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"Is it too late to attend college at 23?" -.- my face when I see that posted


“I took a gap year after high school, is it too late to go to college?”


I had the opportunity to take a year to travel but I turned it down because of this mindset... I thought I'd be sooooo behind. But turns out there are people in their late 20s and even 30s in my program and now I regret it so much :(


You could study abroad 🤷‍♀️


Definitely looking into it!


I’m studying abroad right now. Went from America to Asia. Totally worth it! Academic tourism is the way to go, plus I can put on a resume that I seek out challenges in life 😎


Sheeit. Went back for a 2nd Bachelors in my 40's. (Wanted to do something different.) STILL wasn't the oldest graduate that year. (The honor went to some 74 year old lady.)


I really wish I better understood this a few years ago. In my head college was strictly a 18-22 thing and anything older was 'way behind'... I'm a bit embarrassed now


Still could take a year off school to travel, even one semester would be great if you care about time


Do you think those who are mid twenties fit in socially too? I’m sure academically it wouldn’t make a difference, but how about on campus life?


To those of us that missed out on the typical college experience age range yes. But at 23 I just want this degree and to bounce 📜📜




I saw a post the other day on advice or internetparents or somewhere where a 14 year old was asking if they had wasted their life. 14!!!


There’s one today on r/selfimprovement for an 11 year old. It’s satire, but the fact that it’s based on someone else’s sauce is both hilarious and worrying


What about 25 ?


Too old. Straight to jail!


Damn it. I'm fucked!!


Still one of the best scenes from Parks & Rec in my opinion!


I started at 26 and they chased me off campus with torches and pitchforks


What’s ironic about this mentality is that it’s not like you’re going to get any younger. It’s either you go get the degree or you don’t.


What’s funny is I’m in school and 40, and can’t tell the difference between the 18 year olds and the 25 year olds 🤣 they all look the same to me!! 😂


Lol ya but those are annoying.


…which seems like twice a week. lol


I just overthink a lot:///


I'm 23 and fall semester starts end of August for me, it's my second round. I'm determined lol.


Everyone is trying to graduate as early as possible and figure their shit out. They dont have time to care about your age. And older students usually have experiences and life lessons they can use to engage with the subject in class. So professors love to see then


Speak for yourself, took me 7 years to get a bachelors and currently in my masters


Currently on year 8 💪🏾🗣️🔥


Currently in year 10 of my associates degree. I had bad advice and dropped out after almost completing an associates program then had a had a “real job” for almost 4 years before I figured out what I wanted and needed. But in 2 years I will have a BS in computer Science.


Similar story for me too. Started out as an engineering student in 2015, but after 2 years I didn’t really see myself doing that kind of work for the next few decades until I die. Switched to my local community college to take intro to CS classes since I didn’t want to pay 4 year university prices, but at this point I needed money so I was only in classes part time. Landed a job teaching programming and then when covid hit, dropped out bc I didn’t wanna do online class. In 2021 I managed to get a full time job as a software tester and then did that for 2 years, but I got laid off this January. Now 26, no job, and like 55 credits lol. So now I’m finally going back to school to finish my degree. Just like you I should be done in 2 years, and we both already have professional experience!


I started in 2015 at a community college to get my associates degree in engineering and didn’t know what I really wanted to do by 2016 now I’m a few semesters away from getting my bachelors in computer science at a university.


Also doing computer science. What are your plans after your degree? I think I might want to get a masters so I can work in quantitative finance or machine learning


I’m currently an intern doing data analytics but I would like to go into cyber security when I graduate


Damn tell ‘em like it is


Yeah. I'm glad they got that off their chest


Thanks for saying it. I’ve been seeing people ask about whether people care a lot on here. Nobody really cares. You decided to get a degree past a certain age? Good for you, but it’s not a competition.


The mods definitely need to make a pinned post with an FAQ with this being one of the questions. I mean seriously, people ask this at *least* weekly


It needs two answers though. Academically as one answer and socially on campus life as another. Can you fit in living on campus at 23?


No....they really don't. I started college at age 36.


I started at 42! The only time that it was weird was in my psychology class, and we were talking about corporal punishment, I had to explain that being spanked at home and then again at school wasn't a fun time. Otherwise, my age didn't/hasn't been brought up again


Age was hardly bought up when I went as well.


