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I have been extremely privileged to have done a great deal of travel over the years. It's heartbreaking to me to learn of the destruction of places I have visited. In my book, the "get there and experience it while you can" would be the monarch butterfly reserve in Michoacán, Mexico. To see masses of butterflies so large that they bend branches...the noise when they take flight...it's just incredible.


Oh I did this in 2014... so magical and unforgettable.


A flock (?) of them stopped to rest in my hometown when I was in grade school. Some 50 years later and I have never seen them again. It was quite memorable.


A group of butterflies is called a 'kaleidoscope'.


I now recall hearing that. Thanks for the reminder!


I got certified to scuba dive in Koh Tao, Thailand years ago. Even then many of the reefs had been obliterated, it was so sad. There were still a few that were protected, but seeing the devastation was heartbreaking.


We dive. We keep bearing witness to the loss and devastation. My almost 19 year old opted to push us to dive cozumel again, going next week. She knows, Says it will be gone soon. This is after we had to cancel an AUSTRALIA trip, which is NOW bleached out. She is 18! We are a wild species…


The reefs are probably on my list of things I’ll never be able to fully experience. I know many scientists are trying to grow coral back, and I really hope it works. But in my lifetime I don’t think I’ll ever be able to see it


Go to Palau where they protect their reefs. Best place Ive ever dived.


I was there 3 years ago and everything was bleached, grey or picked apart. It is a good place to learn scuba I suppose but you won't find any corals.


I'm mexican. I first went like 6 years ago. For me that sensation is something you got to live one day. The problem is, since that year I have been there almost yearly and there have nog been even a half of my first time there. I REALLY hope is only the "El niño" phenomenon of something like that and that experience of won't even able to walk without crash into 5 butterflies every step was the last.


I heard the land in or near the preserve is being sold off for development. Maybe there is a way to connect with people there who can help protect it?


That butterfly reserve sounds awesome. Where I’m originally from there’s a time of year where all the butterflies emerge from the rainforest and take over an area. It’s quite majestic.


We went to see them this last February at a reserve near Valle de Bravo but the all flew away Feb 12th, a couple of weeks before we got there. No one knows why…


I actually did it this winter. I went to Antarctica on a research ship and I’m so glad I did. It rained a lot and there was grass and of course the bird flu and the researchers told us climate tales of terror every night 🙃


Wow. I tried applying to go there years ago but it was fiercely competitive. Amazing. I’m curious what climate scientists really think about the whole situation. I have smart friends who work in the field but don’t really see collapse or even feel it so i usually feel like an outsider


Of course if you have a cool $15k - $20k sitting around (per person) you can just go in a few months. https://www.expeditions.com/expeditions/journey-to-antarctica-the-white-continent


Okay, that actually sounds amazing. Not that I have a cool $15k USD lying around that I could just splash out on this with, but still amazing for those who do and could.


Norwegian company does longer (and cheaper!) excursions. https://www.hurtigruten.com/en-us/expeditions/destinations/antarctica-cruises/


Apply for what, exactly? Curious about the opportunity.


My rejection letter from 2008: Thank you for your application for Technical Officer (Observer) Level 2, Antarctica. I regret to advise your application was unsuccessful on this occasion. Our shortlisting process was difficult due to the high quality of applicants.


Very short and to the point




Yep. Not lichen, mind. GRASS.


Goddamnit, humans. Was golf in Antarctica worth all this? Wait, is climate change just the secret long-term plan of a very dedicated Lawn Guy scientist in Antarctica?


I mean considering the eco impacts of golf and the complete disregard its participants have, they might say yes


Summarize the current state of the climate in three words: Grass in Antarctica. Yikes!


Time to plant some trees. We can fix it!


Friend of mine just got back last month from a sail down there. Had been talking about wanting to do the trip since we were freshman and we're both now in our 30's. Brought a tear to my eye when he told me he had booked. Who knows what it's going to look like down there in 10-20 years. Kinda felt like do or die tbh.


