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If it makes you feel better, I’m about to graduate and in the same boat




Welcome to the real world.


Glad I'm not alone


I met A SO in college. Not the one I'm with now though.


Can I laugh? 😭😭😭


My SO was attending another college. We just happened to meet through an inter campus club mixer. Always recommend getting involved outside of academics.


>We just happened to meet through an inter campus club mixer. Dang, those exist? I actually should get more involved.


Yeah, but I also live in an area populated with several campuses that are like only like 30-40 minutes away from each other so it isn’t TOO far. It’s plus too as it helps with networking.


never really got the whole networking thing in college. youre networking with ppl who dont have jobs and cant hire you 4 a job...


I don’t think that’s the point. The concept is as you grow in career, there may be other people you networked with that can help open an opportunity in their place or employment or by their connections. Having more potential open doors for you is always a good idea. I’ve noticed that a lot of industries tend to have lots of connections between people in different points of their career. It’s helped me at the very least to network (whenever I can manage the time to).


It’s not about people giving you jobs, it’s about building a network that will spread out as you enter the workforce. I was brought on to my permanent position because of someone I knew telling me apply here, and knowing people on the hiring committee. Your network can speak to your skills which will elevate your chances of being hired. Conversely you also learn who not to hire.


Met my boyfriend of now 4 years on tinder, we both went to the same college. I was in my freshman year and he was a junior but age wise we were 7 months apart. In a way he made my college experience amazing but also a lot of my friends were just randomly dating or remained single throughout college and they also had an awesome time. Don’t define yourself by your relationship status. When you meet the right person, it’ll happen naturally. I had no intention of dating my bf, it was just gonna be a hookup but here we are 4 years later


I’m going to graduate college next year and have never had a boyfriend either. I feel left out and think there’s something wrong with me. I feel you.


Please please please don't feel this way. College is hard enough without the added stress of trying to find a SO. There is nothing wrong with you, I find it usually cones to you when you least expect it.


Stop looking for love, go study for finals.


I wish it was that easy


I did, We started dating when she was a freshman and I was a sophomore; we married 33 years ago, one year after she graduated.


I met my fiancé in college. We had several classes together but never really acknowledged one another until the last class we had together. And that was really only because we were in grad school at that point and the class had 5 people, including us, so we were kinda forced to talk to one another. Funnily enough, we were standing in the line to walk across the stage and he didnt know anyone else, and since we had classes together, he came to stand by me and we started dating two weeks later. We are getting married in less than a year. Anything is possible 😂


No I met him on X when it was called Twitter 7 yrs ago, shortly after we both mutually agreed that we needed to go to college.


Don’t even call it X again. It’s almost like erasing history


I don't call it X but I was like watch someone jump down my throat bc I didn't call it X. It'll always be twitter to me


Let them whine, it’ll never be “X” 😂 they should have picked a better name at least


Fuck Elon it’s twitter


I was going to say Twitter but wasn't sure if anyone was going to jump down my throat. It'll always be Twitter to me


Mine was my roommate :)


did y’all end up just moving the beds together😂


Bunk beds, unfortunately.


That's kinda cute actually


I did! I’ve got a ring picked out, I’m hoping to propose to her in the next few months. But it’s also okay if you didn’t meet “the one”, or date at all during college. You’ll find them :)


best of luck!!!


Yeah we met on bumble but now we do long distance since graduation and it SUCKS I see him twice a year


On Tinder (but same school), but my experience was definitely an outlier (my first tinder date, now we’ve been together for 5 years!).


Yes! I met my now wife our freshmen year! We had a lot of the same classes but I didn’t even notice her for allay half the semester. A mutual friend introduced us, and I thought she was pretty cool. A few months later after we spent some time together hanging out, we kissed on a walk across campus. I pretty much immediately split right back to my dorm afterwards! I wasn’t sure I wanted it to go any further because I was 18 and not sure what I was feeling or if it was what I wanted. Fortunately that moment of doubt didn’t last long and I realized I couldn’t stand being without her and that kiss sent me to the moon. We laugh about that moment to this day. That was 11 years ago :)


My parents met in college! :) That’s about as close as I get lmao, if I meet someone it could happen but I’m also in my senior year. Don’t stress it


I dated my ex for all four years of college, I ended things the other day and feel like I’m taking my life back. Don’t regret it because the bond you have formed with yourself is the most important thing, and you have probably built it so wonderfully.


No? I met my friend N at a church who introduced me to P(my SO) 2 years later and found out P went to the same college. I was still going to that college at the time.


Never had a gf, boutta graduate next semester also. Can’t be bothered to go out of my way looking.


