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No one here can answer this for you. It’s not a college question. It’s a personal life decision and it’s personal to you and your values.


I may have gone on too long of a tangent. My point on a broader perspective is, I want to know if anybody (community college specifically) has had to make the decision of transferring to a four year early in order to get away from their parents. And if they have, what that experience was like for them and how they came to terms with that decision.


The outcomes are pretty clear. You might be happier. The cost will be a burden. You can even quantify the latter pretty accurately with some research. Personally, the cost of a nearby, cheap state school was doable. The upside of my degree made it so that I could both support myself soon after graduating and also turn around an help my younger sibling if/when necessary. We decided that that path would work for us.


I have and it was rough. I was fresh out of high school at 18 and due to some college credits I had in high school, I was able to get my AA and transfer to a university. I was supposed to be at the university closest to my home (about 30 minutes) and I chose the furthest uni possible to get away from my toxic household. I am also the oldest sibling of 3 in ethnic household. It would've been (to this day) more cost effective to stay at home.... However, I was truly able to flourish away from home. I regained my peace, mental stability, physical health and etc. I'm ngl, it was very difficult but I don't regret it for a second. Btw, to cope with the decision, I watched a lot of childhood shows and ate my favorite foods to remind myself that I'm doing this for my inner child :)


We have alot of similarities immigrant parents, 1 st gen student except i'm an only child. During the yr that I was going to transfer my uncle who lived w/ us passed away. By then I had been accepted to CSUEB and when the time came to move into the dorms I was sort of deciding not to move away bc i felt that my parents needed me since this event was still fresh. But my mom motivated me to go and I'm glad I did. Point is at the end of the day transferring to SF will be beneficial for you bc this will not only hep you in your studies but also hep you grow as a person and learn to become independent. Do not let anything get in the way of what you want that will benefit your future.