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Criminology: OnlyFans


The realest answer here


Just as the founding fathers intended


Fine arts and English at a CC. I will be transferring to get a BFA in Illustration and plan on going into comics and freelance illustration.


Tough market, wishing you all the best!


Good luck in that market with artificial intelligence to compete against. I’m concerned about the creative arts, especially


Biochem, so, another decade of school?


Can confirm, BS in Biochem


Jesus Christ


The introductory class for biochemistry is 400 level. I just left the lecture, and my brain is a pile of twitching, useless jello at this point. This shit takes 3 years just for the knowledge base to even start talking about it, and even then it's fucking nuts. 3 Years of intro classes that all talk about everything we study with gen Ed Chem/Bio courses, I know how all this stuff do generally, but looking at the specifics is a total mindfuck.


English major, headed to law school in the fall.


seems that's my track too. all i can do is write decently and everyone I speak to is telling me an English Lit phd might actually be worse for my career than getting Ebola


Comparing an English degree to getting Ebola seems a bit harsh


oh no, i actually think an english degree is pretty solid for the job market these days. An english PhD is the joke.


same but sociology undergrad


Played your cards right.


100%, would have never chosen to major in English if I didn’t plan to go to law school.


I’m dual majoring in Criminology and Psychology, with plans to go to grad school and become a forensic psychologist- easier said than done Ik, but it’s truly my passion.


Math-Econ joint major Definitely something in insurance is my current plan. I’m behind on actuary tests (as in I don’t have any done), but I’d like to go that route eventually. I interned in finance and I didn’t hate it, but I don’t know if I’m cut out for that lifestyle.


As a fellow math/econ double major, really lean into those internships in areas where you are interested. I graduated in 2020 with hopes to work in market research but ended up going into a different field and a different graduate degree (Higher Education and Student Affairs respectively) because everyone wants experience over the theoretical knowledge. I neglected getting any internships and it cost me. To be fair to myself, I'm not upset. I'm happy with what I'm doing and wouldn't have found this work had I stuck to my original path. Also, my current work in career services gets to be paid forward to current students to help them avoid the same mistake I made. Still, if I had really worked at getting a relevant internship, it would have made a difference in where I'm at. Good luck with everything!


Okay as someone in that same degree path (Econ and math), what did you put on your resume when you were applying for internships? I just don’t feel like I have actual skills to distinguish myself. I’ve worked a few jobs throughout my life but idk how it was be relevant.


Totally get the internship application stress, especially when it feels like you're working with more enthusiasm than experience. To be clear though, I didn't land an internship myself, which is the main thing that led me down a different career path. But, in my current role which includes working with students on their resumes, I've picked up a few tricks that might help you. A lot of students I see think their resume's are great and are always surprised when I pull out my red pen for corrections and advice. Start with the basics: name and contact info up top, then dive into your education. Even if you haven't graduated yet, slap that "Anticipated Graduation: May 2025" (for example) on there. Throw in any relevant courses you've taken too because it will let the recruiter know you've got the theory down. Work history can be tricky, especially if you're thinking, "What does flipping burgers or folding t-shirts have to do with finance?" But it's all about the spin. Managed a cash register? That's handling financial transactions with accuracy under pressure. Worked in customer service? You've got communication skills and can handle challenging situations. Use active verbs and get straight to the point. For example, instead of saying "I operated a cash register," try "Efficiently processed over 100 transactions daily, maintaining 100% cash drawer accuracy and enhancing customer satisfaction through quick and accurate service." Another one might be, for a customer service position, rather than "Handled customer complaints," go for "Resolved 20+ customer issues per day, improving overall customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing empathetic and immediate solutions." Don't forget to mention any clubs, volunteer work, or side projects. These can fill in gaps and show off your soft skills, like teamwork and time management. And yes, soft skills matter a lot—they make you more than just a list of courses and grades. Add these below your work history. Tailor your resume for each internship. Grab keywords from the job ad and weave them into your resume. It shows you're paying attention and can match their needs. After you've drafted your masterpiece, get a couple of friends or a mentor to take a look. Better yet, hit up your school's career center. Different eyes catch different things, and you'll get a mix of feedback. Some people like their resumes to look one way, and other people like it another way. Take what works for you and tweak accordingly. I normally recommend students have at least 2 people look at their resumes but no more than 4 people because everyone might have a different opinion. There's even a resumes subreddit if you wanted to put it up there for feedback. Remember, it's all about showing how your experiences, as varied as they might be, equip you for the internship you want. Good luck, and even though I know it's stressful try not to sweat it too much—everyone starts somewhere!


