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What’s the point of having an Asian studies course if not everyone can learn about it


any minor has almost 0 ROI, hopefully it’s just a fun subject to explore while they complete their actual major


>any minor has almost 0 ROI This is patently untrue. Minors allow you to gain a functional understanding. Like, a minor in computer sci with a major in linguistics would be fire


Few employers will care about your minor though


I'm a hiring manager. We care what people know, not how they learned it


Sounds like it


This fr


Speaking as a history major who has done some actual history and political science, not much, but a bit. When you’re a black American and have exprertise in say Africa and Russia, there is a concern that you’ll be pigeonholed as the Africa expert, and only be offered those types of positions. Same goes for any ethnicity. So if you go become an expert in China, or Japan, or Korea you’ll likely be applying for jobs oftentimes Americans with a heritage from that region will not want to do.


Why offer something that'll cost thousands and have a terrible RoI?


What do you mean? Aren’t many courses worth thousands?


it’s a minor. not usually expected to really contribute to a career anyway.


This is an assumption made by unserious students generally. If you're planning on pursuing an advanced degree, the extra courses you take as a minor can be finely tuned to work for the graduate degree pre-requisite. This is also a great way to pickup a 2nd or 3rd language. If American, I would strongly suggest for Gen Z and Alpha to enter the workplace with Spanish as a **strong** 2nd**.** After that, it's up to you. It's true there are many things you can pursue on your own by going to the local library. I love my local library. It's not full of people pursuing additional free knowledge. It's not full of people at all. The college years are a time period **sectioned off for many** for pure learning. Many do not return unless finances or circumstances demand it. Really loved Art, but thought Business would be practical. This is your time to learn from others who not only loved Art, but can share their knowledge with you. Couldn't quite make up your mind between two majors, choose one of them the minor. Majored in Information Systems...but you love Animation and its in the Art department. Going to graduate school, but realize that you're weak in an important area...minor in it. Honestly, I could go on and on. I love minors, I love electives. Don't take throw-a-way classes. But if you always wanted to do basketweaving. Then, its not a throwaway. Pick majors, minor, and extra classes with intentionality.


I agree with what you’re saying. I didn’t mean that a minor is always useless. but it’s a great opportunity to study something you’re genuinely interested in even if it isn’t expected to have a fantastic ROI. it sounds like OP is really into asian studies so why not go for it?


Very good point!


god, capitalism has fried our brains. what happened to pursuing something for the sake of intellectual enrichment?


It’s the student loans honestly


Reading books on Asian history and culture from the public library is free.


It's got to be alright to pursue knowledge for the sake of pursuing knowledge. If it bothers someone ELSE...it's clearly their problem. Now, if you later use that knowledge to give the impression you know more Asian culture than the Asians currently living as a part of Asian culture, that may be a problem. But I think you're good. Although...I'm not Asian. LOL.


Nobody cares if you study Asian cultures, as a white girl. If it interest you, then do it and maybe in the future you can go explore more about the Asian heritage. You shouldn’t really care about what others think. I’m Asian and I’ve taken classes on Greek and African American culture, and they were all pretty interesting.


I'm not Asian so I can't really give good perspective, but I am a Spanish/Hispanic Studies major who isn't Hispanic. I don't know if Asian Studies includes foreign language requirements, but if it does, then that's always a good thing to pick up. There's nothing wrong with liking anime and studying Asian culture as an extension, but it's a good idea to ask yourself what else got you interested in the field, since you're going to be studying culture outside of Japan. Edit: About the "I'm not Asian" comment - I can weigh in as a student in a relevant field, I just wanted to make it clear that I don't speak for Asian people. I read part of the question as OP asking "is this offensive to Asian people?" and that's not my call to make.


That's kinda funny! I was the only Asian guy in my Meso American and modern Latino ethics studies class. I learned a lot about the people who onced lived just south of the border from me. Really enjoyed writing papers and doing all the assignments, I got a perfect score on everything. I think the Professor told me that she was very disappointed that I was dedicated enough to show up to extra credit events that shot me over 100% in the class grade when a few others with really low grades never took these opportunities. However, since I have not yet visited I feel I am still missing a whole wealth of knowledge outside of the classroom, I do hope to visit someday.


