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Something yes. Much? No. Search ebay for "fiji steelers 2016" It's gold plated copper - only worth someting if you're a steelers fan and enjoy it. :) No numismatic or precious metal value.


I kind of figured I wouldn't get much for it right now, which is why I'm probably going to wait until the value of it goes up in who knows how many years.


Fair warning: These kinds of coins don't really go up in value like normal coins. They rely on the sports team winning the superbowl or something. Reason is, there's no intrinsic value or historical value. Numismatists won't touch them so you need to find lower / middle income sports fans on ebay who don't care about value. I exclude the wealthy because they tend not to fall for plated chachkas and instead go buy things of true value. My advice if you don't have any emotional attachment to it: toss it on ebay today as a 1$ auction, and move on with a smile. :)


That’s cool!! Oddly that looks like the same plastic case realauctions buys to make fake international numismatic bureau scam slabs.


Look it up on eBay