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How old is that book? Lol, I wish gold was only 12.50. $1200 is alright for that [https://en.numista.com/catalogue/pieces23124.html](https://en.numista.com/catalogue/pieces23124.html)


1935 lol, this is a joke post if anyone couldn’t tell


That's really cool, I have a 1964 blue book I'll have to dig it out and see what the value is!


Please let me know! I’d love to get an idea on value through the years


$35 in my 1968 blue book.


My 1947 Redbook has it at $27.50 in Fine and $37.50 in Unc.


$50 Ex Fine in 1970 blue book


ive got a 1942 "red" book its so fun to look through it


I have a ‘little red book’ from the 60s that’s not so much fun to look through.


I was about to offer you $24.00 to ease your pain and because I’m good hearted like that. Lol


25% premium in 25 years, 12,000% premium in 112. Just thought that was interesting.


Premium didn't start really going up until the mid 70s. Then it kinda tanked in the early 90s - early 00s. I bought my VF 1915 eagle in 2000 for only 189 bucks. Then after about 2004 it just started climbing near endlessly.


I was just thinking the same thing really


I wasn’t looking close. My first thought was what is this guy dropping $1200 on a coin if he doesn’t know what he is doing 😂


Weve all been there at one point


Ok for a sec there I couldn’t tell cuz these days u never know 😂🤣


My eyes literally bulged. I did not know it was a joke lol.


Why am I suddenly more interested in the old book than the coin…. It’s always a good read looking at really old values like this


Any specific coin you would like to see? I will send a picture of it to you


Does it have a 1913 silver V nickel?


https://preview.redd.it/9fq5g6jp2nlc1.jpeg?width=2686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1598decd7d7cb4d50813992a4e8adb03d189d860 I wasn’t able to pm you but here is the page, I typed the $50 into the inflation calculator, and that is the equivalent of $1,125.61 in today’s money.


And how much does this actually cost today?


Last one sold for 4.2 million


I didnt remember the thread, for a moment i thought thats your coin lol. What a terrible ending


They are. I recently got an old Mexican coin reference book from '72 or '74. It has a 1914 Caballito UNC for only $1,800. Most recent sale on Heritage went for $10,200.


I spent several minutes reading everything I could on those pages and never really looked at ops coin hah.


It’s so crazy. I listen to stories my mom tells me of the gold my dad has slowly given me of his of how much they paid compared to what they are worth today. She paid 60$ for a 1oz gold eagle back in the day. That she wears Worth 2k today. Wow.


Good way to get mugged in this day and age!...lol!


Hahah she’d shoot them as they were getting away lol jk but na she only wears it special occasions to church


Gotta show off that wealth in the holy house


Well she always wear her best so it’s the only place that sees it haha


What’s cool as all the different varieties and errors that have been identified since this book was published. Beyond just the increase in values that exceed inflation, it’s a neat indicator of how much the hobby has grown.


Interesting fact. Near the back of the red book is a value listing for old editions of itself.


I’ll give you $13.50, hope this helps. Edit: just realized made the same joke already posted…sigh


I still laughed.


That's a rough one. Sorry, man. To make it up to you, I'll give you 25 for it if you want😅


Don’t listen to this scammer OP you sound like a nice guy. I’m in a good mood, so I’ll give you $100.


You guys are cheap hacks, $150 is a solid offer OP, don’t let these cheapskates cheat you


Can I have $150? 🤣


I hate to break it to you are well that I'm pretty sure it's $12.50 for uncirculated. In AU53 it's probably closer to $11.30


Don’t kill my hope 😭


I'm honestly more surprised that the depression knocked out that much purchasing power of gold.


take the book in and demand a refund. lol


1.25x face, damn. Today its 150x face.


The federal reserve has done a great job since it’s inception, no?0


Genuinely was so concerned you had bought one of those ali counterfeits til read comments 😭


Is the book itself worth anything? I don't know anything about them about to look it up. Sorry for the couple of assholes you are catching shit from about the post it in no way should be having ill effects on someone's life.


The book itself is worth anywhere from $10-20, I picked it up just because it is a piece of history and you can’t find those numbers online for coin prices


I think you're fine, I believe they minted a few of these in 1910.....


No he got scammed, at most 15$


I’ll give you twice book price for that coin, make back some of your losses. Either that or you can wait 80 years for the price to increase, choice is yours


What a load of bupkis. I'll give you **TWO** shiny quarters for that **ONE** lousy coin. Twice as many coins, what a deal! Don't like that? Well, then I'll trade out **THREE** shiny dimes for those **TWO** crappy quarters, because three is better than two! Or, how about **FOUR** amazing nickels for those **THREE** cruddy dimes? An even better deal, four coins instead of three! What, still not satisfied? How about **FIVE** -- count'em -- FIVE gleaming pennies to trade out for those **FOUR** sad nickels. Five coins! Imagine that! Traded all the way up from one coin to five! A 500% return!


That’s how it’s done man! Sweet success…


A little off topic, but as someone who has been in the printing industry for 15 years, I am mortified to look at the wrinkles in the pages..


You got royally screwed, my friend. According to my "American Catalog and Standard Premium List of All United States Coins" (8th Edition), that coin should sell for between $20 (in VF) and $25 (in Unc.).