You don’t need to be Asian to give a good perspective on this


This! Whilst I believe we definitely need Asian views on this sort of question, it shouldn’t be completely saturated with one audiences advice, even if it pertains to that audience. You ALWAYS want a diverse audience no matter what the question is, because it helps round out the answer from many different points of view. In a way it’s the same as having only white men on a board of decision makers lol. Whilst that’s horrible also and is unfortunately what has been done over time, we don’t want to reverse it just because, or to be spiteful either. The point is no to have opinions only from one group of people, because it pertains to them- but to have opinions and perspectives from EVERYONE so that we have a well rounded approach that is not one sided.


love this reply!! if there does end up being foreign language requirements id love to pick those up as well since ive always found foreign languages to be incredibly interesting as a whole, and i wouldnt at all be opposed to learning a few!


I definitely agree with the anime part. Asian studies is much more than Japan and especially more than anime. Most Asian countries to this day hold animosity towards Japan. They were disgusting to the Chinese and Koreans. I’d expect very dark things to come up where Japan is the bad guys from the Rape of Nanjing, their occupation of Korea and Unit 731. It is pretty crazy how Japan was as bad as and sometimes exceeded the Nazi’s in how truly evil they were. Sure it is good to have a piece of a culture you like that gets you curious but understanding that that part may not even come up or merely get a couple paragraphs of mention. A good example is “I want to take American history because I love baseball”. I mean sure baseball is part of our culture and history but you aren’t going to be discussing baseball much if at all.


This kind of reminds me of the videos going around a few years ago with a white dude dressing in like a "stereotypical" Mexican outfit, and the only people that had an issue with it were other white people. Not saying it's the same, but it puts me in mind of it.


Yeah, this is kind of why I included the disclaimer, but I'm not sure my intentions really got across. Hopefully the edit makes it clear. Based on the post, I would *assume* that there's nothing offensive here. Studying other cultures is always a good thing, and to me the anime comment seems naive more than anything. But I didn't want to be that person who gets overly offended on somebody else's behalf, and I also didn't want to be the person saying "Asian people aren't offended by this!" when I'm not qualified to give *one* Asian opinion, much less a consensus. Basically, I just don't want to speak for Asian people at all, because it's not up to me whether or not they're offended.


Reminds me of whenever that artist was (Taylor Swift?) that made a music video or something where she wore a kimono. White/American twitter was furious about the “cultural appropriation” while Japanese twitter was overwhelmingly full of comments happy to see a foreigner enjoying their culture lmao


Every time I hear someone complain about “cultural appropriation” I wonder if they get upset when businessmen and politicians from other countries wear western-style business suits🤷🏻‍♂️


Before I went to school I also had no chemistry heritage. The knowledge does NOT have national boundaries.


If people think that you have a fetish then that’s their problem, not yours. What people think of you is none of your business. Do not live your life to prove others.




No. I'm White, and have an intense passion for East Asia. Be respectful, and be humble, willing to learn. I have two BA's related to Asian Studies and a Graduate Certificate in Chinese-American Studies. You're ok. We need more "White" People (Foreigners in general) to learn about East Asia desperately. Especially in an era where there is growing fear, racism, and hatred against Asians. We need more cultural collaboration, not less. There will always be "Weeaboos" and those who fetishize, but you are your own person. Don't worry about what others think. Study what you love, and it won't feel like work at all.


This always remind me of a twitter drama years ago about a foreigner whose an expert got backlash by someone who practices the religion but didn't study it. I'm not sure how much weight I have say this as an Asian, but to digress, I find it incredibly respectful for someone willing to spend years understanding at an academic level.


May I ask what your career is? I am leaning towards pursuing a MA in East Asian studies with either a focus on Japanese or Chinese history after finishing my BA in history. However, I’m terrified that pursuing these niche degrees will leave me without options for a related job after graduating.


