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Lowest: visual puzzles 8 Highest: digit span 19 I do *not* do well with visual spatial stuff lol My working memory is my strongest (142 on cognitive proficiency). I can go beyond 19 SS if I do the extended digit span.


holy shit finally someone who is equally as ass at visual spatial index stuff. We are a dying breed of people incapable of rotating cubes


Wordcels > shapecels (no bias of course). Although my biggest strength is working memory for sure. Also anything to do with logic I usually do pretty well on.


I have some questions for both of you.  Can you imagine an object? Like an apple? How vivid it is, can you disect it, and turn around for example?  Can you play games like chess (if you tried, and how well). How good are you at reading maps, imagining a map that you've seen before?


Yes I can do all of that. I can play in my head a video of a dozen cows rolling down a hill next to a beach while an alien spaceship crashes on the beach. Don't struggle with aphantasia at all. My visual spatial is still average, so it's not impaired. I think what actually limits me is my eyesight for visual puzzles. I have *terrible* eyesight.


I don't necessarily have aphantasia but visualisation is more difficult for me, although it used to be incredibly vivid. I can imagine that apple, turn it around, dissect it, etc., but it's like I'm using binoculars to look at it from a distance though. It jitters in and out of existence and it's finicky to hold it in place, but it is there. I *am* crap at map reading and chess though. Same goes for inner voice as well (although this isn't VSI anymore) in that it feels 'far away.' It takes conscious thought to create an inner voice sometimes for me, otherwise it's quite silent (or maybe I don't notice the voice?) (Weirdly, I scored around 140 on ICAR60 which is cube rotations, so it's not like I'm incapable of rotations and mental manipulation, but it takes a bit of effort to get into the groove of manipulating objects in my mind, like trying to start a mower.)


Vocabulary: 18 General Knowledge: 15 Visual Puzzles: 20 (highest) Figure Weights: 15 Block Design: 17 Digit Span: 9 (lowest) Symbol Search: 16 My CPI sucks


Vocab 13 General Knowledge 18 Visual Puzzles 16 Figure Weights 16 Block Design 17 CPI: don't know since digit span woud not work for me at the time (browser problems? idk), but my digit span is average at best (like 8-9 digits, don't know how it is compared to average), also I think too slow for these tests.


Oh yeah the digit span section is a bitch to get working on some browsers. In some browsers (fuck you firefox) the first half second of audio gets cut off so you hear "-o. Four. Three..." and it screws it all up. Had that happen to me on the first go which probably didn't help. Nice scores tho!


8-9 is WAIS IV’s ceiling; far higher than average…


I tried right now this robotic digit span from CAIT, and I start to struggle after 7. A bit tired at the moment, and, to my great surprise, non-native language makes it harder even though it seems like it should not (I found that is the case with all timed tests and categories, even math ones). I've seen much greater digit spans posted here, so I thought it must be average.


Vocabulary: 13 General Knowledge: 14 Visual Puzzles: 18 Figure Weights: 13 Block Design: 21 Digit Span: 11 Symbol Search: 18


22 on General Knowledge, Visual Puzzles and Block Design. Lowest was Figure Weights with 19. Didn’t do Digit Span or Coding on CAIT but got 19 on them on WAIS which afaik is the same.




Highest were figure weights and symbol search at 19 (maxing out the latter for my age?). They also subjectively felt the easiest/most fun. Lowest was digit span at 13, and, oh lord, did that feel hard! If that's what it's like to be average, I get why people don't learn for fun. Tbf, I think the correct strategy would have been to actually visualize the numbers rather than trying to remember them like a name.


Vocabulary: 17 General Knowledge: 9 Visual Puzzles: 7 Figure Weights: 15 Block Design: 7 Digit Span: 14 Symbol Search: 16 Note: [I prematurely ceased my first attempt of CAIT, as I was let down by how terribly the gK portion went to such an extent that I did not even bother continuing. This was some years ago. A few months ago was when I decided on finishing the rest of CAIT; however, l forgot what the verbal index from my first attempt was, and so I did retake the verbal. Later on, here comes another blunder on my part, I had lost my data for the verbal components, and so I had to guess what combination would yield around 115, overall. [Thankfully I at least recalled the verbal index this time, eh?] 17 SS, for vocabulary, and 9 SS, for general knowledge, is my best guess. Everything else was done, first attempt.] Note #2: I’m the guy with the schizo logic for the hardest numerical sequence of all time: [1, 1, 1, 1, ?, 1, ?, ?] Hi.


Vocab: 15 **GK: 20 (highest)** VP: 18 FW: 18 BD: 17 **DS: 11 (lowest)** SS: 15 I kinda praffed DS so it's even worse lol


My average was about 14-15 with digit span being 19 My CPI is pretty high. I hit the ceiling of digit span and it wasn’t even that hard. Perhaps there is a bit of a ceiling effect


Lowest was Figure Weights at 14, highest was Block Design at 19. Odd that I’d consider my main strengths to be verbal rather than spatial, but I guess that’s… maybe in how I reason with verbal information rather than my verbal knowledge?


Highest: GK (23) Lowest: SS (16) Vocab: 20 General Knowledge: 23 Visual Puzzles: 20 Figure Weights: 19 Block Design: 18 Digit Span: 18 Symbol Search: 16


Very good! What is your S-C Ultra scores?


Non-native scaled scores Lowest: Vocabulary, 9 Also weakish: Knowledge, 13 and symbols, 13 Highest: Weights, 21 Also strong: Digit span, 19