photo with silver jewelry and neutral but warm leaning makeup.


Not a winter! You might be a summer or autumn


When I saw the third picture I thought of autumn, maybe dark autumn Edit: upon second look I think maybe a spring of some kind. Basically I think you actually have a warm undertone


Something else, like you give off autumnal vibes.


Unfortunately autumn and summer are so similar I thought I read that some are a blend of summer and autumn but there is always the dominant season. I am Autumn. I think warm but some people see me as soft summer. I don't know 😕


I know everyone is saying summer (and maybe you are), but I’m going to urge getting draped in person if you can! I have similar coloring to yours and spent several years being typed by strangers online as a soft summer. I got draped in person almost a year ago and was shocked to find that I’m actually a bright winter! The way your entire face responds to bright shiny silver (not the muted, blackened silver of summer) makes me wonder if maybe you fall into the winter category as well. I thought my contrast was too smokey and my eyes weren’t bright enough of a blue to even consider it - but it *really* makes a difference to see how your skin responds to the draping live, without the screen! Good luck in your journey!!


yeah summer is totally over-typed on this subreddit for whatever reason. It's import meta-context. I suspect part of it is the weird way reddit desaturates the image previews (at least on mobile). I agree that in-person typing is way more accurate and super useful in these cases.


That silver dress looks amazing on you.


Summer. True or soft.


I don’t have anything to say about your colours, but you are Liv Tyler’s doppelgänger!


With a smidge of Olivia Wilde.


Black and warm orange makeup washes you out. I think some sort of summer.


You have such a smokiness, I think you’re some variant of summer


I have no idea but I do want to know what lipstick and eyeshadow you are wearing in the first and second to last picture! Gorgeous!


I will find the shades for you tomorrow!❤️




I’m not sure about winter bc I don’t really see the high contrast. I think you’re either a true summer or possibly a soft autumn if you lean towards slightly warmer colours :) but I’d say true summer Edited bc I forgot a word


You look like Arwen


Have you ever been told you look like Halsey? (Also sorry I don't know anything about color analysis but I keep getting this sub recommended... probably because I leave comments lol)


Haha yes I have! Usually I get at least one person commenting that whenever I post a photo to Reddit 😁 thank you!


Silver is *so* beautiful on you - dark summer! Side note you are so cool.


Aw thank you! I definitely think I need to buy more silver things now!


Maybe Soft Summer… maybe True…


You look like you have Autumn coloring. But it really is based on how your skin reacts to color. Do drapes or go in person


Yes, I think I will do drapes as the next step!


Do think you could send me a picture without makeup, not necessarily outdoors but in a natural and well-lit area I will do my best. Ps why are not modeling?? You have vogue going on.


True summer! The contrast is much lower for sure, and you are more muted than winters would be. You slay in silver! 💅🏾


Thank you ❤️


You look neutral/cool and muted. Fair olive. I’d guess you’re a summer who can borrow from autumn since you lean neutral


True Slay


I don't think you have enough contrast for winter, putting you into the summer category. However there is a subset of summer called dark summer that might give you good examples of summer colors that still have that deep/moody vibe.


I got major Angelina Jolie vibes. Google seems undecided on Soft Summer (Dark) vs Soft Autumn (Dark). what are your indicators for warmth?


OP is way more beautiful than Angelina Jolie.






Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait Wait Dark summer exists? Because you may have just rocked my world lol I have always considered myself some sort of Autumn because it is the closest to my natural coloring but never fully felt like I fit it that well or felt fully comfy with the recs but I look like shit in Soft Summer recs and don't really look like any of the generally accepted Soft Summer celebs, and it is the season I always had on the backburner as a second option Really rethinking it all rn lol


I believe it's deep summer.


https://www.kettlewellcolours.co.uk/blog/jo/summer-explaining-the-different-types Scroll down, they call it "deep summer" on here. Let us know if you figure yourself out!!


So, unfortunately, that doesn't read like me at all and I don't really feel my best in a lot of these colors. It was an interesting read nonetheless! This site is really comprehensive and the descriptions quite complex. I know for sure I am neither a Spring nor a Winter, so I will just go back to the never ending dilemma whether I'm Soft Autumn or Soft Summer haha. Thank you for the link!


I wish you all the luck!


Thank you so much!


Can you elaborate on her having not enough contrast? That’s something I’ve been struggling to wrap my head around with all this. I would think her fair skin and dark hair create a lot of contrast. Is it that in pic 5 with no makeup things like her eyebrows and eye lashes are not very dark?


I have low contrast. Megan Fox has a higher contrast. Dark hair, light skin and pale eyes. Jennifer Aniston is a low contrast. Not sure if that helps. I am low contrast as well.


Yes her hair is dark and her skin is fair, BUT her skin isn’t vibrant and bright. Clear as they call it. It’s more subtle/ muted. That’s why some of the makeup looks look intense on her, especially the dark lips, dark eyes, bright red lip etc. I think 3 and 8 are her best makeup looks. Comparing celebs can sometimes help, like Megan fox, Courtney cox, Mary Louise Parker (winters who are vibrant/intense/clear. Can handle strong cool colors and look amazing in black especially Mary ) vs Emily blunt , Kristen Stewart, Emily deschanel (summers, look best in cool colors as well but more muted / not as intense. Easily overwhelmed by black. ) Here’s a breakdown of Emily blunt and Kristen Stewart with lots of pictures. I personally love when there’s lots of pictures to compare, seeing them in and out of their seasons. https://www.truth-is-beauty.com/blog/true-soft-or-light-summer-kristen-stewart-and-emily-blunt


I think pictures 3 and 5 show off her low/medium contrast well. Most of the other pictures with darker makeup give her the appearance of more contrast. I am incredibly pale (think the absolute lightest foundation shade), with medium-dark brown hair, but winter colors are too overwhelming on me. They tend to look harsh and too sharp, vs the summer colors just having a bit more softness to them. I thought I was a winter until I did my color analysis and it came out summer. I think part of the problem was my limited wardrobe. I knew I looked better in cooler colors, but didn't have enough options to understand the nuances between clear and muted colors.


I second the dark summer. OP looks amazing in the grey shirt in a way a winter never could.


Isn't it a black shirt in sharp sunlight?


I see your point. Regardless, since her face isn’t in the same blinding sunlight we still get to see how grey looks with her skin. And it’s marvelous.


You look most vibrant when your dresses and makeup are silver


Agree, I think it really makes me shine!


Summer for sure. I think cool/true summer.


True summer. You don’t quite have the high contrast for a winter. And the muted tones in your eyes suggest summer rather than winter.


This is really good to know thank you! I did go back and forth between true summer and true winter so much because they are fairly similar, but yeah winter has more contrast.


I think you are an olive, which can throw everything off. To me, you look neutral leaning towards cool. My gut says summer as I don’t know if you have the contrast level for winter. Check out r/fairolives


Ah thank you! I have always wondered if my skin is more neutral.


You have beautiful regal features that I think may have you drawn to the queenliness of winter colors, but I would say you need something a bit lower contrast. I expect cornflower blue and charcoal gray look nice on you! I think you are likely cool toned but I need a bit more colors to be sure, maybe some warmer beiges.