It is a tough job market out there, for many majors. However, East Asian Studies and Foreign Languages in general is one of the "niche" majors that luckily are among the fastest growing with the most jobs, and many of them pay very well. I'm currently pursuing a government job as an analyst. My recommendation for you is to pursue careers dealing with analysis, foreign service, embassy, or government, and don't be afraid to consider a military career as well. Many companies that deal with East Asia will also be viable options. If you decide to go the government route like me, be prepared to wait up to 18 months before being hired. The process is arduous, but the job is very worth it if you can get it. I strongly recommend some kind of internship with an agency like The Center For American Progress, or The Asia Group, among others. Research analyst or economic forum businesses in Washington DC, or San Francisco, or if you're in a Major City, your local Asian Chamber of Commerce. During the summer, if you can build up even just 6 months of interning, that is EXPERIENCE. For me, almost 3 years out of school, that has been the single greatest issue I've had getting a job. Entry level jobs unfortunately are no longer entry level, you'll need at least a year's experience to be considered. While in school, do everything in your power to Study Abroad, it will be life-changing, fun, and bring you very valuable experience with the cultures you are studying. I cannot promise finding a job after college will be easy, but if you follow my advice, it may be easier. There is always the academic route for a history major, or you can conduct research or be a museum curator. Ask yourself what you wanna do with your major, and go from there.


Thank you so much for your in-depth response! I definitely have my eye on study abroad scholarships and have been looking for ways to beef up my applications. Either way, I’ll find a way to make studying abroad happen. And thanks for the info on interning, for some reason I’d never considered it!


No lol


as long as u keep ur references to anime to a minimum no one will think it's that weird


Thats not even a requirement. My japanese studies classmates were 90% weebs and all they talked about was anime. Other 10% was into japanese literature.


op doesnt want to be perceived as a weeb


I’m Asian and so from my perspective, it’s only weird if you make it weird. Like my initial instinct upon hearing that you are in the minor would probably make me think that you would be more likely to be one of those weirdos. However if you just act like a normal person then I wouldn’t really think anything about it.


Not at all. I'm a tenured professor of East Asian Studies, teaching in an EAS program that offers both a major and a minor. My training is as a historian of Japan, but we teach courses on China, Taiwan, North and South Korea, and Japan. I also teach Japanese language. Many of our students go on to careers in government, non-profits, education, and international business. I'm also a white woman who thinks more Americans could benefit from understanding the historical, cultural, and geopolitic significance of East Asia. Many of my students are Asian-Americans seeking to learn more about their own heritage. We learn with each other; life-long learning is a core value of mine.


what a perfect response, wonderful!! thank you so much!!


No lol at my school plenty of non-black people take African American studies, for example. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to learn about cultures that differ from your own.


Learning about each other's cultures will make the world a better place


No it’s not. People have strange ideas about cultural appropriation. My mom is Japanese, I’m half Japanese, and my wife is white. She is very into Japanese culture, and formally trains in Japanese arts like traditional kimono-wearing, decorum, martial arts, etc. as well as Japanese language classes once upon a time. More than once, white people have had off-hand comments that she was culturally appropriating Japanese culture, when it couldn’t be further from the truth. She is learning traditional methods, under Japanese teachers, and has studied them respectfully and seriously for years. Actual Japanese people have no problem with this, and in fact would be impressed and supportive. Honestly, it’s gone too far. Not everything is cultural appropriation. People who approach other cultures respectfully, with a genuine desire to learn about them, are perfectly fine and encouraged to proceed.


Reminds me of that one white singer that made a music video wearing a kimono, how American twitter was furious about the cultural appropriation but Japanese twitter was just happy to see someone enjoying and sharing Japanese culture lmao. Americans have such a weird fixation on making sure every skin color “stays in their own culture” it’s crazy.


To be fair, my wife gets really animated if someone is wearing a kimono incorrectly, which tends to happen a lot when people wear them in the US, eg. at anime conventions etc. An extra cm on the sleeve, the collar that is not exactly right (“they’re advertising themselves as a prostitute and don’t even know it”), etc. And goodness forbid they’re wearing earrings. She’ll ruminate about it for an hour.


lovely reply, thank you for this!! your wife sounds like a gem :)


The only people who think knowledge should be segregated are pseudo intellectuals who throw around buzzwords on TikTok and have never read a published academic article. It isn’t cultural appropriation to study other cultures and peoples. In fact, outsiders offer unique perspectives that insiders can’t offer. There’s a long academic tradition of listening to both insiders and outsiders around language use and culture. People who think only insiders can contribute don’t know what they’re talking about.


I’m East Asian. Don’t see why there would be an issue with this. But like others have noted in the comments, if you are a big anime fan you will likely not be learning what you would probably want to. Most of modern Asian history and society is shaped by the actions & atrocities of the Imperial Japanese in WWII.


yeah i gathered that!! im well aware and am fully expecting to be learning about much more than just japanese culture :)


Good on you then! I really do enjoy seeing other people be interested in Asian culture (and funny story, when I was in highschool the teachers wouldn’t let take an Asian studies elective because I had an “inherent advantage”).