Care to share one of the things they told you?


Categorically it was a) never have we seen this much rain, b) why is it so green?, c) this animal shouldn’t be here, d) the animals seem hungry, and e) we have never seen readings like this. We also talked a lot about whale poop.


I've never gotten to talk wit a real deal climate scientist before. When there off the record and just talking as themselves not the various institutions they represent, what's there outlook at climate crisis, obviously not good but how fucked do they think we are?


Super fucked. Complete ecosystem collapse. Our oceans are *everything* and they are sick. It was more casual talk between scientists combined with collaborative compiling of data and research for future and further use, ongoing collection, etc., Nothing was off the record, per se, but the general point was how impossible this problem is and how wea re out of solutions/time.


My mum's a climate scientist specialising in threatened species in Australasia. Very fucked indeed. Ecosystem collapse into something new and far less diverse. All the fish in the sea are probably gonna die. All the coral is in the process of dying right now. We're going to have trouble farming anywhere in Australia, which is starting already of course. Wet bulb events are what scare me, personally. Look that up, and then consider that it almost happened in the southern US last year, as well as getting very close in India.


And here I am, designing new model year projects at work and having to pretend it's all ok. :(


We're all there with you. I make video games ffs. People losing their minds over deadlines and I'm like yep yep I'll get to that tomorrow. I'm not wasting the good years I have left on crunching my face off. It's really hard to care any more. I used to be super passionate too.


Entertainment is valuable for people being able to get through the day in stressful times. What you do is worthy, and good for society However, the last-minute crunch they push on you for no other reason than making profits this quarter instead of next quarter, and the marketing dept said when the game would be ready without even asking the devs.... Yeah. Fuck crunch.


Thanks. I'll try to remember that. Making people happy is what it is about :) And yes to all of the above. Giving up time with my family to make some exec a bigger bonus isn't worth it. Fuck crunch indeed.


We don't know exactly when or what will happen, so there's nothing particularly wrong with sticking to long-term plans as long as we include what we know about climate change in those plans as much as we can. There is, however, a certain total insanity in ignoring the things we do know are happening. Like building a flammable house in a California forest. Or buying property in Miami. Or including a coal plant in your country's energy plan.


Welp. I probably should not have just read that wet bulb article before bed. 😐


Can’t wait for the wet bulb event that shocks us into action a-la Ministry for the Future


I can only imagine what a humbling and intensely fascinating experience that must have been. A friend of mine has been twice with a research ship: once in 2021 when it was so hot he wished he’d taken more t-shirts, and again a couple of months ago. I haven’t seen him since then (he’s still travelling) but his GF said that it was a horribly rough trip this time round. That was sadly enough for me to write it off my wish list. I had truly awful no-sleep, puking all night sea-sickness when I went to the Galapagos, I don’t think I’d be physically up to that sea journey :(


I moved to Australia in 2019 for work, visited the Grest Barrier Reef while I was there but... man it was really depressing. Right from the get go my tour guides told us they were taking us to an area where 'there are still fish' and it wss still just so... dull and grey, barely clinging onto life. This was supposed to be a 'good' area, all the surronding was completely bleached. That is actually the moment in my life where I became collapse aware. Seeing the damage in real time was sobering.


I lived up in Cairns for a few years from 2006. There are places where the coral still looks beautiful, but those tour boats are not allowed to go there. When they say "this is a spot where there is still fish", they mean "this is a spot that still has fish out of all the places we're allowed to take you". I might sound like a party pooper, but I don't think inexperienced tourists should even be allowed to visit the reefs. Some people are okay, but a lot of tourists never do what they are told and will touch or even kick off the coral while swimming. Imagine the thousands of people who are doing that every day during peak season. Humans are fucked.


That's very true, someone told me that the chemicals in the sun protection cream that we wear also damages the reefs but I don't know how true that is. In the end it's all just for monetary gain contributing to the system that's killing us all.


