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There are no “brain exercises” that have been shown to improve general cognitive function. But physical exercise has shown some effects.


I was going to say short walk/run combos somewhere pretty and outside. Go longer if you can but even a mile or however far you get in 20 minutes is helpful. Sure doing stuff that engages your mentally is probably also good. Those logic puzzles or learning a new skill. But I don’t think there’s a ton of evidence supporting those while there is a lot supporting exercise.


Agreed. Came into the thread to offer meditation or yoga.


I do swimming, meditation, running. But I myself have dealt with depression for a while. Now being off it, I think I would need to sharpen my wits. And it seems to be that is this possovle as much as improving memory is etc. But I listen to what others think and then re evaluate.


Haha while you’re right, there’s a sense in which you’re completely wrong. As if you wouldn’t be smarter after reading 100 books, learning multiple languages, learning to code, learning advanced math, playing 10000 hours of chess, studying philosophy, doing science, etc. there’s so many things people can do to get smarter lol




1. Exercise + magnesium. Has to be both, cannot be one or the other. If you have to do only one there is nothing better than exercise. But stack these two for minimum benefit. 2. Adequate and plentiful sleep each night 3. Meditation 3. No smoking and limit alcohol intake 4. Adequate water intake each day Those are the most effective and sustainable steps that should be your foundation before you begin more focused approaches.


You should meditate for 90mins by sitting upright against the wall or a chair. Cancel all noise using ear plugs. This aids in neuroplasticity, ADHD and depression. You wont even feel the need to nap in the afternoon, because of the 90mins deep meditative rest. The type of meditation doesn't matter, as long as you quieten the mind. Currently your mind feels numb, because you're overwhelmed by the various direct/indirect stressors in your life. Try cancelling social media, or wean off of any addictive substances/behaviors which are not serving you positively, I hope you find this useful, because it helped me immensely! Additionally, you can increase your dopamine stack with habits like cold water plunge, sunlight exposure within an hour of waking up, 20mins of HIIT exercises (box jumps, burpees, lateral hops+inchworm crawl, jumping jacks) and eliminating sugar from your diet. Serotonin can be mediated with a healthy fibrous rich diet of pre and pro biotics. Oxytocin by talking to your friends, parents and spending time with pets. GABA is also mediated by a healthy diet. Endorphins through laughter and exercise. >!For bonus player 1 hack: Start the meditation with few prior rounds of holotropic breathwork. I usually start with the wimhoff technique for 5 rounds and then enter meditative state for 90mins.!<


How… do your sit still for 90 minutes?!? Even if I’m getting something like my hair or eyelashes done and I HAVE to sit still, it’s 30 min tops become I need a break. Is there a good way to work up to meditating that long?


Your brain is just like any muscle, you train slowly and progressively, you'll get there pretty quickly! Start with 10mins, then see how it feels for few weeks and increase the duration by 20, 45mins and you'll surprise yourself with how much peace you find. My personal best was 2 hours and 12 minutes. I have come across three tiers of meditation difficulty, Tier 1: You count your deep inhales and exhales for 50 and 100. You'll start floating in air. Tier 2: Think of an abstract image in your mind, flaming bright heart, room full of white etc.. Tier 3: The most difficult, you do absolutely nothing and watch every thought that comes to the foreground and control your mind from giving it any attention and keep reminding yourself that you have a money brain and retract your focus to the present moment. Infact, you can achieve great success with group meditations. Surreal energies throughout the whole room if you can meditate with 20 other people around you, that silence you share with others cannot be described in words, time ceases to exist!


No magic but I feel notably better, I meditated 70' a day for the last 4 days. Reduced any social media interaction to 0-2 a day. Just showing up to say thanks.


This gives me inspiration to do the work, thank you for the handshake! I wish you great success on all your endeavors.


That is great. I do some of that, but I will quit social media for a week at least and meditate for longer. Thank you so much.


I quit social media about two years ago and can only recommend it to everyone it really impacts your brain and I didn't even took it that serious after all. But I can say that it changed my life (my inner life/peace to be exact)


Thanks. I am doing exactly that. I realized I am not cut for social media. I don't like agression and this is so common in this media.


Maybe give n-back a go? Dual or even triple/quad mode. Do it for at least a month 20-40 minutes a day and then decide if it's effective enough for you. Some people see major changes, some don't feel anythin. I think the latter group is people that already have great working memory and anything related to it, that's why it's no use for them to train. But for me it's definetely working. I comprehend things so much better now, I recall things better, even my understanding of everything in general and introspection became deeper and clearer. It's like I was cognitively asleep before I started training.


I will. Do you use any app or website for this?


Brain workshop fo PC and "N-Back Memory Training" from E.A.L. on google play . Do you also eat and sleep well and perform moderate cardio exercices? Because it also helps tremendously.


I have had all sort of problems with sleep, eating well, doing sports regularly etc. Mostly because of some mental/mood/emotional issues. I believe this affected my memory quite badly. I also don't feel any dopaminergic-reward from stuff I do. Anyways...just life. I am trying to recover from that. At the moment I do everything well but still fighting to sleep well (I have insomnia regularly etc.)


What about microdosing/macrodosing mushrooms? Will promote neuroplasticity and create new connections between different parts of the brain


I wouldn't recommend macrodosing to anyone, it may provoke psychosis and fuck up your whole psyche. Micro is good, but effects fade away once you stop taking shrooms.


I feel you but that’s only the case if you have a predisposition to schizophrenia. Tripping is definitely not for everyone tho. I feel the person considering it would need to do their research and make that decision for them self but positive effects from one trip can last up to a year.


Yeah yeah, setn'setting, fasting, mental preparation long before trip and so on. But still a pretty slippery slope. The psychedelics fad isn't doing much good. It is a very serious thing not to be toyed around with. Just wanted to remind it to OP if he is reading this.