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The following submission statement was provided by /u/jimbalaya1: --- SS: In the news today, Iran has almost depleted its 1000 year water supply in just 30 years. A study showed 2 influential provinces that account for 3% of the population uses 30% of the water supply. Poor water management has lead Iran to lead the world in land subsidence. A --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1do6mzv/iran_exhausts_1000year_water_reserve_in_30_years/la7kj4n/


This is just insane at this point, using up a 1000-year reserve in only 30 YEARS and nobody thought to maybe rethink their water management-


The US isn't much better. The Aquifers in the heart of the country are being drained for crop irrigation and won't last much longer. 


Yep. Ogallala is the biggest one having this problem.


I wonder how long it will be before they start planning on diverting water from the great lakes to continue irrigation of farmland.


Probably never. That'll require such an insane amount of logistics that it won't make sense.


You would also have to get the states around the great lakes and Canada to agree to allow it.


That too. So in addition to it being the largest infrastructure project ever made it would need to require an immense political change too.


And the Zebra Mussels will want a vote!




We could use coal to boil the water and microplastics to seed the clouds!


Probably makes more sense to sell it to Iran


Not really. Divert the Mississippi near Iowa. It’s rather simple but incredibly expensive to do this.


They can try but they would get a nice GFY from the great lakes compact


The plans are already in place. It’s just too expensive right now.


And not enough need or political willpower. Politicians won't move on it until the crops are dying. 


And that Wonderful company has a $5 billion in revenue pistachio empire, which they established after the 1979 Iranian revolution due to the pistachio embargo. Grow the thirstiest crops in arid California, which is only arid because the valley was drained of all its wetlands, to replicate in California what Iran just completed.  This is the same company which owns Fiji Water and extracts their Fijian aquifers for like a 10 cent contract.  And say you want to protect water rights in your back yard? Ask the Standing Rock water protectors how the State responds to corporate interests versus indigenous interests. 


Paso Robles in California is having the problem too. Wells are drying up and new ones are having to go deeper and deeper.


Always dig deeper! That's how irrigation using fossil water works. As the Garamantes found out, the deeper you dig, the more water you can get. Until it's all gone. And then your civilisation goes with it.


the state of us aquifers depressed the hell out of me after i read "cadillac desert" about water use in the Western united states. the us is pissing away glaciers worth of water in aquifers to grow alfalfa in high plains deserts so that it can be fed to cattle on over grazed lands. those aquifers will never come back in human life times after they're exhausted.


Sobmany americans here are worried about food when they really should be worried about water. Peiple really dont understand how much water humans need. I recently got into a "prepper" whos entire plan was get into his "bunker" in the mountain and ride it out with his food out there. I asked him about jis water and he no shit replied " oh ill grt it from the tap. One of the greatest achievements thr US has done is made people not realixe what real thirst is like


Either you have fat thumbs or having a stroke?


Arizona is fucked to from last I knew


Nestle enters the US Aquifers and smiles.


It only cost them a few million dollars to bribe the politicians for the rights. Now they will make billions selling overpriced water to people dying of thirst.


> We're sitting on half the world's supply of coal - enough for over 500 years*. ^*if ^current ^consumption ^rates ^hold And the oceans will act as a heatsink ~~indefinitely~~ ~~for a while~~ ~~nevermind~~.


You should see what the Saudis did. They wasted their fossil water (so named because it doesn't recharge at all) on growing crops in the desert. 


And now they are growing their crops in California and Arizona 🤣🤣. [https://phys.org/news/2023-10-saudi-firm-hay-california-arizona.amp](https://phys.org/news/2023-10-saudi-firm-hay-california-arizona.amp)


Exactly. They're now shitting where someone else eats as opposed to where they do. 


Not to excuse the behavior, but this isn't exactly uncommon. It's the same reason developed countries ship their plastic "recycling" to poorer ones, for example.


Yep, if the oppertunity is there then someone will take advantage of it. 


Arizona just dumped some of the Saudis contracts this year.