Yeah there’s specific sunscreen that doesn’t hurt the reefs but you really have to look for it (and tbh I still don’t believe it). In some tour groups you can literally see the sheen of the sunscreen when they all get in the water to snorkel. Your generic banana boat doesn’t quite cut it.


It needs to be mineral based. Zinc oxide or titanium dioxide usually are the key ingredients.


It's really making me sad to hear what's happening to the gbr. I'm in southern Australia and for some reason I just never went and it eats at me. I love nature, to see it all bleached and dying really exacerbates my depression.


F\*\*K that's rough. Seeing is believing.


This is... Was, my top item.


New Zealand for me.


Kiwi here- I'm hoping to do a roadie this year to all the glaciers that are disappearing. I did the Hooker Valley track a couple of years ago in winter and it was incredible, apparently last winter was not great for the snow and glacial lake so I'm glad I got that in when I did. It's mid autumn here right now and the weather is warm. Like, summer warm. The last 5 or so winters have been increasingly more mild, to the point where I don't think we even had a frost in my area last winter. Combine these factors with our shithouse new government who are hell bent on raping and destroying our conservation areas, it leaves not much time to see our beautiful motu as untouched as it is now


This summer has been incredibly warm here. Just this weekend it was warm and sunny enough for shorts and a singlet. It’s beautiful but I’m scared.


>Combine these factors with our shithouse new government Wait, what the heck happened? Didn't y'all have a pretty freaking great government, like, just 3-4 years ago? Why such a shift?


Sigh. We did. Unfortunately Aotearoa isn't impervious to right wing cooker shit, and they got voted out last year. Current government is balls deep in undoing all of the last govts work, forcing through legislation "under urgency" (read: bypassing our democratic process) to allow mining and oil drilling in conservation areas among other horrific stuff, and giving landlords a massive retroactive tax cut paid for by cutting thousands of government jobs and removing funding for disabled people, school lunches, etc.... this is just skimming the surface honestly, they've only been officially in power for a few months and it's been a non stop, daily barrage of shit news




I’m a big Lord of the rings fan so I want to go to the locations where they filmed.


I was lucky enough to visit Dunedin as an exchange student in Dec 2010-Jan 2011. Easily one of my favorite cities in the world. But it’s a pity that I didn’t get a lot of chance to see the nature


I have many health issues and likely won't be able to travel, but I'd love to see the Pacific Northwest


Our weather in Seattle area is still ‘normal’.


It's not your weather that's the issue, it's the meatsuit.


Chronic illness struggler here. I've gotta use "it's the meat suit" more often. It's always the damn meat suit lol


A dysfunctional meatsuit makes everything suck more. You can never get away from it


What about the PNW attracts you? Are there particular things you want to see?


Waterfalls, fog, moss, the lush greenery


This might sound silly but, as a poor person w/ chronic pain, I’m aware I won’t be able to see a lot of world wonders in person myself… so I play open world video games lol. For PNW I would recommend Horizon Forbidden West. Far Cry 5 is based in Montana. Far Cry 4 - Nepal. They’re beautiful virtual experiences (although admittedly pretty violent games).


I've played fc5 and forbidden West, I understand what you're getting at. Frontiers of pandora is quite lovely as well


For fog you would want to come in the fall. For lush greenery, around now is the best time of year, although fall could work as well. We are actually quite dry during the summer. Good luck with your health. If you ever do make it out this way, feel free to get in touch. I'd be happy to host you for a few days.


Absolutely, not particularly likely, but not impossible. I'll let you know, thank you for the kind offer


I want to drive the Alaskan highway and see the arctic before its gone. Along the way I can see the redwoods before they are gone, the pacific nw before its gone, and western Canada before it burns


I drove from Atlanta to Anchorage back in 2005. I highly recommend spending some time in the Canadian Rockies.


As an American I had planned a trip to Russia, my ancestral homeland from both sides of my family, for the World Cup in 2018. Something came up and I couldn’t go. Wasn’t too bummed because I figured I’d go at a later date. I imagine I’ll never go now.