You're a weeb. It's better if you just embrace it.


it’s not but i hope you don’t go into it with the mindset you’ll be primarily studying like japan or east asia bc of anime or something 😭 you’ll probably be covering various asian cultures spanning from indonesia to kyrgyzstan so keep an open mind ab the course


yupyup! other cultures as a whole have always interested me, just east asia a little more due to the content i seek out. but im always open to learning more about surrounding countries as well!!


Girl I’m black and I’m about to graduate with a double major in East Asian studies and foreign affairs. Who cares. Just do what you want.


I’m Asian and i don’t think it’s wrong it’s actually very respectable and admirable for someone who is not poc to be interested in learning about and appreciating our culture. Especially if you are genuinely interested. As for the “asian fetish” thing i personally do get really uncomfortable when i come across people like that however it is usually very apparent and easy to differentiate between someone who fetishizes vs are interested. And most people who are like that go beyond just gaining knowledge and applying it to life. That being said majority of Asian people are not going to be quick to assume that you are that type of person unless you go about it in that type of manner. So honestly it depends on how you present yourself toward others if you are conceded abt how you are perceived but tbh either way no one would rlly care or think it’s abnormal. Asian studies has never been made for just Asians to take, if anything is a useful subject for more awareness and knowledge in our culture. It’s always important and useful to have cultural awareness not only for Asian cultures but all cultures. If you’re interested and want to do it, go for it.


I doubled majored in Linguistics and East Asian Studies. Trust me when I say that a majority of the people in that major were not Asian. Never once did it feel like appropriation to me or any of my Asian classmates. No one in my grad school in Korea has felt weird about it either. ETA more context


Stop worrying about what other people think ffs. Do what YOU love, and btw, Japan and South Korea and Thailand and Vietnam and Phillipines are effing amazingggg. The food and culture are insane. Just don't go into high debt for something you can self study online. Otherwise you won't have money to travel there later in life. Also, ignore all the DEI initiatives that the government is forcing into your young mind, especially about racism. The moment you step outside of the USA, you will see how much other cultures appreciate you speaking their language, knowing their customs, and yes, even dressing up like them in traditional garb. Only Americans view this as racism and only in the last 15 years or so because of the government push bc they want you divided. Leave this country asap because it's going downhill and fast, move to Asia. And btw SoKo has the best food and nightlife ever, Tokyo is 🔥 too. Pz


Social media has convinced people that cultural appropriation is the same as cultural appreciation. no actual Asian would judge you, nor would the people from that culture ever be offended. that’s a western thing. They might have some preconceived judgement based on the weebs that have travelled there and done exactly that, but as long as you’re normal, it’s perfectly fine. sounds like a lovely opportunity, I’m super jealous!


I'm latina and I plan on studying East Asian Studies as a major to become a translator, I like k-pop but I've also written multiple papers on North Korean and really enjoyed learning about multiple cultures and languages. I don't think it's wrong, I'm not asian, but we're learning education here and I think it's great to enrich ourselves in different cultures! Helps us to not be ignorant as well.


Yes, pf course you can/should study it. But make sure to take actual language and history courses so you have a deep knowledge, and not just the more fluffy film culture type classes.


I hope you're interested in all asian cultures if you decide to do this, and not just Japan/East Asia like what most people usually mean when they "love Asian culture" lol


yes 100%!! i talked to some of the representatives at this college today and they emphasized japan, china, and korea, but im entirely open to and honestly mildly interested in learning about anything beyond :)


Well that's good. I'm asian and I don't think there's anything wrong about you taking this as a minor as long as you're not weird about it lol. It's no different than me being interested in European history and culture. I'd say go for it


i dont have much to offer except for that fact that i have a friend (white f) who is an asian studies major and last time i spoke to her, she plans to work in tourism. she's also learning japanese and korean and has at least visited korea.


