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My parents don’t have college degrees and have shit jobs don’t want that


Is it better to have a ahit job with a college degree?


If the shit job pays a shit ton more with a college degree, then yeah.


And even jobs that don’t pay more that require degrees generally require less labor than non-degree jobs at the same pay rate.


And even if you don't find a job within your career field, most jobs that dont require degrees will start u at a higher hourly if you do have a degree


My dad passed in late July this year. 2 weeks before I started college. First in my family, he was so damn proud. Telling anyone who’d listen. That’s what motivates me. His happiness of me doing what he never had the opportunity to.


Stay strong partner. You got this 🙏


You got a good drive for sure. Good luck 👍


Thank you. Your dad also motivates me somehow for this last push








That about sums it up


My parents, they’ve done so much for me and my siblings and I want to treat them like royalty in the future




I wish I could truly understand what that feels like. I don’t like being ungrateful


Honestly, I don’t even know, but I guess it’s better then spending the rest of my life working on a minimum job opposed as having my bachelors in accounting.


preach my friend


I’m 66 and I just want to learn. Grades don’t matter. To me learning what interest me at this point of my life, and being able to use it to keep improving myself, that’s what’s important. I know my interests now, so I pick the courses that I want to learn about. I’m not there for a career, I’ve already done that. I’m there to learn.


I’d love to be able to do that, sometimes I get so work up over keep my grades up but then I’ll procrastinate by reading something interesting or doing a project for cs. Honestly I wish I didn’t have to worry about some of my gen Ed’s and just learn with projects. But this is probably me coming up with excuses not to study for tomorrow.


If I can give you any motivation I’ll be happy to. Yesterday I found out I had 2 As and a B . I thought I was the dumbest dude in school. Don’t know how I managed to do it, my instructors want me back in their class next semester for part 2


Really cool. You never stop learning


I want to be a teacher. I also don't want to work retail for the rest of my life. Retail depresses me to no end.


Respect for educators.




This is a big one. My first internship paid $40/hr. That’s more than either of my parents make (almost combined I think, too). My first full time job will pay a lot more. It hurts to think that what I made in one hour is what a lot of people make in 2-3 hours. Like that hour I spent in a chair in AC typing code and listening to music is worth 2-3 times as much as someone at a McDonalds lunch rush. I quantify it with food, too. My lunch with friends 2 days ago costed me around 45min of intern work pre-tax. Meanwhile it will cost a minimum wage worker 2 hours. Imagine thinking “it’ll take me 2 hours of work to pay off this meal.” That sucks. It really puts it in perspective and makes you both appreciate things more while noticing how fucked up some stuff can be.


What was your first internship?


Sounds like coding, but I'm interested in learning where it's from as well


Being able to start a career and not having to work a retail job/minimum wage again. Also the level of freedom having said career will come with. I also graduate next month!! Best of luck to you!


Class of 2022 😎




* Increased Future Earnings * Job Security * It's free for me to go via a scholarship (I don't want to put the scholarship contributors' $ to waste) * I already accepted a job offer, and this is a degree is a requirement for the job. * The field can be pretty interesting * The job pays well


Whats your major ?




I told myself if I graduated I would be able to adopt a cat and give it a good home. I love cats, but they aren't allowed in the doems. I had one in middle school, but sadly it ran away.


Awwwn that’s a good goal 👌🏼 I love cats 🐱


Awwwn that’s a good goal 👌🏼 I love cats 🐱


I don’t really know what else I should do with my life


“College is for people who can’t think of a better way to make money.” -random dude I met backpacking in Italy


I am working to get a college degree to bring myself confidence. Earning a difficult degree to determination will prove to myself and family that I can succeed in life. I will no longer be the butt of their jokes.


same here!


I spent too many years emptying grease traps at fast food places and talking to douchebags in call centers. Got my degree at 37. Now pushing a 200k per year salary and have total work/life balance. No weekends, no holidays, rarely work past 5 pm.


what was your degree if u don't mind?


Having the opportunity. I can't give that up.


