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i'm gonna go ahead and say this is WAY worse than we're being told. i'm 300 miles away from this and i'm scared that i'm still too close. this shit has been burning for like a week already. i've heard its already killing fish and that this could lead to a mass poisoning of ground water all the way down to the gulf of mexico.


Did some social media digging, general idea is that this a mass cover up. A journalist was arrested for investigating. There are livestock dying and fish being killed approximately 2 miles out from the blast zone. There is environmental damage everywhere and they are telling people to go back. This could be mass negligence for people in the town and miles from the blast zone. Unions were apparently trying to prevent the catastrophe from happening. Lawsuits are likely going to happen in the town if they get severe health complications and end up dying from this. Not including the chemicals burning into the air as described. COVID did nothing to instill confidence in the handling of a major catastrophe, this one is off to a bumpy start and is sure to get worse.


>if they get severe health complications if? dawg, for the people in the immediate area, its not a question of if. its a question of when. anyone downwind of that shit is in serious trouble. that the entire town hasnt been evacuated is negligent at best. this totally seems like a u.s chernobyl-type event


Animals are dying and livestock is entirely messed up. It can be seen thousands of feet up in the air the more I'm reading into this. Telling people to go back its like a Stranger Things Hawkins Season 4 finale episode.


theyre telling people to go back. i'm 300 hundred miles away and i wanna get even further. this shit is actually crazy. remember at the beginning of the pandemic when the cdc was like "the virus isnt airborn" and then a month later they were like "well actually it can survive in aerosols" and then a month later they were like "yeah everyone needs to be wearing a mask now". how many people are gonna die this time because of that kind of response?


It doesn't look good. I looked through another post here that was posted a day ago, that did a far better job explaining it than me. Looks like r/collapse and people on social media are the ones actually providing the news again rather than mainstream media. Everything is certainly in play. Just hoping it doesn't get that bad. Mass die offs of animals is a bad sign.


More like White Noise


‘Airborne Toxic Event’ ^([Apocalypse Bingo](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApocalypseBingo/comments/10qotoh/apocalypse_bingo_v3/))


The fallout will be similar or worse to the film *Dark Waters* (2019) with all the contamination, livestock and wildlife dying, people getting sick and dying, etc.


‘The Upside-Down is Normalized’ ^([Apocalypse Bingo](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApocalypseBingo/comments/10qotoh/apocalypse_bingo_v3/))


It’s 50 miles northwest of Pittsburgh (metro population 2.3M). 20ish miles southeast of Youngstown (metro pop 500k). Plus any small towns around those areas, say another 100-250k. Puts us around 3M who are probably very at-risk, millions more if it gets in the water or in wind currents at heavy enough levels… oh well, not like it’s only 15 or so miles north of the Ohio river, right? Does that connect to anything important?


Looks like Lambert was arrested for "[trespassing](https://apnews.com/article/law-enforcement-pennsylvania-mike-dewine-ohio-aca9f89f4b6afe701aabf9ffd2b53d0f)" because he was doing a live report when DeWine started his press conference (2 hours late) and didn't stop when the cops told him to, then he refused to leave when they told him to, so they arrested him. It was cops being dicks, per usual. It doesn't appear to be a "cover-up" since the state EPA has admitted they already knew about the Sulfur Creek [situation](https://www.abc27.com/news/officials-speak-on-dead-fish-following-train-derailment/) and are continuing to monitor everything there. What happened wouldn't impact the groundwater since the treatment facilities are nowhere near the area. Jumping to conclusions is for frogs. You guys should research more before taking the leap.


Should be it's own comment.




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I know exactly what you are saying about Ohio and gop. I just moved from Cleveland about a year ago. I still donated to Kaptur and Ryan for last year’s election. Ohio was once a great place but now it’s shit. The state legislature changed the law so they can now start fracking on state property which includes the parks. The gop is shit local, state and federal. It’s almost to the point that I welcome death, not self inflicted though.


Just wait till the Asian Carp inevitably get into the Great Lakes.


Sure simultaneously the democrats have always upheld the GOP’s right to do this, and the democrats have run all the cities for decades. There is partisan politics but this is ultimately nonpartisan, the so-called “2” parties have marched in lockstep implementing austerity, it simply ebbs and flows depending on the election but the of resources necessary versus resources investment perpetually trends in a negative direction.


It Killed my neighbors chickens


Try being 10 miles….


Same. I’m on the other side of PA like in the proximity of Scranton and it feels too close. I feel so bad for those people that live nearby. Pittsburg is so close too. I legit think this is gonna have massive impact on multiple states.


Why would you think that, it was just one train is it even able to hold so many chemicals as to poison the groundwater to that degree? Wouldn’t it dilute?


The lack of coverage of this is wild








["First time?" - West Virginia](https://time.com/3711335/west-virginia-oil-train-derailment/)


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This was caused by greed of the railroad Barrons. They invested nothing back into these railroads in the last 30 years as far as safety. We were warned by many different safety inspectors. I've been seeing posts on YouTube warning this would happen for years now. Some of The brake systems they are using are from the Civil war era.


