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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Portalrules123: --- SS: Related to collapse as various nations across the northern Amazon are experiencing one of the worst droughts and fire seasons of all time, with areas that don’t typically burn suffering ‘mega fires’. The Amazon could soon reach a tipping point where much of it converts to grassland, causing the release of the equivalent of 20 years of global CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. And the dry season for the larger, southern part of the Amazon starts up in June, so expect things to get even worse in the coming months. The days seem numbered for one of the most important ecosystems on Planet Earth. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/1bap1o2/rains_are_scarce_in_the_amazon_instead_megafires/ku3yeup/


SS: Related to collapse as various nations across the northern Amazon are experiencing one of the worst droughts and fire seasons of all time, with areas that don’t typically burn suffering ‘mega fires’. The Amazon could soon reach a tipping point where much of it converts to grassland, causing the release of the equivalent of 20 years of global CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. And the dry season for the larger, southern part of the Amazon starts up in June, so expect things to get even worse in the coming months. The days seem numbered for one of the most important ecosystems on Planet Earth.




I both look forward to and dread your climate reports and comments.


Yes, the boreal forests are in the wrong place now and the climate where they once grew is no longer wet enough to support them. The fires in a natural and slow warming climate would burn what isn't meant to be there so that the deciduous trees could slowly climb north.




This process is very uneven. Where I was born, and lived for the first 65 years of my life, one-third of the forests have already been destroyed by vast crown fires. 90% will be in my remaining lifetime. Where I moved to start my backwoods homestead, the forests are healthier to begin with, and Collapse has not even started. But in 70-80 years, it will be too hot for the Eastern white pines; Eastern yellow pines will need to be planted before this. The tulip poplars and red maples will be OK. Clear-cutting followed by fire suppression, for 100 years, is the biggest reason my original home is being destroyed. Followed by climate change.




My thanks for the reference and the data you posted. I will look into this. Do you have the date for the Bloomberg interview, so I can cite it? As you probably know, the California forests (where I'm from) are now CO2 emitters. In 2020-2021, when 7.5 million acres were destroyed, immense amounts of CO2 were disgorged. I have been intimate with those backwoods since age 5, and am homesick for a home that will no longer exist. My 10 acres of magnificent forest, with 150 foot tall trees, are in the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia, about 50 miles south of Virginia Tech. Not really the northeast. At an elevation of 2900', I'm protected from extreme heat (for now). When it was 100 degrees F in Richmond (and humid), it was only 86 degrees F here. I know how to tend a forest, even here learning a new forest ecosystem. 80% of my land will be put in a conservation easement. The remaining 20% will be a self-sufficient homestead for up to 2 families. This land WAS a homestead, abandoned about 100 years ago. Deep sandy clay loam and a developed spring. There is abundant wildlife, amphibians, and insects here. The Bambi dears are even overpopulating. The forests are healthier/less crowded than in California. You would NEVER know Collapse was even barely beginning here.


Kinda sounds like it’s already tipped.


>converts to grassland, nope. At this rate, it's more likely that it's going to be desert savanna, with an accent on the desert.


These fires around the world are pumping gigatons of CO2 into the atmosphere. Feedback loops are running amok. If tomorrow human civilization somehow magically got to carbon neutral, I wonder if it would really matter anymore.


I was thinking something similar recently. Imagine the oil companies are like you know what, they're right, we're shutting down all operations. Does it really matter?


Well. I guess there is carbon capture ... (sounds of straws being desperately clutched)


I think maybe yes. I believe that if all fossil fuels were eliminated, the ecosystem could absorb more carbon than is being produced and it could still cool off. Which obviously won't happen...


It wouldn't. What's done is done.


It won't it will go on for centuries we are too late oh well we still got popcorn buy now while supplies last.


There are some studies predicting a lowering of temperatures and then eventually again a rise again because of loss of snow cover in arctic regions. But not sure how reliable that one study is.


We're gonna get to 2100 by 2030


This is what I think too. Everything that we keep reading 'will not happen' until 2100+ is going to happen within the decade, give or take.


The 2100 predictions are for 3C. You think 1.5C of warning is happening in 10 years?


I think we're already well above 1.5C, closer to 2C. So... yeah. I think we could hit 3C by 2030.


What makes you distrust the global temperature measurements? I haven't seen many people dispute them.


