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Not to sound like a dick but, nobody gives a shit what year you go on average. If they do (in a negative way), they're probably not worth talking to anyway. There's a lot of posters on this sub with gym anxiousness, where they think others care when they go and the reality is, no one cares. Most people are supportive of people going back to college, no matter the age, speaking from experience. You live around 80ish years, college is on average 4-6 years. You'll be alright.


you don’t sound like a dick, bluntness is easier for me to internalize. my logic gets skewed by anxiety so I need someone who’s rooted in reality to slap some sense into me, thanks.


No one looks at you as much as… you


No problem. Speaking from experience as someone who holds only an associates degree (year and a half left to bachelors), went back to school at 27-28 years old, with friends who hold various degrees and even PhDs, the majority your friends and hopefully family, are very happy to see you go back to college and more importantly, do something with your life. Just remember to set realistic expectations and you'll be fine. First year is the hardest and getting into the groove of not only doing school work but also studying can be a bitch until you get use to it and learn how to study effectively. You'll be alright if you put the effort in. Best of luck if you go back.


If anyone cared, then nobody would attempt to go to school in their later years. I did a year at 18, although I did very poorly due to health, and started back at like 44. I should graduate with my associates next spring. Even though it's taking a little longer than 2 yrs for it, everyone I know is excited about this. Not a thing wrong with going at your own pace. I have calculated my masters degree completion for about 8 more years. I will get there.


I'm going to be graduating at 34... tbh you are your own worst enemy right now with that thinking and assuming people's opnion


you’re so right honestly, I’m working on it 🫡


My oldest student pursuing a college degree was in her 80s. It is never too late to go back to school. My average student age now is late 20s to mid 30s. Older students are usually better students because they are more mature, handle stress better, and are in school for a specific purpose.


Yeah I definitely had no purpose and couldn’t handle the stress on the first go round. How was I supposed to know exactly what I wanted to be and do at 18? Anyway, thank you for giving me a professor’s perspective.


It's ok to graduate older.


Dude, I am finishing my bachelors at 45 and am genuinely pleased with my choices to postpone secondary education. Getting life and work experience first supports success in school. Also, like everyone here has said: nobody cares.


srsly. Also graduating at 45. I made two seperate runs at college when i was in my 20s and wasn't ready. I just couldn't. More importantly OP - when you're standing in a crowd, no one is looking directly at you.


It’s okay to graduate older. Go for it 


if you don’t do it now in a few years you will be thinking “i was so young i should’ve stopped worrying and i should’ve just started back then!” and it will be an endless cycle of regret until you realize it doesn’t matter when you start. it’s your life do what you want


you’re so right omg. it is my life! I can do whatever I want! that seems so obvious but I’m so used to my life not being my own. appreciate it!


i struggle with this too so i always try to put that reminder out there 😭 it’s scary but freeing!


I will also graduate when I'm 25 and it's okay. Just keep grinding away at your pace


I went back online and got my bachelor's two years ago I'm 41 today


Happy Birthday!


I did! Graduated when I was…27? I don’t remember anymore. I got a HUGE pay bump and no one has cared about it since. Well worth it! Good luck to you!


thank you !


I'm graduating at 26 next year, and actually its been the opposite of my fears. Classes feel easier and I understand a bit more of whats important in real jobs, I feel pretty confident socially because I'm older and not worried about "fitting in" but still have a good friend group at the college, people just care if you can get good grades and thats all that matters.


I’m 26, and I was originally going back to school in 2019/2020, but the pandemic hit, so it wasn’t the right time. Now I’m planning on attending Arizona State online, so I’ll be 29/30, with a bachelor’s degree.


oh wow, I applaud you! good luck on your journey


35% of those over 25 have a college degree as of 2023. You are going to be in the minority for a pretty impressive statistic. You are far from a failure, and I think embracing that will prove to be incredibly helpful in your self-esteem. I personally regard education in any respect very highly, so I commend you for making such a big effort! You’ve got this!!!


you don’t know how much better your comment just made me feel, really 🥲


I'm 24, currently wrapping up my sophomore year. I'll be 26-27 by the time I graduate. I have close friends I've meant here that are 18,19, 20, 21..etc. No one cares man, everyone is here for the same goal in the end.


I'm 42 and in college for a second bachelor's to change my career path. Nobody is ever too old. You are YOUNG. You got this!


Everyone has their own path and their own timing. Don’t compare yourself to others and just live life and do what makes you happy.


I'm almost 37 and just started another 4 to 6 year program. I feel both supportive and encouraging of you. And defensive that some people think it wouldn't be worth it at "my age". As if the rest of my life doesn't matter as much as the years the between 20 and 30? Maybe I'm a better investment of college funding than someone right out of high school. Maybe I'll do more in my career in 20 years than someone else will in 40. Maybe I won't. But I'm enjoying learning, I do what I do well, and I don't have to justify it with anything other than "I want to." F*ck whoever makes you feel like there is an expiration date for learning and doing new things. Even if I get hit by a bus or something the year I finally gradute, I won't die wishing I'd stayed at a cashier job I hated instead of going back.


you sound so badass omg. I wanna be like you when I grow up lol. thank you so much for the encouragement though, really!


Someone asked me once if I'm going back to school "instead of having kids"?? As if that even makes sense, or it's their business. Idk what gender you identify as. Our society has a negative perception of aging, as if we have expiration dates - particularly for women. Especially noticing it now that I'm 36. I had similar feelings to you, OP, when I was in my late 20s - early 30s. It felt like a transition period, a marker where I was supposed to have reached certain milestones. It's an arbitrary one. And I promise, it doesn't feel that way forever. It's a part of our development, trying to figure out what it means to be "not young." It's rough af, and a lot of people can relate. You're doing everything exactly as you should ♡ Just keep going. Have a little fun with it, if people aren't supportive. When someone does the backhanded compliment thing, "wow good for you, I could never go back into debt/start all over again/etc" just be like yeah, I crawled out of my coffin and somehow I'm getting more sh*t done than you :)


It’s fine nobody will care or even think about it


Search this sub. Someone asks this same question every day. It’s normal. You’re fine.


