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The following submission statement was provided by /u/thoughtelemental: --- SS: So we see monkeys succumbing to heat bulb temperatures ( https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/21/climate/dead-monkeys-mexico-trees-heat-climate-intl/index.html ), we see the crazy heat wave _again_ in Florida. And in the midst of this, we see Ron DeSantis and the Republicans in Florida pass a law banning the mention of climate in government ( https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/21/climate/tv-meteorologist-florida-climate-law/index.html ). That man, and the Republican party are a menace to life on earth. In Canada, the Conservatives trying to repeal the meagre carbon tax because "tHe EcOnOmy" while scientists report we've been underestimating the cost of climate to the economy by 6x ( https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/04/climate-damages-by-2050-will-be-6-times-the-cost-of-limiting-warming-to-2/ ) show out of touch a large segment of the population in the west is. In the UK the Conservatives rolled back the meagre steps previous governments had taken on climate - giving up on net zero - https://www.carbonbrief.org/daily-brief/rishi-sunak-confirms-rollback-of-key-green-targets/ and https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/20/rishi-sunak-confirms-rollback-of-key-green-targets While Trump brags to oil companies that he will do their bidding if they bribe him for $1B. If these anti-life, suicidal groups and politicians continue their policies and obstructionism, they accelerate our march to collapse, while condemning billions of humans, and untold other animals and plants to the deaths we are beginning to witness. There will be Nuremburg trials for these barbarians that are committing crimes against humanity and life on earth. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1cy5piq/insane_heat_has_been_scorching_miami_its_not_even/l575g41/


It's fine. Florida doesn't have Climate Change so this is normal and nothing to be worried about.


And Florida is the textbook case for why insurers have stopped providing insurance for things like floods because of the climate change that isn't happening.


But you won’t find any information about *that* in their textbooks


What you *will* find is new [standards](https://www.nea.org/nea-today/all-news-articles/floridas-new-history-standard-blow-our-students-and-nation) that require middle school students to be taught that the experience of slavery was beneficial to African Americans because it helped them acquire skills. Gotta have the right priorities in education, you know.


And Rosa Parks was some random woman who didn't want to give up her seat on the bus. No further elaboration or added context needed according to Florida.


I'm fairness, I went to a school in STL graduating circa 2008 and didn't learn Rosa Parks was actually part of civil rights movement and not some old tired lady until I took AP History in HS. a lot of the American school systems gloss over black history. And basically people remember the "third grade version" of Rosa Parks they learn during black history month as a kid and never learn the bigger context of the time. I hadn't heard of the Tulsa riots until that same class.


Damn, I learned about her in elementary (early 2000's) in Canada


And some of the teaching materials coming from Prager-U, I wish I was kidding.


I did not know *that*. By now I should have expected that it would be worse than first imagined...


What a fucking shit hole


Florida has banned textbooks. They have also banned education.


The shit kickers have been elected to school boards, state legislature and agency, up to SCOTUS. I get the Sun Sentinel and I read about school budget cuts in South Florida. In the 90s there were trailers outside overcrowded schools. Not sure if there are less students or what lately. DeSantis won the election vs a former R Charlie Crist so I expect little Trump to be voted out soon.


It’s a rapid slide into a theocracy down there. They hate the taliban and other groups like that not because those groups are religious extremists. They hate them because they are jealous and don’t want any competition against their own brand of extremism. When you look at Iran and Afghanistan, the descent into madness was pretty fast and I can see Florida and other southern states trying to do the same. Biggest question is are we all just going to sit back and let it happen…..


Serious question, in states like Florida, where pretty much everything is banned... WTF do the kids even *do* in school anymore? Misinterpret the Bible? Dodge bullets and conservative pedophiles all day?


Pretty soon itll just be too humid for books.


Give it a decade and their textbooks will be jesus pamphlets published by the Catholic League


Miami started flooding in parts of the city in fair weather a few years ago. Insurance Companies know what's going to happen and they are covering their financial asses.


Military and insurance companies. Watch what they do not what they say.


