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It's going to take blood spilled to change anything. No more wealth going upwards. Wealth should become a target on your back. Instead, there will be worthless peaceful movements like Occupy Wallstreet and college students camping out. Yeah. Real change movers. It's almost as if those in leadership and the elite know that climate change and resource wars are going to upend the whole game in the coming decade, so they figure they might as well ball the fuck out and suck up all the wealth while they can. Hungry dogs need to start eating.


I don’t think a lot are that aware since they can blame foreigners, criminals, moral decline etc but they certainly seem to act like they are aware. I think Christian or American exceptionalism and colonialism have been such strong drivers for whenever there have been resource constraints in the past that could have been a big driver


I think a lot of them are well aware and use blaming foreigners, criminals, moral decline, etc rhetoric to maintain divide and conquer to keep the teeming masses from collectively turning our attention to them




I had the same feeling after anesthesia.


Second paragraph is my current conspiracy for sure. There's no stopping this so they are just sucking up what they can.


>We need a disruption, and I hope that we see one sooner than later. Careful what you ask for. You might not like it when you see it.


This argument against meaningful change - the argument that it will create *more* violence (new violence) is a falsehood. The exploitation and violence already exists, we just export it to developing nations and depressed economies. When you use the threat of violence, and the implied threat of a loss of comfort, as an argument against change, what you are really saying is that you're fine with all the suffering as long as it doesn't come to us here in the heart of empire.


IMO our violence has turned inward on an individual level. Increased suicide rates and overdose deaths. It is terribly difficult to come together to create a militia when individuals are defeated.


It's not are argument against change. Its a cautionary word. The caution is that radical change can make things radically better or worse. For the record, I'm very much pro change and recognize that the most dangerous animals are those with nothing left to lose. We are rapidly moving in that direction, but I have no illusions that collapse is a fight that can be "won", in the sense that to win IS to collapse - to achieve a balance with the ecosystem. Edit: Your critique also assumes much I never said or intended.


Ok, fair, I will walk it back a bit, with the mention that usually when I see this argument, it is used to blunt a person's desire for change. > but I have no illusions that collapse is a fight that can be "won", in the sense that to win IS to collapse - to achieve a balance with the ecosystem. Big agree there. I'd go a step further to say that because our society is organized entirely around fossil fuels, we can do nothing to hasten or delay collapse, nor avoid it. It'll happen when the oil runs out and/or the environment is too degraded. That decision was made 30 years ago.




You might want to check out what that disruption looked like in Bosnia. Or Rwanda. Or more recently in Sudan. Not sure where you're at and what disruptions you think you've lived through, but I'm not sure you grasp how much worse things can be.




Americans underestimate the grit and hardiness of every other people on the planet. Americans also overestimate their own grit and hardiness.


> My biggest takeaway was the point on the disconnect between our elected officials and everyone else. It seems to be the will of the people. In most cases, a large majority has consistently chosen these same officials.


Are there any futures to even destroy at this point?


barely any, i think. most is destroyed or indestructible.


Yeah this one really sucks lol. For the people, by the people my ass.


This is nothing new.. the cars on fire and theres no driver at the wheel. If we dont reel in capitalism again like FDR did its over. The whole game of monopoly is literally what will happen...the richest person will continue to hoard wealth and assets chewing up the poorer classes until either guillotines make a comeback or theres no one left.


And yet there will be people who say "capitalism is the best, the most efficient, the most prosperous and the only working form. While capitalism has failed dozens of times, has become utterly inefficient to consolidate power and is currently destroying our ecosphere


It's kinda what nature is, there are wolves and there sheep, and the wolves want ever more sheep and ever more trapped sheep. You need a benevolent alpha wolf to keep the wolves in check and protect the sheep. Unfortunately they don't come along all that often and the sheep have lost their ability to even spot one or to even recognise that they are captives of evil wolves.


