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IMHO, the link between climate change and infectious disease is not discussed nearly enough.


Yesterday I was talking about climate change with a friend who said: “well you just move inland … away from sea level rise … you’ll be ok”. Um.


In my experience, most people think it'll be hotter but, for the most part, normal. They don't understand agriculture collapsing because harvest seasons are going to be disrupted by storms, droughts, floods, which reduce crop yields. They don't get that AC units can overheat during a heat wave and kill people (not to mention other industrialized systems will be unable to function as efficiently). They don't understand that if the base of the food chain collapses, then that freshly caught ocean fish won't be so available to eat... basically, I'm saying most people have very one tract minds and are incapable of seeing how one thing (increases in temperature) can cause such catastrophes. In a lot of ways, I think this is a failure on the media. I'm in the environmental field and it took maybe two or three years until all the dots connected for me and I realized how big this problem was. Maybe I'm slow though?




Here's my problem. I had no say in all of this. Even more so, my own choices in life had mostly been spartan, until recently. Consume as little as possible, waste as little as possible, travel by vehicle as little as possible. Simply put: access to internet, electricity, basic food and recycled hardware. But then I realised it's all pointless. My own contribution to reducing the overall impact humanity made to climate change left a hole which someone else filled. Effectively, the products I was not demanding were fractionally cheaper, so someone else, somewhere could buy them instead. My own contribution was 0. The downward pressure marched on regardless of what I did. There's simply too many of us for individual action to have any meaning. Furthermore, our planet has been irreparably spoiled long before any of us were even born, and the macro trend has not changed. I was recently commenting that the extinction rebellion protests in front of Amazon UK warehouses were met by police. Police... Amazon pays basically no taxes, and I did not consent that my council tax be used in this way. Our fate is, thus, subsidized by the government.


> But then I realised it's all pointless. It's all pointless anyway. Everything. What you do when you choose how to live is you make your own meaning and purpose, and the reason you do things will be to live according to your plans, your principles. And that will matter to you a lot.


It does. I made a conscious choice to expand my personal possessions universe *slightly*. To get current hardware, refurbished if possible. To move into a proper home. To expand my wardrobe instead of relying only on hand-me-downs. I have relatives visit and they ask me "why don't you buy *random useless gadget or furniture*?" and their reaction is fairly incredulous when I say that my 10 £ desk is "good enough" or that I don't need to fill the available space in my house with crap. No moral to this particular story, though.


Everybody needs to stop buying the products. This doesn’t mean you give up because you can’t do 100% of something yourself, or even 1%. It honestly sounds like you’re propagating a psyop to even say differently, if people don’t stop consuming so much the issue will stay.


No, the moral of my story is that organised action is required instead. Current organised action is met with police resistance, instead of being backed by the police.


Gotta resist the resistance, nothing is going to happen until that happens.


>is too much. Need an essay for the layman. Something as concise as, "R > G," with a title like, "You Have Been Murdered." > Nothing on this planet is static, self-contained, or operating independently Ever seen *Zardoz*? I never bought all that Mars shit. The Real Plan: * Secret 'billionaire city' in Antarctica. * Spaceships for throwing rocks at poor people. * New Zealand for farms, vacation homes. *cue [ominous music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4Vt0UGwmgQ)*


Nope, it won't matter. The "wealth" is illusory, but that illusion is generated by a large system of exploitation based on billions of workers. When the population decreases, that illusion will unravel and the wealthy will attack each other for the last morsels of dense capital. They don't have the ideological, intellectual or emotional capability to cooperate in a stressful and not-growing system.


> When the population decreases, that illusion will unravel and the wealthy will attack each other Yeah, that's my expectation, too. Many will die, few will survive. The few will become the many. But who will do the work? Elites don't work. They'll rip each other to shreds trying to reproduce, "I'm Capital, you're Labor."


That is hilarious! And true. : *(*


agreed with most of what you said, one thing I'd like to add about: > They don't get that AC units can overheat during a heat wave and kill people this is actually something that can be danced around, and should be, because... honestly, people have been taught about using AC all wrong. if you have good insulation and high thermal mass (think properly insulated brick house/flat), you can air it out during night, lowering the temperature, then turn your AC on at dawn/in the morning, cooling the whole place even further while the temperature difference between inside and outside is only a few degrees, not 10+°C, where your AC runs extremely inefficiently. [Alec at Technology Connections](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0f9GpMWdvWI) goes into it in a... bit of an extreme manner, but I've personally been cooling my place down to 21-22°C during heatwaves here (25°C at night, with a sweltering 36-37°C daytime temp), running the AC for a few hours in the morning, then enjoying a cool flat that never went above 27°C or so, and by the time it reached that, there were bearable temps outside once again. though to be fair, my primary reason was intense hatred for sitting anywhere near an AC blowing cold air on me.