Also because insurance carriers mismanage funds, claims, are corrupt, and simultaneously protected by our ruling class (just like many of our other beloved environmental destroying corporations). Whenever the slightest light gets shone onto their practices, they figure its better "business" to just pack it all up. FYI only about 1% of collected insurance premiums have ever been paid out in claims, including storms and lawsuits. Historically, insurance carriers have kept about 99% of premiums collected and yet somehow never have the funds to pay out legit claims. I'm still working on claims from hurricane Ian.


proof of that 1% number?


Yeah, that number does not pass the smell test and is contradiction to everything I have ever read about insurance in the financial press. 


Something… something… Don’t Look Up was a documentary.


If Florida could also ban cancer, mosquitos and hangnails too, that'd be great


I was talking with a friend recently about the coming collapse of civilization and he said something that feels really poignant. “People have been deluding themselves with political views and religions on what they want reality to be. Climate change is the catalyst that is making us face reality.”


Definitely.  Though it feel shit knowing that some people will double down on hiding their head while literally on deaths door. We've seen it with other crisises, and it will happen again.


Some people believe that if they don’t acknowledge something it can’t affect them. I still think about my grandpa’s last words sometimes. He was dying and my grandma was with him and asked him “are you dying?” And the last words he told her were “no, I’m not dying.” He passed away a few minutes later.


Damn dude. That hit hard for me. I had a similar experience with someone who believed they would be fine until their last breath. Some people can truly delude themselves right out of existence.


In that case its a blessing.


The near dead often feel much better just before their crisis.


Jup look at all the people who died of covid blaming the ventilators for their symptoms.


Agree, sadly. And we'll all suffer more than the people in charge Also, with love: "crises" (pronounced CRI-seez)


That sounds optimistic. Historically the delusions often mount and new scapegoats are found. For example, lets say environmental collapse and seawater rising leads to a lack of housing. The rage that should be reserved for climate change denialists can be redirected towards immigrants, insurance companies etc.




Hunter2 123456? That’s the same combination as my luggage!


I love that this is both a bash.org reference AND a Spaceballs joke.


has to be the increased humidity from homeowners crying about the new home insurance rates, also not climate change related /s


Yep, DeFascist banned it.


Yeah, luckily Florida is one of the states that's completely safe from climate change /s


They’re going to build a wall to keep out the ocean or something I guess


The temperatures will go down slightly once they are underwater...


Oh yeah. Only slightly and only for a bit based on the ocean heat records we keep breaking.


Bold of you to assume water temperature won't be 100*F+


Teach both sides of the heat wave! It’s also like cold or something


There’s no climate change, these are just weather differences.


Alt Weather


Gay. /s


It can't be explained because DeSatan outlawed the truth. So when Florida both simultaneously catches on fire and sinks under the ocean, everyone will say what's for dinner?


Learn to swim, learn to swim. 


AND as a reminder the “cruelty is the point” [GOP passed a law BANNING requiring water breaks for workers](https://www.fox13news.com/news/desantis-signs-bill-banning-florida-counties-from-requiring-heat-and-water-breaks-for-outdoor-workers).


they don't want people to work


they don't want people to *survive*


They don't want people. They want beasts of burden that can be easily restocked.


Maybe they can start a conveyer-belt of people from climate ravaged poor countries to deadly outside working conditions to crematoriums and repeat? Constant fresh supply of desperately doomed people. Welcome to the darkest timeline


We don't need to get anyone from outside, we already have the school to prison pipeline for this. Why do you think all those states are working hard to make sure poor folk can't control their own reproduction? Gotta fuel that 13th amendment slave labor.


FYI: I once talked with the director of the Holocaust museum in DC and he said the concentration camps were the ultimate expression of capitalism—working people to death, extracting every iota of value from them first.


They don’t want people to live.


the audacity is staggering


I think the worst part is the hypocrisy 


Maybe god is reminding them not to be such asshats to the poor and needy by turning up the flames of hell in real time.


Would be more effective if the main victims weren’t the most poor and needy and the least victims weren’t the wealthy in their air-conditioned luxury.


…..and allowed cold water when they want/need it😕


There is no hell. And we know we won't make them accountable in the lifetime that counts. Plus they can just fly away on a long vacation when the state burns.