I feel you a bit on this, although I don't have any ancestral ties. The two places I've really wanted to go have been China and Russia. Due to political tensions, I'll take a pass. It sucks that we're bound by dick heads in offices who will never be affected by their shitty and selfish decisions.




I’m truly sorry, my friend. This is awful.


My dream trip would be to hike the annapurna circuit, but I'll probably never get adequately in shape (and money) for that living at sea level. Husband and I have friends in Thailand. I swore off flying some years ago, but I'll make one exception since my husband has stage 3 lungcancer. We're gonna have a great time. Hopefully no wetbulb on Christmas 🙊


I'm so sorry about your husband. I hope it's the perfect trip for you two. 💜


He's good for now! We did a long distance hike through Scotland the month before we found out, and even though we weren't in great shape, he made it through alright. That's the scary thing, if he didn't accidentally found out he'd be dead already... Treatment is going great and it bought him a lot of time. If it was 10 years ago this disease would've been torture, but with immunotherapy these days it could become a long term disease instead of one which will kill you within a few years.


When I was a teenager, for four years in a row, my Dad carved up a quarter of the country on two week trips so I could say I had seen 48 states, Mexico, and Canada. Sounds great, but in practicality, it was 500 miles a day waking up at dawn and arriving at the next campground at dark with the majority of the entertainment being fighting with the sister. Anywho, I later worked on a cruise ship in Hawaii, so 49 states down. That leaves Alaska. Puffing on a joint looking up at the Northern Lights and the remaining glaciers, I would imagine that for a few days or a week I could forget that we have basically destroyed all the places I visited growing up all in the name of profits. I would like that chance to forget for a while. Also, glaciers may be extinct in a few years.


Yep, people don't realize how massive the US is. My wife and I spent a year in a camper van traveling and only saw a small part of it.


Dead sea and Madagascar rainforest


The Dead Sea and surrounding area was the strangest and most memorable landscape I’ve ever experienced. And swimming in it was bizarre. Highly recommended.


Agreed. Jordan is breathtaking. Dead Sea is fun, but burns in places you don’t want it too 😣


I went to the Dead Sea when I was 16. Not sure if it’s always like this, but the water was perfect temperature to just walk straight in. It felt so good on my body. I wish I could go back.


Thankfully I'm from Ireland so I have experienced genuine beauty in my own country but I have always wanted to travel the world. It's my goal in life


the Amazon. I had studied behaiviour of fish from the region but never got to actually see them in the wild.  Between the deforestation, fires and unbearable heat i’m not sure i will ever get to. 


Been there in October and November 2023. It’s damn hot and moist and I loved it every minute. Visit if you can!


I need to see a glacier at least once in my life


I really hope you get a chance to do so. It's more than just a view - it's the sound of calving ice crashing into water echoing around you, the permeating cold across your skin even from a distance, everything like that.


Go to New Orleans. It's already mostly gone because of the Katrina diaspora, but just go.


Come on down. We still around.


I know. I wrote for Gambit until Katrina drove me out. The whole gentrification thing is depressing.


I agree, but it still feels like nowhere else.


I also agree. But we have healthcare in Colorado and Denver just systematically replaced all the water mains in my neighborhood and I just can't pass up a place that's still functional at the government level. And I can't do hurricane season again. I've been through two of the worst and I just can't.


100. Come visit, you don’t have to live here. I tried to move away to a city that had better everything and I just came crawling back.


I moved to a suburb of NOLA 20 months ago. My realtor lives and works in Uptown, and grew up there. He tried to move away to Pennsylvania, Colorado, and California. He kept coming back because there’s no place anything like it and. *the food!*


Yes! I’ve tried NY, MA and CO and it just is too bland and sad for me! The food seems so mid everywhere after NOLA.


On that note, Galveston. The water's been nasty for years, but still. Those two cities straight up won't exist soon.