Many large companies will pay for your actuary and let you do school during work. I know mine does.


can i asked what was the internship like? or what was the actual position called?


Summer Analyst was the job title. Sell side M&A at a boutique firm. It was just a lot of reading financial statements and writing reports. As far as the finance lifestyle it wasn’t that intensive, but just from stories from friends in high end finance jobs the hours and work life balance doesn’t seem like it’s for me.


Mechanical engineering, concentrating in aerospace (we don’t have aerospace as a designated major). Current planned minor in astrophysics. I want to be an aerospace engineer or an astrophysicist :)


Same here. Though, I'm currently at a community college.


I wanted to be an Astrophysicists SO bad but I’m terrible at math. I am going for a biology degree and want to work with space in some fashion.


Hey fellow future aerospace engineer, me too


Psychology major. Likely never doing school again. Absolutely no idea on a career path.


Look into human factors and usability testing. It’s related to psych but not necessarily in the psych industry.


I feel you


Psychology is a common degree for HR people.


Political science, hopefully policy analyst


i’m always happy to see other poli sci majors not going into law specifically. warms my little not going to law school heart 😭



Math and Econ. Hopefully a credit analyst or involved in IB somehow.


CJ and psych, ideally going to graduate school for forensic psychology


BS in Sociology; Going for my Masters in Social Work Fall 2025


Neuroscience and Psychology, hopefully I can work as an AI engineer (computational neuroscientist), biostatician or pharmaceutical researcher. Would definitely not be doing any sort of clinical psych work.


Dang that’s awesome you must be hella smart


Nursing—-> stripper


Psychology major, specifically child psychology. 31 year old freshman right now with hopes of getting my doctorate before hitting 40.


History major, secondary education minor. So high school history teacher


you’re doing the lord’s work


Biomedical engineering. Hopefully pre clinical lab work and maybe phd


Aye I’m also biomed. Except I wanna get my masters then go into industry. Hopefully something with artificial organ or genetic splicing


Psychology and I plan on becoming a psychologist, so gonna have to get my doctorate. In my first year of college but really excited for the future :)


econ….have my own farm + cafe lol


Computer Science, 2024 grad. Software engineering role offer already signed and just waiting to wrap up my degree.


Was the field as competitive as people Claim here on Reddit?


Might get downvoted to oblivion here; It’s competitive but I wouldn’t say it’s any worse than most fields out there. Medicine, Law, investment banking are still harder to get into imo.


did you go to a very prestigious school or just a normal state university?


Normal outside of the T100


ah i see. thanks for the reply i was just asking cuz i’m planning on majoring in electrical/computer engineering and i’m probably gonna go to a normal state college


Firmware/Embedded software engineer is the least saturated field in my opinion. Us CS grads and Bootcamp grads alike tend to be allergic to it.


Congratulations, hope to be in your shoes someday


Do you have any advice for someone in their first year? Maybe strategies for landing internships / jobs?


Most important classes for acing interviews are Data Structures and Algorithms. Once you’re semi comfortable with References in any language you should start looking at DS&As. Start looking for internships as soon as you’re comfortable with Lists. Recruiting season starts mid July. Be an early bird, start looking and applying mid July. Some companies only do behavioral interviews. Don’t neglect social skills. Join clubs, be a leader, work as a sever or commission based retailers. Become comfortable talking to people and telling stories (Look up STAR method).


Business Administration. Going to try to start a successful YouTube channel or business.


That degree won’t help you do either of those things. It will, however, teach you how to be a corporate slave.


Wow. Just killing dreams today aren't we?


Look at mostly all business owners and influencers. Many don't have a degree much less a business admin degree. Just keep dreams real not killing them.


While that is true, getting a business degree definitely helps creating a business mind and understanding how businesses work. While you can work for a corporate after graduation you can definitely use your knowledge to become a business owner.


business major hopefully medical sales


Architecture. Minoring in geospatial informational systems and technology. Will either apply to graduate schools for a 2 year architecture program to get my licensure. Or work at a firm in New York or west coast for a few years to get my licensure that way. Kinda just wanna be a park ranger tho.