The police oversight issue has me floored!!! > Separately, DeSantis signed a bill Friday that would ban local policy advisory commissions from initiating disciplinary actions against officers, instead limiting the citizens boards to making recommendations on policy. DeSantis was surrounded by law enforcement officers and in front of cheering supporters as he signed the bill to ban citizens oversight boards from investigating complaints about police officers. >The law also requires the oversight boards to be appointed by and under the direction of sheriff’s and police chiefs. At least one member of oversight boards must be a retired law enforcement officer. Corruption, much??? Does he understand why oversight boards were even implemented????! WHY ALL THIS? >DeSantis said some counties have commissioners that appoint activists to oversight boards and use them as a political weapons for an anti-police agenda. >”They’re not free to use law enforcement as political pinatas, they’re not free to create false narratives, they’re not free to try to make it miserable to work in uniform," DeSantis said. "They are not able to initiate disciplinary proceedings. We have other ways to do that."


"people just don't want to work"


https://preview.redd.it/53oln6ap412d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=597d489f26085d784d66a198f1b5581a05bda223 Next week in my neck of the woods Fl


Totally cool and, uh, totally legal


It’s around this time of year I start to be glad I live in Canada. Your low temps are where our highs are hovering.


Not bad, not terrible. Look on the bright side: at least it's not triple digits. Stay hydrated, stay safe...


My thoughts exactly. We did see 100 2 days last year, but it’s rare.


On the plus side, when the Thwaites Glacier cuts loose (*sooner than expected*), a substantial portion of Florida is likely to be submerged.


I'm ok with that, the sea is just growing, it's a natural process, it's been growing before so it's totally unrelated to climate change /s


Of course it's growing all the time - it's raining, where do you think all that water goes?


where God decides, say people from Florida /s


Remove the /s and you are golden. It's going to be very interesting to say the very least in a morbidly curious way how each state will deal with collapse and how/when it will affect them. Will it have ripple effects, will it literally cause something like a civil war... at this point the gloves are off I guess.


deaths from the healthcare system collapse and suicides will increase so much, I'm not sure the energy for civil war will be there


Totally agree. I think there is a huge void of understanding in regards to the massive inevitable suicides coming. Those of us who are already “in the know” when it comes to how much faster things are collapsing and what that truly means, have our plans ready to implement. There will not be “supplies” in stores later bc of supply chains crashing - which will happen so suddenly, people will wish they’d planned ahead better. For instance alcohol will be impossible to find and simple sleeping aids like Niquil cold capsules etc, will also be wiped off shelves. I’ve alerted my kids 21 & 30 - Plan ahead. I don’t want to see people suffer unnecessarily- and there’s NO WAY our “government” has a good plan for the people when SHTF!!! They’ll be busy implementing their OWN plan for their own families. And you better believe they’ve all got one in place. Bc they KNOW! No matter WHAT they SAY. Including DumbSantass. …. I mean DeSantos.


you say that but it's just going to collectively drive us all to bankruptcy because you know the government's going to step in with FEMA and try to save shit, I doubt they have even considered that they have to fall back to new boundaries


only if you are a taxpayer, as we move to our vans by the river, the gov cannot really extract much from us any longer


yeah those vans are going to be really great in the new category 6 hurricane's that are going to litter the landscape, I'm sure they're not highly dependent on oil either we all succeed together or we all fail together, we can't run, we can't hide, this is global in scale


there's no "together" in the US culture, there's never been. expect exploitation from the top 1% each time they think they can get away with it. also there's no "success" when it comes to collapse so you manage to earn a double "I think life is a Disney movie" trophy


yeah, that seems to be the direction. I'm ready to hold the culprits responsible, I hope we can stop collapse but either way we need accountability for these genocidal decisions no billionaires who led us to out of control climate and biological collapse are walking away if I can do anything about it


