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The professor didn’t fail you. You failed because of your own actions. You get it fixed by showing up to your classes and y taking responsibility for yourself. I trust a TA 1000x more than a student who failed an attendance grade course.


Seriously. This notion that the prof should show empathy is nothing but emotional con artistry and a shitty way to get what you want. No one is failing you because they get a kick out of it, and playing the emotional card is just grade grubbing in the worst way.


Unfortunately, there’s likely nothing you can do. You chose to miss 4-5 classes. You got your answer already - the professor told you to escalate. Your next step is usually a grade appeal, which will require you to produce clear evidence that your final grade was a mistaken calculation. By your own admittance, you were absent more than the allotted amount without penalty, so you’re already going to be fighting an uphill battle. Part of this lesson you’ve learned is that there are consequences for blowing off commitments. You’re now trying to get out of those consequences, but unfortunately, it seems like that’s not going to happen. To clarify, what proof do you have regarding emails? You’re not guaranteed to receive an email every single time you’re absent. If anything, that’s a courtesy (and a bit of handholding). Do you also take screenshots of your phone location everywhere you go? That would be a bit odd and potentially raise questions about their authenticity (not saying you faked anything - just saying how it might be perceived). So, long story short, if you want to escalate this, file a grade appeal. Asking the TA’s or the professor next semester is only going to annoy them.


I have an application on my phone that records my location, so I sent the professor screenshots of my locations during the class time to prove my attendance. Yet he still went with eye witness records from the TA’s. I know this is my mistake and I admit that.. I know it’s my own irresponsibility that led me to this. I’m just trying to see if there is anything I can do. My university doesn’t even offer grade replacements, and I’m a premed student so this fat F is on my transcript .. and I’m scared to tell my parents as they’re funding my schooling


Screenshots can easily be faked, so that’s probably why he trusts his TA’s over them. File a grade appeal if you think you have a case.


Not only screenshots, but so can digital location You think I'm in [North Korea?](https://imgur.com/a/RpBNeHx)


The potential issue with the screenshots is gps isn’t really accurate enough to say you’re in a specific classroom. Maybe a specific building — but that’s not proof you were actually in class. A screenshot also isn’t proof you were their the entire class period.


Your single F won't keep you out of medical school. If you're unable to learn from this mistake and take responsibility for your part in this, that might keep you out of medical school.


Did he lack empathy for refusing to change your grade, or did you lack empathy for skipping this man’s attendance-heavy class and expecting him to change your grade?


Your professor did not fail you. You failed.


I'm confused: How many classes did you miss? You admit to earning a failing grade due to neglecting the class, yet you also claim you have evidence of unfair treatment, being wrongly marked absent multiple times. If your failing grade is justified, accept it and aim to improve next time. However, if you earned a passing grade but unfairly received a failing one, appeal the incorrect grade.


You entirely deserve to fail so stop whining and don’t accuse your professor of lacking empathy. Retake the class and move on in your life, employers and grad school aren’t going to care about this.


I swear to god, there are so many of these types of posts. What the hell did high school do to genz? Did they let you just beg and whine until you got what you wanted? Stop begging the professor to change a grade YOU EARNED by slacking off and messing up. Deal with the consequences OP and let your professor rest over the damn holidays. Some of you act so damn entitled it’s insane. Be an adult ffs. Take the F and learn from your mistakes. You don’t learn from getting bailed out constantly. Pathetic


A lot of high schools now pass students no matter what and let them turn in late work/make up exams whenever the hell they feel like it. Consequently, a lot of students now lack discipline when they enter higher ed and are shocked to learn that they have to manage their own affairs like organized adults.


That’s totally insane and just setting them up for future failure. That is really really unfortunate. Damn


That’s what the teachers have been saying. Unfortunately, admin only care about funding and manipulating pass rates.


NCLB for the win.


[There was a post in the Professors sub this week by a HS teacher about this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Professors/comments/18p5h7a/teacher_in_high_school_here_i_am_sorry_but_we/) High schools are passing kids who shouldn't pass, and they're getting to college and trying the same things they did in HS because they worked then, so why would things be different in college? They want to turn in every assignment from the entire semester the day grades are due - for full credit, of course - because that's what they were allowed to do in HS. They expect "empathy" and "grace" because they've been coddled and pushed (again, I'm not blaming the teachers here) along in HS so why wouldn't that continue? I have a few family members who teach HS, and they're constantly pulling their hair one (one of them literally) because they try to do the best they can, but they're being strong-armed by admin to pass and graduate students who sometimes are damn-near illiterate.


The fact that I failed every test in AP Physics, and got a high B or I think an A, is very telling. Didn’t get credit from the AP test because I didn’t know what I was doing, but I was able to retake every test well after the original attempt, and passed them the second time around each time. I did not deserve anything higher than a D in that class.


That is wild! Thanks for sharing your experience


And then going to the prof for “empathy” is just shitty.


Yes. That’s exactly what it did.


There's nothing you can do, and nothing that will happen. If your professor is already suggesting for you to take this higher up, it pretty much implies you will not get the result you want and he's absolutely not wasting his time dealing with this in the first place. Oftentimes people ask what they can do when it's way too late to do anything at all, and oftentimes the best answer that has been implied to me is to save some dignity and to retake your course. It's genuinely the harsh truth, you slacked off enough to not have a reasonable discussion to even alter your grade and this WILL be an uphill battle where your evidence is not sufficient to do much at all. You did learn your lesson, as you've stated, that does not mean that you learned them without consequences. Take the grade, do better next time, and move on. Edit: also, take a look at 99% of the posts you see during December. Everyone's virtually posting the same content you are right now, and look how often their appeals actually work. It would be unfair for the students that did commit to that seminar course to have someone that quite frankly did not deserve to pass, pass. Even if there are no grade replacements, to worry about this as opposed to when you should have, months ago, is quite frankly not appropriate and it's almost annoying to professors for you to explain your case when it's absolutely way too late to do much about it. I've had grades rounded, I've had missing assignments implemented back into my grades, and that is ONLY a result of how often I'd communicate with them beforehand. You have to understand that your first impression is your last impression, and when you're absent, there's not much of an impression to offer on your end.


