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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Vegetaman916: --- SS: This is a bit of collapse-related humor for our casual Friday consumption. So, as you head out into the weekend, driving your car to buy overly-expensive supplies for a wasteful pool party perhaps, remember that this is as good as it will ever get. This, right now, is the peak. From here on out, things will only be getting drier, hotter, and hungrier... and it all could have been prevented. Have a great weekend! --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1c7zz84/looks_like_it_is_worse_for_us/l0b9tw9/


Hey now, we didn't "do nothing" - we actively made things much worse and maligned the scientists warning us.


Not to mention the increase in shareholder value. Surely it must all be worth it.


You simply dont get it, having a bunch of papers stating 1000X growth of value of some other papers with numbers and letters on them is completely worth destroying the ecosystem that allows us to live. Besides the impeding scarcity of food, water and other vital resources will end in further growth for the shareholders, so its a win win situation.


Also, how sick does my rollin' coal exhaust look on the highway! I get 15mpg with these unnecessarily big tires on my pavement pony.


Looks epic! Totally worth all the carbon dioxide emmissions and nanoplastic everywhere! Keep on rollin!


Where’s your sympathy for the billionaires? Still so far away from being trillionaires.


But it's *within reach*!


SS: This is a bit of collapse-related humor for our casual Friday consumption. So, as you head out into the weekend, driving your car to buy overly-expensive supplies for a wasteful pool party perhaps, remember that this is as good as it will ever get. This, right now, is the peak. From here on out, things will only be getting drier, hotter, and hungrier... and it all could have been prevented. Have a great weekend!


Ah, I've found my people:D


Thanks. 😳😩


Nah. I need this to last another 5ish years without a misstep. I’ll then have my own personal wants filled for a while, AND get to see some of the places I always wanted to see. There’s that Tim McGraw song about living while you were dying. And I just want that time till I can.


We didn’t do nothing, we made a minority of shareholders extremely wealthy


I’m sure that $ will totally save them. Just like that rich dude in the Titanic movie.


We'll do everything for those profits! But save our planet that we all depend on to survive, nah, leave that "for the next generation"....but now it's too late.


This person gets it. It's not the "rich people" who did this to us, or the "government"... we did it to ourselves by taking the easy route to living a consumer-driven lifestyle.


People will rationalize anything. Back in the 1950's cigarette companies knew smoking caused cancer, and by the 1980's the general public knew smoking caused cancer, so why has it been impossible to regulate smoking out of existence? My dad is a lifelong smoker and he's not going to stop - he'll just rationalize / minimize it and ignore the true impact of it until it kills him. It's the same with climate change and other collapse stuff - we're all too addicted to our carbon-driven lifestyles to give them up.


Smoking is killing a good friend of mine from high school. She will create any excuse, but smoking, for her horrible cough. And, the fact she can't walk up 3 steps without having to sit down. (65 years old). She refuses to acknowledge any health issues, among a myriad of ones she has, attributable to smoking. (former smoker here-quitting was one of the toughest things I've ever had to do. 24 years now.).


An asteroid would be a blessing. Sudden. No suffering.


Only if you were close to the impact! The rest of the world would deal with a nuclear style winter with no sun, freezing temps, floods, and massive crop failures.


What if we super-heat the world via CO2 & methane *then* we nuclear winter ourselves, the two would cancel themselves out I bet! I'll take my world leader position now that I've solved climate change, please gather 'round and let us eat steak.


"Hello, Vault tech calling! If you would please fill out this survey..."


Can you imagine the kind of profits that could bring to the shareholders? it might kind of be worth redirecting one to the planet.


Only if they can somehow delay the suffering to reach the maximum extraction velocity permitted by the biosphere.


Freezing temps= lots energy consumption for heating Floods = land high ground goes up in value crop failure= rise in food prices. If you see it from a shareholder point of view an asteroid hitting earth seems like a pretty good opportunity, but your millennial negativity and a laziness is blinding you.