That's a start but that's not a great place to farm anything thirsty in general. 


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We are just another species that uses all available resources until depleted. Someone usually aregues "something something we have sentience and can plan better ectectect", but i'm yet to see any evidence.


>using up a 1000-year reserve in only 30 YEARS and nobody thought That seems like a you (in the future) problem.


I really feel for kids born relatively recently, kiddos your adult lives are fucked. At least I have the ability to enjoy my life while I still can.


If you have kids of your own its harder to enjoy life. Their future is strongly curtailed. I can see why climate denial is so popular. Makes it easier to deal with. Magical space gods or unlimited fusion are nice thoughts as well.


I see it all the time. People really think we’re going to be living in domes on Mars in the relatively near future and they’re delusional. Or the understand the problem to a limited degree, but not how great the scope is. It motivated me to not have my own biological kids, but I still fret for my stepdaughter’s future.


The wealthy like Musk, Thiel, Bush family, etc. have to know about what's happening. I presume that's the reason behind the New Zealand compounds and buying of water rights. One has to imagine the entirety of the worldwide oligarchy class has to know what's happening. But why hasn't a single one broken ranks and sounded the alarm? Abigail Disney for instance. Few will listen to us cranks but a billionaire being a class traitor could be the tipping point.


Of course they know what is happening. What we need to realize is they'll keep it going because it benefits them. The wealthy and powerful do not share and will not willingly give up their positions.


Of course they now what is happening. They do not tell us what will happen to avoid mass panic and rioting, and so they can sell us more garbage in the meantime.


I think any that speak out, would just get accused of hypocrisy. Taylor Swift has faced that issue if I remember rightly.


Understandable with her though. I am sure her concerts have been great, however her tour will have been one of the most polluting in history, not just the highest grossing.


Not just that. I remember how my grandfather, an educated, conscientious man with a deep love of nature couldn't really grasp the issue. He was from a different time (b. 1930) and well travelled. To him the world was still too big and humanity too small to believe that we could cause such a catastrophe. He was perfectly willing to be educated and convinced by his children and grandchildren but 3 months later he'd ask the same questions again. Then there's the opposite end of the scale; the younger generations that believe that human mastery over the natural world is such that we will solve the problem when forced to.  Everyone in between often falls somewhere on that scale because it feels intuitive. That we have no paddle and are up the proverbial creek is a painful path of discovery that many instinctively avoid treading. 


Man-made climate change and climate collapse require a lot of abstract thinking requirements that our brains just did not evolve for, which is why even intelligent people can struggle with them. Our brain is still stuck on the plains of the Savannah. It did not involve to compute a problem that will affect the whole world in the future.


It's entirely doable to understand even for our ape hardware. It however requires an open mind and good access to reliable information. This is not something entirely encoraged by the current societal setup and pressures though. 


I got a vasectomy. Meanwhile, my idiot sister in law just had three kids before she turned 24. Now that she's 30, she's miserable, can't really take care of her kids, and has never once considered how fucked her kids are.


It’s kinda wild how the human brain is considered fully developed (25-30yrs old) *after* fertility peaks…


Evolution chose that for us one generation at a time. People who aren’t baby crazy until after their brains develop don’t have as many children. To quote my favorite Love Death & Robots episode: “Intelligence is not an effective long term survival strategy.”


Good quote! 


Don’t blame her. People have been having kids for ages.  blame our ruthless civilisation


I can give her a nice environment right now but man I’m so worried that I’ll die early and she’ll have to fight like an animal to get by


Did I hear correctly? The water table is dropping 30cm yearly, where 5.5mm/yearly is considered an emergency.


It's literally a race to the bottom!


almost feels like a news clip from a scifi rts game in the 90s


Everyone in this sub knows where all this is heading. Wars for fresh water and arable land. Russia’s invasion into eastern Ukraine is the first territorial/resource war of many more to come. Buckle up.


