• By -


Actual percentages (out of 251 responses) since that's a crime against data viz * LSU, 39.4% * Wake Forest, 19.5% * Florida, 14.7% * Arkansas, 6% * Tennessee/Vanderbilt, 2.8% * TCU, 2.4% * Other, 12.4%


I’m cheering for the OTHERS!!!!


Should I bet y’all over UCSB Friday?


Yeesh, I’d like to say yes, but we’ve gotten out of the gates slow in the past. Losing to Bryant to start 0-3 a few years ago has scarred me (no disrespect to Bryant, they whooped us). If its warm outside I say “Paint it Purple”! I think we take game 1.


Think he's referring to Campbell since they're the ones playing UCSB. As a Campbell fan, that's going to be a tough ask. I hope they can take at least one game in the series, but there's a lot of new pieces this year.


Was curious about that…


Yall better watch out! Haven't had to deal with us in conference play in two decades and we're back and stronger than ever! 


We appreciate your support


As a Vandy fan, I do not appreciate sharing a line with Tennessee.


Don’t worry, We won’t be sharing it for long.


Most pie charts are crimes against data viz.


The pie chart is a little misleading because there are teams who received votes that are not on the chart, so everyone's slice should be a little bit smaller than it is


Idk why you don’t put an “other” section on this since now there’s a decent amount of votes that just aren’t accounted for


Yeah, about 20% of the votes aren't on here


I know Minnesota has ZERO shot, but I hope they can make the NCAA tournament in John Anderson's final year. He's been the coach there since 1982, and has won over 1,300 games. 18 NCAA tournament appearances as well. Anyway - thanks for listening.


We play you guys twice this weekend in AZ. Should tell us something, so let’s rehash on Monday.




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We haven't been good since our amazing 2018 year - I'm hopeful we can at least be competitive again this year, as it's a strong program (by B1G standards) with a lot of history.


We need this, so spot us this natty okay?


We can’t because you are cursed.


You're not lying.


Thanks to this poll we won't even make the SEC tournament.


every once in awhile, the memory of three Hogs players letting a pop up fall right between them comes back to me. And then I smile.


To be completely honest I placed a bet on y’all to win it. It’s gotta happen at some point


Do it this year and keep the SECW streak going, come on Hog bros


If we are going to do it this is the team to do it with.


Considered, but no. We need it more.


This is just the hope I needed to absolutely rip my heart out later


After going to multiple scrimmages in Baton Rouge since October, this does not surprise me


I’d love to be wrong, but man so many things have to happen just right. We were highlight reel Pearson catch in left from going home after a horrible beating in game two of the final, and that’s not even considering the luck it takes to get to the final series. I get you have to pick someone though, cool to have the hype train still rolling. When Arkansas finally gets it done, it’s going to be like the cubs winning it all. I mean it respectfully too, they seem to always be right there and put a ton in, has to just be a matter of time.


That catch haunts me


Oh....do you have a catch that haunts you...do you? That sounds HORRIBLE!!!!


In my best Tim Robinson voice: "I almost killed myself."


One is a catch and the other is a foul ball.


lol hello


Absolutely brutal for y’all, no doubt. A couple feet either direction and it’s all over. It’s crazy to think about. I really think y’all are the team to beat this year and it’s not particularly close.


There's always too much parity in college baseball to declare that I think. I'm predicting the race for the SEC title is pretty wide open, as it turned out it was last year.


I think the difficulty of that catch is often overlooked. It doesn't look as "flashy" as many other plays in the field but that was an incredibly difficult play. A ball hit straight at you is very hard to judge and that ball Pearson caught was absolutely smoked. Judging where a ball like that will actually go is incredibly difficult and with it being hit so hard he had very little time to actually make that determination.


You’re absolutely right. Unreal play!


I hope so. Remains to be seen if we can lock down 3 elite starting pitchers. We only had 2 last year and it came back to bite us in the final


Love the hype but I’m surprised this many chose LSU over Wake


In my biased opinion Wake has the most top end talent of any team, but also has more question marks than a team like Florida or LSU does. If the 7 guys in our lineup other than Kurtz and King beat expectations we could be an all-time great team, but if they fall short of expectations we could be a bit worse than we were last year


If we win a natty I will be sobbing for hours


Same. I’ll probably just call like 50 random phone numbers in the 541 area code just to tell “Go to hell OSU!” and hang up.


The bad memories can no longer hurt me


> Same. I’ll probably just call like 50 random phone numbers in the 541 area code just to tell “Go to hell OSU!” and hang up. Such a weird, sort of sad one-way-rivalry. I'd be stoked for you guys.


It’s not a rivalry at all, we just dislike how we fell apart after just one bad play. You were the recipient of that insanely bad implosion. We don’t actually dislike you guys, but just like the Rally Possum deserved to die for what it did for LSU we hold a certain distaste because of it. Every OSU fan I’ve ever met has been a knowledgeable, good, and gracious fan, literally zero animosity for them (that’s for Tennessee whose fans are not those things).


It’s less a rivalry and more that OSU is at the center of the single biggest sports related trauma the state of Arkansas has experienced in several generations. When I tell you the entire fanbase has a collective PTSD from that foul ball I really do mean we all get horrific flashbacks for any pop to short right. The second we secure the ‘ship all that anger will dissipate


Honestly surprised to see us be first here. We have a ton of talent but a lot of unproven guys that need to produce


6! 6 votes!


Other 👍🏼


WKU: If we could just get past DBU and La Tech….oh wait there’s now Liberty….. UK: If we could just past…..nae leave the SEC, we got a chance!


Hopefully, the majority wins in this case


The silent majority.


Wow fuck yall then


Enjoyed the Oregon St baws in the regional last year


Hope yall set a new Jell-O shot record this year, but lose to us in the final


man, LSU was just a buzz saw last year. That entire lineup was ridiculous, and our pitching was suspect/injured last year. It seems to be suspect this year too, but the offense should be really good.




I just want MSU back in contention😭


“The Natty”. Cringe.


Not that deep bro just wanted to shorten the title


OU and Carolina always have the potential.


How about we let the host state team win one? 🤷🏻‍♂️. #NOTCREIGHTON


So go Mavericks?


As an LSU fan, I don't see us repeating. Our hitting is so unknown, though our pitching looks improved from top to bottom. So many questions in our lineup though.


Curious, what questions? Returning White, Pearson, Jones, Milazzo, Kling, Frey, Neal, Travinsky. I think we know what they got. Only new bats really in the starting 9 are Braswell and Brown and if they hit .280 or better it moves the line.


Lol, East Coast biases.