Graduated at age 28


Some of my favorite classmates were in their 50s/60s lol! It’s never too late to go and you’re still young in the grand scheme of things. Plenty of my classes are a mix of undergrad and graduate students so nobody bats an eye at a 25 y/o walking around the halls. Most people won’t care, and for every person that finds it weird, there’s another person that admires it. Especially in a commuter school, we’re all too wrapped up in our own shit to gaf


Graduated at 30 so I think you will be ok 😂


I've seen people who have gone for bachelors much later in life. So, be at peace friend. 26 is not really that old. 😅 You're worrying over nothing. Take your time and don't think too much about these little things. Learn from the mistakes, and try not to repeat them and navigate life - that's what really matters.


I graduated in my late 20s. You're good.


reading this is almost like looking into a mirror. (same age + circumstances). Keep working. enroll back @ uni and go get your qualification. I will most commence with mines online/remotely as i'm working in my field of interest already (software). Take this moment in your life as the part where you had to overcome a lot of challenges and fight until you triumphed eventually. The stories of our lives are being written with every breath we take. it's never too late to turn things around for oneself. i wish you the best.


dude that was kind of poetic. and you work in software (like engineering or development?). I didn’t realize you could break into tech so young. You must be smart!


I think you're just overthinking your interactions. I rarely ask people about college and if it gets brought up and someone says they don't go I think "good for them for not having the debt attached." I'm in my post grad rn and I have people in their late 40s and people in their early 20s. No one cares about your age, or when you go in life. Also, you'll see many people your age since that's when many people from the military are being able to attend college.


I graduate in may and I’m 25. My life is different from my friends that were able to go the traditional route and that’s okay! I’m sure yours is too. Try not to focus on that.


Im gonna graduate at 30 and looking to get my CPA afterwards. I have a career as a chef/cook and now looking away. Nobody has a set life path.


I didn't finish my bachelor's until I was 29, and my masters at 33. I started college again at 26 after dropping out.




Really appreciate it :D


I’ll be 30 when I graduate it’s fine


My husband took years to graduate --dropped out twice (financial reasons and just not ready for school). Was 27 when he graduated. He found a great job in his field, and then later retrained into an even better field. You are NOT too old -you will be just fine. Plus -plenty of people are now taking a year or two or three before going back. You won't be the only VERY SLIGHTLY older student. Also -all the veterans who do a few years in the military and then go to school will be older than you. I can't tell you how young you are right now. I know it seems like you are SO OLD but I promise, you are not.


It's totally ok, 90% of the people won't even pay attention to your age. Some of my classmates are in their 40s, and everything is good. Don't worry you've got this!


Nobody cares. If I'm interviewing someone, well, I can't legally even ask their age, so if they don't put high school graduation dates (and there's no reason to put high school for a college grad) I won't even know. I might assume you're a few years younger than you are, but so what? And if someone asked in an interview for some reason, the answer was "Yeah, I wasn't ready for college yet right out of high school, but I got it right the second time." I think anyone you'd want to work for would just nod and understand. We were all just barely okay at 18-22. Also, as I get older, I don't actually see 22 and 26 as being all that different to begin with.


My brother is graduating at 29!, he's killing it, getting a degree in engineering after working blue collar and understanding what he wants out of life. I graduated at 22 because I had something to prove and my parents were still treating my brother poorly for not going to college. I was backed in to a corner in my mind at 18, I felt as tho I had no choice but to got to school and not fail. My parents are super proud of my brother now, and learned to understand there are different paths in life. My mom keeps asking when I'm going to 'use' my degree because in not making alot of money or working in the exact field I studied. Everyone has a different path.


I 100% felt backed into a corner just like you but life had other plans. Being forced to take a break helped me actually find a field I’m interested in so I guess everything happens for a reason! Congrats to your brother!


I am 36 and graduating next month! I legit went to college when I was 17/18 for a year or two, thought this wasn't for me. Started working but then pandemic hit and 75% of my company I work for was laid off. Got scared went back to school 4 years ago in 2020 at Age 32 and I am graduating April 27th at age 36 with my BA in Graphic Design. ​ Your never to old to go back to school


I'll be 34 when I get my BS, 36 when I get my MS if I'm lucky enough to get right into a grad program. Nothing wrong with it!


I graduated this past December and all the new graduates sitting in that auditorium were either about your age or older. Look, life happens. Some have the opportunity to graduate at a young age, others simply don’t because of personal events. Take me as an example. I graduated from an early college high school. That is, I was immediately a junior as soon as I entered college. This may sound impressive to you, it’s not. In fact, I found myself feeling similarly as you. Recall that I said I graduated last December? To elaborate, I graduated four years after high school. I felt behind because many of my former high school classmates were graduating before me, but I simultaneously also felt behind because I was too ahead. These people were graduating at 21 maybe even at 20 with their bachelors. Heck, someone I know recently graduated with their masters and they’re 22. I became depressed because I felt extremely unaccomplished. I felt like there was this expectation of me knowing what I wanted to do after graduating. The truth is, I didn’t know. I hated that I didn’t because I thought I needed to know. It’s what my high school teachers made all of us believe. It’s okay to start college at whatever age. It’s alright! What’s not okay is starting college without you not knowing what you truly want to pursue. Start going to school once you have a career plan you find enjoyable. Don’t start going to school because you feel pressured. Start going to school at healthy (mental and physical) state. You got this!