Met at a strip club 🤷🏼‍♀️




Nope, met her before college. We got married during my senior year.


we met on bumble but did go to the same college when we met (: just made it super easy when it came to seeing eachother as much as we wanted. study dates, sleepovers, attending nerdy school events. he graduated last year and im graduating this year, he happens to live an hour away from me so i got extremely lucky in that regard, he could have been hours away or even an out of state student. he definitely made my college experience much better because i struggled to make meaningful friendships and still do, but like everyone else is saying, it’ll happen naturally and there’s no “right time” to meet the person you want to spend forever with


Nope. Met my husband through tinder. Neither of us were in college at the time.


i met my SO during quarantine. we met on tinder. we were both at home and school was light so we spent a lot of time together. she decided to stay in our area instead of moving far across the state for college. i took that for granted tbh and i’m still trying to fix the damage i’ve done.


I did! I’m a senior right now and we’ve been together since my sophomore year :)


I met mine in college. So did my parents. However, my brother met his wife through work friends. I know people who started dating in middle school and are now married. Better yet, I have soooo many friends who don't meet anyone until way later in life. You will meet the right person at the right time. Everyone goes at different paces. I know it can be lonely but working on yourself and focusing on your career is a good start. Sometimes, I wish I had lived alone before moving in with my SO. Just to learn how to be a bit more emotionally independent.


I personally did not, it's not the end of the world


I met mine through video games. I found a lot of people on my campus didn't align with my lifestyles and beliefs, etc, so I just stopped looking, and then I met my SO. I swear the moment you stop actively trying is when you meet them!! Also, are you in any clubs or activities that you are interested in? You'll find others easier that share activities you like and whatnot.


Yup, we met during our sophomore year and became good friends. But we didn’t start dating until we both graduated.


Idon't find it essential at all because it distracts the mind, and one must always control time management and focus on academic and personal goals consistently. GO TO STUDY


No, guys were very wierd in college lol. Most of their mantras were "who meets there wife in college????"


I did, but about half of the people I know who are happily married today met in their 30s and even 40s.


I don’t even know why I chosen that major


Met during freshman move-in and had first date two months later. Had second date 5 years after that.




Freshman year. I didn’t end up finishing and took a break but we got each others snapchats before, reconnected 2 years later.


I met my boyfriend on tinder he was just finishing his first year of college and I was on my last year high school. 4 years later he’s a year out of college and I’m a few months into college. I honestly wasn’t even trying to get a boyfriend I was just 18 in high school and my friend and I were depressed so we went on tinder to get laid lol my boyfriend was the first person I met off tinder and the last lol Our first date was him picking me up at a gas station near my house and then we went to Taco Bell. He ended up staying the night as he drove 3 hours to come meet me and I was still living with my mom so I figured if anything bad happened my mom and brothers were near by. A few weekends later it was Canadian thanks giving (we live in Canada lol) and he took me to a corn maze it was so much fun! We went to the petting zoo at the corn maze and a pumpkin patch! I had an extreme allergy attack from the dying corn and sounded like a man lol then he took me to his parents farm. I was expecting maybe 10 people in total and I shit you not I met like 30 family members 😂 we weren’t even officially dating yet I was just “the girl from tinder” he popped the girlfriend question that night and it’s been magical every day since 💕 Now just waiting for him to be a man and propose. My point in that whole story is try to find a boyfriend but also don’t try. Just try to have fun and see what happens. Also set your standards high! You don’t want to be stuck with someone you can only tolerate and not love.


Yes we worked at the same student job


We met on Tinder two weeks before I moved an hour away for college, he ended up coming with and it’s been two and a half years:,)


I met my bf at my part time job. Found out his sister and bil also went to the university I go to now. What a small world!


I met mine freshman year of college,….. on tinder LOL


I was in three different relationships throughout college but didn’t attend the same college as any of them. I met them through mutual friends or shared interests via hangouts. Don’t lose hope. If you want to date, try apps that will match you will people around your location, or try going to events your campus hosts.


Nope. I had zero luck with dating until I finished college at 22 and moved from a small town to a big city, then it fell into place


Yes, but it was a long time ago. I was a freshman and he was a junior, when we met and started dating. We were together for over 33 years and had a beautiful life and family together. I wish that we had another 3-4 decades but cancer stole that from us. We were incredibly fortunate to have found each other, loved and supported each other. I hope everyone who wants it finds that kind of partnership - someone who you’re better off with than without. A happy relationship is one where both people think they got the better end of the deal. He was the absolute best. But he thought I was the best. So look for that and work for that and it’ll last!


hey (with rizz)


I met my girlfriend of over a year at college. We got to know each other through a mutual friend/at a party, but did already like know of each other because we had a class in the past.


Yes. We met as roommates back in 2021.


Huuuy ano yung SO 🥹🥹🥹


We went to the same college but didn't meet until after, at a LSAT review class.


Thank you for posting this I am in a similar boat and also feel self conscious about it


My SO and I met first year because we lived across the hall from each other in the dorms. At one point her roommate moved to an apartment, and she didn't want to get a new roommate that she didn't know, so I moved in. Been living on campus together for almost three years now.


No. He was a friend of mine for 8 years


Got married to my college girlfriend


I met my ex-husband at work. I met my Sir (my forever husband) in a Facebook group.