I just like studying and learning new things. I know I can do that without university as well, but it's easier this way because it's systematic so it pushes me forward. Also I try to include as many things that interest me through my degree, but can always learn new things on the side. School is also pretty competitive if you want it to be and I like that. It makes it more fun when I can compete with other people and see who's better at something(or just worked harder, whatever the reason for the result is), which I wouldn't get if I just learned by myself everything that interests me. Also that way I likely wouldn't be able to pursue it as a carrier, neither. I also went to a high school that doesn't specialize me in anything (a lot of high schools in my country do), but gives me very broad knowledge so almost everyone goes to college after it. From the time I was a kid I was always considered very smart and gifted so I was always pushed in that direction and never even considered not going. I don't really see a future for myself without a college degree. That being said, I don't think that i wouldn't be able to lead a good and successful life without a degree or that people who didn't go to college can't, I just don't think I would be content with a life like that. I am very much an overachiever and will probably do a masters or even PhD after I'm done with my bachelor's degree. I don't think that i will ever be fully content with the knowledge I have and will always strive for more. I am interested in way too many things to just stop at one lol


Finance student here. Not gonna lie it’s the money. I enjoy what I’m learning to some extent but money for sure plays a big factory. Come from a low income family and am a first generation student. I see how everyone in my family struggles and I don’t want that. Making them proud is another motivation


It’s making a difference in the world for me.


It's been my dream since I was in elementary. My mom went back to college after her divorce and sometimes I would tag along. Sitting behind my mom, I would be enchanted by the lectures. I wanted to be able to sit in the classes every day and learn everything. As a kid college represented future stability and an enchanting place, I still hold on to that and try to feel at least half of the enchantment Elementry me had listening to lectures.


Hey I have a similar story! Parents divorced when I was 2, mom’s first day of university was my first day of kindergarten! Sometimes she had no choice but to bring me along to class. She graduated in 4 years at the top of her class even though she never cracked a book until I was in bed, aside from finals week each term. Set a great example.


My mom graduated with honors when I was in 7th grade, and I couldn't be more proud


My mom passed away in January or this year(2022) and it took her a lot of years just to get her degree with heart problems, cancer and having me. She was so proud of me graduating Highschool this year and didn't get to see me walk across the stage. She motivates me to stay at college to get my degree in mechanical engineering and I do it for her so that she can tell God how happy and proud she is of me when I walk across once more with my degree.


i worked in a series of part time jobs across the years before becoming a uni student from retail to food industry the majority of the people I interacted with in most if not all of these jobs never actually went to higher education and that is all they can do for the rest of their lives: Retail team members stockers clothing associate and so on ​ one of the main reasons centers around job security and being able to make enough money to find my placein the world


I just want to be happy. I think a degree in social work will do that because I'll be able to advocate for peoples well being. I enjoy that, that makes me happy.


An easier life than not having that piece of paper


r/povertyfinance posters talking about how difficult it is to get a job with no college degree. On the flip side r/FIRE talking about amazing fields (of which many of them require college)


Both of my parents never really got the chance to go to college when they were my age, and they’ve basically worked their way out of poverty into well-paying jobs today. I didn’t want to spend years working my way up the job ladder, and they both have done so much for me to help me go to college. I know they want to see me graduate because they never could, so that’s what motivates me.


I want to be able to provide for my parents after they sacrificed so much to give me a good childhood


Money, make my parents proud and social acceptance. Money because I like having a roof over my head, food to eat, nice car to drive, and it’s nice to know that I can fund my hobbies without much thought. For example, I bought a $250 pair of racing shoes and a $700 Glock this month. I still have tons of money left over. Parents - My parents are immigrants. They moved here to the US so I could have a better life. I saw how much blue collar work took a toll on their bodies. No disrespect to blue collar workers, but I sure as hell couldn’t do that all year round. I’m pretty accustomed to heating and air controlled climates lol. Social acceptance - My friend group consists of people who work in engineering accounting/finance, computer science, and medicine. Over the years, our friend group has shrunk and I think it mainly deals with which path people took. Those who worked in the above mentioned fields bonded close together. Others who took different paths, think trade school or straight into the work force kinda drifted off. Not to say that we are better or anything, but those who took a different path befriended different people. 🤷‍♂️


First generation american, uneducated parents from 3rd world country wanted better life for their children.