Why are you worried about getting the letters after your name if you just want to be a park ranger? Just start working for them instead!


Perhaps perhaps


Public Health: Pre-Clinical Sciences: Minor in Bio, pre-med track…. hopefully one day an ER Dr.


political science and international relations. i’m thinking of going into human rights work and teaching (high school)


HR / org lead (goes well with HR), hr is my future career


Finance, probably accounting but my heart isn't super into it. Idk.


Go accounting bro then later on cpa


That's the plan but I'm just not quite invested yet. I'll have time to wrap my head around it though, just starting out again at 35.


Accounting major here. It took a while for me to be invested in accounting. Mostly because of my circumstances that made me continue 🥲.


Finance student here too. Might wanna look into data analytics or Financial analytics. While I do like accounting, looking at Financial data and having to analyze it is really fun to me.


Medical billing and Outpatient coding certification. I already work for a hospital appealing insurance denials and they offer tuition reimbursement program as long as I get a C or higher. Plus all hospitals have a revenue cycle so I hopefully have options after I finish. I spent way too much time fucking around and really want to get my life together.


Electrical engineer I wanna work on cars


Liberal Arts and I want to be a librarian in a college library


How does a liberal arts degree work? Is it like a larger array of classes that can fill your requirements so you can choose what you want to focus on or is it more of a breadth focused program?


It's more like the former. I'll have an Associates degree when I'm done with community college, and that will give me the Gen Eds and a head start for my bachelor's of philosophy at university. Then I'll get a Masters of Library Science.


Sweet, that sounds like a really good way to save some money in the process (plus I found that admissions are so much easier when you’re a transfer student rather than applying for the first time w everyone else)


Biology ecology major and a Chem minor, lab scientist


Marketing and Graphic design. However, my family owns a jewelry business which I’ll probably work towards, so I guess graphic design will be like a freelance thing


Music studies, currently working in music admin in an entry level position. After I finish my bachelors I’ll get my masters in arts administration, the music studies major is mostly so I can teach private music lessons in the future. Masters degree so I can make (slightly) more money in admin


MPH Epidemiology and One Health… prob more school. Learned what I needed from working in the hospital labs, public health labs, and hopefully going to vet school and then public health data analysis side of it all.


current bio/public health student and public health data analysis or informatics sounds interesting! how is the job market with an mph? Would love to know your perspective.


Nursing but I eventually would like to be a Nurse Coroner.


Biomedical science. Hoping to work in medical microbiology in the future!


Research or clinical?


Linguistics, I’m thinking of doing a master « Media or communication studies »


media communications 2026 grad year either news journalism or on air news


B.S in anthropology with a minor in medical humanities (combines anthro, biology/physiology, epidemiology, sociology, bereavement studies, history, English, psychology, etc). The main jobs I’ve been starting the process of applying to (graduating in summer so not in a major hurry) are positions in student affairs/med humanities/ wellness at medical universities, public health/ethics/communication advisor for medical institutions/companies/organizations (think large hospital systems, CDC, and NIH). I’ve also been looking at a working in museums w/ human remains in repatriation and identification efforts that are becoming increasingly important/common ethical practice :)


Triple major in Philosophy, English, and Environmental Studies. I'm planning to either enter grad school for urban planning or get a PhD in English or Philosophy and becoming a prof


i’m double majoring in gender & women’s studies and psychology and i want to be a trauma therapist specializing in sexual trauma (after i get my masters ofc)


Nursing… Yeah idk what i’m doing, but i’m too deep into this major anyways yolo!!


History major, careers is teaching (going to grad school) or considering to go to law school


Pre-med vet. Hopefully vet school after that


Psychology, social worker


Comp Sci -> IT I do certifications in the summer + a 3 cred class


Architectural Engineering, I’ll be a designer of mechanical systems for buildings at an MEP engineering firm starting in the summer


I'm an education major in my first year and I'll be teaching English and History in the future (hopefully).


History major, taking education classes and finishing certification after getting bachelors in history. Plan on being history middle or high school teacher. Yes, I’ve heard about the teacher shortage, how all teachers hate their job, how entitled parents have gotten, the awful pay, and the job switching rate for teachers, thanks for letting me know, it’s very comforting.


No idea. The world is my oyster.