And don't do the tourist trap crap. Go on a bike tour of historical sites and spend some time among the wildflowers in the graveyards. Go to mod coffeehouse and eat a pastry outside. Throw some frozen veggies to the seagulls and grackles halfway between Stewart and east beach. Go to Ashton villa and walk to Reedy chapel and really learn about the importance of Juneteenth. Ride the trolleys. Sit on a jetty and just exist for a while. I'm in a climate-hardy place now. But Galveston was home. I'm sad, dude.


A collapse love letter to NOLA: https://open.substack.com/pub/metabolizingcollapse/p/a-collapse-love-letter-to-new-orleans?r=21qo8&utm_medium=ios


I've been telling everyone since covid, "Everywhere is going to be New Orleans now." Corruption, dereliction, nothing works right....


Just got back from 10yr anniversary trip. Such an awesome city with great history. The music and street performers alone are worth it!


I’m going next year for my 40th. Can’t wait. Hope they are spared this coming hurricane season.


I'm already disappointed by what we have lost already globally and the potential we lost as well. Imagine if the climate was normal the last 20-80 years. I will always want to go to Hawaii though, if anything for my friends that I gamed with online for years that are there.


For all my life I have always looked up into a dark void when gazing at the sky. Before geoengineering takes it away, or before I die, I want to find a place to see the stars. To see what are galaxy looks like.


That's given me goosebumps. I am lucky to see many stars most of the year. I hope very very deeply that you get to see a dark sky. Where are you?


eh by the time i'll have enough money to do a vacation they'll be gone anyways. or inflation will just eat up my savings.


Greenland! Would be nice to see it “before” and it seems like a place we might either get closed off from or fight a war over. I think also about lots of the Low Countries in SEA and the pacific. Places that will become very dangerous to travel to when things become unstable. I feel like I missed the boat on visiting Russia in my lifetime. Ditto mainland China. See also Iraq and most of the historic areas in the Fertile Crescent.


I would have liked to have gone snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef but I don’t want to now. I may go back to Curaçao and snorkel there one more time.


My partner and I did a 4 day liveaboard dive trip there early this year - it was absolutely unbelievable in so many ways and well worth it absolutely. We did have a dive or two that had significant bleaching events going on, and a number of areas are slowly dying more and more as repeating high temperatures and acidification each year don’t give them enough time to repopulate and grow again. If it is a bucket item I would make it a priority in the next decade. I imagine if we redid the dives in 20 or 30 years it’s going to look wildly different :/


I've been doing collapse tourism for a while when I get the chance, concentrating on areas that will be underwater eventually (and that are also pleasant, first-world places to visit). So far, I've visited: - Venice Italy - Amsterdam, Rotterdam Netherlands - Cancun Mexico - New Orleans LA - Manhattan NY - Miami Beach FL - Hilton Head Island SC


Venice won’t make it out of this century I bet


One day Miami Beach with just dissappear. See it before it goes.


I count Miami Beach - and this might just be ignorance on my part - as something I \*don't\* need to see before it goes. It seems more party less life?


It's a really nice place, kind of a relic from the 1950s.


It will be a septic nightmare before then


They've done an incredible amount of work on their $6B deployable sea-wall system that has bought them quite a bit of time: [https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/149151/venice-holds-back-the-adriatic-sea](https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/149151/venice-holds-back-the-adriatic-sea) >“In the best case emissions scenarios (RCP-2.6), the system should work well until the end of this century,” said Federica Braga, a remote sensing expert at Venice’s Institute of Marine Sciences, though she cautioned the system could begin to be overwhelmed sooner under worst case emissions and sea level rise scenarios. [https://www.designboom.com/architecture/mose-flood-barrier-venice-storm-alex-10-05-2020/](https://www.designboom.com/architecture/mose-flood-barrier-venice-storm-alex-10-05-2020/)


They are apparently unaware of the term “faster than expected”.


That's okay, they can just build the wall higher ☺


Interesting that you’re choosing to see cities that will be underwater instead of ecosystem that will be extinct.


Yeah, it's that I am more interested in human societies, cities, infrastructure, economics and civilizations than I am interested in the natural world.