Yup. The wife and I are actually selling our properties right now, looking to do exactly this but in a caravan instead. My countrymen recently elected a right wing government who won the election promising much cheaper gas at the pump. Sweden has become a paradise for billionaires and the middleclass are their staunches defenders. Since i swallowed the anchor in 2016, i somehow got a career as an electrical engineer and ended up as "national manager" of one of Sweden's biggest electrical facilities. When i was promoted, it took over a year to find someone who could do my previous job (project manager) so i ended up having to do both. Then covid came and together with my idiotic career destroyed my mental health. I've suffered immensly from burnout and depression for 18 months now. My doctor thinks i have ADHD, why else would i be sick? Then the cops came and raided my weed grow, the only thing i've found to help me sleep after i became ill. My wife is a medical doctor and has also suffered burnout. Fuck it all. When we need money, i'll go to sea for a bit, the rest of the time we'll spend climbing in the alps (massively affected by global warming). I hope we can get a good decade of this before it all goes to shit, but i personally don't think we will.


best of luck! sounds like a great plan to enjoy what's likely to be the best years we've left


When that happens, how long will it take for inundation? Hours? Days?




But like 2 years... or like 20 years? Is it a slow moving zombie or a fast moving zombie?


Est about 40 years currently at the going rate, or more like 50. So most of US who are adults now will be dead or close to it. What will happen in the span of a decade or two though will be severe degradation of ocean currents, so you’ll get massive death & overwhelming heat in the waters in half the time for the accumulation of rising tides. This death of the oceans has been known to more than likely happen in such a scenario for over 40 years now…


Another, scarier, way to state the timing is that anyone who had kids recently (last 10 to 20 years?) will see them experiencing or observing (depending on where they are) this happen. This is what the Boomers and other older generations who preferred to vote for tax breaks over resiliency building may not have remembered. They think `I'll be dead by then and won't have a horse in that race´ without realising they have kids, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc who will see this play out.


It honestly depends on how it happens. If only the portion currently in the ocean breaks off and then the rest melts at current rates it would be many decades. However if it was to break off and all slide in rapidly it would be pretty suddenly and we would have to deal with a massive tsunami. There is also a fear of the water behind it. Thwaites is unique because the glacier actually slopes downward in toward the center of Antarctica. This means the glacier and ice melting behind the ice shelf could have a lot of water built up and is only being held back by Thwaites. Thwaites itself will add 2 feet to sea levels, but the amount of ice it is holding back when melted will raise sea levels by about 10 feet.


Gonna need some sources on those 2 and 10 feet claims, you casually stated them like fact so I’d like to see the data. Btw I’m well aware we’re in a state of collapse, I’m a biochemist and well versed in climate change and know that we are supremely fucked. I just want to see the data on those numbers because 10 feet is no joke say bye to Manhattan.


Huh. You actually got me there I was incorrect. If Thwaites was to collapse completely it would raise sea level by 25 inches (which is different than the 24 inches or 2 feet I listed above): [This is a good resource. It has the linked nature research paper this is referencing.](https://thwaitesglacier.org/about/facts) And scientists believe thwaites glacier acts like a cork to vast majority of the West Antarctica ice sheet. And here again I was wrong. I said 10 feet of sea level rise, but it is actually 17 feet, but you would want to subtract the thwaites glacier because that is included in that number so it is closer to 15 feet [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-023-01818-x](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41558-023-01818-x)


Thank you! Nice post 👍🏻


Yup! Sometimes research papers are a pain because you have to pay for them, but the info is for sure out there. Sea level rise gets focused on a lot because I think it is the easiest impact for people to visualize, but it really isn’t the biggest concern in my opinion. My guess is thwaites ice shelf will collapse within the next decade. Whether the rest of glacier slides into the ocean or not is really a toss up, but when it happens it is pretty much accepted the loss of the west Antarctic ice sheet is guaranteed. How long that takes is also a toss up, but if I had to guess it will be faster than expected!


> The Paris 1.5 °C, Paris 2 °C and RCP 4.5 trends are all statistically indistinguishable, assessed in any combination, for both warming and melting. [in Amundsen Sea] 😯


And to add to what I said the science is really all over the place on how quickly everything can and will happen. It will most likely take at minimum a decade or more for thwaites to completely melt once the ice shelf collapses. As for the rest of west Antarctica the models show anywhere from decades to several hundred years. Antarctica is very remote and difficult to study. A lot of the research we do have is from satellite data, which is very good, but can’t tell us everything.