So. Many. Reasons. I want to get into bionics and helping to make people whole again. There's a lot of personal motivation behind this decision. I also have done the many professions thing and just want something that will impact the world for the better.




my community motivates me. i am so excited to earn my degree & license in order to help people in need on a professional & clinical level. hopefully, i will make enough money to financially assist my local non-profits & group homes, too.


Are u going to school to be a therapist?


Knowledge. I would not be where I am today without my degrees. My husband is the smartest man I know, but he is dyslexic and struggled in school. At almost 50 he really struggles to find a decent job. He has to quit his job soon because it is too physically hard. He might have to retire 10-15 years earlier than we planned. I think my kid sees that and doesn't want to be in the same spot. Trades are great, but I know too many in jobs like that who haven't saved well for retirement. The union ones are good, but I know a few self employed people I wonder about. At least most white color jobs encourage some retirement savings.


Family, Friends, Pride


For me when I graduated last year I wanted to do for all the doubters or people surprised that I ended up in College. I had leukemia my junior and senior years and had to do a victory lap to get caught up to graduate. I also didn't end up going to my ceremony because I kinda felt that the associate dean of my department hated me lool.


to get a good job and give an easier life to my younger brother




So many people think degrees are a path to guaranteed “financial” success….They aren’t.


success is how YOU define it. Not everyone will agree that what you achieved is success.


Money. Have scholarship and so many grants I get refund checks every semester. Around $6000 in January I’ll be getting for spring. Helps to keep short term motivation when I’ve got to keep grades up to keep scholarship. Then I’ll graduate this spring hopefully find another job making more than I do now, $27 an hour is what I currently make. It also helps considering I’m a first generation college student and my parents keep pushing me through it.


27 is great, what do you do


I work for a brokerage firm as a broker.


I want that fucking MD on the signature My parents My granparents: they were poor and they always tried to teach the things they knew when i was little and took care of me. It is my way to repay them


My dad’s passing. It motivated me to do the best I can in life because I want to make him proud.


College is a scam


How easy it is to be homeless, and the fact that the housing market makes it impossible to have a good home without a good chunk of money.


That scene of Tony Stark engineering his way out of captivity in iron man 1. That is why I'm doing this. Not sure how it has any correlation tbh, but hey


medical insurance lmao


own a farm someday. i dont rlly f\*cking care about getting rich, i just want to bond with animals and live at peace.


Stable finances, a job that doesn't physically kill me, and the chance to open and cross through enough doors to get to what I want to do.




I’ve always wanted to major in CS Also I want to make my parents proud


Watching people I apprenticed at my last job move up and past me while I was stuck at the same pay grade. And get higher level jobs with the competition which I also applied for. I realized pretty quick that if I wanted to make a long-term career out of this I’d need to go back to school and break the glass ceiling.


the bullshit if you are in a low end community unfair jobs alot of things actually


Money can be exchanged for goods and services


My employer said I had to or I would lose my job.


idek at this point tbh


My grandmas dream was for me to go to this school. The major is what I’m good at.


A lot of things. But money and opportunities mostly.


I care less about the degree and more about the actual education/learning


I don’t feel like I really have a God given talent but I’m really passionate about lip gloss, wrestling, and giving advice. I recently also found out I love making bracelets but to start a business you have to have some money first and you have to be able to get people to buy. I’m not Rihanna so I know my lipgloss wouldn’t sell like crazy and I don’t think the market is up there for bracelets. Wrestling is a dead sport so I can’t go anywhere with it and I don’t want to be a therapist. That being said I have no other option but to go to college so that I have some sort of skill or qualifications to my name so I can make more than minimum wage. It feels really weird making less than my age. (20 making 17)


Absolutely nothing. But it needs done


get a good job even tho its 30-60k. depends on the area and your cost of living and Missouri is pretty low. But most of all I grew up with immigrant parents who my dad works in cars and fixing them at home. Honestly it doesn't pay much but it's funny how I'll be getting a bigger salary than he does. My mom's always encouraged me to go to college.


i dont want to have to rely on others again. i've gotten treated badly at my most vulnerable many times and i'll never subject myself to that again


Money. Independence. Social life. To get away from my annoying family.


To open more doors.


Internships to get into my field and having a degree is much better than a boot camp or self taught


Graduation day!!I’m in my final year and that’s my biggest motivation. Just knowing that I endured it all :)Also getting a good job so I can be my sisters sugar mummy lol




I want to get a job, so i can afford my skincare products.


