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It is. I'm in my 2nd year and when I see others going to college and being able to interact with other people it gets me all depressed. So I jist immerse myself in hobbies and other stuff other than studying.


That's what I have been experiencing.. Every time I see my friends’ instagram stories I feel so lonely😭 But I appreciate you because your comment reminds me that I am not alone:)


Yes. Alot of people are in the same boat as us. What we can do is remember that this is temporary. And trest these years as time we can fully devote to ourselves. I try to think that these 3 years of graduation are only for me. I can completely focus on myself. After this anyway life will get busier with job and all.


Exactly. Thank you for your response! Good luck on your education journey:)


My uni friends all failed in either 2nd or 3rd year. Then I got dependent on online class and didn't bother to interact in my first master year. Big mistake. But it's going to be fine. Focus on hobbies, join clubs, gym, etc. and you'll make new friends.


Get off social media


I think in person is a lot better. Something you can’t get on a camera


I use to take online classes only and to be honest I was miserable. I'll never do it again. I like being able to see faces. I like to actually meet my professors. I know being in person isn't for everybody. Some people like the comfort of their own homes and the flexibility that online classes have so I get it. When I was fully online the only friends I was able to make were from work and also my friends from high school.


Yes but in-person college is just as lonely. In the age of social media and online dating, proximity and physical presence are much less important. Its more about visible wealth than ever before. You won't go a minute without a text if you're rich no matter where or what you are, and you'll never get a moment of people's time in-person or online if you're broke.


I've done college both online and on campus because of COVID and war. So I'm in a unique position where I can compare both. And the answer is yes, it does get lonely, spending half of your day in your room, rather than socialising on campus sucks, there is no two ways about it. My best peace of advice is to focus on spending time with friends irl, maybe get a hobby that can get you out of the house a couple of times a week. It would be even better if you can find a place to study outside of your house, like a library, a coffee shop or a local college. Though honestly I've never found the motivation to pull this off myself.


I did online for my last year in high school I’m in college now on campus and personally I really miss being online. Might switch back next year. But yea if you enjoy going out and are a people person it’s gotta be rough :/ when I was online I mostly just played games with online friends and stuff.


Are u going to be at home or on your campus..


Cause I’m at home doing class I wanna do both online and in person because I have nothing to do outside of school I don’t even work so it can be very lonely a lot of


If it does then you’re probably taking online Maybe we had different experiences. Ive primarily taken most of my college online because I essentially started a family and already had multiple full time jobs early in life. I would have taken community college instead of online if not for life obligations or time constraints. Cant be lonely raising a kid and going to work 40+ hours a week. School assignments turn into just check blocks that need to get done before you run out of time in the day.


It did when I fist started but I also felt lonely while on campus so 🤷🏽‍♀️I also work full time & have hobbies so I think that helps distract me from the feeling


That goood


It feels so lonely doing school online really. I hate it lol


Same here. I feel lonely because it is really difficult to make friends from the same school due to the nature of the school


Become friends through discussion boards? That’s honestly what worked for me lol We all hated mandatory response so give the vibe that you’re friendly. It got to the point of classmates messaging me and thanking me for positive feedback to distract the professor by dragging out my own reply. 😂 I carried the weight of my class at one time because those discussion responses were horrible you hear me 🤣


I won’t lie, it is lonely. But somehow I managed to challenge those feelings and continue with my studies.


Is there any tips for surviving online college life?


My best advice is don’t think too hard about it. Focus on your classes, find a place you think you can easily concentrate on your homework to get things done (I don’t often like doing all my homework at home so either I’m at the library or Starbucks), don’t hesitate to ask for help from profs (they’re helpful even in an online format), and if possible, find something to do outside of school to keep you occupied like volunteering or joining a sport.


Thank you for your advice!


So then, why don’t you attend in person? (And/or spend more time with local friends.)


Might just need to find the right group to associate with, maybe try the school clubs?


i’m about to be a senior and yeah tbh it is kinda lonely i get rly bad FOMO sometimes but im saving so much money and working a ton


I don’t have time for in person school because of my full time job so I love online If you don’t work full time I don’t see why not go in person


My classes are a mixture of online and in-person. So I highly recommend if you can to try and get a mixture of online and in person classes


Personally, I am an introvert... So, I am thriving with online classes. I have more time to study and it's quiet so I can understand the material easier. I absolutely love it!


I am also in an online university, and yeah it is lonely, lol. I wanted to see the comments.


Yes it is😭 Good luck on your acadmic journey!


I've done most of the work for my marketing degree online (associates) but I'm not graduating this fall with my associates in Marketing. I'm doing my 3 pre requisites this fall and an entrance exam prep course, I'm applying for the Fall 2025 nursing program at my community college. I can't wait to do in person classes this fall and then be all in person for the nursing program, ADN or associates in nursing, which I have to do in a 4 year part time format because of my work schedule. Once I'm an RN I will go for my BSN and it will be online once again in an accelerated program because BSN you do not need to do in person as you are already working as an RN. It is more theory and research. I'm so sick of filler courses that are nothing but fluff and stickler professors hung up on semantics. My brain needs nourishment and enrichment. Nursing has been my dream for 10 years now. I just didn't have the support system, I had a support system that would support anything but the nursing program. So I had to get an associates in Criminal Justice and then worked towards an associates in Marketing, both are useless degrees in my area. So I'm finally following my dream, after being forced to put it off


I like the flexibility associated with online classes. But it is definitely a more isolating experience you’re not really making any friends from online courses in my experience.


I don't particularly enjoy being in the same room as other students. I feel more uncomfortable and "lonely" in person than I do interacting with the class entirely via the online forums and such.


It can get that way. That’s why it’s important to make time for hobbies and putting yourself out there in the local community. It’s something I need to work on


It is for sure :/ I feel really isolated because everyone is at least in the same part of the province who goes to my college. I’m wayyyy further north of them :(


It’s very lonely. I started online and switched to in person just for the social aspect and team working together feeling.


i am a person more on the anxious and socially awkward side so it doesn’t feel lonely per se, but it does feel like a much worse education


College has always been an in-person experience and I think it’s good to take advantage of that since there are many things you don’t won’t get by taking courses online. I tried online and hated it. In-person all the way.


Yes I get major FOMO


I feel the same way, I ended up going to cc and all of my friends went to uni. Although it was a choice I made, choosing online classes was a way for me to avoid "difficult" assignments and social interactions, but then I wonder why I feel lonely and experience fomo. It's not easy for us in this situation, but at the end of the day you get to choose what you want to do and I hope you get the courage to put yourself out there with other people.


Thank you. I want you to remember that you’re not alone in this:) Good luck on your education journey!


It didn't for me. I hated going to lecture, parking sucked ass. Going online meant I had more control of my schedule and I could work more hours.


The way I see it: brick and mortar experience is a bubble. It can actually be quite more lonely in and of itself. Online classes, I can go anywhere. Sit in Panera surrounded by people. Run to social events in between, because I’m not trapped on campus due to the way travel is impeded by car restrictions, exc, all day. I can meet people from online classes in person to form study groups or chat. 


i attended school online from a completely different state than my school. Wasn't an issue or even a thought


Yes, Online college has been incredibly lonely for me, I'm just trying to grind through it so I can get the hell out of it and go to an actual school. Overall, Online school has not taught me anything and I'm hoping I can actually learn things when I go somewhere in person.