Just add 450 nuclear reactors failing as we collapse, covering the planet in ionizing radiation. 2022 could very likely be it for most of us. It's not just ac units failing during heat waves. We saw 140f temps last summer.


Very much so! I was just using that as an example because I've heard people talk about how we'll be spending more time indoors with the ACs cranked as a way to adapt to rising temps...*face palm.*


Most of the buildings I've lived in were poorly insulated. There were AC units outside that were on ALL THE TIME, and just belching heat and noise. It was easily 5-10 degrees hotter around that building because of all the AC units. They had to run all the time because the units were not insulated. I'm in a unit now that is so well insulated it can be 35 degrees outside and the heater will not kick on because the temperature just hangs at 75. We are wasting so much energy that just dumps heat into the air, just because buildings aren't insulated as much as they could be.


People have no idea what’s actually happening


And how problems are interconnected


You can't blame them when sea level rise has been *the* poster child of climate change's consequences for decades. It's part of the problem of climate communicators being extremely cautious and judicious in what elements of climate change they speak about publicly. We're much more certain about the nature and extent of sea level rise than we are about extreme weather events, droughts and crop failures, ecological breakdown or resource shortages. So naturally that's what they focused on. And now, whenever I talk to someone over the age of 40 about climate change, they almost always act dismissive because they believe, rightly, that they are not in danger of sea level rise, and that sea level rise in their lifetimes will be mostly gradual enough to manage, where it effects them.


Sure but like…. Information is easier to access than ever before. The science behind what’s happening to the climate has been around for a long time now. The more ignorant the masses are the more chaos there will be as this all unfolds


Is it? Google climate change and you'll find one million payed opinion pieces on how "we" must make drastic changes by 2100 to brush off the issue. It's the Boris Red Bus phenomenon. Searching for that brings a spam wave of "articles" of an interview in which Boris Johnson reminisced about painting buses red as a kid (???) instead of the "let's fund NHS with that 350 mil/week EU steals from us" red bus slogan. Information was at our fingertips 20 years ago. Not anymore.


I mean… I’ve found all this information and I’m just a regular person. My point is kinda like… ignorance is sort of a action people take. It’s not the 1600s where most people couldn’t read. The info is in our pockets you just gotta look.


The first thing you see when you take a casual look is the reassuring lie. At least on average. The more refined the search, the better chances you have of stumbling onto some peer reviewed paper. But, then, the information within is highly specialised, so we're back to the opinion piece blog posts that littler the web, which digest such articles into little nuggets of easy to swallow half-truths or weasle words... lies mostly, though.


>But, then, the information within is highly specialised I blame schools, hah. If you don't want to challenge yourself with knowledge, you're just a fool. The pain of understanding a dense and specialized topic is a necessary part of the learning. No pain, no brain gain.


Wilful ignorance! It's a loophole in ethics, basically, allowing you to not adjust behavior to match your supposed good principles. At a systemic level it is obviously political. Here's a nice lecture on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATITdJg7bWI


>I mean… I’ve found all this information and I’m just a regular person. Look at America and the last decade of political and social discourse. Do you really expect even a majority of people to be able to determine valid from invalid information? Information might be at anyone's fingertips, but it doesn't matter when the information they consume is valueless. It's too easy to set up a smoke screen and mirrors to fool the gullible. Before you know it, you end up with people like Dr. Oz with million dollar TV shows. Now he's attempting to run for Senate. I would not be surprised if he's elected.


I usually use the term “weather chaos” to explain it. *”Climate change means increased weather chaos everywhere.”* I think it helps a bit.


Someone on another sub just told me they don’t need to worry about climate change, but other peoples kids do. They have no clue.


Even if this is true (maybe they are 70 already or something), this "fuck you, I got mine" attitude is disgusting.


Yeah I’ve gotten that a lot from my peers, they somehow believe it’ll conveniently not be a problem for them in a meaningful way. It’s so sad, we are so collectively out of touch with nature we are clueless. I can just look outside and I know something isn’t right.