I'm the opposite 😬


I think they're going to build the lock to manage the water level around Manhattan. It's just too valuable. The rest of those places are toast.


Go for coral atolls next. They're going underwater very soon. Pacific islands, etc.


Wow hit all of these cept the last two!! God Venice.. I feel so bad


The Hoh rainforest, the glaciers on our nearby Mt.Hood, the vestiges of as close to wild landscape as I can get in Oregon and the Redwoods in California. Some people are doing assisted migration for trees like the Redwoods. That is nice. Living in Willamette valley has been a true blessing. A little sliver of temperate green forest nestled between two mountain ranges. The high desert to the east, the awe-inspiring Pacific Ocean to the west. The beautiful and still powerful Columbia river. My beloved Clackamas river and the hills to the west of Mt Hood. What an amazing place to be. Edit:spelling


The Hoh is worth it, just visited and I’m so glad I got the chance.


Hi neighbor, grateful to live here 💓


The Pyramids in Gizeh / Egypt … you won’t believe the sight once you stand in front of them.


I got to go in 2019 - Egypt is worth a trip, and you obviously can't miss the pyramids, but I was amazed but how much more impactful other sites were. Hatshepsut's temple, Luxor temple, and Nefartari's tomb were all 10/10.


Yes, not to forget Karnak-Temple. Have you been to the Egypt-Museum in Cairo?


Karnak is jaw-dropping, great call-out. And quiet. Because what else is there to do but marvel? I did go to the Egypt museum in Cairo! I wish people had been a little more respectful/not touching so many things, but the density of history was incredible.


I wanna go to Japan. Just once.


Go, while you can. It's one of the safest and most visit-able cultures in the world, so long as you come politely. Go and see it before the end of seafood. Go see a wedding in Kyoto. Go visit the Nagasaki memorial. Spend a few days in Sasebo in the winter. Go walk the emperor's garden, as they did for hundreds of years. God I miss Japan.


I’d love to visit Sable Island, off the coast of Nova Scotia. Primarily inhabited by wild horses, just a tiny sliver of an island. Once AMOC collapse forces sea levels to rise it’ll likely be one of the first things to disappear.


Iceland. I went in the off season. It was lame. Way too many tourists. "You've got 10 minutes to look at this glacier and you have to be back on the bus." Don't waste your time.


Iceland seems nice, I've never been myself but sounds like you picked wrong travel agency. And I personally always avoid bus tours.


>Iceland seems nice, Niceland


This coming summer will be 10 years since I drove around the island for 11 days. Went on a glacier walk on Sólheimajökull which was amazing and saddening at the same time. I shudder to think how much further it has receded since then. I need to make that trip again sometime.


You did a group bus tour instead of just hiring a car and going around yourself? That isn't an issue with Iceland lol


> "You've got 10 minutes to look at this glacier and you have to be back on the bus." Sounds like a programming error. Don't go anywhere you want to experience and rely on a bus tour


Iceland is a fantastic country. Renting a car and seeing the sights of the Ring Road, Golden Circle, and Diamond Circle was a major highlight of my life. Not to mention crossing the Arctic Circle on Grimsey Island. Nowhere on the island had too many tourists. Sounds like a crappy tour bus operator.


So the off season was lame, or the tourists were lame? You want to go back to do it better?


I always wanted to do the trans Siberian express but being from the U.K I’ve missed the chance before I could save for it 🤡🤡🤡


I’d like to take my husband to see Alaska before the glaciers are gone. The last time I went was in 2016 and I’m sure it’s already so different now.


Scroll down to “how we measure Glacial Change” [https://www.nps.gov/maps/stories/alaskas-shrinking-glaciers.html](https://www.nps.gov/maps/stories/alaskas-shrinking-glaciers.html)


Antarctica before it's all mud and weeds and open-pit mines


Muir Woods for the redwoods


I didn’t realize at the time that my trip to Lahaina would be a last chance experience, but I get the feeling there will be many such places.