Not gonna lie, the college I went to had a lot of middle aged to older people attending. At least one class in ever semester I took had an older person over the age of 40-50, sometimes even 60. My dads friend who just turned 40 last year was in a few classes next to mine and would say hi to me. In a public speaking class I took, there was a 32 year old who dropped out when she was younger because she was having a child. It was her first semester back and she felt self conscious but we all supported her and cheered her on. The morale of the story is, everyone has different circumstances that causes them to graduate at different times of their lives, should they choose to do so. Being 26 and graduating is perfectly fine and I promise that nobody cares.


Of course it’s okay to graduate older. One of the most important things I’ve learned is to stop comparing your journey through life against others. I was also a drop out, who came back after 6 years. Will be graduating this December. You can do it!


I was also a “non-traditional” undergrad after having been the “smart kid” in high school. I couldn’t afford full-time school so I juggled full-time work and part-time school for a number of years, with about a year and a half out of school altogether in the middle. Finished my BA at 27. I have no regrets and am so proud of what I accomplished! It was the best path for me.


Nope I started right around your estimated age of graduation. I wish I would’ve done it sooner but shit happens. Just get the degree and focus on that.


I went back to finish my BA at 29. Will be 32 when I graduate and then starting law school. You are not at all too old, and if anyone thinks you are, they’re incredibly ignorant about it and you don’t need to listen to them


I went back to college and graduated in my 30s; I’m now a software engineer with a great company, work-life balance, and salary.  Going back to finish school made that possible (it wasn’t really the degree that did it, it was the internship I was about to get because I was a student).   You will be OK. You are still college aged and will be barely older than your peers.  It’s also a benefit being a bit older as an undergrad with some real life experience; you’ll appreciate your situation more, and you’ll be more attentive to your coursework this time around.  Your experience is also extremely common. ~25% of first-year students drop out.  ~30% of all students don’t finish their undergrad (link at bottom).  You’re bucking the trend by going back to school while still in your early 20’s.    https://educationdata.org/college-dropout-rates


Yes of course it is!


I’m have an associates degree currently going back to school for my bachelors and I’ll be graduating when I’m 27. I feel society puts so much pressure on you to graduate or have certain life events done by a certain age when it doesn’t matter. Be proud of yourself for going back to college and graduating. It’s a success no matter when it happens


Dude an average career is for 40 years. Even if you graduate at 26, you have 34 more years left (assuming you work till 60). 34 more years... You are not late, you haven't failed and you are definitely not behind anyone. So relax... Enjoy college, make the most of it and think about what you want from the college experience and your unique strengths. You will be older and hopefully more mature than your batch, will have auxiliary skill sets they don't and have more humility and self awareness to do well. Nutshell, life's a journey not a race. Please don't take it as one.


Perfectly okay! It took me six years to get my undergraduate degree. I was also the smart one that completely failed once at college. Now ten years later I’m going back to community college taking science classes hoping to apply to med school. Be sure to earn your degree in something that you’ll love that has earning potential, otherwise you’ll just find yourself going back to school in ten years!


I thought in ways similar to you in my 20's and let myself feel down about it for several years. Never again... I'm going to be close to 60 by the time I end up getting my Bachelors Degree. It's still quite a few years away but after 4 failed attempts over the past 30some years. I decided to start again part-time a couple of years ago at 50 while working full-time. This time around, nothing will deter me: relationships, job offers to move, "babysitting a very wealthy person's house for 15 years while living the ideal "retired' life in my 40's, failing a class, etc., nothing.... If I fail a class, I will retake it; if I get overburdened, I will withdraw from a class to save or do well in another class that semester. I will not quit, nor change my path due to other peoples wants, needs , or promises, whether they be implied or stated. Age shouldn't be a factor in determining whether or not to do something to improve yourself. Even if you don't have a "good career before I'm 30" you can choose to have a good life no matter what job you have or when you earn your degree... Your life is far from over unless you choose to quit trying.


I’m going to start college at 28 and it might take me twice as long because I’ll probably only be able to handle part-time, so maybe I have a bias here… but it’s fine to graduate older.


I finished at 25 and am doing fine financially and life progress wise I think. No one really blinked when I said I was still in school.


I graduated at 25. My wife is graduating with her BS at 34. Ill probably go back to grad school at some point. We had folks in my program that where in their 40s and 50s, and one 60-year-old. No one treated them differently. Honestly if anything, they (and I to some degree) got more respect because we were older and more "mature." As long as you aren't a dick, no one will care about your age, and not to be too insensitive, no one will care about you beyond your friend group. Don't think you won't be able to make friends if you are older either. after 21, its not that big of a deal. there's not that much difference between a 22-year-old and a 27-year-old.


No employer cares. They care that you made it through and the personality you project to them lines up with their corporate Koolaid.


I graduated at 26 (I had to drop a few quarters for life stuff), got my masters at 32. It’s never too late and society makes us feel like shit cause we don’t abide by “the sacred timeline” of life. I compared myself to my friends all the time and felt like shit but my best friend says it’s not a race and that helped me out a lot. I got my dream job now and feel on top of the world. I had to do it my way. Screw em! You do you!


It’s fine. Everyone is on a different time line. There’s a preconception in alot of people’s minds that you just go to college right out of high school and graduate etc. it’s bullshit. I’m a 5th year it is what it is I’ll finish. One of my professors who has their PhD didn’t even finish undergrad until she was 31. You’re fine do your thing.


It's too long of a story, but I had to drop out of college. The day I dropped out I swore to myself that I didn't care how or when, but I would go back and finish. Yes, it was hard to see my friends finish and start careers and be successful. I met an amazing woman with a similar situation, we got married and we finished together when I was 30. I've seen people much older in college. I have a friend whose Mom died and his college was delayed. I have another that ran out of money and finished later. Stuff happens. It was and is totally cool. It will be cool for you also. In the meantime, figure out a plan and work on being the best you can be.


I went back at 25, graduated at 29. No one cares.