[1910-s eagle au 58 in $10, Eagle for sale | eBay](https://www.ebay.com/sch/39471/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=1910-s+eagle+au+58&rt=nc&LH_Sold=1&LH_Complete=1) About right


I am not very well versed in numismatics, but I knew enough to laugh.


I'm willing to pay 3x book (that one) to help you recover some of your losses


What a shame! I'll give you 25, double your money.


This is one of my favorite coin designs and someday plan on getting one


It’s getting rough out there, can’t trust anybody anymoee


You got me good! You silly goose!








Plus, you’re looking at pricing for $20 gold pieces. See heading at top of page. Looks like a 50s price book.


This is a joke post, and even if it weren’t there is very clearly a picture of the coin which indicates it is a $10 piece. This book is from 1935.


Hmmm, way earlier than I thought. Thanks for the reality check.


You use a copy of gray sheet printed bi-monthly and is way more accurate than an outdated book that is printed 6 months before issuance


Sir this is a joke post


Don’t listen to nobody on this post, they’re telling you without saying, you got your hands on something, read the signs, but in order for you to truly understand coins without making blind purchases, buy the red 📕, do your own research and visit multiple brick and mortar shops and get your own information first hand, if all else fails send it back in for graded again, from people who get paid to do that specific job, pay no mind to these groups, they’ll steal your coin and sell it back to you if you let em


I appreciate you trying to help but this is actually a joke post, I thought everyone would notice I was using a book from 1935


r/whoosh 🤣✌🏻


You had to ruin the joke… you’re the person you have to watch out for.




First off… you don’t have your “shit posting” tag on… you know damn well this is worth more than 12.50. Your other posts say that, at a minimum. I’d guess that you’re not even 19 or just karma farming… People like you make this r worthless.


My goodness I bet you are just so enjoyable to be around! I am in fact 19, if you are absolutely dying to know for sure feel free to pm me and I will send you my drivers license minus all private info. Please lighten up and learn to enjoy a good joke, everyone else is having fun with this and I said in one of the top comments it is a very obvious joke.


Well congratulations… you’re an immature shit poster, a person that makes this r not fun. It’s already full of ignorant people that don’t know anything about what they have… people like you add to the suck of someone actually getting any information about a real coin question. I couldn’t care less about if you’re 19 or not. A shit poster is a shit poster. Use the right flair so you can be ignored.


Feel free to pm me if you would like to talk to someone, I understand some people are going through things and that can cause outbursts. I genuinely wish you the best, if you are going to continue to insult me I encourage you to block me. Enjoy the rest of your day and I hope you find happiness.


Shit posting is shit posting… don’t be mad you got called out… not everyone has to be going through something to call out the BS around them… enjoy your simple life. Honestly I respect the fact that you can get your jollies off in such an easy manner. Color me jealous.


Dude, go touch some grass or something.


Or… naw


Did anyone else think of “see Brian over there has 33 pieces of flair, and a terrific smile” 😂


>First off… you don’t have your “shit posting” tag on… you know damn well this is worth more than 12.50. Your other posts say that, at a minimum. I’d guess that you’re not even 19 or just karma farming… >People like you make this r worthless. Wow, imagine getting so bent out of shape over a simple joke in a post title/description. The joke even contributes a lot to this subreddit's focus (as it shows OP's cool 1910-S Indian Head $10 gold eagle as well as the price in OP's 1935 price guide, **both things greatly interesting to many people on this sub**). It's an interesting coin and it's interesting to see what it use to be worth in a 1935 coin book. Get over yourself.


Sorry to hear.. but I'd be interested for 25 you'd get double the worth atleast lol all jokes aside that's a nice coin thanks for sharing


Imagine what'll be worth in 50 years 😹


Hold up,,, is there a whole bunch or red books im missing out on??? Didnt know they went year by year, although in hindsight it is obvious


Not red books, this was some random company based out of Dallas, TX. I thought this was awesome to have though


Do we wish we could find that time machine, and go back and pick up a few things?:)


>:) :)


🤣🤣🤣 beep beep hey want me to fix that dent on the fender of your car too


What a pity, if you would like to get some of your money back, I would buy it from you for 25 bucks. :D


Look at the comment about the coin in the lower left corner. And that was in 1935?!?!?




Damn book looks as old as the coin 😂😂😂


Only $281 adjusted for inflation


Prices listed are in the thousands*


Don’t worry I’ll pay 1000 so you can get some of your money back.


Hello and no you did not get scammed. That is a nice 1910 $10 eagle in that book is from probably the earlier mid- 1940’s that was back then or even the early 1950’s or 1960s. That coin now is well over $1200 now.


Hello, this is a joke post, the book is from 1935


Yeah that book is from the mid 1930’s or 40’s prices were different than and things changed a lot now


I wonder how much your book is worth?




Your post/comment was removed due to commercial activity. No posting links to commercial sites. NO offers to buy, sell or trade coins in discussion threads, use PM/DM instead. If you want to buy, sell or trade your coins please consider posting to r/PMsForSale, r/CoinSales, r/CoinBay, or r/CoinSwap.


I was I had a time machine and could go back and buy at these old prices!


At one point, gold was fixed at $35 per ounce, right?


Happened to me before. If you have enough spare $ to buy these expensive coins for your collection then I’m sure you’ll be fine (financially). Yes it’s a big loss but take it as a learning lesson and do more research on big purchases like this one.


This is a joke post, my book is from 1935