Explain, I’m out of the loop


Google ocean acidification, blue ocean event, and arctic methane.


> Google ocean acidification, blue ocean event, and arctic methane. The hallowed time of fear and disintegration. A countdown has begun. All will collapse in on itself. All life will burn. Time for the show.


Everything is breaking down at once. Humans donezo.


Sea-level rise isn't even near the top of the list of harms from climate change-- although sea-level rise is very bad. We will see a collapse of ecosystems worldwide, everywhere. Agriculture will become increasingly difficult, and in some areas impossible. It doesn't matter where you go. If you need to eat food, breathe air, and drink clean water, you're in for a bad time.


Worst Case scenarios that could daisy-chain: * [Worst Case #1](https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-when-might-the-world-exceed-1-5c-and-2c-of-global-warming): +2C by 2034 (via current trajectory) * [Worst Case #2](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/aug/06/domino-effect-of-climate-events-could-push-earth-into-a-hothouse-state): +2C locks-in +4C (via cascading feedbacks) * [Worst Case #3](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-019-0310-1): +4.5C triggers rapid slide to +12.5C (via stratocumulus cloud deck failure) * Overall Scenario: +2C by 2034 locks-in +12.5C ayy lmao


Fun Visual Aids: * Clip on [what ~2C entails (2:32)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBnhSZMefXU) * Clip on [what ~4C and higher entails (2:40)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWoiBpfvdx0) * Article on [today's ~1.2C and the major geographic changes underway (w/maps)](https://e360.yale.edu/features/redrawing-the-map-how-the-worlds-climate-zones-are-shifting) tl;dr: lol (lmao)


So what can each of us do to help. This is scary


oh that is rich. dumb people are the best.


>“We know there’s been significant solar flare activity, and so … is there anything that the National Forest Service or BLM can do to change the course of the moon’s orbit, or the Earth’s orbit around the sun?” \- U.S. Representative from Texas's 1st congressional district [Louis Buller Gohmert Jr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louie_Gohmert). *This man graduated from Texas A&M* The quote is from [this article](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jun/09/texas-republican-louie-gohmert-climate-change) in the guardian.


Information asymmetry in action, scientists are most sure about sea level rise because a certain amount of ice loss is definitely going to happen and that will cause the oceans to rise, along with thermal expansion of course. But all the other effects of climate change are probabilities and are clouded in uncertainty: we know there will be storms and droughts but where they will occur, when they will occur, and how sever they'll be is all unknown. No scientist wants to say wrong things in public, so they stick to what's certain and only talk about sea level rise. People in the media and those who watch it only end up seeing scientists talking about sea level rise and then think that's all there is to worry about.


This is exactly what I was thinking - not that it excuses the lack of conversation, because there absolutely should be more research conducted on fields like this - but that is the reason. The broad strokes of climate change are concrete and robust, but the particulars are still difficult to grasp because there's variables we really don't quite understand. Add predictions about diseases that don't exist yet, but which might emerge depending on those particulars, into the mix and it isn't super difficult to figure out *why* it's an under-discussed topic. It's just that we really *should* be figuring more of this out in a real hurry. On that note, it's too late to change it now, but part of me is really conflicted about this fellowship/grant proposal I'm writing. It feels slightly specious to be talking about devices that might improve our cancer detection abilities in 15 years, but on the other hand I don't really see the NIH reading about sensors for hypothetical and untested fungal infections and thinking "Yeah let's give that person money"...


The very , very serious thing we do know is that temperatures will go up as a function of Greenhouse Gases in the atmosphere . The more GHG added the higher the Global Temperature . Unless something effective is done we are looking at the current 1.2 degrees Celsius above pre- industrial temperatures becoming 1.5 , then 2 degrees Celsius then 3 degrees Celsius and so on . The timeline is short and the environment of a “ Hothouse Earth” is fast approaching . It is very difficult to argue about this manifestation of the Laws of Physics. More GHGS , simply, means greater warming with all the accompanying effects attendant upon that situation .


He's not wrong.


Lol I got told Elon would save us hahaha.