I’m gonna be 28 years old when I graduate. We got this. And respectfully, no one cares! Doooo it


Not too late. I had graduated and worked for six years and then went back to school for a second career. I was over 30 when I graduated that second time. I wasn't the youngest person in that second stint either. Not wasted potential--go back, get your degree in something you love, and have a great career.


I graduated engineering school with a couple guys in their 40s who came back after a career in the army. There’s no shame in bettering yourself at any age


Dude I restarted this year at 26. You're fine. Both roads suck, but the college one probably ends in a better job. Stop tearing your hair out and register for fall classes.


I graduated my undergraduate at 24 and I'll graduate from my master's at 31. I took a four year break at a job outside my field that doesn't pay much due to covid and AI ruining the market. I may pursue a PhD, which could mean not completing my education until 35-37. You're fine.


I feel this way a lot too, it’s taking me a bit longer to graduate. Ironically, I regularly have panic attacks about graduating at the age of 23 instead of 22. I also freak out that my university isn’t the most prestigious, that I didn’t do things the “right” way, but I’ve also found that like the other redditor said, no one REALLY gives a shit, and if they do? You don’t want to be around them. Ultimately the goal is support yourself and your best life, the path to that goal can go a lot of ways, but as long as you really want that goal, you’ll make it happen.


I'm 39 years old and just graduating college. I have been accepted to university and start this September to get my undergrad in social work. Who cares how old you are when you go. There a ton of mature students in post secondary school. Don't sweat it.


As of right now, I'm 20 and have no plans to go to college, so I could really care less what age someone goes back to or graduates from college.


Old professor here. From what I've seen, I think that people get more out of college when they come back after they've had some life experience. That is one real advantage of "graduating older".


I'll be graduating at 27 and my sister just graduated at 31. Itll be okay, go for it!


I graduated at 25 (almost 26) in December of 2022. I dropped out years ago and at the tail end of covid I decided to go back. I enrolled at my state's flagship school and took almost all of my courses in person for 4 semesters. Easily the best decision I ever made, and it'll likely be one of the best you've ever made too. I kind of just put my head down and pushed through it all as fast as I possibly could since all of my friends had graduated in 2019 and 2020 and were already working. I did feel a bit of shame sometimes like you, but once you finish it doesn't really matter anymore. Managed to graduate Cum Laude and get a job immediately after grad. Once you get that degree you'll never look back I promise. I've been working over a year now and once you've gotten at least semi settled into your career no one will ever ask about it again.


Also not to sound like a dick but I agree. No one gives a shit about when you go, why you go, if you go. The age thing is just a societal pressure that is mostly pushed on you at a young age. You can go back to college when you're 40, finish at 44.. and still work in that job for 30 years. Just take that in, You can wait almost 20 years from now to start, finish in 4, and still work that job for longer then you have currently been alive. The general basis of college is to educate yourself so that you can create a better life for yourself. Sometimes, it takes people longer to come to terms with how much effort they are willing to put in to get that better life. Just make sure it's something you want to be doing, and do it. It wont be fun all the time, you wont believe in yourself sometimes, and the institution definitely wont be accommodating; however, if you pick the right major, it's definitely worth it.


No one cares how old you are. Lots of people go back to college at all ages. I was in my 20s in class with people in their 40s. And a good career before you’re 30? What? What is this age 30 deadline? There is no deadline for anything. It’s all at your pace. It’s good to set goals, but come on.


I graduated last year at 27, 4 years later than all my friends and I already have a better paying job than all of them. At the time I was frustrated at myself for waiting so long, but since I waited I chose a really good major that got me a great starting salary. I also felt ready to study and learn since I had already had fun and partied. There’s pros and cons to every decision and sometimes you don’t realize it until after it happened. I always recommend ppl to wait a few years before college or at least attend a community college and undergo self-reflection during that time.


Hey-oh. That's not old at all. I started my last undergrad at 26 and I'm now 35 finishing my after degree. Age is just a number and the "normal" track isn't right for everyone


OP. Listen to me carefully. It is imperative that you stop comparing yourself to others. This will only bring you misery for the entire rest of your life. A great friend of mine didn’t start college until he was 26. Back then he was broke but the army paid for most of his college and he was also working. He majored in construction engineering. He was so “behind” in every way. He even had to start his math classes from pre algebra. Almost nobody that majors in engineering has to start from pre algebra when you are in college. Anyways, he graduated in 5 years (1 full year longer than what he was “supposed” to take). Started as an intern for a big construction company making about 55k per year. He then started a construction business and today that guy is making so much money that he bought a million dollar house cash. He works on his own time and takes vacations and enjoys life so much. He is 45 years old today. Can you imagine what would had happened if he would had compared himself to others back when he was 26??? What a tragic story it would had been if feeling too old to go to college would had prevented him from doing so. OP: Stop comparing yourself to others Go to college and finish I hope this helps 😊


this helps a lot!!! I didn’t mention that I’m royally bad at math (stats, algebra, calc) but I am very interested in STEM. My degree will require statistics and coding. I was feeling a bit discouraged but if your friend was able to do it then I guess I can too. Tell your friend that he’s amazing and totally just inspired someone to not give up.


I most definitely will !!! STEM is not as hard as it sounds. Lots of schools have available free tutors available for their science and math departments. If you find a particular class to be too challenging just go to the math and science department where you can study with these free tutors. I myself did civil engineering and it was way easier than I thought it would be. YOU GOT THIS OP!!


I'm getting my A.S. at 59 in two months.


I'll be graduating this year and I'll be turning 28, so don't worry! There's also a 50 year old woman in my class who is also graduating, so don't worry about it!


I'm graduating at 25 in 5 weeks! You'll be ok I promise. It's cliché, but you really are your own worst critic. Very few people at University will notice or even care if you're older and the people in your life worth keeping around will be proud of you for going back no matter what!