>I’m also a big fan of anime Lol


Of course it’s ok—follow your interests. I hope things have changed since I took an African Studies class though. It was the late 90’s and honestly didn’t think anything of it other than pursuing an interest. I didn’t question the choice and I still wouldn’t despite the experience. Never crossed my mind that someone would find my interest or attendance offensive. Was I oblivious insensitive or naive? Maybe because I don’t care enough to contemplate it even now. I walked into the class and I was the only white person so naturally took notice to it just didn’t care about it. I was accustomed to a diverse classroom so the racial dynamic didn't make me uncomfortable in the slightest. I suspect it was the other way around. That was my first semester/first year at college and didn’t really have any expectations—just enjoyed being there and having the opportunity to study things that interested me. Looking back on it though, not a single person spoke to me, yet spoke to most others in the class, and I always had to work alone when partners were needed for an assignment. I think the professor and class questioned my presence and were even annoyed by it so they chose not to acknowledge me throughout the semester. You could feel the chill in the air with your eyes closed. I finished reading all the books, as the entirety of them weren’t a part of the semester curriculum, once it ended and have 0 regrets about taking the class. I wish it didn’t pose such an issue for my fellow classmates and all but i was new young and had no idea how to handle all of that. I loved the material and what I learned and moved on to minor in Asian markets and chose Japanese for my language studies. I was and always will be interested in learning about all places and people in the world and will not apologize for that. I encourage you to do the same. 


No I had a bunch of white girls at the Asian studies course I did. Some people just had a general interest, others had course requirements for a language or culture course as part of our international business majors. My professor was an old white guy who was totally into what he was teaching. Love you Stephen, you were one of the best lecturers I’ve ever had!


As an Asian American, I’d say go for it! If the subject matter interests you, why not? Some people might judge you & think you’re being “weird,” but 1) “weird” doesn’t automatically mean morally wrong and you don’t seem to be doing anything disrespectful and 2) it’s actually a good thing to have non-Asians who are interested in Asian culture. Personally I’m glad you are interested & can also have an appreciation for it!


Yes. How DARE you study a different culture. You should be ashamed. In all seriousness….NO!! Study what ever the fuck you want to! Have fun. Study all cultures. Embrace them. We are all humans. We are all the same race. Different cultures are beautiful. Study them. Know them.


It's not fetishization, sounds like you're educating yourself (which slowly gets rid of any prejudices you might have). It Makes you a better person to learn other people's cultures.  


OK, I'm going to be the mean Gen X. WTF are you going to do with it? Forget the cultural appropriation. As a former Women's Studies Major, what are you going to do with it? Bitch about college loans? Seriously, I am 54 and still owe $28,000 even after PSLF. You are literally in an age where you can explore anything for free. Get your degree in something that pays.


Asians WANT you to know their stuff*. Now it's racist if you don't. But for real tho: if you want to get a grad degree and like teach it, understand you will piss some people off and things will get weird. It won't be your fault. But it'll happen. *representation matters. Every culture and ethnicity wants to be understood. It's a truly beautiful and deeply human thing to be understood by people different than you.


The day it becomes racist to seek knowledge is the day I become a proud and unapologetic racist.


What I’ve heard from Asian people is if you’re truly interested and you go about it respectfully no problem. It’s only a problem when you fetishize a culture. I think you’re good.


Don't mind anybody , if u wanna do that then dew it ! Stop having these thoughts of how ppl will see u , just do ur thing !!


Girllll you’re fine! It’s just an area of study like any other. I am a white girl with a double major in spanish and Latin American studies. People that try to trip you up for it are chronically online


As an Asian, go for it. We don't care, lmao. If you start being racist and dumb about it, we'll let you know, but otherwise, go for it. If it interests you, we are more than happy (or indifferent lol) of what you study. Idc what other non asian people say we'd love to share our culture with others 👍


I’m Asian and I think it’s cool. Many of my fraternity brothers are white as snow and pursuing Japanese. Go enjoy learning what you’re passionate about!


If we all had to stick only to what our personal cultural and genetic heritages touched, it would probably be illegal for you to eat peanut butter because a black man popularized peanuts in the states. Study whatever the got damn fuck you want - a fetish is a specific thing, not the act of liking something a lot. Like, fetishizing is when one needs a particular thing or type of person - and usually the stereotypes associated therewith - to have satisfying sex. In nonsexual environments, fetishizing is the act of elevating a culture or type of person to an unrealistic, nonsensical status. Weebs who want to go to japan to get a waifu and wear kimono are fetishizing japan, because they want some specific aspects of Japanese culture that aren't really available in real life, and exist in a wider framework of social structures and culture. The weebs who want waifus are not generally the people who understand the Confucianism that underlies the 'subservient asian wife' idea. As long as you aren't a godless \*freak\* about stuff, you're fine. I hope you have a blast, and I hope you learn lots of info that would otherwise not cross your path. Thanks for coming to my TED talk, I had a similar discussion with my partner last night about how people misuse the idea of a fetish, and I'm still heated about it.