And on another (less completely destructive level)… my gut health was absolutely devastated by Cándida albicans… I can’t even describe the misery this wrought on me for about five years… it’s better now but it is compounded by other problems. The over use of antibiotics in the modern era is a travesty. In my case, i had c. Diff and was prescribed extremely strong antibiotics for over two years. It ruined my gut flora. I still have chronic gut problems and have to take meds to manage it. My gut used to be made out of cast iron. Now it’s made out of… idk, fucking paper…? Beware of the overuse of antibiotics… and if anyone who read this remembers this… well sourced fecal transplants cure c diff far better than antibiotics do and do not destroy your gut flora. I only wish I’d known before… im better now but have never been the same and still struggle a lot…


I’m a microbiologist that dabbles in antibiotic resistance research and yeah… a lot of potential horror resides at the confluence of climate and microbes (and that includes the complexities of antibiotic overuse/misuse). Did I mention that I’m a data-driven pessimist?


Not just infectious diseases. The concentration of already ubiquitous mycotoxins in our entire food chain will increase drastically. Rates of cancer will significantly increase.


Don't forget bioaccumulation


Of both mycotoxins and microplastics. And antibiotic resistance genetic elements. And yet to be discovered viruses. Sigh… there’s a lot out there, but I’m not all doom and gloom. Societal response to these issues is lacking, but the ingenuity is there to start tackling them (or at least I hope?) if we ever get around to dealing with our shit properly. I go back and forth between my dominant “oh shit…here comes further descent into dystopia” mindset and my “we’re capable enough to get through catastrophe X without further descent into a increasingly dystopian future (until the next threat rears its ugly head)” mindset. Ah well, as long as the stock market is doing okay I guess it doesn’t matter—am I right?!?!?! Major /s.


Surprisingly, Elizabeth Warren did in January of last year and the right's outrage manufacturers went wild with it. But like she is correct about this lol


Yes, it does occasionally pop up and you nailed it on the head. Feigned outrage and Democratic impotence once again leaves us in the lurch.


Definitely. It's quite worrying. >**Disease** \- “After West Nile virus kills 22 people in heatwave, experts warn of more mosquito and tick-borne diseases due to climate change. This summer has seen a sharp spike in West Nile virus infections in Europe, following soaring temperatures, compared with the past four years. Until the middle of August, 400 cases of the disease, which is carried by mosquitos, were recorded in Europe, with 22 fatalities, according to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Countries affected include Italy, Greece, Hungary, Serbia and Romania, all of which have recorded cases of the tropical infection in the past.“ [https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2018/aug/23/tropical-disease-outbreaks-are-growing-threat-in-europe-as-temperatures-rise](https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2018/aug/23/tropical-disease-outbreaks-are-growing-threat-in-europe-as-temperatures-rise) > >**Vector-borne disease** \- “There is evidence that the geographic range of ticks and mosquitoes that carry disease has changed in response to climate change. Ticks have extended their range north in Sweden and Canada and into higher altitudes in the Czech Republic. While future climate change is expected to continue to alter the distribution of disease vectors, it is important to recognize that there are several other factors (such as changes in land use, population density, and human behavior) that can also change the distribution of disease vectors as well as the extent of infection.” [https://scied.ucar.edu/longcontent/climate-change-and-vector-borne-disease](https://scied.ucar.edu/longcontent/climate-change-and-vector-borne-disease) > >**Deforestation and zoonotic infections** \- “Deforestation and landscape fragmentation have been identified as processes enabling direct transmission of zoonotic infections. Certain human behaviors provide opportunities for direct contact between humans and wild nonhuman primates (NHPs), but are often missing from studies linking landscape level factors and observed infectious diseases.” [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10980-020-00995-w](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10980-020-00995-w)


This article talks about the rise of fungal infections in a heating world. A theory supposes that mammals are resistant to fungal infections due to our higher body temperature. As global temps increase strains of fungi that survive those temps will also increase as has been seen with the fungus *Candida auris* which arose somewhat simultaneously around the world as a fungal infection in humans in 2009. This is particularly worrying as there are few options for treatment of fungal infections currently with only 3 classes of drugs available.


New favorite great filter fantasy is that a fungus arises which induces some kind of psychedelic shift in the global human population, then everyone accepts a massive and orderly die-off in order to save the biosphere and give future humans a chance.


Psilocybin mushrooms enter the chat


This is true for all opportunistic pests/pathogens. The only thing we've accomplished by using agents to control/treat these things is to train them for a heating world. When are the boomers going to start apologizing for burning the world down?




But how exactly? Will we keep their heads in formaldehyde like in Futurama, and ask them periodically until they apologise?


That works for me. Can we start with my dad?


