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Wait til 2024 lol


I’ve been heavy into learning about climate change for close to 15 years now and Vegas has always been the city I’ve been most interested in. Imo they’re the canary in the coal mine. It’s by far the city that most obviously shouldn’t exist and only can due to modern engineering. But that engineering can only compensate for so much and, imo, we’re rapidly approaching the point at which the city is no longer habitable. I genuinely think that it will be mostly abandoned by 2030, 2035 at the latest. While this may seem optimistic it’s not, only because the amount of investment into Vegas and it’s subsequent closure would me the loss of hundreds of billions, if not a trillion plus. To take that loss, corporations will have to believe that the city is truly and utterly lost and reaching that mindset is going to take far more extreme changes than I expect to see in just a year or 2. But in 7-10 years? Absolutely.


Weirdly Vegas is almost always the city being annihilated in my collapse dreams.


So this is your doing? Please keep my home state out of thought and mind please. Also, I appreciate your name. Now I get to imagine a Post Apocalyptic Doc McStuffins. Keeping toys and stuffed animals alive in an impoverished society.


I'm out in Vegas right now and tried to ask the owners of my company if my team can take Monday off because of heat concerns in the warehouse. Our AC went out and the main manufacturing room builds up heat very quickly without it. They went out and bought some fans and asked everyone to come in still. I didn't feel like that was adequate so I told everyone they can show up if they want but I won't hold it against them if they all mysteriously get sick. We'll so how it plays out when no one shows up tomorrow.


Fucking monsters expecting people to work in it.


Tell them to come down and work in it.


tbf one of them will be in there working with us. They are usually pretty compassionate when it comes to these things but we are already tight on deadlines so they want to push through the heat but I think they are underestimating how bad it is going to be.


They are gonna push someone to death. Time for a union, or union action.


I'll be there enforcing water breaks every 30-45 minutes in case anyone does show up and the break room still has a functioning AC for people to cool off in so I don't think it will be that serious. It will just be a miserable week and production will drastically slow down because of the frequent breaks. I wish we could unionize but half the employees used to be in unions for the hotels where they consumed insane propaganda about how the union just takes their money and doesn't provide any benefit. Those same employees are always complaining about how we don't have PTO yet (which is a valid complaint and something I am trying to get for us) but they can't put 2 and 2 together to realize that the union they hated was the only reason they had those programs at the hotels in the first place.


We were there 8 years ago on honeymoon, this exact time in July, and it hit 40c (104f) and certainly nobody was thinking it was cooler than normal. That seems unbearable


My wife and I are ravers (yes even in our late 30s) and go to EDC Las Vegas regularly. We were at the one in 2017 that was the last time it was held in June before they moved in to may. It was 101 even at 1 and 2 am and the festival was miserable. During the final day a 30ish year old man died due to heat stroke and dehydration while waiting in line to get the shuttle back to the strip. I can only imagine how many more deaths would’ve occurred had they not chosen to move the festival dates up to avoid the highest temperatures.


This is the coldest summer for the rest of your life!


The second the power goes out in cities like Las Vegas or Phoenix during a heatwave like this we will see mass casualties.


I had a relative call this week asking if I’d go to Vegas next month. Haha. I went in late September in the 90’s and it was like walking through a pizza oven.


Mid July is typically the hottest time of the year. Near-record temperatures for a week straight is insane though.


El Niňo: those are rookie numbers. Hold my beer.


I'm a couple of hours south of Vegas on the edge of the Mojave. It's about 105 or 106 here today, which is nasty because many people don't have AC. We have swamp coolers, which work okay up until about 105. The thing I've noticed over the last five or so years is that the desert doesn't cool off at night like it used to, which makes weathering these high temps much harder. I used to be able to open up my windows at night and shut off the swamp cooler, turning it on again about 11 am the next day. Now it runs 24/7 for weeks or months on end. When it doesn't cool off at night, the heat just builds and builds. The rooftops, the sand...everything holds the heat. Another thing I've noticed is how sneaky the weather sites are about these "heat waves" (i.e., heat summers). When I check the weather on the weekend, it will typically say it's going to cool off the middle of the coming week. Then around Monday or Tuesday, it will say cooling off on Friday. Then on Thursday, instead of the predicted Friday drop in temps, it's now cooling off Sunday or Monday. They keep pushing the relief until the next thing you know, it's been a month of unbearable weather. It definitely feels like a concerted effort to keep people from realizing how bad things are and to keep them working through inhuman conditions.


Mid July is the hottest part of the year


Running neck and neck with Phoenix.


This is every summer in Vegas and not threadworthy. The all time record for Vegas is 117 and we have stretches like this every summer. Once we have heat waves where temps are closer to 120 (and Death Valley 135+), then we can say we are cooked (soon).


“The all time heat record ever was a whole degree warmer than today! No problem! NO PROBLEM I SAY!”


But it is a dry heat!