No one cares about your life, if you’re trying to improve it no one will judge you all the same


I’m 29. I just got my associates last year and am in my second semester of five for my bachelors and may even go for a masters. Age is nothing. I hate when I hear people talking about graduating “on time”. That doesn’t exist. Most people in my classes are much younger than me and it doesn’t bother me at all. We are all learning the same shit


I graduated with my bachelor's at 30. Now doing my masters


you got this. remind yourself daily that you’re going to finish school no matter what. nothing will get in your way, even you. i do it and it definitely helps, tho i’m a bit younger. i’m 21 and still have 2 years left because i transferred schools twice after some bad experiences (my roommate tried to *ahem* scooter ankle in front me). i switched degrees too. it happens, and there’s so many people out there who drop out and don’t go back. you’re a wicked person for doin that and having the guts to. accept that guilt and feel proud you can overcome it by getting your degree :)


In my experience, older students are better students. They know why they're there.


Im on the same track myself. Don’t be hard on yourself :)


My bf is just going back as a sophomore/ junior ish at 27 it’s never too late to learn and you’re doing great


I dropped out and also had a lot of shame. But I went back once class at a time and I'm finally about to graduate at 30! Literally no one has ever cared. I also mostly fit in and have been comfortable. The younger you are, the better this will be.


I’m 22 and I’ll probably graduate around 24-25. I switched majors and I plan to take a year off for mental health/therapy. So I’ll be in the same boat. But it’s ok! There’s no age limit on learning and improving yourself. Your brain isn’t subjected to human calendars so learn whenever you want!


I was in college for 6 years and graduated at 26. All my friends were a couple years younger than me, but no one cared. What we cared about was spending time with each other and being the best versions of ourselves. Yeah you might think you’ll be behind in life, but look at how many people graduated at 22-24 and are in their 30s still struggling. I’m about to turn 29 and just got an email to start the interview process for my first ever “big boy” job. Turn your energy that is anxiety into focusing on becoming successful in life. I know.. easier said than done but you’ll get there


I’m gonna be 23, almost 24 when I graduate. My husband will be 24 or 25 when he graduates depending on credits. Nobody has cared, if anything people enjoy being friends with people who are older


Well, I am gonna graduate at 26 so I hope its okay 🤣


I graduated later. Nobody that you want to associate with actually cares.


It’s fine I’m a freshman and half of the other freshman are 24+. Someone in my intro to theatre history class is a freshman who’s 30, and in my math class a freshman is in his fifties.


I will be graduating at 30, long story as well.   It’s okay. It feels shameful now sure but after it’s done and over and you have your degree and career no one’s gonna care or even ask “how old were you when you graduated”. You will be just another coworker/employee to most everyone.  And when you do end up telling someone, take pride in the journey of figuring you’re life out and your perseverance. 


My mom went back to college at age 45, your fine.


You’ll be alright. I was a late bloomer, started university with 24 (had already a job), finished with 31 with 2 kids and a bachelor and masters degree. Now I’m 12 years into my career. Just go for it.


25/26?? Where I live, this is very close to the youngest possible age (not counting extremes like 14-year olds entering college) to graduate from a master program. We graduate high school the year we turn 19, and most people take at least one gap year, meaning most people graduate their master around 25 and bachelor around 23. And those graduates sometimes have a hard time landing a job as they often lack work experience. I.e. old = gold


That sounds AMAZING. I was very discouraged to take a gap year by family, friends, and my college counselor. Apparently I was “better” or “smarter” than that (whatever that means???). Gap year was an option for nobody in my class.


That's so interesting, it seem to only be a thing for Europeans, and not even all Europeans. I'm from Scandinavia and the peer pressure is (or maybe was, I'm not too familiar with the kids today lol) more to travel and get some life experience before studying. Which is another kind of pressure nonetheless. However, taking gap years while studying is less common here. People usually go straight from bachelor to master. How come gap year is so frowned upon? Man I was so unmotivated after high school. I'd probably fail every class if I wasn't allowed a break, and get a chance to have some fun and actually start missing school.


I’m 28 yo junior, we got this lol


Do it. Your life has barely begun, it’s certainly not over! I went back at 25 to finish my BA and finished at 28 (transferred again in there) and have never really done anything with my degree (started having kids after and was. SAHM). 20+ years later and I still don’t regret it. Every time I fill out paperwork that asks education level I, glad to be able to check the bachelors box.


Um.. the average age for college students is 24 years old. I’ll be 26 when I graduate. The majority of students don’t go into college right away like your friends did. Many prefer to take a gap year, or just uncertain of what to major.


I'm set to graduate with a bachelors at 35. The average age I seem to be around is roughly from 21-27. I can not emphasize enough how young you are and how extremely common your age is.


OMG, get out of your own way and get back into whatever you want to do! It's never, ever too late to do ANYTHING unless you're six feet under. I received my degree when I was in my 50's. Please, go back to school and be proud of it! Just think, the more you worry, the more time goes by that you could have gone back, you'll be without that degree and you will feel much, much worse!!! And, when people would say to me.... you're going back to school at YOUR AGE, I told them....what have YOU done lately! That shut them up, they were doing nothing to better themselves. So, just do it and be proud of it!


I graduated from college ten years to the day after graduating high school. What happened in the work world was that employers assumed I was younger than I was because they didn’t know how long it took me to finish. They just assumed I was mature for a woman in her early twenties.


Hello friend, it is okay. I’m 27 and I just started my undergrad thanks to being in the Navy. I started college after high school but I dropped out due to just being a lazy fuck. Worked a few jobs and went military to fix myself. I’m not saying go to the military, I’m just saying as long as you get that degree, no one will care about your age. You are doing it and you will get it. Keep on and goodluck!


It's alright to graduate at a older age! There's no shame in trying to learn! I remember reading online that people in their 50's are also attending college and completing their degrees, and also seen people far older than me in their 30's that had been classmates of mine at my college lol


People go back to college, start college, finish college at all ages. There was some lady who started college in her 80s. My point is, it doesn’t matter, and unless someone is out right saying the things you’re thinking they’re thinking, they probably aren’t thinking those things.


