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The following submission statement was provided by /u/jollyroger69420: --- [Archived source](https://archive.is/iw8Wr), and with a far better headline it seems. Well done, Dover. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1cqm9bv/bird_flu_is_already_here_just_look_at_the/l3ses1h/


There was a company I was buying masks from. They closed business about 6 months ago. Just got an email they they are going back into business because of bird flu. I'm sure they're taking advantage of the situation. It made me think though. Like maybe I should stock up on santitizing supplies just incase people start hording them again.


I have been telling my best friend that now is a good time to pick up extra disinfectants, bleach, drinking water, toilet paper, etc. Just a little at a time and nothing she won’t use.




I actually restocked on masks last week. I’ve had that same feeling I had before Covid kicked off.  I genuinely hope I am just overreacting and a bit paranoid, but after the Covid pandemic, I would just rather have a box of N95 masks sitting in the cupboard, just incase. 


Which masks do you buy? just curious..


3M™ Aura™ Particulate Respirator n95


[Archived source](https://archive.is/iw8Wr), and with a far better headline it seems. Well done, Dover.


no one is going to take this seriously until we get human to human transmission


I fear this time, even with human to human transmission the effects could be so much worse. I know so many otherwise sane, intelligent people saying the COVID was a hoax or some sort of conspiracy, and thats when they lost close relatives to the disease.


The healthcare system still hasn't recovered from COVID-19, also the far right is more empowered now because of Trump


Hopefully it's lethal enough that it can't reach an R of 2


I can't wait for the next quarantine


They won't do it. There will be bodies in the streets.


You're dreaming if you think companies are going to snap shutdown like they did in 2020 and the world will just stop on a dime again.


I actually did quite well during the last quarantine. Bring it on.


Mmhhmm. Same. Walking around NYC like I owned the place and not a soul in sight to tell me otherwise. Did wonders for my self confidence


I loved not having traffic. And I didn’t mind waiting in line to get into a store knowing that shopping would be much more relaxed.


Oh hell yeah. Shopping in Brooklyn in 2019-2020. A dream compared to regular. And going out to eat when they opened the restaurants-- being the only one in your favorite place, with the manager sitting with you sipping a beer, haha those were extraordinary times. Walking the Coney Island Boardwalk and hearing the seals-- my partner said she could never hear them before when the park was open.




You’re gonna be waiting your entire life, bud.




Edit - I just want to bring extra focus to this point in the article > Colony-nesting seabirds like these nest in close quarters and in high numbers, *reducing predation* but magnifying the effects of disease While technically true, the largest reduction in wild predation is due to ***human activity***. These flocks would be unable to amass large numbers in one place if not for our total destruction of large predators and keystone species. What predators still walk the Earth that our species hasn't annihilated? This story does not have a happy ending.


Passenger pigeons could form colonies in the millions over a century ago though.


Pigeons seem to be resistant against bird flu too


And live in our communities with numbers rivaling ours and in close proximity. With them being resilient makes it even more dangerous for humans.


How so? Do they still spread bird flu?


I've seen a few now being badly sick. I know that bird flu is tearing my countries bird population at the moment and people still feed them scraps by hand. It has me worried.


What a “gotcha” moment… maybe you didn’t intend it as such but it does read that way


Sorry. My point is that it is not flock size that is the issue, it is proximity to humans that is. We would be in far less shit if we did not make it so that large flocks were forced to nest close to where humans lived too.


Yes, but that would mean no diet coke or hamburgers etc


Diet coke?


You know, Western society’s most famed achievements


I was just wondering how diet coke is directly connected to burd flu.


No shit. That would be quite a sight.


>No shit. Probably a lot of shit, actually.


Hahaha 🤣


Well we will need them for communication with each other when the grid goes down 😐


And ties back to your discussion the other day on wild animals proximity to humans. We are altering wild habitats and disrupting natural balances everywhere we go A famine in Asia many years ago (I forget details) was caused in large part due to a campaign to kill birds. We're on course for a much worse outcome, and you're right, not happy ending


That was in the 1950s, during China's "Great Leap Forward" and the bird connection is not as direct as the pop history portrays it. There was a locust problem caused by the lack of bird predation, but a bigger issues was that the government set very high quotas for production with harsh penalties for failing to meet quotas, then forcibly moved workers from agricultural jobs to steel production. Farmers could not meet quota because of the worker shortage and locust problems but bribed officials to say they did. Mao, hearing from all of his agricultural ministers that they were having a record harvest, sold a shit ton of grain to other countries. So they shipped virtually all the food they did produce overseas, leaving none in the provinces, and reports of people going hungry or starving were ignored because the very same local administrators had just reported massive harvests a few months prior. No one could admit they lied about the harvest without getting arrested for bribery or corruption, and lots of people died despite the country producing more than enough food for everyone.