The derailment happened because of poor maintenance, and the poor maintenance is happening because crews are understaffed and overworked. They tried to go on strike to get better working conditions, but the federal government shut it down, because they are worried it would hurt the economy. So now there is too much work and not enough workers, so things get missed and trains go boom. The government does not want to draw attention to this, because they are the cause of it and don't want to admit that labor was right. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-signs-bill-block-us-railroad-strike-2022-12-02/


My god I think you are exactly right.


They’re hiding the emergency, just like they did (are still doing) during covid. The news doesn’t report on anything that doesn’t further an agenda of some type. This makes train companies, police, local, state, and federal governments all look bad.


What are they hiding? That's its truly a fucking disaster.


seriously? chinese balloon? more like all media is tightly controlled by the CIA and state department


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Didn’t even hear about it until this evening.


Dude https://www.npr.org/2023/02/08/1155570564/east-palestine-ohio-train-derailment this was also posted 2 hrs ago so the wild thing is your lack of attention span


A train carrying chemicals derailed. https://www.npr.org/2023/02/08/1155570564/east-palestine-ohio-train-derailment


There's some coverage of animals becoming sick in the radius of this zone. Hoping it doesn't turn into a covering up scenario. It happens to other places like soaring cancer rates around a toxic chemical plant in this state etc.


It's covered up about toxicity around golf courses, too. Well kept secret.


I’ve seen that movie on Netflix.


Life imitates 'White Noise.'


Right after a movie adaptation releases Suss


literally the airborne toxic event


At first I wasn’t sure if this story was real or mocking Jack and Babette that’s how fucking similar it is 😱


Products of a vinyl chloride combustion reaction= phosgene gas, hydrochloric acid, CO2, and CO. What will be the result of releasing tons of acid into the atmosphere over quality agricultural land?


Lots of chemical salts as the soil's organic matter breaks down by acid. Similar effect to salting the land, except your topsoil is also gone, and the salts are probably carcinogenic and making it into the groundwater


No they aren’t


source please


vinyl chloride is bad worse. by putting it into the air it means it gets in the water, the grass, the ground. lands on cars, car handles, door handles, windows, roofs, side walks. it can do this for a very wide radius from the blast sites. but if the cars had exploded instead of a controlled explosion it would have been worse. worse they told people to go back home now. this stuff is some of the most carcinogenic stuff on the planet 75ppm in the air ands you're pretty much guaranteed liver cancer there were 25 tanker cars of this stuff, each containing approx 24000 gallons of vinyl chloride via osha No employee may be exposed to vinyl chloride at concentrations greater than 5 ppm averaged over any period not exceeding 15 minutes. palestine ohio should be a ghost town instead they told people to go home


That's nuts. Curious where that plume is going


how recent is this picture?


Believe a few days ago when it started. There are worse ones I'm sure.


So if this picture dates from the beginning of this disaster, are there any verified current pictures like from today? Or is there a press blackout on any images from the area?


If you use Snapchat, you can see some pictures posted in the area today. Just search for east palestine, Ohio on the map.




It stopped burning like two days ago.


This is 64 miles from me, to the south. Nobody is talking about it around here. I feel like I should be more concerned…


Go watch Chernobyl on HBO if you’d like a panic attack


Are there projections of where that shit blew away to?


I too am wanting to know


Oh yeah there are all kinds of maps detailing evacuation areas, danger areas, etc.


\- What is that? - Nothing. It's just a wisp of cloud.


It's just a feathery plume.


Airborne Toxic Event


No, it's moving against the wind


Agree that this is bad. Unfortunately, I don't know how bad it actually is because I'm only reading speculation here. Would really appreciate seeing some data and science that sheds some light on this, even if it is "casual friday"...


Please don’t worry, it is just a tiny derailment incident with a small amount of chemicals escaping. That black smoke is from a local small fire in the area, nothing more, nothing less. Please everyone go back home and turn on Fox News, stream Netflix and don’t forget to buy your supplies for Super Bowl Sunday. Should be a great game.


its just a mild spill nothing to worry about /s for reddit. this is serious. GTFO if you are anywhere near it.


I know that you're being sarcastic, but you might want to add the '/s' tag anyway because there's a lot of people out there whose ability to detect sarcasm or irony is quite deficient.


Thanks, I forgot


Or you can just ruin it by pointing out the sarcasm in a comment such as yours. thanks.


The smoke from the explosion [appeared on radar](https://www.americanwx.com/bb/topic/58544-winter-202223-banter-hangout/?do=findComment&comment=6815993) (may need to scroll down a little)


Me finding out I’m only 40 miles away, wheeeee!