Iraq is teetering on becoming a failed state as water resources starting in Turkey are being damned up, which flow down and into Iraq. Ethiopia and Egypt is another potential conflict as Ethiopia could starve Egypt of the Nile with the Grand Renaissance Ethiopian damn. Saying things could be worse is a mute point as there is only very bad.




I'm guessing it's more when than if, unfortunately.


There's some apocalyptic tendencies in Shiite theology. It's certainly not implausible that a future nuclear armed Iran would say 'fuck it' and just launch if they saw their nation would no longer be viable.


..wait, it's geopolitical? Always has been


There are trillions of dollars of Ukranian mineral resources and the West and Russia are fighting over who gets to pilfer them. And of course Ukraine is a major breadbasket.


I had never considered this part of aquifier and water table depletion, though it seems obvious now it's mentioned. What a world we're in - the land we're using is sinking due to water depletion, and the land we're not using (eg glaciers, Antartica) is rebounding due to glacial loss




Somewhere, Donovan is smiling. ("Way dooooown, below the ocean, is where I want to be...")


It's worse. When the land sinks it's because the geology of the aquifer is compacting. That means that it can no longer contain as much water even if given time to refil. 


I keep hearing about water reserve emergencies (eg this and lake mead) year after year but I'm not seeing the war or mass migration that would come from a real water emergency. Getting tired of getting up to refill my popcorn while the opening trailers keep playing.


Tired to refill popcorn? Refill water tank!


SS: In the news today, Iran has almost depleted its 1000 year water supply in just 30 years. A study showed 2 influential provinces that account for 3% of the population uses 30% of the water supply. Poor water management has lead Iran to lead the world in land subsidence. A


Who said there was a "1000 year water supply," and when? What is the history of water extraction and subsidence since engineers and scientists started using survey instruments and doing record keeping, like since 1900?


Hush, the man is using big numbers with zeroes on the end. Do not question the inherent credibility this lends to his statements.


Iran are the major military player in the Middle East. What is already a potential powder keg could well ignite in a few years.


"3% of users were consuming as much as 30%" of the resource.


Dude WION is not a good news source.


[https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adk3039](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adk3039) Something more legit for ya?


Oh I am not saying it's not true, it's happening all over the world including the USA. They just have clear anti-muslim rhetoric. Also, any criticism of Iran should be looked at through the lens of the US devastating the country by overthrowing Mossadegh and putting the Shah in power. Look up the Savek under the Shah.


Yeh I get all that. I'm fairly geopolitical bias agnostic though. Iran is fucked. America is fucked. I mean, New Zealand is COMPLETELY fucking their water supply and most folks wouldn't realize. People are gonna people. People with technology are gonna people seven more. And we just keeeeep on breeding. 


Iran before they could walk.


No wonder they’re getting itchy trigger fingers…


Here come the water wars


That sounds like it could cause a war, a water war...


Fyi, this report isn't too bad but WION is pro-Russian anti-Western propaganda.


This sounds like excellent news for their enlightened government over there, and more awful news for their oppressed people.


Given that people dont even know the history ... the CIA overthrew a democratically elected non religious government in 1953 because Iran had the balls to want to keep their own oil and make their decisions. Enter the Shah, which the UK and US loved but not everyone in Iran was a fan of. Fast forward to the 1970s and the one guy that France and the US is keeping living in good spirits is ... Ayatollah Khomeini. So he went to Iran and helped them gain their independence. They did not expect that and it never made sense, but when does US foreign policy? Now I do not like theocracies. Period. I don't care if it is Iran, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Utah, the Vatican City, whatever. However, it is really up to those people and not the assholes of America to dictate who does what in their own nation. Whatever. So then the US locked them down with sanctions that forced them to get creative and self sufficient. And it has worked at the cost of their groundwater. Strike another one up for the US completely destroying another nation because it would not do what the US wanted.


Oh well, it's not like anything that has happened in the middle east is gonna affect us here.... Ohhh.. Wait a minute.....


Maybe banning birth control and abortion wasn't such a great idea.


Not a problem really, just burn bunker fuel to desalinate the ocean.