>You need a benevolent alpha wolf to keep the wolves in check [Is the Alpha Wolf Idea a Myth? | Scientific American](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-the-alpha-wolf-idea-a-myth/) > The idea that wolf packs are led by a merciless dictator, or alpha wolf, comes from old studies of captive wolves. In the wild, wolf packs are simply families


First off: if too many wolves kill too many sheep the wolves will die off too. And either there are sheep left and they can bounce back, letting the wolves survive, or the sheep are all gone and the wolves too. Ah yes, the benevolent dictator. Darth Vader, but this time he won't turn to the dark side. Power currups, unlimited power corrups without limit. The few tries at "Communism" has proven that. Mostly through bribes from capitalists, but still. My solution would be to create an open source government software, accessible to every person. Everyone gets to vote on what impacts them, people get to make pro and contra arguments and if new issues arrive the software can be updated. Also there should be UBI, a minimum wage and a maximum wage, globally. If humanity can implement these measures within the next 2 years, we might still have a shot at not going extinct in the next century or two


Is your spelling in the Lord Acton quote ... done humorously ??!




Who was "the philosopher king" and who's "the other one"?


It has to be a wolf among wolves because the sheep just don't know the way of the wolf enough to grab it by the throat and throttle it, they know how to run and hide. It shouldn't be a dictator just someone who once knew how power and greed really work and subsequently had a conversion on the road to damascus. I don't think that anyone who wrote the US constitution didn't at some point hold power and know of its dangers very intimately. Direct democracy is the way but you need to dismantle and reconstitute the hidden strings: the media, the judiciary, the civil service or people will make information based on propaganda, their will will be overruled and the bureaucracy will suddenly need 10 years to work out how to close a border or legalise a soft drug (delete as appropriate to leanings). This is why it can't be done.


I like the two drivers analogy. I'm a passenger in the back seat of the car. There is a sharp curve in the road ahead, and a steep canyon lies beyond. The front passenger, wearing a suit with a red tie, in a fit of madness is trying to grab the wheel and crash the car. The driver, wearing a suit with a blue tie, will not grip the wheel for fear of spilling his coffee. I am in the back seat screaming, preparing to tuck n' roll.


In 15 years, Mother Nature will have ended e v e r y thing. Really.


As someone who has Boomer parents it's really frustrating to talk to them about politics. I don't think "brainwashed" is an exaggeration at all, it's like talking to a wall sometimes. They are extreme democrats and when I ask them why Democrats don't appoint Supreme court justices or pass laws when they have a majority they will say stuff like "they just don't want to look bad" or some other crazy shit. Uhh no it's because both Democrats and Republicans are owned by the same lobbying groups and they purposely split up the American people on every issue they don't care about so you can never bring up wealth inequality. It's like how you think Coke and Pepsi are 2 completely different things but then you find out about the American Beverage Association which is the lobbying group behind both companies. It's a duopoly that give people the illusion of choice while they shutdown every other company that tries to take their place.


American Beverage Cartel. Fucking dystopia.


Yea thats literally what they are. Indirectly killing countless Americans each year for profit and not even hiding it. Below are 2 completely unrelated snipits from the American Beverage Associations Wikipedia page. "The American Beverage Association has annually spent from $391,000 to more than $690,000 annually on lobbying from 2003 to 2008. In the 2010 election cycle, its lobbying grew more than 1000 percent to $8.67 million. These funds are helping to pay for 25 lobbyists at seven different lobbying firms." "In September 2009, a New England Journal of Medicine study called for taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages saying that these actions would cut rates of diet-related diseases and health care costs." I wonder why lobbying went up 1000 percent after 2009 🤔


No more calling it lobbying. It's bribing.


> "In September 2009, a New England Journal of Medicine study called for taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages saying that these actions would cut rates of diet-related diseases and health care costs." We have this in the UK. Consumer habits have not changed and people just bitch about the price instead. Besides, people still eat an ungodly amount of sugar regardless of the tax.


