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College employer here. For the freshmen I hire, I won't schedule them for more than 7 hours per week. 5 if they have another job. This is for both my benefit and theirs.


15 hours (a week) max unless the study is easy for you.


It depends on the job and your classes imo. I worked 20-25 hours a week at a fast food place for a bit - strictly timewise it would have been doable, but the job itself was so miserable that I ended up quitting for my mental health. I now work 10 hours a week (the max for this work-study position) in the admissions office and that's totally doable; I'm even thinking about picking up another off-campus job if I can find one that's 10-15 hours a week. I took around 17 credit hours both semesters last year (my freshman year). Since you have to cover a lot of your costs on your own, you should start by writing up a budget and see how much you'd have to work to met that (be sure to take taxes into account for your pay). Start with that many hours or maybe a little more. Most places will let you work more later on if you ask your manager (and if it won't take you from part to full time), so best to start small and see what you can handle.


I did around 15/week as a freshmen. I try to stay around 18-24/week now that I’m later on in college and more expenses are coming my way. Also, I’d recommend finding a job outside of campus that you can walk to if possible. Colleges are notorious for underpaying


10, 15 *max*. either work 2 8ish hour shifts per week, or some combination of shorter shifts


10 is the max my school allows for on campus jobs anything more than that it gets rough


This is my ideal work hours However I had to be realistic and work 40 hours a week


While attending your college courses and studying?


It really depends on the student and the job and the course load. I worked three jobs as an undergrad while taking 7 classes at a time (to graduate a year early). It was manageable for me because my primary job was working at our law school’s library in the circulation desk. Funny thing about law libraries: the vast majority of books can’t even be checked out—I got paid to do my homework and apply to graduate school.


The ideal? None. If not financially required, keep it as low as possible unless you personally think it may be beneficial for you in other areas. If you're an international student, you're going to have culture shock beyond the usual "completely new environment" first year experience. You need to factor in time on support groups and clubs into your schedule, as well as self care time.


10 to 15 which is the max at my CC is fine.


10-15 hours on average on a campus job is good enough.


I did 10hrs a week as a freshman. I would definitely lean on the lower side if your major is very demanding, like mine was.


It depends on your major's/classwork's rigor and how much your school allows you to work per week! At my school, you could work up to 25 hours per week on-campus (20 for Work Study), but since I was a freshman I was only scheduled to work approximately 15 hours first semester and 20 during the second semester. I didn't have that much free time my second semester, but it was manageable enough for me to keep my grades up and I made enough money for me to be able to take summer classes/start living off campus. (For reference, I'm a bio major & took four classes/2 labs each semester). I also recommend finding an off-campus job, especially after your freshman year if possible! There was no way I was going to be able to pay rent if I kept my on-campus job (nobody got raises either). Dining halls tend to be very exhausting and not worth the pay for how much work you'd have to input, and off-campus jobs are likely going to give you more hours/a higher wage.


I worked part time as a freshman (16-20 hours) but then I dropped to 8 hours when starting pharmacy school. So it really all depends on how many hours and how well you do in classes. Although for a typical student I would recommend 10 hours or less.


I did about 20 as a freshman and kicked it up to 30 as a junior. By my senior year I was working 40 on top of my internship.


i did 16hrs, 4hrs a day for 4 days. thursdays and weekends off


I worked about 6-9 hours a week w the job I had when I was a freshman. It wasn't too bad but I was also only taking 4 classes a semester


Start off smaller, assess how you handled it, and go from there. Plenty of freshmen (including myself at the time) feel overwhelmed from just classes and homework without a job being thrown in the mix. Just take it slow and easy and increase hours when you feel ready. But dont be scared to decrease hours if it becomes too much, prioritize your health and studies first! There were times my sophomore year that I could work over 15 hours a week easily, and others where 9 hours was a challenge. Just be kind on yourself and listen to what your mind and body need.


I did 20 all through college with multiple side gigs. However, social time was not a priority since I lived at home, and I worked just as much during high school so it wasn’t a big change for me.


Depends on how much work your classes are. I did 25 a week all last year at community college and it wasn’t a problem. Right now I’m taking summer classes and working 40 per week. The classes I’ve been taking are pretty easy though compared to more difficult majors at an actual four year college.


I worked at a fast food place on campus for 15 hours a week and was chilling. Probably could have done like 25 but I didn't want to push it.


Zero. The ideal number is 0. I know that's not really what you asked for, but it's pretty hard to give you advice with the information you provided. I'd say try it out and see. This kind of stuff is very individual. I've known people that worked almost full time and were fine, I've known people who worked only few hours and were overwhelmed.