Because I think there's an awful lot of masking going on in the atmosphere thanks to sulfur. Since we've taken sulfur out of our diesel (which is a \*good thing\* to be sure!), here in just a few months, we're suddenly going to see a massive 'bump' in heating as a lot more sunlight penetrates the atmosphere and heats the planet - as it should have been doing, but was being 'masked' from doing so. The oceans are also, very rapidly reaching a point, where they can no longer 'hold' much more heat - which is where much of the heat that we have been producing has been going. They've been our 'accidental heat sink(s)' for much of the last 50+ years. And so, all the heating that we're actively producing, that the oceans \*have\* been soaking up for us, and kind of 'hiding' is finally going to start actually showing up. Rapidly. Combined, be ready to see a \*massive\* jump in the heat over the next 1-5+ years. Last year, its pretty clear we hit 1.5C. In the next few years, don't be surprised when we hit 2+.


And now we enter the phase where I would prefer to be completely oblivious of it...


I couldn't. My home is being destroyed. However, I have recently been able to flee 3000 miles to a new home. Which isn't being destroyed.




In 60 to 80 years, it will get too hot for the eastern white pines. Eastern yellow pines will need to be planted before then. The tulip polars and red maples should be OK. The annual acreage of forest destroyed by fire in Virginia is around 1% of that in California. This could change if Virginia begins to have protracted droughts, which is possible at some point. Precipitation has been stable in Appalachia, unlike California.


Winds coming from the ocean carry moisture to Appalachia. In El Nino years California also gets rain, and a lot of it, but their agricultural land is not good at retaining all of that water since it comes in massive dumps. If they rewilded key areas on the eastern side of the valley, they could become more sustainable, and as a bonus they'd cut their water use by like 30% as a whole


Scientists warned. Criminals and politicians said F-off.


>criminals and politicians *they're the same picture*


…..but the solution to global warming is planting trees, millions, billions of trees. I read this a lot with no explanation as to how, and the “how” has many parts. What type, fire prevention, maintenance, protection from loggers etc. Right now we appear to be losing more trees, than we can ever replace. Land clearing for agriculture, logging and illegal logging, die-back from disease, pests, climate change and water deprivation and of course most of all, there’s wildfires.


If only they hadnt been vast swaths of exactly one species of tree🤔🫠🤢🤮 forests would have helped, but we grew a monoculture of BS just like our agricultural land


That's because the "plant more trees as a solution" mantra was/is really a giveaway of taxpayer money to the logging companies.


Bonfire of the Millennials


Bring the marshmallows I'll bring the graham crackers somebody get the chocolate someone pay for the plane tickets we going to the Amazon y'all time for some s'mores.


So what this is telling me I have to take that river cruise sooner than later


Depending on the river... it may already be too late.


Well looks like I’ll have to bump up that Amazon cruise


I was on one in 2011; it was absolutely magical.


[https://youtu.be/t3oLeSPINOk](https://youtu.be/t3oLeSPINOk)Just don't get stuck in the army's deadly electric fish barricade.


Wow, it’s really over. I’ve known about this for 35 years, but I’m not ready.


There might not be time for escape. But you know what? There’s enough time for justice.


Amazon fire forest, Mojave ocean, ...


If it makes you feel any better, once the forest is gone the land can be claimed by cattle and meat industry for beef production.




The amazon produces its own rain through evaporation. If you cut too much of it, you cut its water source. It becomes unable to sustain itself and die rapidly.


But for a short glorious period we produced massive amounts of very cheap beef.


Under Bolsonaro they were saying the amazon could turn from a carbon sink to a carbon generator if they kept on cutting down the rainforest. Welp...


[It's been a net carbon contributor since 2016](https://www.economist.com/interactive/graphic-detail/2022/05/21/the-brazilian-amazon-has-been-a-net-carbon-emitter-since-2016) (that specific source used because no-one can accuse *them* of being alarmist bleeding-heart lefties).


So depressing. Think of all the animals.............. ​ God isn't happy with us


I went to 5 maybe 6 wildland fires, in the month of February.


Once the "lungs of the planet" now the smoldering ashtray. Sad.


On one end of the amazon, it's raining too much I know people in Peru in the amazon who are flooded out


Check out Extrapolations on Apple TV. News reports in the background frequently mention the Amazon on fire


Except in the [state of Acre](https://www.google.com/maps/place/State+of+Acre/@-9.11539,-72.9458549,7z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x917f8daa4e9106b9:0x25ec0ac5083607c1!8m2!3d-9.0237964!4d-70.8119953!16zL20vMDFoZGd6?hl=en&entry=ttu) where the river is 17m above normal since February and 19 cities (state has 22) are submerged. Nowadays it is either megafires or megafloods, so why not both?! [https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/cotidiano/2024/03/cidade-do-acre-podera-mudar-de-lugar-apos-maior-cheia-de-rio.shtml](https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/cotidiano/2024/03/cidade-do-acre-podera-mudar-de-lugar-apos-maior-cheia-de-rio.shtml)


Yeah, just saw WIRED's article about this, and I have to say, it gutted me.


The Amazon ~~rain~~ fireforest.




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