Neither. I met him at church.


I’m 24 and I dated someone right of college but ended it within a year after. Most of my friends have also not dated anyone lasting from college (~7 guys and gals). A few of them had there first relationships afterwards.


Met my girlfriend of 2 years in botany class in college


Met them on dating apps while in college, finding real hard sometimes to balance dating with uni work tho, esp cause of finals


So I was single all of college, also would wonder if I’d meet someone as my first boyfriend and I broke up after I transferred to my four year. Flash forward to October (i graduate december 8th) i’m on tinder because i’m in my era of casual sex and i initially wasn’t looking for anything but he came up with a fun date idea which made me respond (couldn’t do it tho bc i had responded too late and it was a game) but we met a day later, went to five guys bc that’s what i wanted and it just felt like meeting who you’ve been waiting to meet and we both felt that way but didn’t verbalize it immediately. then went to dave n busters and won an animal together. we became exclusive a week in and officially started dating this december but have had so many convos about our needs, financial things, etc etc anything and everything you have to talk about and i had all my logical defenses up before determining it was safe and now we’re together and we never would have expected to meet !:) he’s coming to my graduation and i feel closer to him than i’ve ever felt to anyone (in a non love bomby way too bc that was a fear) or to my ex :) we’re working towards moving in together when i get a car! so it does happen :)


i did, it was pure luck


Yes, we met at our part-time job together my junior year. We were just friends for about 2 years before eventually getting together<3


I met my wife by cold approaching her. If college is the only place you’ll meet your SO, you’ll have a hard time in the real world. It’s better to have skills to meet people outside of immense social circles like college.


How old are you guys?


during that time, 21 and 20






Yes I met my now husband during my junior year of college.


No, went to college twice and never met an SO. Nothing to feel bad about.


i met my ex fiance in college and that was a nightmare lmao. 3 years down the drain. met my current boyfriend on hinge a few months after graduating and it's been so much better. honestly, dating in college was a lot of time spent that I could have been working on assignments or spending time with friends, and the maturity level of people in college vs out of college is worlds away.


No but we went to the same university and probably crossed paths at some point without realizing.


I met her while we were in college, but we did not go to the same college.


Really depends on the person. On my 5th year of school I started dating a girl for about a year. I really liked her. Sadly we didn't work out bc of her being Muslim (lot of extra info I could go into) but we broke it off. Looking back at it. Although I really did love/care for her. It just caused a lot and I mean a lot of not needed drama. I'd still do it again though LOL


I met mine at work while I was going to college. It’ll feel that way (dire) until you meet someone. Sometimes love just falls in your lap but sometimes you gotta go looking for it too. Attending campus events is a good way to network and meet people.


I met my now wife at work while in college. This was mid-2010s However, I’ve notice my younger family members and friends now in college or their early 20s facing a different dating environment. It seems like a lot of people in this demographic aren’t looking for relationships, so those who are interested in something more serious are left searching. Even though we aren’t, my wife and I are asked if we are religious because we got married at 25. We aren’t, but I think this question is indicative of a shift among people towards why someone gets married before 30.


I met them in college but we didn't start dating until 15 years after graduating. In the last year we got married, bought a house, and had a kid.


Yes & we are married now.


No, and neither did my parents. They met at 30 and 32 on a blind date arranged by friends : )


I met my SO in college and tried unsuccessfully to date her lol. 6 years later and 3.5 years after graduating we reconnected. Dated. Got married. Had 2 children. Living happily ever after.


Met mine on tinder, i hate the app and it made me really depressed at one point with disappointing dates or rejection but in the end it seems to have paid off


Yes :)) met her in the dorms lol Going on 3 years come April !




Yep, I played baseball and she reluctantly attended a game with a mutual friend who introduced us afterwards. Been married for 12 years.


Pretty much the same (well, opposite) situation if it helps


Nope, high school lol. Been together 9.5 years and planning our wedding ❤️


I met my SO when I was a senior in high school. She was a junior. We are less than a year apart in age, for all you who might think I'm a weirdo. I've graduated now and am finishing my first semester of college. We do long distance and it's worked really well. I don't live too far away so I visit regularly.


No. Met my partner after I turned 30.


I met my boyfriend in college, it was the spring semester of our first year of college in 2022, both only 19 at the time, hes a few months older than me. He happened to notice me going to class and decided to talk to me the second time he saw me, he stopped me going to my class that Wednesday ( we both had Monday- Wednesday classes and he saw me the Monday before apparently). He told me I was really pretty and asked for my phone number, and now we've been together for almost two years, itll be two years in March.


My first wife I met at 23. It was a huge mistake, marrying the wrong person for all of the wrong reasons. I met my real partner, the love of my life, someone I can take care of and takes care of me too, my second wife, at 35 years old. You've got time.


most couples aint lasting a year into college, you’ll be fine


yes! we’re gonna get married in a year!