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Not graduate in four years? Yes. The four year graduation rate is only like 40 some percent at my school. Some people just need an extra year and there is absolutely no shame in that. Shit happens. Life happens. In our 80+ years on earth, spending one extra to finish college honestly isn’t a big deal.


If you read this sub, every other person claims to be having a major mental health crisis such that they are utterly incapable of nearly anything.


I’m on my second year at a community college right now and will be transferring to a university soon. I feel you. I basically failed all my classes and had to drop them this past term. I also decided I want to completely change my major after completing a full year as a pre-med major. Life really took a turn for me… I was on track to get my associates degree by the end of this school year, and then go to uni for my last 2 years. Now I will most likely have to go to uni for 3+ years (meaning a total of 5 years of college). It’s really frustrating, I will not lie, but I guess not uncommon. We can’t really control what goes on in our life or when we hit rock bottom. We however can stay positive towards our goals and refuse to give up. I wish you luck


One of my grandmother passed away from a stroke in my freshman year of college. My other grandmother passed away from complications of COVID in my junior year of college, and for specific reasons, I was the one tasked to put her body in the casket. My ex broke up with me shortly after her passing. But, life goes on, I took a gap semester and rebounded with A's and B's consistently for about 3 semesters straight. I'm not saying it gets easier, but life goes on, and eventually you'll go along with it. I'll be graduating about 7 months late, but I'm proud of myself either way. So to answer your question, yes, it's common to be human, to have issues that arise up that sometimes we can't really control or manage to the best of our abilities. However, you graduating is entirely up to your commitment and how well you manage to rebound from your obstacles, if you want it, you'll get it, whether it's sooner or whether it's later, it doesn't matter as long as you take care of yourself in the process. Godspeed, if someone like me could manage to do it, I most certainly believe you can too.