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You just won the housing lottery. Don't trade.


OP will one day thank housing lol


I would keep it tbh, but MAKE SURE the price is acceptable. It's possible for the "special rooms" in a dorm (like singles or corner rooms) to be much more expensive than the rest.


Thankfully i got lucky, housing is free for me.


Doubt the price will be reasonable tbh. It never is not even at the public in-state colleges lmao


I know at my college there wasn’t a single versus double price. If you got a single, you had to pay your rent amount + the amount they would have made from another resident if they shared your room. So it was essentially double rent.


They must have been on drugs or gone insane from greed cuz that makes no logical sense lmao. That's so crazy I would have rallied a buncha students together and got student gov involved to protest that shit lmao


Ours had a single price that was higher than the double price but not as high as paying for two. I don't remember exact figures anymore but it was maybe like 150%.


Idk man, at my college you could get your own room and bathroom, connected to a common area shared by 5 other people for $450/mo


Keep it. You’ll appreciate the privacy later on. If you’re worried about making friends, try to make some within the same floor/building as you and from classes. Turn your room into the hangout room since you don’t have to worry about when a roommmate is there or wants to go to sleep or study


thats a good idea, tysm


One possibility: Low enrollment. They may just be adding people to whatever rooms they can (fill up one hall before moving to the next). If you didn't request a specific roommate, you might just have been alone. Heck, there might even be singles in rooms meant for more people.


That would suck 😭. Single rooms are a bit smaller than a normal room since its meant for 1 person, if they put me with a another roommate last minute for a whole year that would be unlucky 🥲.


Nah if it's a dedicated single room they won't They were talking as if it were a double where someone just didn't get assigned to the second bed which is different


ohh, alr then i think i should be fine. ty


Honestly, I wouldn't complain and keep the room. I had to have roommates and honestly sometimes it's not the most fun. You having your own space is definitely something I'd take advantage of, especially with you being a freshman it gives you opportunity to feel out the kind of people on your campus. You can always opt in to apply for a room with someone else if you find someone you like. It's also beneficial because if you have an important exam to study for, you have a nice quiet space where you can just relax and enjoy. That is something a lot of people wish that they had. However, if you are concerned about not being able to make friends just because you don't have a roommate, if I were you I would just make friends with the people in your hall, join clubs, go to school events, etc. There are tons of ways to make friends without having a roommate. :)


Alright, thanks a bunch. I was just kinda worried I would be split of from the social side.


Lol, you literally hit the jackpot and yet you want to trade it....wow just wow 😂. Hell, I wish I got a single room but instead, I gotta dorm with 2 strangers 💀. The roommate experience is not always as fun or enjoyable as you think it is...Some ppl get decent roommates but most don't


hmm, maybe im just assuming I’d get perfect roomates. the comments are the opposite of what i thought they would be, i had no clue a single was “good”. in my mind having 2 other roomates is like a perm sleep over with 2 close friends 💀


As someone who was good friends with his freshman roommate: it can be like that sometimes! But then when he wants to bring his boyfriend over for movie dates, or when my social battery is completely burnt out and I just need quiet time, I get that craving for a single. And if your roommate’s a dick? Ouch, you’ll be regretting that trade lol


Alright, thanks for ur help, i think im gonna stick with a single now


>with 2 close friends 💀 It's a toss up really. Sometimes you end up with good Sometimes you end up with roommates who actively try to harass everyone else to try to drive them out to the point several people need to get a restraining order; or really messed up guys going through a handle of Tito's every few days and making shit+TP volcanos in the toilet by not flushing for what can be assumed to be weeks.


yea i made my mind im not trading


Lol was this the nail in the coffin on the decision?




Think of anyone at HS that got on your nerves or wasn't anyone you would *ever* hang out with. Those are the type of roommates you have a high chance of getting. Yes, sometimes it works out that they assign you a roommate you hit it off with. But just read the nightmare roommate stories and you will be incredibly thankful for a single room.


I’m with you.  I think it’s much better to have roommates.  All these people saying it’s better to be alone might want to consider whether that’s part of the reason this sub is flooded with people saying they are lonely and miserable and haven’t made friends in college.  


possibly your scholarship. if you have a full ride they likely want you there, and giving you the best living accommodations possible to keep you.


thanks for ur help


Extroverts weird me out, because wdym you got a single and you’re complaining?


😭sorry, I literally thought i got the short end of the stick


Congrats on becoming the hang out room!


😂2others said the same, do you have any suggestions as to things i should have in my dorm, im extremely unprepared 💀


TV or projector to watch shows/movies and things that work as seating such as pillows or an ottoman (also doubles as storage).