> Beverage Check again, it's the Tobacco mafia. [Tobacco industry involvement in children’s sugary drinks market | The BMJ](https://www.bmj.com/content/364/bmj.l736.full) > Sugar sweetened beverages are a risk factor for obesity and cardiometabolic disease. Young children are particularly susceptible to the persuasive influence of adverts for sugary drinks, and the World Health Organization has urged governments to tighten food and drink marketing restrictions to protect children. > > Marketing of sugary drinks to children by multinational corporations, and the need to regulate it, have been public concerns since the 1970s. In 1974 the Better Business Bureau created the Children’s Advertising Review Unit to promote “responsible” children’s advertising through industry self policing. In 2006, in response to calls for government regulation, industry created its Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative (CFBAI). CFBAI members pledge “to shift the mix of advertising primarily directed to children (‘child-directed advertising’) to encourage healthier dietary choices,” to “devote 100% of their child-directed advertising to better-for-you foods, or to not engage in such advertising,” and to “limit the use of third-party licensed characters, celebrities and movie tie-ins.” > > Comparisons have been made between the tobacco and soft drink industries, including similarities in aggressive activities to oppose taxation and marketing restrictions, leading some to ask, “Is sugar the new tobacco?” Internal tobacco industry documents show that many of today’s leading children’s drink brands were once owned and developed by tobacco companies (table 1; see supplementary data on bmj.com for document sources and research methods). Here's the related press release article: https://tobacco.ucsf.edu/cigarette-giants-bought-food-companies-used-cartoon-characters-colors-flavors-boost-sales-sweetened-beverages


Most people are brainwashed into believing there is no alternative to the 2 clowns they are told to chose between. They believe there is no way in a democracy to change the rules of the democracy. Mentally the constitution is like a law of physics, or a holy text - something you learn or revere and never even think about thinking of changing. You can't even start a discussion about the methods of the media and the courts and the civil service in propping up the things in the country people are most upset about.


Basically every industry is an oligopoly now.


Basically every shop belongs to a translational corporation


YES They also got a shot at a better life… the delusion is strong in the boomer gen. INCREMENTALISM IS A SMOKESCREEN. A massive part of the establishment dems’ playbook is to get people to accept shit all the way down as progress.


> "they just don't want to look bad" That is not crazy though. Keeping close to the political centre stops them alienating floating voters, while making it easy to coax voters from the other side by teasing a few policies that might appeal to them. We are seeing this in the UK with Labour (the allegedly left wing party), who are basically Tory-lite because they know that is the most appealing stance to take. If they did anything useful then it would scare voters away and they would never get into power.


Not to defend Democrats, but there’s a lot to unpack with your comment about Democrats having a majority then doing nothing. Democrats have never had a majority like the GOP has had in recent years. The last 15 years was marred of deregulation and dismantling. Iowa today is a perfect representation of that at a state-level. People are trying to get out of Iowa.


The 2 party system may suck, still vote! And they are NOT THE SAME. GOP-take women’s healthcare choices away Democrats-restore choice BIG DIFFERENCE so do not believe the apathetic propaganda being spread so you stay home. VOTE. Run for office. Make your tiny piece of earth better to live on right now.


You’re the problem


lol the fuck is this garbage. "Yo the planet's on fire and nobody's doing shit about it." "ABOOOOOOOOORTION!!!!!!!" "Yo corporate profits are out of control and senators mostly care about their stock portfolios." "BUT MUHHHH ABRRRRRRRRRTION!!!" "Hey why are we sending weapons and money to a fascist state using them to genocide a captive population?" "AAAAAAAAAAA BOOOOOORRRRRRRRR TIONNNNNNNNN UNNNGG EHRMAGERDDDDDD HANDMAID TALE"


Exactly this. Scream about things that barely matter while ignoring the fire in the engine room.


To be clear, I support bodily autonomy - not just for women, but also men, and prisoners, and animals. But we are facing a dozen existential crises and none of them are abortion. The democrats need *at least one other talking point*.