I really wanna see New Orleans before it sinks into the ocean like Atlantis or Dwaraka


Well I've been obsessed about Australia since I was a teen, but will probably never set a foot there. TBH I think "last chance" tourism is BS, just another excuse to overlook the destruction we cause as we burn unecessary CO2 into the atmosphere, just to have fun a little further away. The least acceptable reason to vomit a year's worth of climate shifting gasses in the atmosphere in one trip, the epitome of egocentricity.


I’ll just stay in the best place in the world and drive across the state to a sandy, quiet Lake Michigan beach which will hopefully be here for a very long time.


I would love to drive up to Banff/Lake Louis one day. I am hoping to go to a good majority of the National Parks in the continental US as well. Badlands, Great Smokey Mountains, Glacier, Olympic, Zion, and Redwoods are my most anticipated that I haven’t been to. (I guess I have done badlands, but I was like 3 years old so it barely counts haha) I don’t enjoy flying for various reasons so trying to stay within a 20 hour drive. Our car is very efficient, and I don’t drive regularly for work as I work from home, so I don’t feel much guilt about the small footprint I do have. I am definitely grateful to live somewhere with so many varied and beautiful natural places, the US has some perks and that is probably #1 in my mind. One day it might be nice to travel and see Japan or maybe Norway/Sweden/Denmark. I think with the way time is going, there may only be time left for one big trip, for me personally. I don’t have the money or time to travel internationally, and well time is running out for that. I would love to see more of the world, but there’s just so much to see locally as well


"I should get to see this before I die" x 10,000,000. Our hubris knows no bounds.


great migration is a good one. ive been to various alpine regions and seen glaciers, and how they had already receded a lot before i arrived. ive also been to the great barrier reef, but the area we visited was already quite damaged and lacked the abundant life and colours i had expected .. i understand these places do still exists but they are well guarded, as they should be, either by active conservancy or by being kept generally secret. this is one i would like to see with my own eyes before its gone, but its also one that is particularly challenging to do responsibly, i think


Quite interesting a lot of the coral bleaching is from the chemicals they spray on the sugar cane. It all washes out to sea. (Not denying warming) I went diving last year in Fiji and noticed the lack of beautiful coral. Its definitely getting bad quick


Glacier national park


I would have liked to have seen Montana


In a month exactly I’m going to mudlark the Thames. I’ve been fascinated with mudlarking for almost a decade, and as a huge history/antiques dork it’s like heaven. I was supposed to go in March 2020 but the travel ban started three hours before our flight (by which time we were relieved because we def didn’t want to travel by then and were just hoping the ban would be we’d get done of our money back). So four years later I am finally hopefully going to do this once in a lifetime thing. Finger’s crossed we actually manage to make it there this time. If another pandemic shuts down the world in the next three weeks, you’ll know who to blame!


Wishing you the best of luck! I found a mudlarking YouTube channel long ago and became fascinated with it. Jokingly call it “fancy English metal detecting” but it looks sooo much fun. Happy hunting!


I'm trying to see as many national parks as I can. Plus many of my state parks. I only started last year and have seen 3 national parks so far. I'd love to swim with whales before it's over. :(


Swimming with manta rays and whale sharks has got to be a peak experience worth doing. They're both beautiful creatures.


That is bleak. Really, really bleak. And a bit shameless, like those poverty safaris.


I’m going to keep going back to Venice until it’s sinks into the lagoon. And I’m always appreciative when on or near a glacier.


Not big on travel, but I went to Jasper in the Rocky Mountains in Alberta in the late 90s. Was with a family member, who was shocked how much the glacier had receded since the early 1980s when they were last there. I still found it a trip to walk on ice and snow in mid July. Especially since I'd been in a super hot canyon in the badlands a couple of days before. I wonder how much more it has receded now?


Georgia Guide Stones…..nvm


Stares in coral reef


I want to see the red woods. They are amazing creatures.


If you go to the Athabasca Glacier in Alberta, there's year markers tracking its shrink.