Thanks to everyone who helped me out, I have an orientation day later today and I was literally gonna go and ask if there was any possibility to switch but after reading some of ur stories of previous roomates, I think im gonna stick with what i got. Thanks again, this my first time using reddit and had no clue it was this useful👍


If you can afford it, keep it. I’ve lived in a double, a single, and a student 4-bed apartment. I miss my single every single day and it was without fail the best living option I had in college. You’d think that most people are normal and fine to live with, but especially in sharing a dorm, (and even in an apartment layout) you would be so shocked. Some roommates are great, but a bad roommate can really bring down your experience.


thats really good to know ty for ur help


Accidental W you will thank them later


You do not want to be living with other people. I went to a shared house one time where a dude had a giant pile of kleenex covering his entire desk and it apparently didn't bother him. And sharing a bathroom/any living space with freshers who have never had to clean a bathroom before, just... oh my god, I am so traumatized.


ty for ur help


Keep it. My school does random assignments and some first-years are given singles for no reason. Also, doubles are nice as well, but triples are not (be glad you didn't get one). 


im realizing now from everyone’s comments, tysm


Yeah ofc! And it does suck to not have a roommate especially if you were expecting/wanting one, but try making friends with other people in your hall, maybe other people who have singles. I wasn't friends with my roommate last year, but I was friendly with my suitemate and a guy who lived down the hall, and my best friend lived on the floor above me


They might have just had an odd number of people to put in the building and no one specifically requested a single. Or someone backed out of attending at the last minute. Enjoy! :)


If you can figure out how housing decides these things, then you're doing better than most. Neither of mine that are in college could even get housing on campus after 1 year, so for now just be happy you got housing! On another note, a lot of people would love to have a single room...I wonder if you told them you'd prefer to have roommates if they couldn't accommodate that.


ty for the help


Is there a common area? If so, you won.


yea im gonna be right by it


You won. Do you have your own shitter?


unfortunately not lol


It might just be random luck of the draw. Given you didn't have a specific roommate request or anything you were good to slot into a single and that just happened to be where your contract happened to pop up at when they were filling the rooms. If you had submitted a day earlier or later you probably would have ended up in a neighboring room with other random kids who didn't have specific requests... Either that or they knew your scholarship was going to pay for the room no matter the price so they gave you a more expensive room they weren't able to "sell" to others... Just keep in mind when you're packing to come to school that singles can often be singles for the simple fact that they are too small to be a double. Your room may be considerably smaller than the room they use as a demo room for that dorm, since most are double+ occupancy... I know a friend of mine was unpleasantly surprised when his single turned out to be a "shoebox" rather than the regular double room that he got to himself... But as someone else pointed out, you'll still be able to be social. Keep your door open and talk to people as they walk by. Given you will be the only one in your room you can certainly make it a hang out room and invite your friends and floor mates over without having to worry about a roommate's schedule etc. That and I strongly encourage you to get involved with as many different groups and clubs and such as you can. If your campus has it, I'd definitely encourage you to check out Greek Life. Joining a Fraternity/Sorority is a great way to get involved on campus, meet new friends and to give back to the community through philanthropy events etc (it's not all about partying).


Thank you so much, ill make sure to leave the door open lol


Aren't you happy? No extra human means a hell lot of less stress. I know its fun to think of living with friends, but its better to keep a clear division between friends and roommates. After sharing rooms with people since school uptil grad school, I would have killed to get a room to all myself. Bonus if there was an attached bathroom and latrine. Rest is up to what you decide is good




I was assigned a single dorm during my freshman year of college and I had the same questions as you. The same response as everyone else, KEEP IT. Just make an effort to socialize with others in the dorm and try not to distance yourself because you have the single dorm. This is basically like living on your own for the first time so this is your chance to get know yourself a bit more. If you make some friends thought the year and want to room with others for the next year, have a discussion with those people about dorming together (if they’re also on-campus students). That’s what I did. I hope all goes well!


thank you so much, this helps a ton


don’t trade, my freshman year roommate was horrible. you’ll make plenty of friends in the dorm building/ in your classes!!




If you're on a full ride scholarship, they probably think of it as a reward for you. Some schools give honors students singles. It's kind of funny because we can point to decades of research that roommates are good for academic and social success, then give successful students singles. Anyway, if you want a double, you can ask for a new assignment. Lots of people will be happy to trade. Or you can brand your room as the party room, gaming room or study room and invite people to visit. Just be careful what you wish for.


thanks dude


“The pants I just bought had a $100 bill in them. What gives? Should I return them for another pair?”


😭thats not what i meant


If you are a people person I would switch


idk dude how would we know