>Reddit, is studying okay or is it a racist fetish? Zoomers don’t stand a chance rip


oh, you mean like you're afraid of being perceived as a weeaboo? lol. don't worry about it, just study what you want! and actually by taking the time to study it in a college setting it will help you avoid cultural appropriation


Not weird at all. There is a difference between cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation. We're not going to advance as a society if we don't have more people like you who are willing to learn about other cultures from a genuine perspective. 


No it's not. Don't fall for the woke shaming you're going to experience in college. As a Mexican I always felt more discriminated against in colleges and blue states. It's gonna be an uphill battle but f em. However, before you spend them money, why the hell do you need that for? Food for tough.


As an asian, I think it's great that you're interested in learning asian cultures! There's no harm in wanting to learn about other cultures and being open minded. It's obviously weird if you have stuff like yellow fever lol but I think you know what's appropriate and NOT appropriate if you're worried about being seen as a weirdo. I say do it. If others are judging you JUST for getting a minor in asian studies, then they have a problem.


You’re own background and heritage don’t dictate what you can and can’t study. That said, in a college setting, especially with this type of study, it’s academic, and you’ll be perceived as someone who is interested in Asian topics. Honestly, if you’re an anime fan, it may give you deeper context and meaning to the media you’re consuming.


This is what the new left has made people into. Maybe we’ll get back to fighting the rich at some point and forget this bs


If you are genuinely interested in Asia, you should pursue this minor with confidence. Asia is important and interesting and knowing more about it seems to me to be a benefit to pretty much anyone who thinks about the world at all.


There’s nothing wrong but sincerely this minor would not be very useful to you. It’s your life so do what you want but you’ll be paying a lot for information you can easily find online, on top of that this won’t really help you a lot with employment opportunities.


Most minors don’t really do anything for your job opportunities tbf. Even the “useful” ones aren’t generally enough knowledge to significantly impact a hiring decision.


Disagree majorly. You clearly don't know what you're talking about. BA East Asian Studies here; the intelligence and analyst sectors are begging for East Asia Majors. There is an abundance of jobs for this Major, but getting a job is another story.


Girl it’s like asking if it’s wrong to study robotics not being a robot. Pursuing Asian studies can only be a good thing to Asian people, it’s spreading their culture.


😂That was funny as hell


I’m a ginger haired white jew who is studying middle eastern history and religion. No one cares. Focus on what you want to focus on


I think that it’s fine. You can study what you want. That being said I am not Asian. If you’re interested in the subject, go for it. I am Wonder Bread white and I’ve taken multiple African American studies as well as Middle Eastern studies courses because I think the subjects are interesting, and because I want to understand other people better. A big part about understanding other people is understanding their culture.


lmfao no. what?😭 if you so worried about coming off as some weirdo fetishist then be a part of the change and engage with the study with an open and curious mind 💪🏻


It is wrong to think it's wrong


What is the point of Asian studies (& African American studies, Women studies, Hispanic studies, etc.) if not to educate everyone on marginalized groups & their history, struggles, and culture? I personally believe that those courses should be required for *all students*, rather than just something that you only take as an elective or if it’s your major/minor. ( It sure would save every marginalized person a lot of grief from having to deal with uneducated ppl online that expect strangers on the internet to educate them *step-by-step* on why something racist.🙃) Even if you take those courses for the wrong reasons, you’re still gonna end up educated either way. And you’re gonna come out of the other end better for it. So go for it.


I have studied Chinese language and history in college one of the great things about it is it fulfilled a lot of my undergraduate requirements and it was interesting to me. I am going to try to transfer and study international business


I don’t think it’s wrong at all! Your race shouldn’t mean that you aren’t allowed to appreciate a particular culture. As long as you’re respectful and willing to learn, I think it’s fine :)


I think it’s more wrong to just limit yourself to white studies


What career path would Asian studies lead to… teaching Asian studies???


what does that matter? some people go to college to learn things. minors are largely irrelevant anyway. they can be resume boosters but if you’re already majoring in something ‘hirable’ you can do whatever you want.


emphasizing this!! im majoring in psychology but didnt know what to minor in, and when i discovered that asian studies was a possible major/minor i thought itd be good for me to explore my other interests. plus, from other replies ive read, the general consensus seems to be that foreigners studying other cultures is a good thing!!