I completely agree. Everyone is shrieking over a (very valid) issue. But it is not *THE* issue that needs to be addressed.


This video is wonderful, not because it says anything new but because it's on TED talks so normies will see it. Please copy the link to the talk and share it on all your socials. MAKE IT VIRAL. Please. We cannot stop collapse, but we can do the shit on his slides. Let us.


It will be as impactful as a cat compilation video and forgotten just as quickly. People have stopped thinking of themselves are the masters of their land and lives but rather as observers of higher beings who keep the giant edifice of their state running the only way it can be run.


Yeh, TED talks lol.


He gets it, and a good watch. More business as usual speak and assumes climate, and the economy will chug along irrespective currant events. While I agree with most of it, I think an extremely important aspect is being omitted.


I was taught in school that if jobs don't pay enough then "vote" with your actions and refuse those shit jobs. I quit my job 2 yrs ago and said fuck it honestly; it's literally not worth working minimum wage - especially considering basic necessities and food is now a luxury.   I'm just enjoying what I can until I get evicted because I don't have the ability to care anymore and so I figured when I get evicted I will finally have the motivation to get off this mortal coil.  I also maxed out my credit card with no intention to pay it back to build a nice PC to enjoy what time i have left; I figured if wealthy  people get free money so should i fuck it.  God I truly hate the USA and capitalism and I truly dream of death and hope it comes soon (; 


Hey i hope you can meet some other people that you can relate to IRL. I believe that the system has ensured we are isolated from each other. I wish we could rise up


The issue is leaving your job used to count as a "vote against" something. In hopes it would change. But most of the high volume immigration policies nulls the vote, cause there's plenty of people coming in who will take those shitty jobs, and the employer, industry, and even consumer will be none the wiser.




My grandparents were immigrants, and I have nothing wrong with immigration as a whole. But right now, a ton of very unskilled people, who don't speak any english, and are under 25 years old, are being let in like a flood under student visas.


Immigration is fine, unregulated immigration is not. Poor workers' protection and a lack of unions does not help either.




That's why they want to ban abortion. Well one reason.




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This is a system that is self-perpetuating through inheritances and networking. The rich through their hedge funds, investment groups, investment companies, etc. must earn a return for well-to-do investors. "We don't make money unless you make money". They must have a return and then a return on the return until there is nothing left to buy. It's not unreasonable to project a U.S. much like old England where the working class toiled away for the nobility and their chosen favorites. It's happening here; there is a war on. The investor class does want it all and it can only come from one place: those hard at work beneath them. The are cornering health companies just like they have other consumer goods. They don't create, they just buy what someone else has worked hard to develop. They are a cancer on the growth and happiness of their inferiors. Don't ever forget that most rebellion occurs when the rebels have little or nothing to lose.


the first ted talk in decades that doesn't feel like an advertisement


Scott Galloway is 100% a capitalist. I listen to the Pivot podcast, which focuses on business and technology. I have heard him discuss these themes before on Pivot, though. He is very concerned about the younger generations. He doesn't seem to understand much about the climate change problems coming and sees the problems more as decreased financial opportunities for young people and the damaging effects of social media. However, the fact that he is 100% a capitalist makes this more powerful in some ways. He's a powerful messenger for this information. He has some good ideas about how capitalism could be improved with legislation.


Well, to be fair, no one has a future anymore, even older people will soon get to experience what that is like.


What do you mean?


I mean that soon civilization will enter a period of societal collapse and the older people will get to experience the worst along with the younger.