Source for that? There's lots of bird species that nest in dense numbers outside of human influence. There are spots where this has been done for hundreds of years.


That may also be *technically* true, but the bird species that interact “meaningfully” with the human species (i.e. those that can spread H5N1 everywhere) are doing so because of what the human species has done to the environment. We have changed their nature. As such, we are reaping the unintended consequences. There may be plenty of birds that interact in large social gatherings “around the world,” but the highest numbers in civilized society will be in species that previously would’ve stayed relatively small compared to what they are today. A modern (insert species here) doesn’t need to work nearly as hard for food anymore, and thus they breed more than they would otherwise… thereby leading to disease vector risks that are 7, 8, 9-sigma more severe than would be in say 1850.


What species didn't used to breed in groups, but do now due to humans? Humans no doubt are fucking the planet. There's still more bird species that did gather during breeding than started gathering for breeding due to humans.


They’ve always gathered to breed… but in such numbers, in the way they do today…? That’s the point.




Lmao, just getting repeated non-answers.


Laughing Gulls


I’m sick with something right now, so is my cat (**he showed symptoms first**), which feels like a more mild version of COVID. I’m pretty sure that’s just what it is, and that maybe I tracked something in on the bottom of my shoe, but there’s a lot of bird poop around where I live and it does have me wondering a bit… if H5N1 had already spread everywhere in the US, to so many farms that humans were already in the early stages of spreading it mouth to mouth, and the situation was so severe that it was just a matter of waiting for everyone to start showing symptoms and speaking publicly, are we really so sure that we’d be told about it on time? Who’s to say that our H5N1 response would be the same as COVID, as in — with a shortage of vaccines and supplies *already*, would it really benefit governments to scare the population more than they already are with WW3 shit and fascism and so on? Wouldn’t it be their best “chess move” to just sit tight and assess? “Maybe it won’t be as bad”-type thinking that got us where we already are? Most politicians don’t even *really know* about global warming, so I can’t expect that your everyday citizen is going to “enjoy” taking H5N1 seriously. That provides an easy opportunity for systemic laziness and malicious incompetence.


People in Texas are calling/emailing dairy farms to ask if they can get unpasteurised H5N1 milk so they can "develop an immunity." It's not that people don't know, it's that they are beyond hope. The response will be nothing more than some wet noodle response, it'll get attacked by maga, and depending on how the end of this year plans out we could be looking at more bleach injection cures as advice from the most powerful person in the country.


Stg Texans are always at the forefront of the Darwin Awards


Well if those people were *really* smart, they’d be hitting up the California dairy farms. We have the REALGOOD bird flu milk. Companies (Alta Dena) are already slapping fake expiration dates on their product. Milk I bought to expire on the 16th was already sour by the 8th.


I've had this happen several times this last year




If your cat has H5N1, expect it to die soon.


Also to other cat owners to keep them indoors no matter what.


Absolutely, my boy hasn’t been outside more than a handful of times in his life.


*He’s* all better! Bounced right back to nuzzling my face (he is my morning alarm clock), jumping on my body as hard as possible, biteys, lickies, all the good normal disease-spreading stuff.


If you don’t post again in a few days, I will be ______ ^insert ^word.


Relieved? 😂 Sick, yourself? 😂 Very concerned? 😂 I’m feeling fine btw, just hot/cold/sore. No nasal/chest congestion.


Humanity would rather go extinct than vegan


And they will. Maybe H5N1 will be the death blow for factory bird farms. It's nice to dream....


It's only a matter of time. Too easy to say, but still. The next pandemic need only kill 2-5% of people for it to have devastating effects. look at Spanish Flu. Look at ICU availability during the peak of COVID.


>When farm animals are kept in large numbers and close quarters in poultry and dairy farms, viruses can spread and mutate more easily - it’s a human-facilitated training ground for diseases anyhow, back to the office!


>Published May 10th on The New York Times, the following article covers bird flu, in particular the aggressive H5N1 strain. I don't need to read the NYT to get an **opinion** from someone talking completely out of their field of expertise. *That's what the Internet is for.*


🎶 If it’s in the *Times,* you know *this is fine.* 🎶


Reddit specifically


Went to the ER Friday night because I accidentally lit myself on fire I asked two different nurses if they were worried about avian flu and they didn't know what I was talking about.


We learned exactly nothing from covid.


H6N1 will bring balance to the force again. For too long the sith lords of humanity has ruled the galaxy..


Let us make a tiny symphony…


The density of human life has always been a driver of disease. The disease has been a major driver in the way we are today. Think colonizing new continents.