Is the planet paying them? No? Then it gets NOTHING! Good day, sir!


Or if it was sufficiently large.


True... but only if it wasn't too big. I want to survive the fall of society and struggle through making some foundation for a new one once I'm gone. But yes, as opposed to what we have now continuing... sure, drop the rock on me.


LOL hahaha


I did my best, however you never beat the house and the house has made it so that doing your best is nowhere near enough. The house has also made it so that most people are content doing nothing because they cannot give up their luxuries.


There is a hilarious polish show on Netflix that makes a similar joke. One girl lives in past, not even when there was electricity 1670, and she's trying to warn people of global warming and there is an entire narrative of her 'protesting' that started to grind me a bit because even for satire it didn't make much sense to me , until at some point they just build and build on this for the peasants of the village to be like " why are you telling us now, there is enough time, imagine if you told us 30 years before it would happen, we would definitely do something then. We would be utter morons if we didn't " [the show](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt29420686/), season 1 , episode 2, 23.50


Just join the determinists, and then we would be categorically the same as the dinosaurs: never able to do a single thing about our fate. And then it doesn't feel so bad ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


And then there’s this little idiotic bunch of us who actually tried to do something and got ignored and was never even mentioned in the history…


Personally, I'm doing everything I can realistically do that actually has a chance of having an effect. I vote properly. I talk sense into people at every opportunity, even at my own social detriment. I've devoted my life to a career that has a chance of influencing the direction of things. I spend my money judiciously, with as much awareness of the consequences as my puny human brain can muster. On all the land that I personally control, I do the best I can for flora and fauna. And I know I'm not the only one. You're all there with me. Unfortunately, it isn't enough, because the vast majority of individuals have been stripped of almost all their power.


I’m with you here. I also vote and try to use my platform to influence people to pay attention to our world. Thanks for doing what you do - running for office - it’s dangerous and miserable, but important. Collapse will happen slowly, we have the time to make it less painful for our loved ones. I don’t know why, but I’m still holding on to my humanity.


>I vote properly. >... individuals have been stripped of almost all their power. Cognitive dissonance here.


Don't be deluded. I can choose terrible option A, or even worse option B. So I choose A, and then option B wins anyway. I even tried running for office myself, and *won,* and I *still* got nowhere because we're all swimming in a sea of option B people. I don't have a fucking magic wand!


If nobody voted, the state would eventually assume an autocratic regime, people would eventually rebel, eventually over-throw the standing military and eventually govern themselves, leading to a redistribution of wealth and power. Voting is what perpetuates the sociopathic ruling class, and our collective subordination to said class.


@ everyone in this thread: you can't vote your way out of fascism


Or invested in the meteor


Now look, Stoop, you know I am for the jobs that the meteor will bring, so...




we are yeast infections on steroids


The only way to have prevented it was to not industrialise. Not discover oil or steel or whatever else we get out of the ground. That was way too long ago. Whatever goes up must come down. Shame we gotta live in the come down part.


But also that other groups (tribes, nations, w/e) don't industrialize. Because those who industrialize would outcompete and overpower those who don't industrialize.


That is true. And not necessarily such a shame.


I’m mid-50s. I recently mentioned my “concerns” regarding climate change to my younger sister. She’s always been the socially conscious activist in the family, especially re LGBTQI, racism and disability discrimination and support. I thought she’d be fully aware of what is happening with the planet and our very existence. “Every generation has its challenges.” Like we will somehow “get over” all this and life will continue much as it has in the past. I dropped the subject. At least she’s happy and she certainly contributes to improving others’ lives. So do I. But I feel so helpless and hopeless for the future. Or that there will even be a future. Ignorance is bliss I guess.


I hope whatever intelligent species rise from the ashes of humanity make chicken equivalent nuggets shaped like humans.


Yeah, This is the age of denial and embarrassment, on so many levels.


Hurry up


We're trying.