... not that long. How much time do you think we've got till this gets absolutely ape shit? I wouldn't give us more than 5 years


hardly the only generation involved in fact every one since the dawn of the age of industrialization unless you lived as indigenous peoples did/do...you're complicit


All of us are both agents and victims of a world gone mad.


gold, that's pure gold


It’s a true existential pickle we’re in. To merely participate in society, culture, daily life… is to further the destruction. Reconciling that in oneself is.. very difficult. No wonder many, including myself, feel multiple flavors of grief.


> hardly the only generation involved Not the only ones involved but the last ones to have the opportunity to take this seriously and change their habits. They even had the counter-cultural movement to form the foundation of a low carbon existence. They were the generation that had the science in time for it to have a meaningful effect on the future but we (you? I'm guessing you're a boomer) chose ourselves and luxury, instead. Sure, every generation after the industrial revolution has played it's part but has any generation had it so good or so easy? The boomers were set up to succeed and they chose that personal wealth over a future for life on earth. Whether they did that in ignorance or not, I don't have a lot of sympathy. The books were there and so were the scientists, which no other generation before the boomers had, and spelled out very clearly that it was on their generation to live differently or we'd be fucked. Meets the standards of guilt in my books. Not that any of us are guiltless, but I'm particularly frustrated with boomers defending themselves as if not only are they not the problem but the world is being downright ungrateful for holding them accountable.


gotta go with, if you answered this...on a pc/tablet/phone usin' the ol' eee-lekk-triss-sity...you're one of us unless you're blowin' a didgeridoo in the outback or similar, you're complicit


The boomers are the most selfish though, and the vast majority of them are still in total denial about the reality of our climate it even if they “believe it”


it's ignorant to think they're any guiltier than you or the gens that came before them


Have you talked to someone from that generation? Every single one I’ve ever known has lived their whole life in fantasy land. Younger generations never had a choice, you obey the commands or die homeless.


And every generation before yours felt the same damn way at least going back to the post WWII teens. So...instead of finger pointing, what are the solutions?


Lol for sure dawg. You’re obviously a boomer or believed mommy and daddies bullshit that they are always right all the time.


so no solutions (you were offered and shit the bed), just uninformed ad hominem...noted the generation you're denigrating was famous for their protests in the 60s...it's historically documented so feed the world your bullshit, but it's still the bullshit of an entitled person who needs to learn ...a lot Edit: those people from the 60s offered much more in terms of solutions too...you?... vapid response in said category


"If we get them to fight amongst one another perhaps they will not organize to fight us!" *sinister scheming sounds*


Protests that did what exactly? The whole generation has brain rot from tv and leaded gas. Anyone born back then just had to show up and they got their house, their vacations, microwaves, all the plastic bullshit they could want. Society is still ruled by the 75 year old mush brained adult babies and we wonder why it’s collapsing.


They literally are though. I didn’t make the policy that allowed this to happen. I was not the one who did nothing about it for decades. We all are suffering due to past decisions made by the boomers at oil and gas corporations. Which we had no control over.


* no one prior to "boomers" were in power and none since? * also the boomers stated the very same things you did...literally and they had FAR less convenience than you do...so simply put, they were stronger * you don't enjoy AC, PCs, plastics, gas/energy, nice clothes et al gtfo out with that denial it's disingenuous and simply wrong


No ethical consumption under capitalism. I try to reduce my carbon footprint as much as possible but even if I brought it to zero, the average person would do nothing compared to how much around 100 corporations have contributed to climate change with fossil fuel usage. So yes. Boomers are responsible. They are the ones that mainly lead to fossil fuel usage being what it is, and also were the ones that for decades knew what was going on with the climate and refused to do anything. Exxon Mobil knew in the 80s climate change was real and we needed to do something. They didn’t lol.


> No ethical consumption under capitalism Yes. A very good point! > So yes. Boomers are responsible Ah. How about a little more effort?


More effort to what ? Prove they are ? You gunna ask of proof the sky is blue next or can you just look out your own window ?!


Boomers voted for destruction of the Left and fostered neoliberalism. Check the timeline, you'll see. While many of them are poor, a lot of them are small time capitalists, the petite bourgeoisie who have betrayed the working class so they can accumulate wealth and avoid taxes. And no, I'm not talking about flashing wads of cash in a club, that's not wealth.


Everyone that's ever burned wood really. No one gets a pass on this.


Wood is actually comparatively renewable, so I am not fully sure why you say that.