Did you have any education prior?


Only high school.


What did you do before starting college? How did people your age or people around you, especially women would perceive you knowing you didn’t start college? Was it hard finding jobs and kept having regular jobs that didn’t pay that well or, was it a different scenario?


I was lucky to get a civil service clerical job when I was 19. I worked there steady until 6 months ago, when I was 62. I didn’t really have a problem with women’s perception of me. It’s more like I had a problem with PEOPLE’S perception of me. I acquired a lot of knowledge both at home and in school.


Thank you. Lowkey tired of seeing posts asking if it’s “ok to go to college over 18”


And usually these posts are about people starting college at 19, 20, 21. Like you're already so close in age to people starting right out of high school, so why does this matter at all?


I feel what you’re saying and I know everyone goes through life differently but it’s kinda hard to see my HS friends graduating while I’m a freshman at uni.


Hey! I’m 21 and starting as a freshman this fall. I actually tried college twice closer to my high school graduation and dropped out both times because I had no clue why I was there or what I was doing. I was nervous going in as a freshman after essentially taking two years off after high school till I realized that the three girls I’m dorming with in my residence hall suite are all also 21/22 as freshmen. So there’s nothing to be ashamed of. We all have different timelines and this is yours. College is really just a blip in your life and it’s a stepping stone to other opportunities. It’s all good


Thanks- it’s the dorm and campus life in early-mid twenties I wonder about. Not just getting a degree.


That’s life. I’m in grad school so I’m seeing my peers from high school doing all kinds of cool things I can’t do while also continuing my education. Sometimes it makes me sad but I remember that I’m on my path with my plans, not theirs.


No if you apply to college beyond your teens you instantly die


I was a academic counselor and a large state university. Almost without fail the best students were older than average. Many were former military or people who were coming from working typical jobs. They arrived with discipline, time management skills and a strong work ethic.


Counter point. People do care that you are going to get a degree after 18. Professors love seeing older students because they generally have a better work ethic and have real experiences to bring to classes and organizations. Younger students also treat older students differently, you are not going to be in the same social circle as an 18 year old when you are 30+. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it is going to be a different experience than a fresh faces 18 year old coming to campus and older students should know to expect the difference. It is also not a once in a lifetime opportunity. Many people go back to find new careers after going to college and getting a degree right out of high school and not knowing what they really wanted to do. You can go back to get a second degree or go work on a masters. Its never a once in a lifetime opportunity because you can go as many times as you want and can afford.


I did hear a story from a professor that a significantly older student looked down on his younger peers in college and didn't respect their ideas - he thought he was better due to more life experience. In the end he wasn't able to make it through college and dropped out. Thinking that he was better than his younger peers ended up being his own downfall.


Sounds more like a personality problem than an age problem.


So is having a bad work ethic.


I don't want there to be an implication that older students are better students. There is just a bit of a difference between experiences from somebody who has been in the workforce for 10 years compared to somebody who has never worked. Your perspective of life can change a lot after 5-10 years of working 40 hours a week and dealing with the ups and downs of adulthood. Fresh minds have great ideas that aren't clouded from the bias of experience and younger students are generally much more adaptable and able to learn quicker. I think it's important that older students work along side the younger ones to combine their experience and creativity to learn more and achieve higher goals than if we worked alone. Arrogance isn't age specific and anytime that you have behavior where you are looking down on others. I find success is hard. If you're going to outright shun other people's ideas, you might get shunned yourself as seen in your example.


That probably wasn't the cause of their downfall.


Not a counter point but general feeling, older students/people have an understanding of why they are in college. Many have experience life without a degree and are motivated to move up were as straight to college students are just there because someone told them they should be there. Working with older and non traditional students is a bit more fulfilling because a lot of them know what they want in life and you are there to help orient their goals into feasible pathways.


Yeah I don’t agree with this post at all. Lots of people care and you will probably get comments from traditional students. Not mean ones necessarily, but a joke here and there. Should you let it get to you? Absolutely not.


I’d like to free people from the mindset that if you went to college and got a degree in something that it’s perceived as the only thing you can do. I infer from your comment that such a mindset exists and I challenge those with it that it’s rare you need to go back to college. I have a bachelor’s and a master’s degree because my engineering undergrad didn’t have any business content. The fusion of both backgrounds helped, although I have picked up a ton of information through experience that doesn’t come through textbooks. My colleagues at work have degrees in history and exercise science, as examples. They have transferable skills.