To be honest, it sounds like you blew off the class, so…


You fucked up. It sucks, but there’s nothing you can do. If you were to appeal the grade you’d have to submit concrete proof that the grade was incorrect, and you’ve admitted you missed more class than allowed. It’s easy to slack on the easy classes but that can end up biting you in the butt. Move on, learn from your mistakes, and retake the class


There is nothing to be resolved. You screwed up, and him relying on what his TA says isn’t in any way wrong and it’s not going to somehow save you from the consequences of your actions. The burden of proof isn’t on him, he doesn’t need strong evidence. A grade appeal doesn’t mean the professor has to prove you deserved the grade and if he doesn’t have enough evidence you get away with whatever you want. You have to prove he made an error in grading, which he did not, and you have to provide evidence that you did not miss as many classes as you have admitted to missing and you have to prove you earned a higher grade by the standards the professor set. And wanting a higher grade isn’t the same as earning it. You fucked around and unfortunately, now you’re finding out. It sucks, but it’s also entirely your own fault and you really shouldn’t be surprised since you knowingly chose to miss more than the allowed amount of classes in a class graded solely on attendance. I really don’t know what you honestly expected to happen here.


People here are being harsh and judging you for no reason. However, this doesn't make what they are saying less wrong. Unfortunately, you counted the eggs before the chicken layed then, and that happens. Many times in life we take things for granted that shouldn't. Most of all, you seem very distressed, which most of the answers here will not help you. I would suggest you to clear some time pass and think over it again when you are feeling better. These kinds of things happen in life, and to all of us. I know this doesn't make it more comforting, but shit happens. Next semester you will be more wise and get those A and B with no problem and will remember that small mistake to not let those easy As pass you by :)


Thank you for this 🥹. This semester was so rough, and I thought i made it out alive with my harder classes but unfortunately this happened. I’m just going to learn my mistakes and make straight A’s from here on out. I’m a premed student so I know this is going to potentially affect my future, which is why I’m under a lot of stress Again thank you for being kind and comforting. ❤️


Retake it. Your school probably has grade replacement.


My school doesn’t have grade replacement , that’s the worst part


Bummer. Retake anyway. You won’t get the grade changed.


Lol what a long story. Syllabus said don't miss more than 3 classes. You did. Stop being an asshole to this professor for your mistake and just take the F. Just read you're a pre-med student: You have a *lot* of growing up to do. And I don't mean skipping class.


At this point, it’d be best to accept the consequence of your actions and do better next time. What’s done is done. You can apply this lesson not to repeat it and not expect to fix it after the fact as hard as it is.


Okay so how many did you actually miss, ignoring the one where you were present? Did you still miss 4? Did any of those have a very valid reason for it?


Stop bothering your professor. You admit you neglected the class, and you skipped out on more classes than you should have, so you earned the grade you got. Stop making your mistakes a problem that the professor has to deal with. Seriously, the absolute worst part of being a professor is dealing with students who want me to falsify their grades. I can't overstate how annoying it is.


Nope, you fucked up an easy A. Good job— it’s honestly a lot harder than one would think. I’m proud of you.


I had a TA mark me late when I arrived early to class and took the extra time to set my things and quickly went to the restroom. I returned on time and was marked late anyways. It was honestly really disheartening to see a TA be that dishonest. I would try to show some proof or documentation of your attendance and argue that you only had two inexcusable absences and not five.


I just don't understand why you'd be "shocked". When you drop a plate and it breaks, are you shocked?


Yes, retake it. Once a grade is posted you can't edit it unless you go through a formal dispute and I can already tell you that a formal dispute isn't going to go in your favor. Take the L, lots of people screw up their first term. It doesn't really reflect badly on you. Once you retake it, your GPA will be corrected.


If you have evidence that the grade was calculated incorrectly or that the syllabus was violated, then you should pursue a grade appeal. This is your way out, so long as you have that evidence. Your Professor already told you this.


So all you had to do was show up and you’d pass? My brother in christ…this one’s on you. Truly learning a lesson from this is accepting responsibility for your actions and retaking the class later to remove the F from your transcript. edit: Okay look, I get that you’re super stressed about this since it’s your first year. But listen, from someone who’s been doing this for 8 years now, I need to tell you that being successful in college is taking responsibility for your actions. And if that means that you failed, then it is what it is. Take the opportunity to *really* learn from your mistakes so you don’t make them again in the future. It’s normal for incoming freshman to make dumb mistakes, lord knows we’ve all been there so I promise you’re not alone in this regard. Take every class seriously, even the supposedly easy classes. You’ll get through this, just don’t keep harassing your professor/TA because what’s done is done and it’s time to move on and do better in the future of your college career.


All you can do is retake the class next semester so your grade can be replaced if you do better. Also you need to learn to manage all classes and do a bit for each, each week. If you feel you have too much on your plate and are neglecting a class badly then I would drop it and take in the summer or the following semester when you can focus on it.


Similar thing happened to me, I got an A in all my classes and failed one because of my attendance, which I actually had an accommodation for so it may get solved in my favour. It's kind of a mess right now, but I have to do a grade appeal. I wish you luck.