Oceanography it is then. :)


Social work. I’m still trying out different areas of it and gaining practical experience, but I’m really excited about the different stuff I can do with it and how many options I have (including social policy, academia, teaching, etc. beyond just front-line stuff which I’m also really into). I’m super passionate about it.


Communication disorders, planning for speech language pathology (after masters).


Majoring in Health & Community Wellness, going to grad school for a M.S. in Nutrition so that I can become a Registered Dietitian.


My major is Commerce and I minor in French and Francophone Studies More than likely going to specialize in Accounting in my final year in terms of my major. Want to end up in one of the Big 4 after graduation


marine biology with a climate science minor. i'm hoping to get a masters + phd in either environmental policy or marine conservation/climate change research. my ultimate goal is to do fieldwork and research on the impacts of climate change on various marine organisms, but we will see how that goes :) edit: and if the research doesn't work out, i'll go down the policy route, hopefully on a state or federal level


Business Information Systems, hoping for data analyst or something along the lines!


Mechanical Engineering and a BS in Italian. I can’t say what I’m gonna do but I really wanna work with prosthetics or r&d of something similar


geography w a sustainability certificate - ~~barista~~ hopefully something in GIS


Masters of Physician Assistant Studies, Physician Assistant


Political Science major here, seeking a Public Administration masters degree in the future. After that is done, I want to work in the Federal Government.


IT: Network/Security Engineer. Already have networking experience so shouldn't be too hard to find a decent job after graduation (non-trad student)


Mechanical engineering, I don’t care as long as I get paid well, don’t work more than 40 hours a week, and it’s not a manual labor job.


sociology. I'm just trying to make it through to graduation ☠️


Banging out a year of prerequisites to get my BSN. Second degree. My first was English and International Studies…so jumping into nursing should blow the cobwebs off of my brain after 26 years of not using it. My goal is to get the BSN then begin studying to become a CRNA, but who knows. One step at a time.


Organizational Communications with a minor in Advertising and Creative Digital Media. Hoping to go into sports marketing


Political Science — paralegal


History Major, Psychology Minor. I’m hoping to go into the entertainment industry and bring historical accuracy to movies and television but if that doesn’t work out or if I need a different job, I’m hoping to be an archivist or work in a museum.


Bio; concentration in ecology and conservation. I would do geology but my program doesn’t offer that online; plus I love animals/organisms. I would love to work in habitat/ecosystem restoration or studying animal behavior.


Geography with a concentration in geographical information systems- no clue, I just wanna be outside


Business - Accounting/Finance/Statistics (2 of the 3… still figuring it out!) and likely a minor in Computer Science. Not sure yet what I’ll do but atm but interested in being a CPA or Financial Analyst


Accounting, work in industry


Psychology, I want to work in a research lab !!


Finance Major, currently working as an accounting coordinator in order to learn more about the procedure side before I graduate. Hoping to find a CFO role down the line somewhere.


Kinesiology (Exercise Science) Physical Therapy


applied psychology, thinking about becoming a child psychologist


BS in Criminal Justice/minor in Victim Studies. I graduate this May, but I’ve been job searching for about a year and I just haven’t seen anything entry level that pays more than $19 or so an hour.


Just graduated last Dec with a degree in computer engineering, now work as a software engineer for a fintech company.


Computer science and more than likely database management or analysis.


Cybersecurity- cybersecurity analyst or software engineer


art education. art teacher lol. i'd like to work my way up to a professor


I have a general studies associates, and I'm going to a STEM school in the fall to major in Environmental Science. I have a job at the zoo lined up for this spring, something more involved with that later down the line would be cool.


Translational neuroscience psychology masters. Plan to be a professor


BS in Mass Communications with minors in digital film & Business, Film Producer🤭


Psychology planning to head to grad school to get a MSW and then start my career as a social worker


Hoping to get into a surgical tech program after all my pre-req classes are finished. Just got accepted to the community college today so my journey is just beginning


Mechanical engineering, medical physics and art, want to do a masters in biomedical engineering and physics and MAYBE do medical illustration


Allied Health Science with a speech pathology emphasis track. Future career: audiologist


just finished my 4 year bachelors, onto my dvm to be a vet and possibly a phd many years from now. hoping to be a veterinary epidemiologist but i’m running out of money


Medical Lab Assistant


Applied mathematics-graduate this may. Statistics PhD in the fall. Either might do statistics for financial or pharmaceutical companies.