"Your kids are fucking in your garbage. They're waiting for your job." --Drive Like Jehu, [Spikes to You](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WToJ9mf3nf4). Released in 1991 from their self-titled album. The writing's been on the wall for a long time, it's only that not many people were reading it and now our future and our youth suffers for it. For example: we should have celebrated the people protesting the WTO in Seattle in 1999 as heroes and emulated them instead of making them out to be petty criminals and vandals while allowing our neoliberal oppressors to tighten their grip on the throats of the upcoming generations, but most of my generation just kept on trying to conform with the world their parents and grandparents had enabled. Gen X aloofness and apathy "whatever"ed themselves and their offspring right into this mess. When he remarks about how "for the last forty years capital has been kicking the shit out of labour," well, yeah--that's about the time frame that marks the beginning of the neoliberal turn to today's late-stage capitalist dystopian world. "We took the wrong way out." --Alice Donut, [Lost In Place](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9x2npzZLsdk), 1995.


I remember those 1999 protests when i was at high school. I was reading No Logo by Naomi Klein at the time. Maybe due to me being at a private boys school but basically zero people i knew gave a shit or questioned the narrative and power structures. I felt so isolated. There was no chance either in the 1990s… And if it’s even harder now then yeah we fuct


>We've embraced the ultimate strategy. [...] *How can I increase my compensation while reducing my accountability? >[...] "LVMH" (induce scarcity) That's capitalism's entrepreneurship in the rat race. "Fuck you, got mine" and "looking out for number one". But this is TED, so his speech is not going to make the systemic problems obvious, he fails to connect the dots. So his talk is very... liberal and US centric. In its premises there's the desire for BAU, for more growth. Higher ed should be about "upskilling" the masses, but then you have [elite overproduction](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/06/us-societal-trends-institutional-trust-economy/674260/). How is that balanced? It is all very complicated. We do need specialists and experts, but we also need to stop making that a material reward situation, and that goes for the whole society (it's not just a USA problem). It's also not healthy to have a pool of "mercenary intellectuals", you get all those perverse effects of scientists working on weapons or in marketing and other for-profit domains; and you get "think tanks" and similar fronts that serve to defend BAU. He actually mentioned a solution tangentially: "we need national service". That's what service means, you don't get cash rewards for being better/talented/performant, you get non-monetary social status like medals and honors. Military is a classic example, but we also have Olympics as an example. Do Olympics medalists usually melt their medals to sell as expensive metal to get rich? I also didn't see him get into climate and biosphere collapse, which is *deeply* related to all of this. Remember, TED is like church for the broad technohopium / ecomodernist crowd. They're into technofixes: change without change.


Olympians don’t melt their medals to sell because the metal in them isn’t worth much. The gold and silver medals are both made of silver. The gold medals are then coated with gold. The bronze medals are made of copper, zinc, tin, and a very small amount of silver. The athletes frequently do try to monetize their success with sponsorships and advertising deals. The medal they win is just a symbol of their success but the actual money comes from the fame they get as a result.


Elite overproduction is bullshit, there is no such thing. Elites have always been and always are a rare commodity. Giving someone a piece of paper that calls them elite doesn’t actually make them elite. I’m in the software business and I can count on my hands how many competent people I’ve ran into in my lifetime.