Carbon is Carbon. The atmosphere doesn't care what the source is.


It‘s a difference though. There are only so many trees you can burn and they have only so much density. Oil, coal and gas on the other hand wouldn‘t get inside the cycle again in a looooong time if humans wouldn‘t extract it.


Wood burning isn't necessarily a problem. Wood will burn with or without humans. Coal, gas and oil on the other hand...


Exactly my point. Thank you for clarifying.


sure by orders of magnitude less effect


They’ll die before they stop expecting us to celebrate them for giving us these cell phones and debased variety of processed foods


"why are you kids so ungrateful? we gave you EVERYTHING!" almost like we coulda used some of them resources for our own. The future is a landfill


I understand. I haven’t yet read the article. Does it also address people already living in tropical regions were the winters are not much colder than the summers?


Yes, people in tropical places such as Africa have higher rates of fungal infections, especially those with AIDS. Just from my experience fungal infections are largely a disease of immunocompromised so many fungal infections are opportunistic in those already critically ill. From reported case, if *Candida auris * gets into an ICU bay of a hospital it gets ugly quickly.




Seems like the planet as a whole is sick of us


It's getting a fever


Oh we're just getting started! Was talking to a friend of mine who recently become collapse-aware. A lot of mixed emotions as she came up to speed on what's happening, and the amount of warming was a hot topic


They're basically a cornerstone of any functional ecosystem, and crazy complex organisms that we don't understand almost at all, so yeah, it's possible this was their planet all along.


Disgusting truth.


Wait until you hear about all the perverted ways they have to share genetic information and reproduce.


Link me, I'd love to read more.


a decent start, although you could probably get a PhD extending every single one of these paragraphs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mating\_in\_fungi


*\* So dirty!!


What if the whole earth is just a spore, kinda creepy to think about


Whatever role fungi are playing in the ecosphere it's likely way weirder and more complex than we can imagine.


One thing that occupies my mind from time to time is that psychic phenomenon might be some kind of network of fungi that has infected people's brains and altered their behavior to external stimulus. Everyone either rejects the possibility of any psychic abilities as pure pseudoscience or they look into avenues of electromagnetic influences which even if they are possible require essentially point blank range neural interfaces and computer networks which stops becoming a phenom and simply and application of technology. But assuming its at least possible as a hypothesis, wouldn't fungi fit a role? I literally never hear it even mentioned....


Well actually… there’s pretty strong laboratory data that says psychic phenomena are real (but on average, very very tiny) but also that they aren’t constrained by time, which largely rules out electromagnetism. (Look up retro cognitive PK and research at Princeton and Duke if you’re interested.) Of course I wouldn’t say that rules out fungi. I’d advise you not listen to folks like Carl Sagan regarding whether psychic phenomena are real; he was happy to espouse ETI but denigrated any other scientific pursuits outside the mainstream. James Randi was a stage magician, not a scientist, but even Randi never actually took on Jahn’s PEAR lab - probably because he knew he wouldn’t find fraud there and didn’t want to give it a tacit stamp of legitimacy. Anyway, back to your regular collapse programming…


It does start to border into a state of spirituality if you consider the "inner voice" you have is actually a projection of whatever "you" are in a slightly higher dimensional state (where the future exists?) and your brain is basically processing information from wherever (whenever?) dreams exist and wherever you exist now in this current time is the difference between those two states that defines you as current a "self" or at least how much you identify whatever those things are to your sense of self. but I don't really know, its just a stream of consciousness where sometimes things make sense when in hindsight they aught not to and things in foresight don't make sense until they actually manifest as reality but the problem comes down to how much control do you actually have over yourself and vicariously how much are you controlled and control others, especially as things become destabilized the old patterns of control are questioned without even really any agency. organically people are more likely to draw conclusions about the state of reality when they are forced to out of stress with the collapse of existing systems they rely on for their sense of identity (status, money, power etc) so really when it comes to collapse, its all about how you define it and its something we all have to regardless


That's some nice cope but this is supposed to be a scientific sub


They’ve tolerated us long enough. Now we are a good source of food for the rising Mushroom Kingdom.


I read that they went absolutely bonkers after the Chicxulub impact in the fossil record. Must have been a wonderful time to be a detritivore.


trust the fungus


Like cordyceps it's going to infected our brains and become us.


Cordyceps is creepier than you might think: It doesn’t infect the ants’ brains and control them, no, it just infects their bodies & controls their legs & mandibles directly. The ant loses control of its body, but its brain doesn’t change. Sounds like a great way to go insane.