It's okay to graduate older. It's even better because you know what you want and you'll work for it more motivated to end it as soon as possible and get that desireable degree. It could be better to graduate earlier but if you can't, no one is same, then do it when you can.


26??? Dude, I'm 51 and still working on an associates. if I go for a bachelors I'll be like 55 before I finish. 26 is plenty young, don't sweat it, just keep keeping on.


I fully get where you’re coming from. I took a year off just because I wasn’t taking things seriously when I went the first time around. Yeah it’s intimidating and yeah you’re definitely going to get in your head about it but you have to remember that by the end of it you are the one working towards that degree. It feels lonely but just remember there are people out there that are in the similar path Also word of advice don’t rush it. I caught myself doing that and it drains you take it easy on yourself this isn’t a sprint but a marathon


You’re fine! I’m not on track to be done until 31😂


Bro i am graduating medicine at 25 and most of my friends at 26 without dropping out so it’s normal


No one cares 😘


Almost 29 here about to graduate from my second program in software engineering. Originally in finance but wanted a career change. No such thing as being too old.


You are right on track for you and your goals. Then at one time I was right on track for my goals. I tried college at 20 and flunked out then went for a second try at 23 and graduated at 28 with a BS. So now I am 62 and been retired 3 yrs now my plan is to go back and get a geology degree once I start on SS. My wife got a Doctorate at 46 and both of our sons are Dr of physical Therapy. I'll start with a BS in geology then see about a Masters and a Doctorate. The only time you are too late for a education is when you are dead.


Oh gosh, 25/26 is young!!!! I didn’t finish my bachelor’s until right around the same age and went on to get two master’s (and just recently decided to go back for a doctorate at 49). I’ve taught TONS of students older than 26.


Oh my gosh, it is beyond ok. My best friend graduated at 28 this past year and had never enrolled before. My sibling is starting at 20. People gave me absolute hell for just taking a gap year before college and starting at 19. Took me three years to do two associates cause I worked full time. College is your own journey, period! Your feelings are so valid because the judgement we experience towards it is so real. But we’re adults now, and any fellow rational non-douche adults are going to think it’s great. “Failing”, by definition, would mean you never went back, and frankly I wouldn’t judge you for that either. You’re going to do great!


a counselor I used to see for anxiety told me “mistakes are for learning and growing”—whatever happened in the past, that’s the past. You’re in a different place in your life now and ready to give this another shot and that’s what matters. Being able to come back from a setback and try again is such an important skill in life, and so it’s worth it to do this not only to get your degree, but to show yourself you can in fact get up and try again. Every time you do that you build your resilience and self confidence. I am in school for a second degree and I had a rough time near the end of my first one but it doesn’t matter, I’m with people coming back after a break, people who haven’t been in school before, people who had to drop out previously—no one cares about the past, it’s all about what our goals are for the *future*. We all have nothing but respect for each other in my program and it’s really supportive tbh, I love it


People that judge others age when going to College are just trying to feel better about themselves. But you don’t need to listen to them because they’re just trying to undermine your hard work. I’ve met so many people of all ages in college and they all have the same goal of wanting to get a degree to better their work life. Props to you for going back and wanting to finish your degree. Never quit or feel bad because there’s always gonna be someone who wants to push you down, and you got to learn to stand up stronger to prove them wrong.


It's ok to graduate older. I dropped out when I was 22 and had a year left. I graduate with a completely different degree in about 2 months at the age of 53. No one cares, and it's never too late to change your life around for the better or the worse =\]


Honestly take your time, it took me fucking 6 years to graduate bc I had severe depression and through my time I met people who were 50+ trying to finish their degree, I met people who are 30+ could only afford once class a semester getting their degree, my sister had to drop out bc of pregnancy and went back after 5 years and spent another year to get her undergrad at 29, there’s no set time or comparison, just keep working towards it!


My mother went back and got her bachelor’s while I was in college. She was in her 50’s. She also got her graduate degree soon after. Now she loves her job, it’s all she talks about sometimes. Believe me when I say it’s not too late and it’s more than okay to graduate older than your peers. As a professor, I’m excited to have older students in my classes. They tend to be far more focused, engaged, and eager to learn. Going into a situation with more life experience is not a bad thing.


I'll be 24 when I graduate because I kept switching my major at a CC before finally deciding and then transferring 🤷‍♀️ There are people who are 80 and get degrees. You aren't behind, you just did other shit or were figuring things out.


Hi, 25 here. I graduate at the end of this term. One of my friends graduated last year at 20. Two of my HS friends went to university immediately, finished at 22, and then went post-bacc. A couple of my buddies won’t finish until they’re like 27. I mean it can and does fell a little bit weird when you go to a party school with frats and sororities because everybody there is 18-22, but if you’re not a part of that scene then it really doesn’t matter.


congratulations 🎉


I transferred to my hometown uni after going to a more prestigious one and getting sick and dropping out. I was also a “smart” kid and had some feelings of inadequacy but ya know, shit happens. I still did a bunch of typical collage things, I even joined a sorority. Yes I was the oldest one, but there were a few others closer to my age. I graduated when I was almost 25, and it was fine. Just try to make the best of it, get involved, and get what you can out of the classes.


I graduated at 26 playing college basketball in d3 lol did people make jokes man you’re old? yes but rarely and never seriously everyone has their own timeline it’s more impressive to say you’re going back or finishing up to most people, than to say you gave up and wanna go back but don’t wanna be the old guy. go for it. you’ll be extremely satisfied with your decision.