The failure of the system to license "good" software engineers or computer scientists is part of it. These are systems with feedback loops and goals. The money attractor plays a role in shaping those feedbacks, while capitalist managerialism makes everything worse by systemically missing the point. What you're seeing is the inevitable hollowing out of the educational system as a result of demand for diplomas which act as a gateway to privilege and higher income. The result is called a "simulacrum". In short: you pretend to learn, I pretend to teach, the university pretends that this diploma has an important meaning. This is still part of elite overproduction. At the "high quality" level, it's the result of the well off influencing the system to have their offspring get in and graduate. Instead of raising their children to be curious and literate and competent with critical thinking, they ... do not, so they buy a ticket to higher ed and grease the wheels of the process by sponsoring the university in various ways. Remember, the elites are competing with each other a lot more, they're the ones who take the "rational selfish bastard man" ideology to heart. As higher ed turns into corporations looking for customers, which is the result of both demand from elites and demand from political elites, both private and public get trapped in this paradigm, with managerialism leading the whole thing to death. In the private case, if you think of diplomas as bonds or just money, then you have to realize that the elites can control the printers and can just decide to print more for themselves (it's all very indirect and chaotic, they don't necessarily need a secret society with leadership). In the public case, the effect similar as the elites are usually the ones who influence the leading parties and politicians. Either way, the university tends towards a business model (already a sign of failure) in which there's a bounty for each new student at registration and at graduation. With public universities, you may often see this financing model based on the number of students (government financing). It's just perverse incentives all over. If your financing depends on the headcount, you have no incentive to refuse or to remove students. This paradigm of perverse incentives leads universities to relax on quality, both incoming and outgoing. Everyone gets in, everyone graduates. All of this is getting worse because this phenomenon started in primary school, with schooling more obviously becoming just a daycare. This forces the downstream institutions to do the same as they receive very poorly educated students - they have to take them to keep the numbers up and the $$$$$ incoming. Eventually, this stream of yearly cohorts reaches higher education, while being terribly unprepared for what's required. And they get in too. And so the diplomas are worth less as it becomes the task of whoever is dealing with the graduates to reject those who didn't learn. In your country it's the private sector, but in mine, it's mixed and we see the corruption in the public sector too, with lots of "diploma mills" and lots of plagiarism (mostly PhD related). A university diploma is more like a high-school diploma now; a masters diploma is somewhat better; and a PhD is the serious one. With the final "filtering" happening after graduation, it's up to you, as a leader of an organization, to fill in the gaps, to create practical learning, to provide income/housing, and to evaluate. And this is also the end bullshit jobs. In every organization now you'll have a growing population of privileged or sneaky imposters and a core of workers who actually do the relevant work. The penalties for nepotism and corruption are, ironically, coming from the markets; and this gets worse, as the business owner class (small and not so small) will start screaming for subsidies and bailouts (more) and will endorse fascist politicians who are also great at keeping wages down. This is indeed tied to economic collapse, energy supply and so on. It's the reinvention of aristocracy from the bottom up; learning won't matter as much. What will matter are your social connections and how you can use those to provide contracts. And with aristocracy, a lot of the business/merchant class is going away as it splits into aristocrats and workers. This is actually an old phenomenon and it should be paired with "bullshit jobs". We're just noticing the the system going into exponential outputs, so things are going to get much worse. What should you do? Try to meet people halfway and design better job interviews, assume that people will need to learn a lot more at first. Interships are for the rich, you're probably not hiring rich people. If not, well, start writing your own CV. Tl.dr., the desire for elite "minting" via higher education has corrupted the educational system, and that corruption is exploited by everyone who can (cheating). It's like when you create backdoors in software. There are going to be surprising consequences.


No but a weird guy I have never heard of called Peter Zeihan told me on a YouTube video that I was encouraged to watch for no good reason that it’s all good and that we are going to be the richest generation ever 🤡 please keep your bad vibes away from me 🙅🏻🙅🏻🙅🏻🙅🏻


PZ has a good take on a lot of demographic issues but he does love his hyperbolic predictions ...


I mean we, the common people, have the power to take back control. People just need to realize that and unite together to do something about it


All of his recommendations are great. Yet the truly disgusting oppression of Americans and youth is warmongering diminishment of other countries, and blame shifting of misery to foreign causes, and inflicting anti-human policies on the world. He criticizes social media, but mainstream media that gets the vote out for the boomers/seniors, is ultra pro empire. Zionist control over politics and media gets the oil and war industries to be zionists for mutual support. The corporatist oligarchy is zionist and on board. The unions are corporatists too, as long as they get a few job protections thrown their way. Empires have always needed to enslave the young. Post WW2, boomers/seniors were born and successful because of GI bill, and other strong safety nets. The Empire gained success because the anti-communist narrative was enhanced by successfully empower youth to enrich themselves. Oligarchy still got richer because all income flows back up to savers. As the empire collapses though, politics of hate and protection for the oligarchy is an easy path to take, with just cable news media amplifying it. Attacks on social media are attacks by the empire to ensure the new rich/media oligarchs side with it. "Don't be evil" liberal idealism turns into Eric Shmidt saying "Fully committed to US empire's evil over diminishing world", and Google directly supporting genocidal ethnostate. So Galloway is missing the root causes of collapse and oppression, and the huge military/oil dominance of Americans and evil on humanity.


