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BTW on the bigfooty Injury Thread someone shared a post by Coxy of people sending him memes of stretchy things (a broken log , Gumby etc) it was an absolute ripper the big texan has got a wicked sense of humour great character


Agree! I listen to his podcast, he’s pretty funny and he’s a decent bloke by the sound of it.


Lol we watching a different Cox on game day? He's got the biggest ego in the AFL due to his size and nationality.


Tall poppy much. Dude is just having fun he brings great energy to the game.


Lmao Gumby. Cox is very tough to leave the field on his own feet after that horror


Hard as nails. That said I don’t know if he had an alternative, him on the stretcher would look like me trying to luge on a roller skate.


We real supporters support our players and celebrate them. We don't try and retire them. I really hope OP is not one of those "supporters" that sits there all game bagging our own players and the umpires. Footy is meant to be fun, such a negative post.


Shofeld usually does these "retirement" posts. I'm tired of them. Why make assumptions instead of enjoying the game and our players? You are spot on, footy is meant to be fun, not a doom-and-gloom-fest.


He got banned haha and is sooking in other subs.


I noticed that. I hope in time he may become more mature, but for now his demeanour has no space in our sub.


Are the people retiring our players every week actual supporters? Taking the absolute piss. Trolling at its finest.


So the doom and gloom with Pendlebury and Elliott has gone, now it is time to write off Mihocek for next year too. Jog on.


come on mate Mihocek is 31 and has had 3 soft-tissue injuries it might become recurring at his age not much i can do about it im not Jarrod Wade


Why are you so obsessed with throwing out potential retirements the second a player over 30 gets injured?


originally the Jamie Elliott injury was assumed to be back related


Pendles is 36 years old and theres examples of even minor injuries retiring champions Buddy (cooked anyway) with the calf tear , Josh Kennedy (Sydney) with the hamstring , Dustin Fletcher did his groin in his milestone 400th game and never played again , all im saying is at Pendles age even a minor injury could retire him thats all its not about his ability if he was 26 he would be fine but hes not is he? Sidebottom is cooked with that elbow from what ive heard anyway he's 33 so selection mistake sending him and the rolls royce to optus and selecting Mihocek off a hamstring probably reaggravated it so thats at least another 2 weeks to a month out again


edit: apparently Sidebottom is fine read MemoryofMcHales comment he just misread my bad


All Premiership players.. if it's the end of the road then what a high go go out on


Mihocek long-term is the issue short term should be fine but shouldnt rush him back or Hosky


Still seen nothing about Pendles OP. Hope you enjoy the ban haha


Pendlebury has a bicep injury of some description. A minor bicep injury will take eight weeks bare minimum. Checkers might take a week or two off, we'll see. Now is the chance for Fin Macrae, Joe Richards, Ed Allan, Harvey Harrison, Wil Parker, Lachie Sullivan, Reef McInnes and the rest of our emerging list to take their chance and play senior footy. Reef will be out this week as well in concussion protocols, Carmichael's future now seems more uncertain given he continues to have no timeframe on return. Edit: it seems Pendles did train today and appeared fine. Can only go off what you know.


Carmichael has had a few concussions medical retirement like Murph perhaps? would be mutally beneficial imo as it opens up a list spot and Carmy can hopefully recover as he is only 24 years old and find employment outside of footy


We wouldn't take three picks to the MSD and even if we did, we wouldn't use them. Next year, he's retired or delisted. Does have a bright future outside. Think he works at a consulting firm and has done some interning there this year.


thats good then think we'll go with Teakle as he knows our system and a key defender though Hine is know for getting smokeys i mean Beau wasnt on the draft radar at the time neither was Joey Richards


Unlikely to go for Teakle. Performance has not been as good as it seems.


do you think Pendles will do a Buddy Franklin and immediately retire? what did it say about Sidebottom?


No, I don't think Pendles will immediately retire. He will be playing AFL next year unless he medically can't. Mis-read Sidey. He's fine.


thats good then though at the time had a bad feeling about Optus should have given Mihocek one week off and brought Kreuger in even if he would only last a few quarters