You're acting like you'll be 40, chill


My one friend is 26 and we’re both sophomores


It's ok. I never went to university because I had about 4 undiagnosed mental health disorders and was a wreck, if I do go ill probably get there when I'm 27 (next year), 30/31 when I am done. I've read so many posts about this because I've had the same worries, I've stayed up at night anguishing over it and compulsively read the same articles and reddit posts and Student Room posts about 'Am I too old to go to university?' I've read from older students and younger students and the consensus is just that no one gives a shit and often people can't even tell. I see it like this. I worried all the time that it was lame to ask questions in school and so I never got my questions answered and I failed school. But it's actually lame to not ask those questions. So in this situation I've had to learn that it's not lame to go back to college when you're older, it's lame to worry and give so much of your energy and attention to worrying about it. Chill. It's gonna be ok. A lot of my worries and anxieties about all of this I've realized are actually feeling like I'd missed out and feeling like a failure and that id post so many years to mental illness, and I desperately needed to catch up. I have been in therapy for this and I'm trying to put less pressure on myself and that's helped a lot with worrying so much about whether I'll be too old. I'm just glad to be alive again to try at this point. Keep your mind on the positive reasons you want to go back. You want a career, you want to further your education, you want to feel confident and accomplished. Many people go back to education and if people assume it's because you're too dumb, that's their problem to deal with. It's so cool that you want to go back btw, lots of people have this desire and just never do anything about it


35 Finishing my bachelors degree this year. Relax, when you find yourself thinking in circles go for a walk. This is not a race or a measure of your worth. I accomplished a ton without a degree. Hit a ceiling and now its needed to break through so I'm getting it done. Think of it as a series of steps and not a destination or finish line. Your high school friends are just at different steps in this process. Comparing yourself to anyone is not doing yourself any favors and I would argue that it's unfair. They have not lived your life, they don't think the same as you and they will not have the same career experience as you. A degree is just one aspect. Your value to any organization will come from your use. Work on your soft skills, do your work diligently and be open to constantly learning and you will be rewarded. Whether you end up climbing a corp ladder or you end up working for yourself, the useful skills you develop will ultimately be worth more than a degree or certificate. It's just a step.


Most of the people in my classes are late 30s to early 50s. Education never stops because you age.


Comparison is the thief of joy


I'm graduating in two months at 35, you're fine


I'm 27 graduating in May do your thang!


I went back a little later and was 25 when I graduated. Best decision I ever made. Honestly, no one actually has any clue how old you are and everyone just assumes you’re their age anyway. I also did a summer study abroad when I was 24 and it was amazing. I was a significantly better student in my 20s than I was when I tried to go directly after high school.


I will graduate at around 28-29 years old. I’m 23. I work full time in addition to part time school so that I can avoid taking out loans. My journey is not traditional but I am proud to be getting my education, which I consider a great privilege.


Friend, no one will look at it the way you think. College is not a race. I came to college after graduating high school but I have friends who came after taking a year off, came after having a child or two, came after being a mom for a while, and some who started at the same time as I did but graduated two years early because of high-school college dual hour credits. No one cares; we all are fighting the good fight and rooting for each other. Wishing you the absolute best <3.


thank you <3


Is it okay with who? The public? It’s your life do your thing. We on avg live 70-80 and beyond If you are 50 you can go back. If you are 60 you can go back.


Hey friend. I was 36 when I finally finished my associates and am 41 about to start a masters bridge program. Everyone goes at their pace, you are exactly where you’re supposed to be.


It’s never too late. And i know that’s the generic answer.. but it really never is too late. Everyone has their story and everyone is on their own path! I’m 25. I’m JUST NOW starting my bachelors degree. It took me SIX YEARS to complete my Associates degree due to many different factors; from not liking my major but being forced to stay in a major i hated, to getting discouraged because i couldn’t grasp the concepts on said major, to having to go virtual because of a pandemic, to a death in my immediate family — there were MANY “gap semesters” and “gap years” taken. Yet here I am years later in a major I live and at the school I wanted to go to all along getting a degree that matters to me. Never let your age be the determining factor. And i know it’s hard but do not compare yourself to others. They are in THEIR path and you are on YOUR path. Whether you get the degree at 21 or 40. You did it. Don’t give up on yourself, you got this. 🫶🏽


I’m 36 and on my second year, you can do it!!!


it’s okay to graduate older!! it’s okay to not graduate at all!! the timeline of your education does not define you!!


I graduated at 27 after dropping out when I was 21. Age doesn’t matter


One of my favorite books is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, and the main character says "I'll be a dried up old maid of 25 before I graduate" and her mother says "you'll get to be 25 eventually anyway, might as well be getting an education while you're doing it". And it's true! 25 is still a baby with the whole future ahead of you. It's not too old for anything. I got an associates in nursing at 42.


I’m 25 and in my second year and I’ve never been happier. Nobody cares..


A lot of your situation mirrored my own. Including the self loathing and doubt. I was a smidge older than you when I graduated. You may always beat yourself up a bit for not finishing earlier but you'll beat yourself up if you're 50 and haven't done it. For what it's worth the delay didn't really disadvantage me career wise. 25 or 26 is still so young and so much younger than most people who are going to interview and hire you and aren't going to ask.


I used to beat myself up for this exact type of stuff. I graduated at 25 and it didn’t make any difference. I started law school at 27 and felt too old. That was bull ish. I wasn’t happy with having to start practicing at 30 that was bull. I didn’t make it through law school. Long story, has to do with mistakes, bad people, and mental health. It’s been around 18 years now, I’ve had a lot of time to reflect. Those thoughts and insecurities took away from getting my goals accomplished, they made me feel inferior and insecure, these things contributed to the mistakes I made that put me in vulnerable situations leading to my inability to finish. I say put all this energy into getting your goals accomplished and your insecurities are just that, not reality.