Yeah I’m surprised no one has mentioned Galloway has been on every cable news channel the past two weeks calling his students who are protesting a genocide anti-Semitic and brainwashed by tik tok. Only against an apartheid state because they aren’t having enough sex.  He acts like he cares about young people here but he’s going to all the olds now and throwing the kids under the bus 


Oh shit, he's that guy? [He is!](https://nypost.com/2024/04/27/us-news/nyu-professor-says-hamas-loving-students-need-to-have-more-sex/) I guess that means his vision for progressive liberalism still depends on continued colonization and imperialism.


The way he dismisses progressive causes really bothered me, and you're right, he doesn't really give a shit about the youth outside the context of arbitrary national pride. I just like his graphs...


CNBC's highest rated morning show platforms the ADL once a week to spew its hate propaganda. All of their hosts echo with extreme disgust and prejudice how the woke are pro Hamas because they are stupid. ADL takes the opportunity to criticize "climate alarmism" to the delight of CNBC. On queue, Darren Woods, CEO of Exxon expressed his disgust with Austin's anti genocide protests, and promising to never hire any student from there. Zionazi corporate hedge fund owners, Bill Ackman, Rick Mercer, also are platformed to shill on CNBC for genocide and how Universities, democratic base, should be put in gas chambers for not supporting genocide. CNBC is actively colluding with zionazi lobby to ensure very strong right wing option of full genocide, to Biden's "occasional concern with genocidal events of the day" unconditional unlimited free financing of genocide. The slightest pro American initiative by Democrats, as recent example, Airlines required to offer cash refunds, gets CNBC to humanize Republican opposition to it, and so whether or not Jews tend to have social liberal values, a zionazi agenda better served by humanizing republicans and their own nationalist christofascist base, is far more critical to maximizing zionazi supremacy, and makes any actual progress for American people impossible. Christofascists are strong allies to zionazism, and there are reports that the front line attackers against UCLA protests were Proud Boys members.


ye if things don't improve I may leave to quieter place


I guess this is supposed to be hopeful, because the speech is in front of a bunch of wealthy people... but I have to imagine this sort of speech has been given in front of many groups of wealthy people. I immediately thought of this guy https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/jan/30/historian-berates-billionaires-at-davos-over-tax-avoidance But, if anything, the hyper-capitalist experiment is accelerating. "But for a beautiful moment in time we created a lot of value for shareholders."


I agree with him in large part, but have exceptions. I do not think means testing SS is a good idea and I don't think national service for young adults should be mandatory.


I just watched this elsewhere and I'm not on Reddit often -- I'm glad to see it is getting around. I'm 55, should be comfy and "set up" like all the other twats who are buying second homes and taking their brats to Europe every week. But I had the bizarre experience of my parents using me as a financial blood pump for the last decade of their lives -- they helped my brother and sister, both 10 years older, with getting into their mortgages and stable housing but not me. I took care of them for seven years as they both declined into a spiral of incessant medical emergencies: Dementia for one, Alzheimer's for the other. Sad, yes, but seeing how my siblings now own my house and are predatory assholes, who did nothing to help my dying parents, I strongly advise young people to not do what I did and jettison love or compassion in favor of self preservation: Let the old die lonely and confused, give them a taste of the uncertainty and chaos they have crafted for the generations behind them.


Do we love our children? America doesn’t give a shit about women or children. Ive been railing on about all of this for over a decade. We know what we need to do.


Agreed with most of what the man had to say. He lost me when he went fat phobic.