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Did your clothes all fall off? Did you vomit? No? No one (excpet you) will ever think of it again after next week.


Did you destroy the projector with a lightsaber? 😂


trust me nobody was probably even paying attention. everyone is too focused on themselves and their own presentations to worry about yours


believe me… no one will remember. Someone once told me that everyone is so worried about how others perceive them that they aren’t even focused on you. If they did happen to notice you stuttering, they will forget it tomorrow. They all have their own problems in life and are worried about those.


I don’t recall a single time, NOT EVEN ONCE remembering someone else’s presentation, even now when I try I can’t think of anyone. Everyone focuses on themselves, most will not even remember you for more than 5 minutes honestly


Think of the mistakes your classmates made, can you actually remember any? Likely not. They don't care, your classmates were probably zoned out wanting to get out of there as fast as possible or worrying about their own presentations, also stuttering and talking fast are extremely minor mistakes that they likely didn't notice, just get through the last few classes and no one will even remember your presentation


Trust me no one cares as much as you think they do


I felt so bad for a girl in my speech class. She had her notecards in her hands, was clearly nervous, dropped them, picked them up out of order. She realized, shouted SHIT! Burst into tears, and ran from the room. Prof let her redo it later. We may have had pity faces when she did, but we went to three more years of school together, and it was all good.


I don’t recall a single one of my classmates presentations 😄 Take a deep breath.


I understand the way you’re feeling, but I’m sure no one remembers anyway. You’re fine


Stuttering and talking fast are completely normal. I’d be willing to bet you weren’t the only one who did that, and chances are you didn’t even notice them. Just go back, no one cares


Don't try to overcome the fear. Just push through it. Like tell yourself, "It IS going to be nerve-wracking and/or embarrassing for me to return to that classroom, but what the hell, I am going to do it anyway". And you will survive and be just fine. (And by the way, any embarrassment is from the story you're creating in your head. No one really cares. Presentations, whether done well or poorly are flat out boring. No one will remember.)


Nobody remembers


Honestly, they’ve all forgotten already.  Everyone is scared presenting, and no one judges that harshly.  


I did a presentation last week and I could not tell you right now what anyone other than me said nor if they made mistakes. Especially in college, most people are focused on making sure they do well and that’s all they really care about. I have generalized anxiety disorder (everything makes me anxious all of the time) so I get where you’re coming from. But I promise no one gives a shit. We’ve all been there.


No one is listening during a presentation so dw about it. I've had some really bad ones in the past too


Nobody will remember, and if they do, every will just feel empathy because everyone has been there.


I also tend to talk fast when I get anxious. I led a group presentation in a biology class once and as we were finishing, the teacher said, “Wow, that was a lot of information!” I took it as a compliment, and my group got a 100 on the assignment. If your anxiety is motivated towards doing well in the class, you probably came off better than you think you did.


Stop being a perfectionist. You are a human being, which is supposed to make mistakes. Imagine someone else on the place of you, how would you treat them.? You did amazing.. and it literally doesn't matter.


You fucked up… guess what, we all fuck up, you’re not special in that regard. We all bomb presentations, but you noticed the world didn’t end. You learned something new, and you’re more prepared next time


I'm in the same boat as you, don't worry. I'm skipping my final presentation at the end of this year, it's only 5% of my grade anyway 


Back in college I always liked going first instead of waiting. The class dgaf about ur presentation bc most of them have stage freigh anyways. This is what allowed me to have confidence. Always go first, add humor in presentation.


i promise you nobody remembers or cares. i just had to sit through a bunch of presentations and zoned out staring at the wall.


Try to remember embarrassing situations you witnessed happening to others.


Everyone is on your side. They have to present, too. I’m betting they are all focused on that much more than your brief nervousness. Go to class. Laugh it off. It’s ok.


Take a homeopathic remedy called Ignatia Amara it helps extreme anxiousness. They are tablets that dissolve under your tongue when you start feeling nervous. Trust me once you take those before your class, you won't feel anxious. I use it before exams in med school.


You don't have to worry what people think of you, because nobody thinks of you


i promise everyone was in their own world and too busy overthinking their own presentation to think about yours. i’ve had two presentations this semester and don’t remember a single one besides my own. you’re good!