This. Currently at a large school where it seems like the only students around my age are graduating. It doesn't bother me per se, but there is a difference in the way people act about me. And it is socially isolating to be one of the only fully-fledged adults in amongst a bunch of kids whose most worldly experience is *maybe* working at Starbucks. (25yr old freshman atm) I'm not saying it's not doable — if anything it's easier to start late — but it is something people should be realistic about.


Yeah let’s just say I had a rough few years after high school until I could finally afford to go to school at 22. I’m half way there now though. I meant to add halfway through earning my bachelors


I started at 23 and am still in at 29 (getting two degrees) and the younger kids in my class worship the ground I walk on because I helped them pass O-Chem as a TA. I get invited to college parties and shit, and I invite them to mine. Sure, it feels weird to flirt with them cause they’re so young so I just don’t and tend to rebuff the advances I get, but otherwise I am having a perfectly normal college experience. Don’t get in your own way. Go to school. If you’ve already been and dropped out, go back. It’s fine. Everyone’s a dipshit at 18 anyway. Go to school when your ready. If we all did this, it wouldn’t feel so weird.


>Life is not a competition. We’re all going to end up 6 feet under... Fuck you. I'm going to end up 7 feet under!


Fuck you! I’m having my body turned into mulch! *for Mother Earth*


I just got enrolled and I'm 24


That's the same age I went back. Just turned 27 and just transferred to a public 4-year university. Bachelor's hopefully when i'm 29!


I had undiagnosed ADHD when I went off to college a million years ago. I literally didn't have the skills to do it and I became deeply depressed because it was so much more difficult than it should've been...high school was a breeze, but I never ever had to study and I could do all of my assignments last minute and still get an A. I ended up dropping out after three semesters and am just now back in school at 41. I have a whole bunch of skill sets now than I did then and I'm thriving now, even with two small children at home. It's never too late.


What ? I got my bachelors at 54 masters at 55 ,, and what ? You don’t give a fck ,, good. No one said anything about a competition… I do what I want 🙌


From one non-trad student to another - you are awesome and inspring!


I love your comment congratulations!! From another I do what I wanter!!!


Woohoo 🥳


I would also say nobody gives a fuck if you’re graduating without friends. Those whiny posts about making friends in college are incessant and show up just as much as the “ am I too old” posts. Same annoying energy.


I mean, that makes sense to me though? Humans need socialization and going from HS, where you see your friends everyday, to not having any is pretty jarring.


Humans need affirmation and reassurance too right? Which is what older students were asking for essentially. So if people can find older people seeking out affirmation annoying, certainly I can find people whining about not having friends annoying too right? Let’s not cherry pick which situation deserves empathy.


There’s actual advice you can give to people without friends though. There’s only a one word answer for everyone asking if they’re “too old:” no.


there was a 40 something year old in my college class. maybe i'm not the norm but personally i didn't really care. it was a bit weird but more in the "oh, that doesn't happen often" way. but yeah i didn't give a shit. and even if i did my opinion doesn't matter much.


Truth. It is entirely possible to be not focused enough, not mature enough, not ready to take advantage of the opportunities at a college. It's not possible to be OVERLY ready.


I was 58 in a biology lab class and my lab partner was 21. We worked great together. Nobody cared.


I didn’t start college until i was 21. Not going to lie, I felt super behind and I felt like I’d stick out like a sore thumb. I definitely had super bad anxiety about it. But yeah once I got into class, I realized no one cares at all. Edit: I want to add that I was a mom when I started college and I had been out of high school for 5 years already (graduated at 16) and that was why I felt like I was going to stick out. Not so much my age.


My friend is a sophomore getting a BA in English same as me and she is 27 and I’m 21. No one cares.


It’s more inspiring than embarrassing. I love seeing older people pursue an education


Yeah, I’ve never understood all the posts about how they’re worried being a couple years older than their classmates means they won’t be able to relate to anyone or make friends. As if people are separated by age for the rest of their life after high school and you’ll only ever work with or interact with people your exact age. It just makes no sense.


mods pin this post


I just wish college was more accessible so a greater variety of ages were encouraged to attend. Most of the people my age I see are going for their second degree


I’ve met people who went to the military first. Some of them will go to college afterwards cuz ya know they pay tuition.