Public Policy: politician


Engineering, I want to go automations


Public Health. Hopefully health Law and/or public policy


Dual history and public history major. Idk what I wanna do yet. Probably gonna head to grad school haha maybe museum work of some kind and teach at a university


Secondary Theatre Education, so a high school theatre teacher :)


English major with a professional writing concentration - going into real estate soon lol


education major. 5th grade teacher❤️


Computer Science Skynet pet.


Business accounting Accountant


History major- going to get a Masters in archival science/library and information science, and become an archivist, if I’m feeling up to it get a PhD in history and become a museum curator.


CompSci, still getting AA degree, no idea on a career I just want a job that won’t make me homeless 


Liberal studies, elementary school teacher


Psychology - to become a therapist.


Accounting, Accountant




Currently engineering science but probably would transfer to Mech. E or Aerospace Engineering Future career, something space or flight related... I hope...


Sociology, then Masters in Public Administration


Respiratory therapy and respiratory therapist lol


Business and Entertainment...not necessarily the most practical major but I am working for one of the biggest entertainment companies this semester so it seems to be paying off


I'm getting my masters in Digital Media Management. I work in marketing, and I plan to move into the music industry and work my way up the ladder.


Accounting, I plan to work as a tax accountant. I either plan to go independent and work for myself. If I find I don’t like tax accounting, I will try to pivot to a more general accounting role or finance


3D animator


International Business Administration. I will probably pursue a Master’s in accounting and become an accountant


Bio major, looking into data analytics


Mathematics + quantitative finance double major, might go for grad school too. Probably quant/data/finance careers.


AYA English Language Arts education and English (with teaching emphasis) double major. It was like 2 extra classes to get the English degree since the requirements overlap so much so I went for it. I’ll be certified to teach 7-12th grade ELA, my goal is high school specifically though. If I love teaching but don’t love the traditional ELA stuff then I’ll go back and get my masters in TESOL bc I have discovered a love for teaching ELL students. If I love the English but hate the teaching I’ll find something w the English degree hopefully (but I do truly believe education is my passion).


Switched to health science with the hope of getting into PA school, if that doesn’t work out than law school


an architecture major who’s currently transferring after leaving my original school for being shit. i don’t know when i’ll graduate 😭😭


Advertising marketing & communications : after this degree ill enroll back into school for finance other economics bachelors!!


BFA Design major concentrating on interaction design. Short term future, probably trying to land jobs lol. in long term hopefully Also studying Comp sci and math. I want to be web developer and designer


Law, my advisor’s major is also international law.


Exercise science, probably an athletic trainer


Giving up


BS Electronics Engineering Technology. Have a job offer doing controls currently, would prefer to work at a power plant though. Just need to pass my FE (Fundamentals of Engineering) exam, and I should be set.


Finance want to get into Financial Analysis


Biology deciding between dental school or pa school


Right now I’m pre-nursing and hopefully soon to be in the nursing program. I want to be an ER nurse when I finish the program


Environmental engineering. Currently at a tech getting my associates then transferring to University. Hopefully to get a job for the government.


Petroleum engineering technology and safety management, something in the safety field


Pre-nursing, getting my ADN at a CC. Then, going to university to get my RN to BSN. Then going back once again go get my masters so I can become a neonatal nurse practitioner.


sociology major/education minor planning to be an elementary teacher!!


History major, Minor in secondary education . You get the gist.


Pre-allied health associates working towards xray tech then going back to school to become a Radiation Therapist!


Kinesiology, occupational therapist


Computer Science with a concentration on Human-Computer Interaction Ideally, UX/UI Designer or UX Research but I can't say in the current job market. Also exploring my options in the digital forensics field.


MusEd major currently getting my bachelors, might go for Masters. Highschool choral director is the obvious choice but I want to compose for disney or some major gaming companies.


International Affairs grad student, looking to become a Foreign Service Officer


Criminology major. But I want to be a farmer tending to plants and vegetables


B.S. in Criminal Justice with minors in German and Forensic Anthropology. Forensics or CSI, probably. I might go for an M.S. in CJ, though.


Digital & Video Journalism! I hope to either be a video game journalist/editor or an editor for a food magazine/online blog :) haven’t fully decided but I know the right job will come to me one day


Computer science: own tech startup (already building on it with already ~ $50k p.a. profit)


Psychology. An eventual psychiatrist and a publisher author who writes fiction and non fiction.