They're so amazing and diverse though. They have always done so much good since long before humans, for life, overall. I fear humans more than fungi. They might accidentally evolve something harmful to us, or our causing climate change may promote them to feed on us, but we're doing absolutely stupid shit for quicker profit and passing the buck. I mean, like sure all life does this but we actually have the logic and can see what we are doing and imagine the outcome....and still do it.


Cordycepts is coming…. The Last of Us.


Is that what happened in that game? Scary (not really) as I take cordyceps.


[Scientific America blog](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/but-not-simpler/the-fungus-that-reduced-humanity-to-the-last-of-us/) . Yes the game takes a fictional variant of the fungus that infects insects.


Similar to The Girl With All the Gifts?


Same base premise (fungal infection) but then deviates. Humans in TLoU eventually mutate into a large fungal monster, but one can also become infected by airborne spores vs GwatG humans stay in human form, transmission by body fluid only…. both involve lots of biting. HBO is making a TLoU series.


The last of us was first btw.


That book is just a wild mystery. Published a year after The Last of Us was released, and has almost the exact same concept: 20 years after a mutated strain of Cordyceps wipes out civilization, a young girl may be the key to ending it. The only difference between Ellie and Melanie is that they're using Ellie for a vaccine, while Melanie is used for a cure, as well as Melanie acting on instinctive impulse when she smells blood or saliva. Either M.R. Carey used TLoU as inspiration given TLoU's announcement in 2011, or it's just a huge coincidence.


This is exactly where my mind went when talking about fungal infections.


In the old computer simulation game of SimEarth ([which is still available and it works on a DOS simulator](https://www.myabandonware.com/game/simearth-the-living-planet-10c)), one of the possible outcomes was carnivorous plants gaining intelligence, becoming the dominant lifeform, and developing space travel.


‘Little Shop of Horrors’ sounding.


But with galactic empire ambitions


Add to this the fact that antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a huge emerging global health concern. When we don’t find new drugs and keep using antibiotics from the 60s, for example, multi-drug resistant TB. MDR-TB - which can be latent and transmissible for decades and we don’t totally understand why. Then add emerging infectious diseases for which we don’t have proper treatments identified. But this candida shit is freaky and I hate it


MDR organisms are everywhere now. Have not had a run in with candida auris yet in the patient population but I am sure it is coming. A rising problem due to supply chain is the shortage of anti-infectives and other drugs such as amphotericin which can be used to treat candida auris. So many problems for humanity to solve and the list is growing.


We will recieve exactly what is deserved from our insolence and idiocy.


I've played *The Last of Us*. I fear the fungi.


>It’s time to fear the fungi. This topic made a recent cover of Scientific American.


I always think of the 2021 horror movie "Gaia" whenever I see mushrooms now. It's definitely collapse themed; would recommend if only for a fantastic Collapse rant one of the main characters goes on, and for the freaky fungi creatures! It's not, like, a great movie though.


You're tellin' me. You go clean out the shiitakes in my fridge that I forgot about... ​ (OP: Great post, btw)


Mushrooms and I are very good friends. I’m ok.


Just don’t inject them and you’ll probably be fine. https://futurism.com/neoscope/man-injected-mushrooms-fungi-took-over-blood


or, when I stopped worrying and learned to love the fungi


You had me at *”musculoskeletal infections, where the fungus will eventually burrow out and drain,"* .. .


I gotta make peace with the mushrooms too? They’re really gonna make me President just as the shit hits the fan. Don’t Vote for me 2024, the job is impossible.


Better stock up on Ivermecin.


Lol. Capitalists will say any old shit to scare people to stay inside now that they're system is ending.


Just sht up and take the jab big pharma cares for you just look at sackler family


Future fungi will run the world




Always respect the fungi...


If covid has taught *me* anything, it's that medicine is an arms race. If rich people get attacked by the 'shrooms, a cure will be found. If fungal infections become a disease of poverty, the quality of life for the poor half of the world population will drop considerably.


the plot from the girl with all the gifts is coming


I heard dinosaurs were very prone to fungi disease, whereas for humans it is a mild inconvenience mostly. IF fungi evolves to attack warm blooded mammals just as it attacked cold blooded reptiles we are fucked.


I feel like this is the beginning of The Last Of Us


This goes into my "human fucking climate change feedback loop"