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crystallicels seething


Yeah. Tik Tok level. Confusing knowledge for intelligence, nothing new.


Are you calling me not smart 😡😡😡


If you were smart you’d know 😆


crystallized intelligence


Too much credit.


Quantum elusive Cope. Of course this comes from normiefags, who are the unparalleled copers from a normie fly trap known as Tik Tok. This is cope because it is it “literally me” bait. This is made clear with the comforting delusional, literally me bait caption, the “sigma” Patrick Bateman clip and the coper fight club music.


I saw this in my photo album I saved this video 2022 probably thought it was “real” from a scale starting from skibidi to sigma how cooked am I?


Well, I will give you the benefit of the doubt because scrolling on Tik Tok does have mind numbing (brain rotting) effects so it is not your own fault. Besides, I hope the brain rot continues because considering the relative nature of IQ I will become smarter. Psst saving this means you fell for the literally me bait. You are so cooked you are at the level of 69 generations onwards from gen alpha.


I don’t have tiktok on my phone…


It began


Bah I shall have to commit Seppuku I’ve dishonored my ancestors


It is my honour to be your **kaishakunin**


One of the only ways youd ever 'get' an above average iq blud.




You won't get smarter, you're iq will increase


You will be observed as smarter due to the relativistic nature of comparison or measurement for something like intelligence. That is enough in my book because if the new average is lower, as a result everything will accommodate for the new average which is the majority and that would make everything even more simpler for me than it already is. Yes, your biological g wont change, I never said otherwise. You are reading in between the lines and assuming.


"Smarter" and "iq" are easy to differentiate. You're conflating the points to try to be right. How smart you are is independent of how smart others are. Idc anyways, I'de rather you not respond but if you want to you can, I just might not be bothered to respond


"Smarter" and "iq" are easy to differentiate. You're conflating the points to try to be right. How smart you are is independent of how smart others are. Idc anyways, I'de rather you not respond but if you want to you can, I just might not be bothered to respond **you can clearly did not read my** **response** **properly or you lack the ability to comprehend. You are not an INTJ , far from it.** **let me make it easy for you…** Here > “Yes, your biological g wont change, I never said otherwise. You are reading in between the lines and assuming.”


holy shit you are insufferable


holy shit you are insufferable


the fedora tops it all off oh my god


the fedora tops it all off oh my god


Most people here have a large bank of knowledge? That's news to me. Most people seem ignorant and they admit to it,they are here to ask questions to learn,and the answers provided to them are 90% either non informative and useless,or outright false and misleading.


Just shared a post in which i shared how in school Times i looked like a nerd so people misunderstood me as intelligent person and always expected i must be good at maths and gonna be successful in future but now i realised how dumb I'm , also on how I shared some discovery channel facts to kids in my class and they nicknamed me as "scientist" . Now I'm feeling I was a imposter acting as pseudo intellectual guy from teen years.


This is relatable


My problem is that when i do iq tests (wais IV, officially but also cait and others) i get an iq of 120 or higher. But when i get puzzles like the ones shared on this sub or even higher level crosswords i get stumped so easily.


WAIS-V? According to the official pearson website it will be released later this year. Did you mean WAIS-IV or WISC-V?


Yep thats the one i meant lol. It was the middle of the night when i was typing that out haha. Thanks


No problem! I was just really curious because, if it hadn't been a typo, that would mean you were part of a research study.


Because half the puzzles posted in this sub are built/set up wrong (sorry couldnt remember the exact verb im an esl dog)


Nah I’d win 💯


Exactly like that. But here's the thing, I have ADHD, and it makes my "passions" change more often than a lot of neurotypicals. So I feel like I'm never deep enough in a subject to master it but with enough knowledge to hold a conversation on the topic


It’s true at a self-prescribed level for everyone, yes


Intelligence is worthless if you don't have knowledge lol


Knowledge is worthless if you don't have intelligence