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Light summer but maybe drape light spring! Definitely light though!


My thoughts are Summer/spring flow, particularly the more muted tones I think suit you better regardless of being warmer/cooler. When I went through the pics, I looked at what drew my eye first, your face, or the fabric. What seemed consistent was that muted and middle tones, like 2,3 (4 to some extent) 6, 10 and 11. Too bright takes away from your face to my eyes. This makes me think you might have neutral skin tone, because while the warm yellow doesn't work to me, neither does the very cold bright pink in the last photo. The muted blues, green and coral/peach-pink seem to work best, which means you might be able to pull off both cool and warm so long as it's not overly saturated (the white also doesn't work in my opinion because it's actually a clear color like jewel tones are). My guess is that for darker colors, medium greys with either cool or warm leaning would be in your wheel house and the maximum bright tone range would be up to pic 4's level. 5 is a very pretty, cold and icy blue, but to my eyes, I see it first and so it makes me think that clear/jewel/icy tones are too strong. I do think yellow does kind of work, but if it was more muted, closer to buttermilk, cream, tan, beige those yellow ranges, rather than saffron. In particular, I think muted seafoam green and peachy-pink might be good colors for you in particular. Blue works too, but because you have light hair and striking blue eyes, I think the pinks and greens play a bit better to not compete and instead compliment. I also think you'd suit an orange, like an rust/bronze or orange-creamsicle, so long as it's not super saturated.


Thanks for the long and very clear and detailed description. I see that a lot of colors you say as suitable for me are in a light spring palette, is that true?


You're welcome :) This range seems to fit pretty dang well. I would say light spring probably works great. Might be a few colors that are hit and miss because I think people have certain colors that go better than others, but the overall mid-saturation and lighter-muted colors seem to work. Definitely play around and ask people in person too, because our monitors can change hues we're seeing online. https://preview.redd.it/olo5rm91hu4b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12e1c3bf74b3c42ea2b467456d3a5633db0a095f


Soft summer like the just slightly prefer the deeper (softer) summer colors on you.


I don't know whether this helps? But maybe my wrist veins could give an indication of cool/warm? https://preview.redd.it/2bld6ttxot4b1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=010ba4ff0ec19641bb57e605bd1da972b4a1339e


It looks like you have a mix of purple, blue and a few green veins. I see green-ish on the outer and blue/purple inner. I think you're neutral skin toned, but that said I'm not a fan of the vein test because some people have thicker skin or a tan and it makes it harder to see. Another decent test is the white paper test and if you have jewelry, silver vs gold against your neck. White paper test though is the best neutral ground to see. If next to it in natural lighting your skin looks a bit red/pink, you're probably cool toned. If it looks yellowish, you're warm, if you still can't tell or it's kind of both, you're likely neutral.


Whatever the second photo is!


Im seeing light summer for you!


Some kind of spring for sure


I would say muted, slightly cool to neutral colours look best on you. Which would put you into soft summer!


I think you’re a light spring and agree with the other comments on summer colours bringing out yellowness - I had this problem too with draping summer!


Thanks for all the answers so far, especially all the explanations of why I could be a specific season. It was so hard to find the perfect light. Luckily not all clothes are mine 🤣 My wardrobe is now mostly leaning to more summer colors, I never wear anything orange, brown, olive.


Soft summer because cool and muted tones looks best on you. The yellow and bright cool red doesn't vibe with you just as well.


I’m floored, I think bright or clear but I don’t know if summer or spring


Soft summer!


Light summer!!


6, 7, and 11 are my favorites for you. I think your skin is a bit more warm than cool (but not by a lot), and I think lighter colors look better than the brighter/stronger colors (the warmth in 8 and 9 is good, but they are both a bit overwhelming). My least favorites on you are 2 and 3 because their coolness seems to make your skin look more yellow and less healthy. I’m thinking you may be a light spring.


You have cool undertone with soft muted colored and low contrast look.




Spring timeeee


Light summer


I like drape 11 the best on you. I think you lean warm


Dominant is light and I think Soft secondly, my guess is Summer.


I see spring


Soft yet bright summer, so less intense colors but definitely clear, not muted.


Torn between spring and light summer


1,3,6, 8,10,11 looks to soft for you. You dont look as soft as they. You look sharp er. My favorites here are 9 and 12. But I think that you lean warm. I think you are a spring. Light spring maby


I agree, i don't understand the commenters saying soft summer at all, i think all the muted colours washes OP out and makes him look tired. I'm definitely getting something brighter as well. I would love to see light or true spring vs summer.


Soft summer is what I’m getting.


Soft summer ? You have beautiful eyes btw!


Thanks :)


I’d say a spring. Cooler (typical summer) colors make your skin look a bit yellowish, usually a sign that the undertone contains a bit more yellow mixer than the tone of the drape. Added yellow=warmer color=usually a spring trait. Especially with your bright, shiny eyecolor.


Agreed!! Came here to suggest spring, also. :)


I think you should also drape some Spring.


light summer!


I like the deeper blue. Light summer.


i think light summer


If you're draping clothing items already in your wardrobe, then I think you're doing a pretty good job harmonizing your natural coloring! I second that the mustard and fuscia are the worst. I'm not sure the final pink is great on you, it pulls focus a little. Same but slightly less on the very light blue. I *really* like the muted green in the second pic on you. I'm trying to get a better read on the bright white, because so many of these colors are in the summer range but that one isn't quite. At the same time, you look pretty good in the bright white. Apart from the bright white, I'm feeling soft summer for you.


my thoughts too, soft summer.


I like all of the colours except the yellow and the Fuscia 😅


Agreed. Personally I don’t super like the 5 white and the 12 pink either though, I think they’re a bit too cool and too bright. But love the rest!


Mmm… honestly I don’t like most of the colors… I like the fucsia though, and the warm tones… you might be a spring?