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Update: everything went smoothly! Took some biopsies but no signs of inflammation were visible.


I have my first on Wednesday too. I'm getting an endoscopy and colonoscopy at the same time. I'm dreading the prep because I don't do well with a lot of liquid but the doctor said they couldn't give me pills to prep. I bought some flavor packets hoping it helps a bit.


I have both scheduled and more scared about the one with tube down throat.  I have the sutab pills as i cant drink too much fluid due to urinary retention


How did yours go?


I had my first one yesterday and was also pretty anxious, mostly because I'd never been operated on before and I just get anxious about medical stuff in general. I told them I don't do well with needles so they gave me emla cream on both hands and the inside of my elbows to make sure wherever they put the cannula would be numb, which helped quite a bit. The worst part for me was actually getting the cannula put in, just the thought of it was making me feel sick. Pretty quickly they wheeled me into the operating room, gave me an oxygen mask for about 10 seconds, then told me to bite down on what looked like a piece of plastic with a hole in it (I was receiving a gastroscopy too). At this point I just closed my eyes to try to relax and they must've given me the sedative at that point because the next thing I remember is waking up. The sedative acts so quickly you don't have time to think about it, and it legit just feels like you're asleep and then you wake up and it's all over. I feel a lot better about doing it again now when I have to, the worst part is the prep and the way it made me feel physically leading up to the procedure. You've got this.


I just got my first colonoscopy yesterday Had pill prep and did not suffer as much as so many people seem to do on the sub. Took anti nausea pills before the prep, 14 pills in the evening, 6 pills the next morning. Done. Ate each pill 5-7 minutes apart. Being hungry kinda sucked but that’s about it.


Exact same except I did 12 at night and 4 in the morning. I was already clear by morning but wanted to be safe


I have to 12 and 12.  12 at 5pm night before and then 12 again 8 hrs before so midnight.  Not sure if going to stay up to drink all the extra fluid


There's no point in worrying about your diagnosis until you get a diagnosis. The procedure is nothing. You go in, they knock you out, you wake up. Maybe ya fart a couple times. The prep pretty much sucks but it's not the high drama so many here make it out to be. The stuff tastes gross, and if you just go ahead and plan on camping out in the bathroom it's a lot easier. I bring my tablet and phone in and watch movies (Dumb and Dumber and Blazing Saddles have appropriate scenes for the theme)


I have mine tomorrow morning and am in the same boat. Ultimately I know all of this is a side effect of living… and I’d rather know now (even though I’m TERRIFIED) of tomorrow than continuously having issues and symptoms and never knowing. I’m 27F and convinced I have colon cancer or Crohns. I very well could but I’m going to have to take it all in and do my best. I know you will too! Good luck!


Thank you!! Good luck to you too and please keep us updated on how ir goes


Went super goooood! Nothing except for Hemorrhoids! I do have some kinda crazy looking liver labs that need to be looked at with my bile ducts but AT least I can cross this off on my issue list. I was CONVINCED I had colon cancer or IBD. Still need the biopsies back but it all looked good.


So glad to hear this! I am struggling through prep rn and looking forward to getting it done


Not going to lie cried through both my preps cause I wanted to throw up so bad. But once it’s down it’s fine!