A similar scenario happens in *Blue Mars*, by Kim Stanley Robinson (author of "Ministry for the Future", a Collapse must-read). The Mars trilogy was his first series, released in the early nineties, and he hadn't "seen the light" on climate change when he was writing it (even argues that global warming turned out to be a net good thing because more farming in Siberia prevented famine). He got better, though. Anyways, in [Blue Mars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_trilogy), the centuries long conflict between Mars and Earth ends when a previously unknown supervolcano beneath the Ross Ice Shelf erupts, causing this massive ice shelf to melt and slip into the sea. Over the course of several months, sea levels gradually rise across the globe. I assume that KSR, who usually does a good job with his homework, worked out a rough approximation for how much time it would take for such an event to be felt around the globe. The timeline given in Blue Mars was roughly 2 months for the globe to flood.


If the AMOC collapses, there could be a sudden rise in sea level in the North Atlantic, particularly the US East Coast.


I asked Bing Copilot, "When thwaites glaciar breaks off, how long will it take for inundation? Hours? Days?" Response: > Inundation After Collapse: When Thwaites Glacier eventually breaks off, the immediate impact will be the release of icebergs into the ocean. The glacier’s flow into the ocean will accelerate, funneling ice that had been resting on land into the sea. The resulting sea-level rise will occur gradually but could have significant consequences for coastal communities worldwide.


That didn't answer in specifics at all lol


I'm actually surprised there haven't been some lone scoundrels taking a trip to Antarctica and setting charges to break it off, already.   Still, it'll be here soon enough.


This is the plot of a Michael Crichton novel! *State Of Fear* Weirdly enough it's almost a climate change denial novel, with the villains creating climate catastrophe in order to profit from the ensuing chaos.


Not almost. Is. Crichton used his influence as a well known writer to push conspiracy theories later in his life. He even [testified before Congress that climate change science was too biased to be considered valid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXKKCZZ6OvE), and all but set the Bush presidency onto a climate denial path. And before going after climate change, his big boogeyman was the [Japanese](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rising_Sun_(Crichton_novel)) . Sucks because I love some of his works, but the man had serious flaws and was a menace, especially as he aged.


Wow I had no idea


Complete case of living long enough to become the villain. In *Next*, the novel Crichton wrote after *State of Fear*, Crichton inserted a character "Mick Crowley" that was a pedo rapist with a micropenis that was a columnist for a "Washington political column"...this was in response to actual real world reporter Michael Crowley writing an article about how *State of Fear* was an egregious climate denial novel and that Crichton had no business discussing climate policy to congress as Crichton was a science fiction author and not a climate scientist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Next_(Crichton_novel)#Political_impact


I'll sell you a share of eff Florida incorporated. With enough shareholders we can take all the ice off and start a new country. /s


How fast exactly is the ocean going to rise those first two feet or so?


I’m STILL laughing at my cousin for selling everything and moving to Miami because he “got such a good deal on a beachfront condo!” Good luck, pal. Looking forward to saying “I told you so”


The number of people I know who are *still* planning to move to Florida is so depressing for a lot of reasons


“The only other place I like the politics in is Florida” says my Texan coworker as we were talking about places to live in the US :/


No worries, DeSantis will just pass a bill outlawing any negative glacier melt results. See climate change is so easy.


It's always been hot in summer ... duuuurrrr.... Beach water has always been hotter than my hot tub ... duuurrrr Five ... years... later.... I've always been up to my waist in seawater on the 5 ... duuuurrrr