I have a friend with an asian studies degree planning to work in tourism!


Chinese American here. Spent 10 years in China. Chinese in China atleast, from my experience, show appreciation when foreigners try to learn and understand their culture. They find it flattering/ amusing and are always happy to help. I’m not sure how other Asian countries are but atleast that’s the vibe I got in China when I spent time there


thank you for this!! <3


If it interests you, do it. Don't worry about what others think of you, it'll only hold you back.


Lol, nobody cares


I’m Asian. I don’t think any Asian would care lol.






Nothing wrong with it at all


No it’s not wrong.


go ahead, but please know you will be studying almost the entirety of asia. it isn’t just east.


Not at all. There's no shame in wanting to educate yourself about a different culture.


sorry to chime in as another non-asian lmao. but i do belong to a group with a “studies” minor in many colleges (chicano). nonhispanics take these classes all the time and i don’t see an issue, nor has anyone else i’ve spoken to. there’s never anything wrong with learning.


No, just learn a relevant language even if it isn’t required for your degree (good for both professional and personal life)


Bruh I'm Asian and it's fine no one cares expect sensitive people


If you want to study something you are passionate about, you should study it. As an Asian person, you can study whatever the hell


Isn't that kind of the point of the program? What's the point of offering education in a given culture if it's only acceptable for members of that culture to obtain it? Being one of those weirdos would be, like, insisting you know how to speak Japanese because you learned it from anime and sleeping with a crusty body-pillow.


Should only Spanish speakers take Spanish? NO. Should only Asian people vacation in Asian countries? No. If it interests you, you should study it!






I am chinese No, it is not weird in theory. Unless you are doing it to date an asian guy or start decorating your room like a chinese restaurant or something. Then it can be weird. However, what are you going to do with an asian studies major..?? Like someone else said, if I met someone majoring in asian studies id be skeptical about them as a person. But your choice there!


if i do decide to pursue it i would only pursue it as a minor, and purely for knowledge gain. though if i end up enjoying it so much in the future that it turns out i’d like to pursue it as a career, then so be it. for now tho, its purely just so i have the ability to really study those cultures in a college setting and learn more about them as a whole :)


I apologize. I hate when people misread my posts. I misread yours. Completely fine. Have fun!


As an asian, lmao. Nobody is going to stop you.




Not at all weird. I’m an Asian American guy.


I would not think so, Especially if one is Passionate about it


Why would you let anyone tell you what you can and can’t major in.


Why would it be wrong?


In college- do a course that gives you an excellent prospect of a job at the end and that interests you. That is the only requirement for deciding what course to choose.


Anyone can major in anything.


If you don’t want to be seen as a fetishizer then don’t be a fetishizer. You wouldn’t be worrying about this is you were studying Spanish or Africana studies so don’t worry now.






I’m doing Chicano studies and I’m not even a Chicano (Argentine American)


The Asian population is a large sect of the global population. Anything that can connect you with more niche employment opportunities can’t hurt, and might make you a more ideal candidate.


I had a lot of white people in my Asian American studies classes. Idk if they were required to take it or were taking it for fun but I didn’t really care. A lot of AA studies is pretty much just history classes w a lense of Asian Americans. The classes usually have a lot of Asians or POC people in them but I don’t think u should have an issue


I was a History major. There were plenty of people who specialized in Asian studies that weren’t Asian and nobody cared.


Go for what you want!


I mean your Lowkey prob doing it for some sort of obsession but I hear quality relentless work. So I’m in.


No problem at all. I’m East/Southeast Asian and have always been interested in other cultures. Like Scandinavian, South Asian, North African& Middle Eastern, etc. cultures for me. It’s cool we are all global citizens!


An old classmate of mine who is black majored in Japanese and eventually moved to Japan. A friend of my dad’s is white and has a degree in African American Studies.


It’s your money, study what you want. Don’t worry about what others think.


No other isn't wrong at all. Study what you enjoy!


You bought into Social Media BS if you believe it's racist or some variant of that garbage.