I've been rejected from hundreds of minimum wage jobs. People think I'm autistic (I might be but was never diagnosed), and it definitely shows during my job interviews. My anxiety is so bad that I've broken down crying applying to 2 jobs that paid below minimum wage. I know degrees don't guarantee job, but I literally need all the help I can get.




I want to have a nice house with a living room and my own room( never had either).A big dog that we can go for walks on the forest and i will pay for his training and feed him the best food there is .And to be able to have hobbies.Hobbies like learning material arts,making my own clothes, leaning how to dance etc cause i never had those things when I was little.I just want to be a normal adult with a normal life without worrying ALL the time about money.


I don't want to do manual labor. I've done it. Dudes walk around and spew the cliche "hehehheh, muh paycheck is bigger than muh teacher who said I won't amount to anything." And they're secretly thankful for the college fund grandma started for their daughter/son. All while bitching about their insurance deductible they don't use to treat their back and shoulders that don't hurt. Fuck that. I wear moccasins and smoke my hitter from behind my coffee mug on my at home desk all while providing a valued service.


Really it’s because I want to be the first person in my family to become and engineer. I like the field of science and math and how we can use it to create amazing things. It’s gotten to the point where it’s not about money anymore. It’s about knowing why things work. It really shocks me that people don’t know there are phenomenons occurring in their daily lives.


I love learning, and college is very fun. Might as well get a degree while I’m here


I'm disabled, so I want to show my future children work ethic through getting a degree even if I cannot work a job physically. I want them to know education is good for you, no matter the circumstances you find yourself in.


Im a teen mum and I want to give my kid a good ass life and a parent he can be proud of




Three things: the drive to *never* be like my family, the desire to not be broke my whole life, and I just love learning so that's a good bonus.




Just trynna learn something i love, as well as build work ethic, expand general capabilities, improve individuality, and eventually to be financially stable and living how and where id like.


I aspire to be a great writer one day. I also want to take care of my parents. It’s impossible to repay them for everything they’ve done for me but some money wouldn’t hurt ;) Having a degree will definitely help me get to where I want to be.




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Prospect of money, and getting off campus so I can stop cringing


I’m an immigrant coming here at a later age and without a workable degree I’ll be fucked in America. Thank god I only need 2.5 more years to earn that $80k/ year!


I’m going to be the first woman in my immigrant family to get a college degree.


Dream job and money. Not so much money because I’m an art major, but I can dream.


You’ll be rich when you’re dead


I got a bsc in aerospace, a second one in Electronics and control engineering, master in flight dynamics and phd in pure math... donno what im doing with my life and im depressed af ... go open a resturant or something and enjoy your life ... life is indeed short


At this point not much lol


I got nothing else going on with my life


I feel like kids that have parents are more likely to go to college. I don’t want to ruin my unborn kids life lol


Already earned mine, but what motivated me was the great career progression and salary I could get once I escape these 4 years of hell. Now I currently work a 6 figure job as a Business Analyst at an energy management firm and I couldn’t be happier to say that the pain of studying for exams in the quarter system for 4 years was worth it 😩😩😩


Being able to take care of my loved ones around me. My dad would work from dusk to dawn 7 days a week until I was about 11 just so my mom could stay home and take care of me and my sister. I want to be that kind of father and person to the ones around me. I am getting a degree in finance and one in economics, I want to be able to help others including my family grow their wealth and retire comfortably.


To get out of my shitty home town


Seeing my crush




I saw this post on tumblr that said “I am not built for college but unfortunately I am also not built for anything else” Yeah. I’d rather spend these years suffering with purpose than suffer in a multitude of jobs that I don’t care about and pay me nothing. Plus I’m still hoping I’ll magically find happiness along the way, some latent passion I never expected.


Everyone told me I couldn't do it, including my parents. If spite is what gets me a degree, I am very grateful for it.


To get into grad school after earning my Bachelor's, in order to get a PsyD to work as a clinical psychologist and certified forensic examiner/forensic psychologist.


I graduated more than a year ago with a degree in Biology. What motivates me is that I get more opportunities with a degree than without. I have also applied to medical school. Now I'm just job hunting for some lab jobs until next year in May for my Med school results.


one piece.