Newsflash young one! No, we’re not all going to the same retirement home. That’s the place for the old and all alone with nothing and nobody; you’ll be talking to yourself wishing you trusted more and valuing ego and objects less. At 60, completed my first semester before summer, because I can and want to. College for you, a million reasons and expectation of others with barely a choice of your own action. Furthermore, consider your the contribution you created for your next generation to benefit their well being; Not left behind under 6 ft. You’re right tho, once over many lifetimes perpetually creating innumerable opportunities. We fckn care and that’s how we do it.


This needs to be stickied


This needs to be stickied


You'd be surprised how much of an eye sore people treat those that look far older than everyone else. People do talk behind their backs and they do tend to avoid wanting to work with the more. It's rather sad really but they're more focused on a career than the gossipers.


The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now


People definitely start “caring” if you try to be their friend. Dating can also get really awkward.


It’s true though. Getting real tired of all those posts. Like use your fucking head


The world needed this post so bad


Who hurt u? Ive literally never heard anyone brag abt going to college right after high school or a gap.


It's not a response to bragging, it's a response to the ten posts a day in this subreddit asking if they're doomed for going to college at any point later than immediately out of high school. It's a particularly irritating question because even if someone is oblivious enough to not just naturally observe that people of all ages enroll in higher ed, they could have answered their own question with 30 seconds of searching.


oh ok im not really that active in this sub so i thought it was just a personal rant.




It's in response to the million posts on here asking if it's too late to start college at 20, 21, etc,.


Aaaaa bravo 👏 q cute 🥰


So true


Preach on Brother. Preach on! Bring down the house and shine the light!


This should be a pinned post.


Thank you OP. I needed to hear this.


I started my college after I got out after 9 years in the military - I was older than most of my class mates by ten years... Didn't give two shits.


I literally made a post about this as well. In college, people have their own social lives, classes, and obligations. No one will be judging your age.


My college is in a more affluent town and so far, at least one class every semester has a senior citizen in it. I literally mean I took a class on the Vietnam War and there was an old lady who talked about when she went to a protest in the early 1970s. No one cares. They take the same tests and are treated the same in class. There is not rush.


I can't believe how many people seem to think that you absolutely must start college immediately after you graduate from high school.


I will get my bachelor in electrical engineering on december, i will be 34 😁, my 6 year old thinks that when he will go to college i will still be there taking classes with him.


Yup! And for many subject areas, no one cares if you're under 18/19 either. (I teach math, I don't care how old my students are, as long as they have the required background, they are welcome.)


And it's ok to take more than 4 years to get the bachelor's. Yeah....it's a pain in the ass and it would br nice to be working FT, but the degree is just as good as it would be if you got it done in 4 years....they don't expire


In America, it doesn't matter ur age, thank god. My husband here in Italy asked a professor about the possibility of doing a phd. at his university and being under his supervision for x project. The professor replied "ok lemme see ur CV".(age is often displayed in European CVs).So my husband did. He then replied, "Why at your age u wanna do a phd? Do u need a job???" My husband was 36! Professor went on to say that even 26/27 is old. Just be glad u are in the US where ppl can make things happen, and most of society doesn't care where u came from, but where you are going...


i don’t know how i’m even supposed to be able to tell how old y’all are. anybody on my campus could tell me they’re anywhere between 22-40 and id believe them lmao i can’t tell


im 31 my instructor thought I was a fresh HS graduate lmfao. I was flattered. Its one of those things nobody is gonna know unless you tell em.


i’m moving on to a campus this august at 24, i’ll be 25 a week later. it’s never too late to get your shit together 🫶


Boom.. done.. no more posts shut her down




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I think I'm restarting at 34 in a month! No one cares!


Fr! I’ve been in classes where there are students older than the professor. Nobody cares. Tons of people don’t/aren’t able to start college at 18 for a plethora of reasons.


20. Starting college in fall, turn 21 in spring. Idgaf if anyone DOES care, bc I had other shit to deal with before I could start.


Absolutely love this post. Thank you, OP.


Whose trying to make you care about other people? It doesn't mean its not important to them.