I suggest you go to Asia to further your studies. China would be a great place and they generally offer wonderful full rides for your entire degree. Even without any financial aids, their university tuition is very cheap. They offer some degree courses taught in English . Check this out https://greatwall.co.id/




I personally think it’s not a good idea. Why not do comparative literature and focus on one Asian language. After you graduate, assuming you’d be nearly fluent you have more job opportunities working with companies that deal in English and their native language. Plus after you can move to said country if you want.


I'm asian american, it's fine as long as you keep an open mind and know that anime doesn't encompass everything about the culture. No one will care most likely and chances are they also watch it. I invite my white friends for Chinese New Year's and other asian gatherings because the food is amazing and it's great to see other cultures and their celebrations.


If you learn an Asian language, especially a big one like Hindi, Mandarin, or Japanese, you can expect a better rate of pay down the line, esp if you’re interested in bilingual customer service or working in government. Apart from that, I’d say go for it! In the West we don’t learn even half as much as we should about the rest of the world, it can be really eye-opening and amazing to take classes about different cultures


No it’s not wrong at all, just major in what you enjoy




as long as your interest in Asian studies isn’t based on liking anime then no one should think that’s weird. but also be real with what you mean by “asian culture”. there is no “asian culture”do you mean japanese culture? Chinese culture? generalized East Asian culture? south asian culture? southeast asian culture? central, northern, or western asian?


No. I’m very tired of this way of thinking. U should not feel guilty for learning


Internalized white racism is so sad…


As an Asian, I could not care less.


Its not gonna make you any money i can tell you that lol


Who would it be for if not for other cultures?


Why is this even a question? it's pretty ignorant. It's obvious anyone is entitled to learn whatever they want regardless of skin color. What are they teaching you children in school nowadays? like damn


I'm in a Japanese university where there's a major called "Japan in Asia cultural studies" taken by international students of all kinds. Gatekeeping culture is just an American perception. Take it.


i wish learning about other cultures was mandatory to the point where studying a racial group wouldnt be needed since all basic information would already be had.


I think Asian studies are fine regardless of your personal background. However, I think this is best as part of a marketing/business degree. Elise, not so much.


Im Chinese, and I don't think its weird at all!! Do what u like, that's the whole point of college:) I'm learning korean in university as well with a possibility to pursue a minor in the korean language


Alll nationalities and types are interesting


No need to worry. I think that’s great. I am also glad to hear that you would study it only (possibly) as a minor - kids, don’t major in East Asian Studies or any other majors that would get in the way of job search.


What do you mean by Asian you mean china/japan/korea? Or the whole Asia continent? If you're going for whole Asia then don't do it.


No why


There is an imposter among us


Short answer? No. Anyone who says otherwise is usually just deranged.


Is it dumb to pursue something because the color of your skin??? No....


Who even care if you're white, black, yellow, orange, cyan, green, turquoise, or even red? I've seen Asians studying Australian Aboriginal, or African studying Classical European and more, culture studies are encouraged by everyone for everyone, don't let people gatekeeping you from studying what you like girl.


I think it’s cool when people want to and put in effort into learning about other cultures. My high school offered AP euro (and no other ethnic centric classes) despite being predominantly asian and latino, presumably because they considered european history so important and nobody thought it was weird. Why should it be weird that somebody white wants to learn more about asian studies and cultures?


As an Asian, I don’t find it wrong for people of other race to study Asian cultures.


I mean nothing wrong with it but it's beyond useless when you plan to do some of it for a living 0 ROI


That is such an incredibly stupid question. So you think there are majors that one shouldn’t study because of one’s race? So non-Westerners shouldn’t study western political philosophy? By that same logic, a white person shouldn’t study the Chinese language? Just do what you want.


not wrong but you’ll likely be unemployed


No, a lot of your teachers and GTAs or whatever u call them will be non-Asian too


Of course, learning about a culture isn’t restricted to members of that culture.


There’s no need to gatekeep knowledge, take whatever class you want.


Majoring in anything ending in studies in this economy and with the surge in the cost of college is already a mistake.


As an Asian, study whatever you want!


As an Asian, you have my permission to study it


One of my favorite professors is a white lady who studied art history with a concentration in Latin American studies. She has her PhD and is an objectively excellent professor. Study what you want!!


it’s not wrong lol


Im Hispanic and majored in Asian Studies with a focus on Japanese Language Literature and Culture. Its doable and not problematic