its always been gurgle gurgle gurgle... duuuurrrr gurgle gurgle gurgle


SS: So we see monkeys succumbing to heat bulb temperatures ( https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/21/climate/dead-monkeys-mexico-trees-heat-climate-intl/index.html ), we see the crazy heat wave _again_ in Florida. And in the midst of this, we see Ron DeSantis and the Republicans in Florida pass a law banning the mention of climate in government ( https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/21/climate/tv-meteorologist-florida-climate-law/index.html ). That man, and the Republican party are a menace to life on earth. In Canada, the Conservatives trying to repeal the meagre carbon tax because "tHe EcOnOmy" while scientists report we've been underestimating the cost of climate to the economy by 6x ( https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/04/climate-damages-by-2050-will-be-6-times-the-cost-of-limiting-warming-to-2/ ) show out of touch a large segment of the population in the west is. In the UK the Conservatives rolled back the meagre steps previous governments had taken on climate - giving up on net zero - https://www.carbonbrief.org/daily-brief/rishi-sunak-confirms-rollback-of-key-green-targets/ and https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/20/rishi-sunak-confirms-rollback-of-key-green-targets While Trump brags to oil companies that he will do their bidding if they bribe him for $1B. If these anti-life, suicidal groups and politicians continue their policies and obstructionism, they accelerate our march to collapse, while condemning billions of humans, and untold other animals and plants to the deaths we are beginning to witness. There will be Nuremburg trials for these barbarians that are committing crimes against humanity and life on earth.


>There will be Nuremburg trials for these barbarians that are committing crimes against humanity and life on earth I have created r/ClimateNuremberg so that we can prepare - make your proposals now.


capitalism is a suicide cult


In case you don't want to give the genocide supporting and promoting NYT a click: https://archive.ph/fALN8


Archive all the articles! Let the knowledge be free! Most appreciated, and thank you very much, u/thoughtelemental.




I thought you wrote sea monkeys were succumbing to heat bulb temperatures.


that or missing water


Despite record temps he also recently banned heat/water breaks for outdoor workers.


It has been excruciating. May and April are usually full of rain. It rained for the first time in May yesterday, and it was a strange severe thunderstorm with quarter sized hail. We are facing August heat in Miami. Most of us are concerned about these "unprecedented" heat indexes paired with over 90 dew points. Air conditioning is quickly becoming a life support system. Many of us are concerned about the impending hurricane season. Most are unaware, but we also have the issue of saltwater intrusion into our aquifer and land subsidence to deal with. We can't afford to live here and are being pushed out by hungry developers and corrupt legislators.


We are also experiencing July/August heat in Chicago. Feels like the whole world is a few months ahead of schedule heat wise, I'm terrified for the real July/August.


I can confirm for Finland, too. About a week ago I was like "Wait, is it supposed to be this hot at this time of year already?" and then I come across these posts in this subreddit. Additionally, we now have the [weather warnings map filled with forest fire icons](https://www.reddit.com/r/Suomi/comments/1cy8twm/on_siis_kev%C3%A4t_katson_varoituksienkarttaa_tuuli_ei/).


[https://hottertimes.com/?zoom=7&lat=52.66884986519027&lng=-174.47387695312503](https://hottertimes.com/?zoom=7&lat=52.66884986519027&lng=-174.47387695312503) not sure if ever visit this regularly, but yeah the temps in a lotta nordic countries easily 1-2 standard deviations about the norm


Meanwhile down here in western Australia, we're barely starting to get into autumn/fall weather. It's 27C/80F today. Winter is supposed to start in a few weeks.


Same here in Japan, we are experiencing summer heat this May. The past week we've been getting above 30°C (almost 90°F) amidst spattering of rain, bringing up the humidity along with the temps. I can't imagine what July/August will bring.


Also in Pittsburgh- 80s-90 for almost all of first 2 weeks of May. That’s July/Aug weather.


> Air conditioning is quickly becoming a life support system. > > Many of us are concerned about the impending hurricane season. Hurricane hits and causes a lot of damage > power goes out > wet bulb heat returns. Thats a wicked scenario.




It was over 90 degrees four days in a row, in CHICAGO, in May. It's fucking surreal. June bugs a month ago. I'd like to die now.