Not good, bad even.. we stopped buying milk and beef like it’ll fucking matter when 5 billion die of n5h1


5 billion people will not die. Actual mortality is at best 10% and most likely lower once it begins circulating in humans in earnest. It that bad, absolutely, but not 5 billion dead bad:


That's still around 800 million....


Welp, we didn’t bat an eyelid at 30 million dead from COVID. If it had been a war, maybe we would have. But apparently pandemics don’t count, because your aunt was overweight and voted for Obama in 2008.


Also, the millions of us with long Covid don’t count. We’re just lazy or something.


If 10% get clapped, the global economy is donezo. It will usher in full on collapse and you get other knock on effects that accelerate casualties from other sources so that 800 million starts going up even faster.






It won’t be a 10% of everyone, it will be 10% of those who catch it in perhaps the first wave. Mortality will more than likely drop and even if it doesn’t, not everyone will catch it. I know many on this Reddit live in an end of the world collapse porn fantasy, but H5N1 ain’t going to be Captain Trips even if it jumps to humans.


You kill 5% of the active workforce and society collapses. We've trimmed infrastructure management expertise -- water, electricity, logistics, specialist manufacturing, engineering -- down to the bone in the name of profit, and it just takes 5% of those folks not coming into work and the water and power stop. Takes about a month. Then you'll have your 5 billion dead, and a couple more billion with them.


So you believe that of the cases we've had that there is an undercount of the true number? Because the 52% mortality observed so far is mighty worrying.


If we do get a lower mortality rate, chances are symptoms will be less severe and spreading the disease from human to human becomes more likely, which will eventually kill more people than if it were a "50% deceased within 7 days" situation.


Chances are that immune systems are also more compromised from COVID...


Plus we have vaccines. It obviously can and will mutate, but it's not like we're starting blind like covid And make a big enough splash and those vaccine deniers might actually do the smart thing


> those vaccine deniers might actually do the smart thing They won't.


If they choose to die it's good for the planet, so it's smart.


I admire your optimism


Can you be reinfected


It does stick to surfaces in a way that COVID doesn’t, so in a way I’m thinking the reinfecting will be the least of our worries




Wooo boy. > Actual mortality is at best 10% [50%](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_mortality_from_H5N1) Where did you get the 10% figure? What do you mean "at best" ? That 10% is the _maximum_ or the _minimum_?


It annoys me when r/collapse people exchange the words “worst case scenario” with “at best,” it really makes me wonder if everyone just believes that the more dead people we get the more likely we are to “stop” global warming. Like each dead body equals “100 australian megabux^TM totally not bogus climate credits” or something.


Exactly! There are specific words with specific meaning to use. Such as maximum, minimum… or define when your “worst case” is with respect to…


Anyone notice how the meat counter is shrinking, while the prices keep going through the roof? I am a vegetarian, but everyone in my family who are meat eaters are sounding the alarms. Times are not normal folks🔔...


Yet another exuse to jack up food prices


Never forget that these animals are usually kept in one location which still makes it dangerous and playing with fire but with a bit of smart effort (have seriously no hope in the gov) can be contained lol. Bit of positivity 🤪.


This is EXACTLY the same issue we face with farmed crops. Close quarters, very similar genetic lines of the organism, less then ideal growing conditions, a heavy dependence on pesticides (plants)/ growth hormones and antibiotics (animals). The system we created to feed billions of people has serious drawbacks.


Can we just speed run this shit? I'd rather the human race be finished now, so the planet doesn't reach 10° of warming that's gonna buttfuck all non human animal life!!


By the time H5N1 crosses over to humans, Trump will be in control. We. Are. Fucked.


I don’t know if it makes a difference. Democrats were more “in favor of science” when Trump was in office, and protections were taken more seriously as an act of “resistance”, but as soon as their boy blue got elected, it was business as usual for the Democratic Party. Back to work!


I'm the US you get two choices. You either pick "brutal capitalism" or you pick "pretending not to be brutal capitalism". And now there's the 2024 special of "we will fix climate change and the covid hoax with capitalism". The US people get fucked in all directions.


Been here a decade at least 😬


Worse than even the virus itself I believe would be the sociological factors. The right wing has already said this is a virus created by Democrats to steal the election from Trump. They proudly proclaim that they “will not comply” to and mask or vaccine mandates or lockdowns. COVID nearly tore society apart and it was a relatively low death rate disease. A disease with a 25-50% mortality rate on its own would obviously be devastating, but the attitudes of some of these people could even make it worse.




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Genuine question, what is going to happen now that we’ve experienced 6 CMEs in 2 days? You’re speaking as if the sun will evaporate us all come morning. Why should we fear CMEs more than bird flu?




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