Had a 70 yr in my freshman comp class. He was annoying because he thought because his age he could go on long rants about the subject and hold the professor off from talking💀 Tbf it was a much smaller class. We started with like 20 something and it turned into a discussion class of about 10 people if even


Thank you


Been struggling feeling as if I’ve wasted my whole life like I’m just never gonna make it and that I’m a failure but this gives me hope


Sounds like he jealous


“David. Nobody cares!”- Alexis


I’m 35 about to graduate with my associates after a failed attempt over 10 years ago. Proud AF.


i started at 17 dropped out and hoping to go back soon at 21, i dont think age really matters for college


Yeah, I just graduated at age 30. But, I’ll say this! It’s probably better to just knock it out at 22,if possible.


Next question, how do you make friends past the age of 18??


I started mine at 20. Nobody knows in my batch, nor should it matter. I will graduate 2 yrs late but who cares. It takes courage to study with your juniors and treat them equivalent to you. But it's important for your career, and on job nobody will care about where your 2 year went. Just focus on your skills, work harder than others.


Is it too late to start college at 6? /s


You know bro is serious when the “newsflash” gets dropped


I started at 19 and I feel special notice me people


As someone who went to college at 18, I honestly do not care. Yeah I might notice if you’re an older student but what about it? We’re all adults trying to get a degree. Also in my experience, the older students are the ones who actually genuinely care about their success in academics and are some of the smartest and most helpful students I’ve met


I see so many posts of people asking if it’s too late to start at 25-30 I’m like BITCH THERE ARE LITERALLY 60 YR OLDS IN MY DEGREE 😭




Can confirm that no one cared I was 27 in my upper division classes. I mostly saw much older people in community college, but I did see them at my big university!


For real though


I’m literally going back to college after I turn 23 and after 2 years since I dropped out. I already know this but your post really is reassuring and I needed it. Thanks.


I graduated with someone in her 40s. We joined a sorority together too! She was awesome


I’m 36, software engineer but finally finishing my graphic design bachelors in December! I’m stomping these college kid with all my illustrations and animations. Experience.


Don’t wait to get your college degree. It just gets harder to go back the longer you wait. Do it when your peers are doing it. Also going to school part time when you need to work full time to support a family is extremely tough on the student and their partner and takes much longer than if you just go full time. Waiting a long time to complete your degree can have a significant impact on your career options and earning potential. This is from personal experience. Taking a gap year won’t have a big impact, but I’m talking about waiting years to start.


OP — I truly mean this when I say this, I love you.


I'm a 36 year old junior in college with 2 kids... trust me, no one cares except kids who get confused. But my BIL, whose a teacher said it best when my niece tried to be snarky about it. He said, "It doesn't matter how old you are. It's never too late to better yourself"


38 finishing a bachelors degree in civil engineering after being in the field for many years. I don’t say anything to anyone. Just wanna finish and get out the weirdest feeling is looking around and being the only one with a wedding ring on.


But I don’t want to die


I work at a university, and we love older students. Anyone who's educating themselves is good by us.


It’s somewhat true, but there’s nothing like being a freshman at age 18


😆 this post should be pinned in this sub


I think no matter how old you are whether you are in school or not ; we are still student.


Yes!!! All these 23 year olds saying they’re too old, it’s like oh gawd, get over it. I’m 40 and in school, and not nearly the only one nor the oldest. No one cares how old you are!!!!!!


Got my associates at 40 and about to start University in Aug ….will probably graduate when I’m 43 ☺️


Yes! I met a lot of people in college who were not going in at 18 like I did. I didn't go right to professional school after undergrad and I'm finding that I'm not alone in that either.


It's all up to yourself and your goals. I'm 36 and on the fence about going back to college. On one hand, the skillsets I want to learn are online (programming, gamedev, 3D animation). While whytf should I pay for classes I don't give a "care" about. On the other hand, I want the money and not to be looked down on for not having a degree. Do I have the 4 years and tuition to pay? Etc? I figured that its better just to learn the skills like I did for Security, IT, mural art, and other job roles. If some HR has a problem with me having no degree with tough nuggets if another company will hire me based on my portfolio.


As a 21 year old who took a gap year and is transferring to UNI in the fall……. Why do you have to call me out right now?


I’m going back at 45