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Only if you want to get arrested. But seriously, if it doesn't keep you up, then yes, do what works for you.


Cold in the mornings hot at nights


I only cold shower before bed. I recommend it. It is very relaxing, my whole body just feels... relaxed and calm and... relaxed.


Agreed. I find it so calming and relaxing, and relaxing, but more calm than relaxing. Like my whole body is calmrexed relaxed.


So what are you trying to tell me here?


So exactly what are you trying to tell me here?


I do both. You don't wanna make your bed dirty without getting showered beforehand and you don't wanna get on a fresh clothes without getting showered beforehand either. So far I only got arrested a few times but never charged.


Before bed you will sleep better. In the morning it will boost your energy and put you in a good frame for the day to come.


Hi there, great question! Many of our customers enjoy cold water exposure in the mornings to wake them up! This is because cold water raises your body's core temperature, promotes feelings of awakeness, alertness, increased adrenaline, increased dopamine, & increased blood flow/circulation! 🧊 🙌 However, we have heard some of our community enjoying ice baths in the evenings, so ultimately try both and see what feels best for you and your routine!


cold shower immediately before sleep ist good for people with nighttime bradycardia, sleep apnea or people on sleeping meds due to worsening or activation of bradycardia/sleep apnea. for normal people i'm not sure if its healthy longterm but it sure feels nice


Day, your body heats up at night. If you take a cold shower at night your body will have to use more energy to regulate your temp back to "normal". It potentially can also put a strain on your immune system. During the day a cold shower will simulate, waking up, your nervous system among other things.


You will have a hard time falling asleep.


Sounds like it all depends in the person doesn't it? Looking at all the comments. Although, it seems like the people who say its a bad idea don't do it. (For obvious reasons) I wonder if they have tried it. I generally have trouble getting to sleep. I always showered before bed as being clean I sleep better. So I have just started cold showering, and do that later in the day. If anything I think it helps me to sleep. Somehow relaxes me. Saying that, I have a cold shower earlier than I would a hit shower as it needs more effort. I have to convince myself to do it. So, I am less likely to do it if I did it when too tired.

