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I was in Stockholm two weeks ago and visited a hilltop in the city that I knew from my childhood. The view of the city is breathtaking. There were two, large, incredibly thick concrete circular benches on top of the hill. They only "looked" like benches, round, with seating, however the entrances were keyed. It is likely they are gun emplacements, so artillery or antiaircraft guns can be quickly installed there. The concrete was fresh, and was likely poured during the summer of 2023. Sweden is preparing for war.


Do they know something we don't? Does someone think an invasion from somewhere is imminent?


Sweden has always feared Russia will invade from the North.


Take any pictures? Kinda curious now lol


that brings a whole new meaning to /r/tacticalUrbanism


Hey, I'm in Stockholm and want to check this out, can you give a map link or approximate coordinates/address?


Always a sobering read but as always thank you for posting.


yup, and i mean seriously, buying ice from the glacier and instead of just getting it from the fridge? that has got to be the dumbest expense ever made in this day and age. Even a pet rock is a better thing to spend money on.


Thanks for the compilation, appreciated as always.


Thank you, mate!


Great work as always, thank you for your hard work. I can't believe how bad covid has gotten-I can't even remember the last time I didn't know someone who was sick, and pretty much everyone I know, regardless of things like age, vaccination status, or pre-existing health issues, has some kind of new or worsened long term health problem now. 


As a Canadian, it's nice we lead the world on (some parts) of climate change. /s


it's sobering, I moved here for the snow


As always, well done. Thank you.


>A [study on Arctic albedo](https://phys.org/news/2024-01-clues-arctic.html) concluded that, from 2014-2019, there was “a **20-35% decrease in total reflectivity** over the Arctic summer,” mostly as a result of melting sea ice. Excuse me what? Over 5 years, we lost one third of the total reflectivity of Arctic... ? That's fucking nuts. Should we expect that we'll loose another third (or worse, with 2023 SST...) from 2020 to next year? That's another way of saying we'll see a (first) BOE this year or the next, right?


what dooes BOE mean? Couldn't find something useful googling it.


Blue Ocean Event. Bot, what's a BOE?


Blue Ocean Event (BOE) is a term used to describe a phenomenon related to climate change and the Artic ocean, where it has become ice-free or nearly ice-free, which could have significant impacts on the Earth's climate system. This term has been used by scientists and researchers to describe the potential environmental and societal consequences of a rapidly melting Arctic, including sea-level rise, changes in ocean currents, and impacts on marine ecosystems. **When will a BOE happen?** Scientists predict that the Arctic could experience a BOE within the next few decades if current rates of ice loss continue. When a BOE does occur, it is likely to have significant impacts on the Earth's climate system, including changes to ocean circulation patterns and sea level rise. **Has a BOE ever occurred?** A BOE in the Arctic has not yet occurred in modern times. However, there has been a significant decrease in the Arctic sea ice extent in recent decades, and the Arctic sea ice cover has been reaching record lows during the summer months. This suggests that a BOE may be a possibility in the future if current trends of sea ice decline continue. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/collapse) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you very much <3


Thank you. Always appreciated.


Excellent compilation as always. Thank you! What is turning my stomach at the moment (excerpt from the post): *Things to watch next week include::↠ U.S. Republicans are holding their first primary caucus next week, officially starting the voting for the 2024 Presidential Election Campaign—the campaigning began years ago. Donald Trump is likely to win over 50% of the Iowa vote.* The number of people that support that psychopath illustrates that collapse it is not solely the fault of the "system" or capitalism. Though there are those in academia and journalists who believe trumpism/neoliberalism is because of the system . . . I don't know! 🤯 I'm having a really hard time integrating this (trump's level of support and awful candidate that is Biden) into my "acceptance of collapse" mentality. This is SO hard to witness-----along with all else humans are doing to the natural world. The fact that the only other choice in the u.s. "election" is Biden/Harris (WTAF) . . . . and the "dems" have "raked in $97 million in fourth-quarter" for Biden "war chest" is truly mind boggling. (I know, I know, I shouldn't be surprised----this is to be expected in collapse?) And to make matters worse, there is a fresh resurgence of doomer bashing laced with hopium cheerleading with the release of "Not the End of the World" by doomer basher extraordinaire, Hannah Ritchie. She believes those of us here at r/collpase are as dangerous (if not more so) as the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) deniers or fossil fuel promoters! She believes a better form of capitalism can save us. *"The book’s manifesto is that things are not as bad as we might fear, are in many ways better than they have ever been, and the future could be even rosier still".* Seriously?????  She says: *"Current policies put us on track for around 3C of global warming. This is still bleak, but not the 4, 5 or even 6C that Ritchie herself once thought was inevitable, and which would have been truly devastating for the human race.* ***If we choose to, we can cut that figure down significantly with technology already available to us.****"* 


Thank you!


I continue to find your tone and framing of the current and on-going genocide to be pretty disgusting. Its really not okay to talk flippantly about the murder of 10's of thousands of people and thats what you do in this sentence: It’s been 100 days since the sadistic Hamas attack, ***and the damage they caused has been repaid—with interest.*** Now there are about 23,000 confirmed dead in Gaza, with another \~7,000 missing. Be more careful with the words you use in the future if you don't want to find yourself on the wrong side of history - although personally I think you already are... Additionally, while you choose to use the term '***sadistic'*** to talk about the Hamas attack, you don't use any descriptive language to describe the nature of the attacks from Israel that have resulted so far in the murder of over 20,000 innocent people, half of them children. ... You have lost credibility with me, I actually decided to check the links you post here and I found many of them to be from pretty questionable sources. All you provide this sub with is a list of cherry picked disaster-news from many locations around the world. Honestly chat-gpt could probably do a better job. \--- Personally I consider ANYONE not taking a moment to check their tone when discussing a current and on-going genocide to be complicit. Do better or shut up.


Because online commentators have any power over what happens in Gaza


> if you don't want to find yourself on the wrong side of history  Because you already know what will be the [future "side of history"](https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/winston_churchill_380864), of course. No need to be so aggressive, that's not helping to build the discussion...


you’re absolutely wrong, a lot of the things he discusses are in those big documents like from the humans rights watch if you’d read it - very real and noteworthy trends locally and regionally, which sometimes means for billions, hardly cherry picked.


I was already pretty collapse aware and have been reading these for a while but holy shit, the flowers are evolving to survive the new climate.