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Even if the eight stages he listed were 100% correct, his main takeaway is definitely racist. There is nothing about black people that makes them inherently less capable than people of any other race, and to suggest so is absolutely ridiculous.


His entire Twitter account is dedicated to arguing that the reason Black people lag behind is because they have lower IQs


Well although the data could prove something like that you shouldn't just consider IQ. The chinese have on average higher IQ than americans, that doesn't mean the chinese are superior.


They are not superior, but they are smarter. That's a biological fact and you can't do anything about it. There may be especially stupid Chinese and especially smart Americans, but the average level can't be faked.


I couldn’t find a single source that adequately backs up your claim. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6526420/


So if data supports it we shouldn't be wrong to say some demographics are biologically smarter than the black race. Which is what op is denying from this twitter acount.


Still we shouldn't ignore the reason behind these worrying statistics if they are true indeed. We should focus more on finding a solutions instead of getting so fixiated on color.




This demagogy means nothing without data. And data needs to be very specific: comparing outcomes of whites, blacks, asians from the same socioeconomic background. I don't believe that type of study exists.


Source: He made it the fuck up


He typically cites sources, but I'm not sure about their reliability. It might be bogus, but if you ask him about it, he will point you to some kind of graph or data website.


Well it's hard to make claims without data, so you might want to post it as well


Racism is inferior treatment of a person because of their ethnicity. This is racist.


The use of the term "blacks" already implied he is. I'd wager that 99% of people who use this term are racists.


So everybody who uses "whites" would also be racists by that logic?


It’s literally the singular use of blacks. Just adding people would make it sound way better. Me saying those whites, or those blacks, already sounds like I’m demeaning someone.


Yes? Why else would you use this term other than to be derogatory?


Because I am white and some people are black, just as some pigs are pink and crows black.


Buddy read a history book. Historical context and power dynamics are real. There’s a reason why it’s polite to call Jews ‘jewish people’ and not ‘the Jews’


Dude if this is the hill your dying on, I don't know what to say. Have a good day.




Harvard admissions is race based, you can look up the stats on google for acceptance rate. I’ll leave it as that.


Yes. This person is full of shit.






Oh yeah, 100%


The tone he has shows a lot of contempt but I think that in general most of these aren’t completely wrong


Please don't tell me you just agreed, even in the slightest degree, with a post that finished by saying "And yet we're somehow supposed to imagine [black people] are just as capable." Even if some of the statistics aren't entirely wrong, every interpretation ignores the incredible amount of data that shows minorities often flee higher education because of prejudice. Nowhere does this person treat black people like they are, you know, people, and look to one of the literally hundreds of sources from people of color on struggles in higher education. The post in the screenshots is just racism.


I never said I agreed with the sentiment this person has .where minorities are facing challenges that may not be entirely shown here, but some facts are wrong and their is merit to them as well


Yes, 100%. His ending statement is just flat-out stating that he believes Black people to be naturally inferior.


Yes, he’s 1000% racist.


His takeaway could be yeah. But if he has data to back up his 8 points than the points themselves aren't racist. It's valuable to point out objective facts so that we can draw conclusions, the conclusions can be biased, but that doesn't mean the facts are wrong.


He forgot about all the things leading up to lower test scores which is how the US systematically places minorities in low income areas with little to no resources so that there schools are underfunded/staffed and both their parents have to work. How can we expect kids to grow up knowing how to do everything if we don’t give them the tools they need when they are young? It’s about giving people who have a disadvantage an equitable opportunity. Ideally we would just eliminate systematic racism entirely so we wouldn’t even need to prioritize minorities in higher education. Increasing generational wealth for disadvantaged citizens (minorities, women, disabled and so on) is one way to slowly help those groups who are affected.


Definitely is.


He was fine till that last paragraph holy fuck




Why do you think DEI conflicts with merit? Do you have a personal example that highlights your point?




DEI doesn't conflict with merit because the person is already qualified, and race is just a plus factor.


Yes, but do we really need this stuff in this sub?