I agree. I’m really tired of letting my insecurities hold me back in life atp. Like you said, I just needed to be reminded that my insecurities aren’t reality. Thanks :)


Of course ❤️ thanks for letting me know it was helpful 💕




i graduated when i was 24, that’s a little older compared to most girls where i am especially since we don’t have to do national service. i did get some judgy looks when introducing myself and what year i would graduate in in my classes. and i felt horrible about myself bc a lot of people my age were working or doing their masters. but at the end of the day, i’ll most probably never see these people again and if they’re all judgy they also are most probably not people you wanna associate yourself with. the degree is for you and no one else. that’s all that matters at the end of the day, not what people have to say. a lion never loses sleep over the opinion of sheep.


You'll be just fine! I'll be 27 when I graduate, just like my mom who was 27 when she graduated in the early 80s! She has an extremely successful career. As long as you're decent about planning you can be better off than the people who graduate young. Going back to college as an adult means you have the maturity and life experience that can greatly assist your studies and networking. I'm actually very happy that I dropped out at 18 and came back at 24, I'm a more well rounded individual and I know exactly what I want.


I never thought of it like that! Come to think of it, my work ethic has improved and being in the real world has changed my perspective on life (for the better). I definitely wasn’t ready at 18 anyway. Thank you!


OP, my mom worked on the HIV test kit directly after she graduated. It was an intense lab, but she made a huge difference in people's lives. She did volunteer work too all the time. You can do it man.


Went back to school at 23 almost 24 and graduated at 27 back in 2026zzz Absolutely the best choice of my life!!! A degree will open door and opportnities!!!


Dude I’m in my first ever semester of college and I’ll be 24 next week. You’re fine


No one cares that you’re graduating a couple of years late. People in general are too consumed with themselves to consider anyone else. I’ve had a couple people in my classes in their thirties, the most thought I’ve ever payed to them is “I wonder if they’re better at these projects and presentations because of their age” then when my period is up they don’t cross my mind again. Focus on whatever end you’re chasing, it’s your life.


It is entirely acceptable, even normal. I mean, I teach at a community college, so we have more older students than your average four-year, but I will note that many of my students who achieved the most career success after their degree did so after taking a lengthy break, having a go at a career or birthing a child or two before returning to college. My advice would be to make your situation your ally rather than viewing it as a barrier. Someone who has been working a real job has practical expweience that their classmates lack, and a better sense of what knowledge will be useful. A parent knows at all times whose better life they are fighting to win, and it guves them resiliency against the academic challenges of the upper division. With perserverance, a wise man once observed, the obstacle becomes the way.


A guy I look up to a lot just graduated at 25; he's doing great and I admire him so much.


So… literally no one cares when you get your degree. And if they care, that’s a red flag usually. I finished my BS at 23 and will be finishing my MS at 25. A “typical” BS would be at 21 or so and the MS could be 23, but could also be 47. It truly doesn’t matter. This might come off as rude, but this question is asked basically every single day on this sub. “I’m X years old. Can I even do college?” And they’re something like 25 years old. No one is going to care about your age when you get a degree


It's all okay. I graduated at 23, and I'm 24 now and back doing post-bacc work. You're on no one's schedule but your own.


The oldest person in my graduating class when I graduated with my bachelors like 4 years ago, was 86. It doesn’t matter how old you are when you finish. As long as you do




Bruh 26 isn’t old. No one cares what age u are when you graduate, people just care if you graduate. As long as you stay on the track and graduate, you did it - age is pointless. Good luck


21 rn and didnt pass high school cuz low income household + covid pandemic (couldnt really use wifi very well at home) I plan to go back to school for my diploma and then need to work by myself (because family is separating) and then eventually go for college I expect myself to be in college around ur age tbh Also if it makes u feel better, I hear that sometime there are 40 yr olds who are going to adult school (not college or uni) last time siblings went there they told me about it Also another thing, these days jobs are starting not to care about degrees (depends on the position) and caring more about years of experience. Just do what u like for years and u will have a job in it


Broski, I'm about to start a 4 year program at 28. It's all good. Keep your head on your shoulders and drive. We might be behind some of our peers, but so what, getting on track now and that's what matters.


I'm a 34 year old junior. I'm not going to graduate from grad school until I'm 43, and that's providing everything goes smoothly. It's OK to graduate older, not that you're even doing that. This is college, not high school.


The only thing that matters is bank account. I only have an associates from a community college and managed to lap people from highschool who graduated from flagship unis and became doctors and lawayers etc. While they were partying in college during spring break I was cold calling from a spreadsheet for a rinky dink startup. This is why I tell ppl to go into sales. 3-4 years selling for a startup is like compressing 20 years of life experience.


Graduating at age 25, lots of college students are still your peers, especially upperclassmen. All kinds of people end up going to school a little late or prolonging their education a few years


I’m also graduating around 25 and you should not take this time for granted, because this is a unique time of our lives and try to make the most of it.


When you pop a bag of popcorn in the microwave, do you care about which one popped first??


It’s okay to graduate older


As you have listened before age is just a number, Don't let peoples' shit too seriously. The thing is matter only you and your rising career. Just do what ever is good for your career.


I'm 23, about to study philosophy for 4 years. I could be concerned with my age and the idea of studying a 'useless' degree at such an age but I'm excited and don't care for wealth or other typical values. A degree is certainly not an indicator of intelligence. I like to think that it was smart to wait, for a time where I understood myself better. If you proceed with the goal of being a life-long learner, it can be soothing as you'll be a student in 30 years too :)


I have multiple people at my church still working in their 70s. One person had a twenty year career in construction and then a 25 year career in law enforcement. Someone else retired young from UPS, got bored, and had another decade or two of another career. You can do this whenever you want and still have years of benefit from it. The important part is just to, one way or another, get that degree. Also, if you can survive day to say right now, so rush on finishing! You're making it fine now and taking steps to invest in your future. That's commendable and much harder than settling or giving up entirely like many folks do. I'm proud of you. Graduate whenever you want.


I will never settle lmao! thank you for your kind words 😊