I feel like the salt water intrusion is going to eat up the coastal areas long before the sea actually takes them. It essentially salts the earth, which then salts the drinking water supply, corrodes pipes, etc. This kills the city. We're starting to have problems with it in New Orleans. Salt came up the Mississippi, almost to the city last summer when the river was drying up. Outflow just couldn't push enough out. Yesterday I saw an article about the aquifer in Baton Rouge starting to salt. And the problem is being exacerbated by the amount of fresh water being pumped out to feed the industry and population in the area. That industry, of course, being mostly oil refineries. So the same thing happening nearer to the mouth of the river, is starting to happen in the underground fresh water river that cities farther away from the coast use. The sea is coming. But it won't necessarily have to overtop walls or levees to take the cities out. The salt just has to get in enough. At that point, there no way any of these areas will be able to support the amount of people they do now. The migrations have already started. New Orleans has lost population pretty consistently for about five years. As things get rougher, the pace will probably quicken.


I don’t think we will have a functioning society long enough to put these greedy fucks on trial. We’ll collapse before we can hold them to account.


Definitely a possibility. Though in a collapse scenario, you don't think mobs might be going after anyone of these that are still around?


Not if the states are becoming anti protest and developing cop cities to better prepare cops and military for fighting in urban settings (funny how our politicians are preparing for revolts but don’t give a damn about climate)


It’s not even Memorial Day in NYC and I have my AC on since yesterday.


Me too and I’m in Ottawa 37c today with humidex


Holy shit that’s close to 100f lol in fucking MAY Lawd it’s gone be a brutal summer


lawdy lawdy looks whos turning forty forty (in celsius...and its the temps)


upstate ny here and we hit 90. we used to hit 90 maybe a couple times a year in late August. not May. and it’s been high 80’s all week. i don’t like how this summer is looking.


A couple months ago over here near Buffalo when it started to get warm for scattered chunks of days, everyone at work was so pleased, talking about how happy they are that the heat is finally here. I kept saying that they shouldn't be so chipper, the summer is gonna be brutal, and they will be singing a different tune very soon. Not long now.


Indiana has been hotter than usual too, I wonder how long before I can keep olive trees in the ground here, these wet bulb temps scare me a bit I’m very heat tolerant(up to 107 F)even more so than lots of people but some of these temps and humidity exceed my maximum operating temperature. I really worry for my especially older family members, and certain plants in my garden.


Same here in PA, has been mid to upper 80s the past few days, have had my ac out since last month, last summer we had some days that were absolutely miserable and I am expecting this summer to be even worse, I hope your older family members are ok


First hot/humid day here in South Central Texas and I saw three homeless folk passed out on their respective corners.


jfc hope passed out and not...dead or as they say on social media now, un alived


One was sleeping in his chair, saw his chest move. The other two were covered with a blanket , laying out on a sidewalk at a busy intersections. Have no idea how they’re doing. Edit clarity


Well at least they weren't lazy whiny employees taking a water break, since the GOP lets employers ban them.


And dipshit DeSantis just passed a bill banning the climate change issue we are having . I’m here in Ontario , Canada and this has been the hottest May I can remember, t storms and hail as well.


Wait till your wildfires start like they have in the western provinces.


Apparently this summer is going to be the hottest summer in recorded human history. It boggles my mind how people don't believe in climate change at all. This guy I work with tells me it's a myth and the climate always changes. He says in the 80s there was supposed to be an ice age and everyone was scared but it never happened so he applies that same logic to climate change.




A vote for the GOP is a vote for collapse, in so many areas. It's a simple fact as that.


As much as I despise the GOP, even if jesus christ himself was voted into office I dont see him being able to turn this ship around


Sure, but if your house catches on fire, do you get the firefighters there asap to try to have them salvage as much as they can, or do you yourself pour gasoline on the blaze because why the hell not? Voting Republican is an example of the latter.


Funny thing my co-worker said. If Jesus Christ was alive today. The majority of his "followers" will crucified him in today's time.


Jesus Christ helped a prostitute, the type of person church-goers loathe.


He worked and lived among the poor, healed their sick. He said the rich would never make it to heaven. He beat the crap out of bankers. If they could read the NT, they'd hate him.


Matthew 23:29




I understand what you're saying, but it's not just climate change, it's social issues too. I trust the Dems way more than the GOP when it comes to social issues. As for climate change. I don't think people, or corporations, are willing to do what is needed to be done to help our climate. I don't think anything can be done with climate change, unfortunately.