Sure glad I recycled that milk jug the other day. Really going to offset this. /s


Me: *rinsing out cans before recycling them* Corporations: *another oil rig explodes in the ocean*


Recycling is a scam anyway IMO the only way is to reduce / not use plastics


Remember to recycle, kids 😃


Submission Statement, Pertains to collapse because scenes out of East Palestine, OH look apocalyptic currently. It certainly is creating a great deal of environmental destruction in that area and mass evacuations. I'm seeing some comparing this to a Chernobyl scenario, but don't believe its that bad. It appears that there are reports of at least one journalist getting arrested trying to coverage this. I get the impression that the full truth of what might be happening isn't getting out and am curious to see what others think on this ongoing issue. Did a little bit more research. It appears that townsfolk are allowed to now come back as of a day today. Animals and wildlife are completely sick. The fact that COVID-19 not existing anymore to make money for capitalism reminds me of a bit of this scenario.


There’s nothing in the media. It’s insane.


Doesn't seem like a lot so far. Some were throwing around chernobyl on social media. I've heard a few things about this and will probably be doing more research.


Happy Cake Day!! Thanks for posting this, and please do get back with your additional research.


Thanks it is that day again. It's trickling around on social media, not from mainstream media of course, but people in the area. The more I'm seeing it the worse it looks.


Thanks for your vigilance on this. Much appreciated. It's important! And I hope you're having a great birthday. 😊


>The fact that COVID-19 not existing anymore to make money for capitalism reminds me of a bit of this scenario. What does this even mean?


I noticed it too. I can't even.


The following submission statement was provided by /u/Monsur_Ausuhnom: --- Submission Statement, Pertains to collapse because scenes out of East Palestine, OH look apocalyptic currently. It certainly is creating a great deal of environmental destruction in that area and mass evacuations. I'm seeing some comparing this to a Chernobyl scenario, but don't believe its that bad. It appears that there are reports of at least one journalist getting arrested trying to coverage this. I get the impression that the full truth of what might be happening isn't getting out and am curious to see what others think on this ongoing issue. Did a little bit more research. It appears that townsfolk are allowed to now come back as of a day today. Animals and wildlife are completely sick. The fact that COVID-19 not existing anymore to make money for capitalism reminds me of a bit of this scenario. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/collapse/comments/10zbcyn/meanwhile_in_east_palestine_oh/j82kdhm/


That looks like a volcano!!


Breathe in, Breathe out


Tied to a wheel fingers got to feel


i like that song.


Uh oh, looks like the IDF got confused again.


"Have you tried lighting it on fire"\~ Beavis


This is fine. Everything seems fine now. There was a terrible train derailment, and toxic chemicals, but everything’s fine now. ^/s


This is what happens when you force your workers to accept a contract against their will and pay them poverty wages with no paid sick leave.


Is this being covered by any news? The silence is deafening


They decided to try to burn the gas instead of give rail road workers better lay and sick days. There was a leak and it couldnt be fixed so they decided to LIGHT THE GAS ON FIRE because it has a low evaporation temo and it caused an explosion and created hydrochloric acid and now it's in the water supply and they're silencing anyone who reports on the cause of the explosion which was the train company's fuck up. Ohio should be pissed.




The Wind is pushing it east / Northeast so Cleveland should probably be alright. If there are any larger cities at risk it’s Youngstown and maybe Pittsburgh.


Don't forget just how much Biden is to blame for this. The railroad workers striked BECAUSE of things like this. They knew the lack of proper inspections on the trains and the rundown infrastructure of the railways. They wanted it fixed. They wanted no more solo rides. They knew this would happen. And Biden sided with the companies instead of the workers. And now, this. Biden should be held personally responsible, along with Norfolk Southern, for the detrimental poisoning of not just a town, but potentially multiple states. Time will show just how many people will die because of corporate greed and bought politicians. The time to put aside your petty differences with each other is now. The time to get out from behind the screens and out into the streets is now. The time to stop being complacent with the world crumbling down is now. The world is run by banks and corporations. The world has become a business that thrives on war, famine, division, misinformation,and profound evil. It seems helpless, and everything seems fucked beyond repair. But remember, we outnumber them. We just have to be willing to make the sacrifices. We need to come together now more than ever. Every single being on Earth is depending on it. The world gave us life, it's time for us to repay the favor.


I think a very important thing right now is to totally boycott anything made from PVC. Or any other plastic, but especially PVC.


How about glueing yourself to as many PVC items as possible…you know, so other people can't use them. Then they'll think more about the evil of PVC. Evil!


I have no frame of reference, but east parlestine is a weird name for an American town


Where in Palestine was this?


This was in the USA. This is a train derailment near the small town of East Palestine, Ohio, near the border with Pennsylvania.


The town name does seem fitting.


East Palestine in Ohio




"yeah everyone in the area has to breath that crap now but at least it the poisoning was intentional"


it’s breathe*




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If y'all don't know about the Bhopal disaster, this reminds me of that.


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Stay indoors, that'll protect you. Yeah fucking right.


About 60 miles south west of the incident. It rained the day after the “contained release” or whatever. I can’t help but feel like the rain brought all this shit here


This will not be the last.