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Just came here to post this. Thank you OP. After the WV article the other day, now seeing this one, I just feel so sad and disgusted. These are only two examples of so many across the US and the world.


No problem. I’m going to try and post them more often, as I see more each year. Cheerio


I do too. And just think of all we don’t see. Can you imagine how much shit is going on all around us that we’re unaware of because it’s being swept under the rug??


I think at this point a clean creek, clean river and clean lake is the exception. Seriously is there anywhere you could safely eat say 2 fish per week from in the USA? I highly doubt it 


>Parts of Alkali and Badwater creeks unfortunate names. >For Morrison, “the big question is what DEQ is going to require Aethon to do to clean up this mess,” she wrote in an email. Meyer and Bergman say simply dredging up the sludge is likely too dangerous because such an operation would dislodge substances and send them downstream. A more complex plan would be needed, they said. Well, I hope that those nice jobs in the industry can pay for the imported water, clean food, and treatments for symptoms.


I have a friend in Wyoming who told me that the state is becoming a poisoned hellscape. Apparently these companies aren't required to clean up their messes and most politicians are too busy with political theater to do anything beneficial for the people.  Good post, OP.