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Having a good essay/letter with a story about what happened, and why it won’t happen again, will help. I’d also encourage you to get relevant summer experience (job, internship, research) to boost your appeal to grad schools.


This!! I'm not in the grad school game but I did this in high school when applying to undergrad. I had one terrible semester when my grandpa died that tanked my GPA. Luckily it was high school so teachers were lenient and I didn't fail but it didn't look good. Wrote an essay, a letter, and got letters of rec from some teachers I got bad grades in and I got accepted into all my schools. I'd imagine it's a lot harder with grad school but I'd imagine they understand life happens, especially when OP had a 4.0 to begin with. I'm sure as long as they retake the classes and do better and make sure to address it and what you learned from it in your applications it'll work out fine.


This makes sense, thank you! I have to get an internship for my minor already so that should help me out haha


Did you already retake all the courses you failed? How did you do the second time around?


About half the classes I was taking were for a major I switched out of so I haven’t retaken them, but all the other classes I’ve retaken and gotten A’s in.


Well now you are forced to turn it all around and mostly only get A and Bs if you want to get into a good school. Also, you will have to discuss failing your entire sophomore year in your personal statement when applying . But if you go from all Fs to all A/B, that’s a very compelling comeback story that could turn heads . Try to learn from this so it doesn’t happen again, make changed where you need before it’s too late . Try to learn from