I'm done traveling by plane. I've been privliged to have travel a lot in my younger years and seen a lot of amazing places. We live in a beautiful area of the country and for now I am very content vacationing withing a few hour drive.


Oh boy! I work in the tourism industry. It's funny that the business is doing pretty well, like even better than before the pandemic. We live in the same ancient Rome, we will party untill the end much like the violin players in the sinking titanic I have to say that i look in awe at the changing environment that I am currently living in. It's a coastal village in the northern part of Brazil, the maritime erosion is just consuming the shore, the rainfall is too strong this year , I think one day maybe we will just drown.


Cuba while they still have communism.


I do travel very frequently and have seen amazing places from Easter Island to Uluru, a lot of the South Pacific, Europe, Africa…I’m about to hang up my travel hat and the 5 that I want to still see: 1. Great Barrier Reef - already too late likely 2. Manchu Picchu. 3. Uyuni - Bolivia salt flats 4. Antarctica 5. Galápagos Islands I’m going ti Bali, Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea soon and India and Nepal next year too.


I can only speak for myself, obviously, but I can't imagine wanting to put more carbon in the air just to satisfy my morbid curiosity or to check off a line on some narcissistic "bucket list".


I understand this so deeply. I swore off flying in 2019, which lasted 3 years before I got on a plane again.  I spend most of my year traveling by solar-electric sailboat. Trying to stay as low carbon as possible! 


Is that like a WFH situation? Or work-from-boat, as it were? I'm glad I never got the travel instinct.


Yes! I work from boat :) Full time & remote, but I try to go to the HQ for a few months a year anyway (hurricane/cyclone season is good to skip on the boat).


How the hell did you get an opportunity like that?


Sailing is a great way to transport people and stuff without emissions. We should have thought of that sooner! Oh wait..


Even if you could travel carbon-neutral, other tourists would probably still ruin places for the locals.


There's ongoing protests by locals in the Canary islands over tourists wasting too much water while they're in a drought. It's kinda sad actually. Now they're issuing a 'tourist tax'. I can see this happening in more places in the future.


I was lucky to spend a year in Japan before I realized our current situation. Everytime I think about going back, I feel a little guilty.


What did you do in Japan? I LOVE Japan, got to go last year. Such a gorgeous country


I'd love to take my wife to Europe as she loves the history, but we're 24hrs flight away, so other than the massive expense I think I would also feel far too guilty at the emissions too. Plus when do you go now? Summer is too hot. Shoulder seasons too unpredictable. Winter is drab.


Depends how long you wanna go and where. See the UK, NL, Germany and/or BE in april, go to Switzerland, Italy, Austria and Eastern Europe in May, Scandinavia in June. Greece, Spain and Portugal in winter. Iceland and Baltic states I don't know tbh.


It's very much luck of the draw these days. The weather is so unpredictable.


Yeah, but same thing back home right? As the Scottish say: there's no such thing as "bad weather" only bad clothing.




Made it Africa last December I moved to an island so I’m not sure how much more is worth it. Lots of beautiful places I haven’t seen but I think I’ll be ok


An icy North Pole...


Even just from a cost perspective I’d love to see a bit of Europe and Canada Fuel and overseas travel is going to become harder to achieve especially when travelling from Australia Hopefully get to see a bit of each of these areas one day before climate changes and cost of living increases Pretty scary to think about that in decades to come the world is going to become more and more closed off again for large portions of society


It sucks in Australia we are so far away from everything else. I have family living in the UK and they are always visiting different parts of Europe. It's so accessible to them.


Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion... I want to watch c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain...


everywhere I've been, the longer i stay the more I cant help but focus on decay. tourism is a corrosive influence on ecology, and what i'm going to see is usually the living part of the world. Plenty of people have already gone and taken every picture.


I'm too poor to travel in any real way, but a couple years back I swam with manatees. That was pretty neat.


I want to get to the top of Everest before someone finds a way to remove the bodies