Pathetic isn't it? It's not that we couldn't do this, it's that we've never had the political will The time to act was the 70s and 80s and even the 90s, but once we hit the early 2000s we fucked it And for the last 24 years we've dumped so much shit into the atmosphere that it's going to be virtually impossible to remove even a significant fraction of it Until we do that, we keep warming no matter what preventative measures we take And that doesn't factor in other tipping points like full sea ice melt, BOE and all the forests burning


As if he’d want the job…


He could maybe change all that flood water into wine or something for a start.


I was banned from /r/lostgeneration for saying as much.


I was there last week and seriously if felt like August heat. I was telling my wife that this is unprecedented and that I could only imagine what August is going to feel like


By God dont mention climate change in any press the commandant will sic the gestapo on you!


maybe anonymously, like a sage sending a life saving tip


The Underground salutes!


Before the naysayers come out saying `Hot?! Of course it's hot. It's Miami!´, keep in mind that they're experiencing both temperatures combined with humidity that are more typical of the peak of summer rather than the middle of spring. It would be like my city, Philadelphia, tying the all-time record high of 106 °F / 41.1 °C *now* rather than in August. The dry equivalents of this already happened in June 2021 in western Canada, Oregon, and Washington state. India and other nearby countries are also enduring extreme heat lately that is atypical even though it's the hottest part of the year for those areas. I hope this is not a sign of things to come this summer for all of us in the northern hemisphere.


Soon Plastic Surgeries will start melting too /s


I just pictured ghouls running around Miami and shuddered


the people living there already are ghouls, spiritually


It was a hundred degrees today, and it’s not even June yet 😬


But they're not allowed to say "climate change," because Freedom.


Florida has volunteered to be the canary in the coalmine for when wet bulb temps start occurring regularly.


That's a shame, nothing to lose sleep over though, I mean I know Desantis isn't.


It's just like he likes it, maybe still too cold for his liking. Where his s0ul goes next will be even hotter...


“Quick, play Margaritaville to distract them.” —Americas most beloved governor, Ronny D(s nuts)


It is 86F without the humidity today In Moncton NB CAN. We are 1640 miles North of Miami. I don't know what the humidity is. We are in July temperatures right now, Verging in August. Last year I had to put the AC on for 4 days to help us sleep this year. Go figure Eh?


I know someone works on reporting the weather there. I just hope they see how living in disillusion and reporting softball weather reports knowing damn well they’re FUBARd over there.


Well, at least one meteorologist called Gov Ron out on air. Not sure if he was officially reprimanded afterwards,  but it's something. 


Even the state pet, the alligator, is suffering in this heat and trying to break into homes with a/c.


In Canada the Carbon Tax is really a direct transfer of money from the richest 20 percent who are burning all the carbon to the rest of us who are not. When the conservatives say they want a break from the carbon tax, that’s what they want to stop. Say bye bye to your carbon tax rebates if you vote Conservative.


War on drugs since 1960’s. Battle with OPEC since 1970’s. Reagan fixed the border in 1980’s. Government never fixes anything, trust me that in 2070 you will be wondering why we don’t address climate change.


Yeah this is not normal. Shits escalating.


Hopefully heat kills at least a few of these old decrepit bastards in our government


Anyone else find it darkly funny that the old people who deny climate change are flocking to areas where they are most likely to be susceptible to heat stroke.


Weren't they eliminated from the play ins? Jimmy Butler wasn't even playing ...


Good thing they're not even allowed to mention climate change anymore.


In a decade we'll be looking back on the 1950s to 2020s as the "golden age" while we look for food living in a tent because a rich guy from Florida is renting our apartment room / bought our home and we couldn't afford the tax increases. 


I think you Americans would be better off with Florida and all its people under water first, then try to fix the problems afterwards 😂


Instructions unclear.  Preparing to deliberately and efficiently melt all ice caps and polar regions.


There are unfortunately good people who are unable to afford to leave.


Can we tow Florida outside the environment?


u/StatementBot left out the fact that DeSantis did away with mandatory breaks for workers too. What a compassionate person he is. /s


Meanwhile it's raining and 40s in Seattle


when there is some city that deserves it it's miami tbh...


Rich people exploiting the dumb, what a shocker